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Love with Fangs (The Witching Hour Series Book 1)

Page 12

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  “I want to take you out on a proper date. I don’t care about this cliché about elves and vampires. You can’t deny our mutual attraction,” he said, leaning close to me. For a split second, my heart stopped beating. It was official: I did like him; against everything I’d ever learned, I wanted him to kiss me. I remembered asking him to last night.

  “I’m sorry, but you told me that you don’t date. I just don’t want to be someone’s fuck buddy,” I said, unable to pull away from those eyes that seemed as if they were seeing through me, exposing my obvious crush on him.

  “One date doesn’t mean anything, Julia. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” He smiled. “I have to agree with you about the blood, but we can always discuss this later. When it comes to sex. Hmm, you have no idea how much I want to make love to you.”

  I flushed red, and magic swirled inside me, pulling me towards him. I got up and took his and my plates. I wasn’t sure what to think about his proposition, so I started washing the dishes.

  One date won’t do any harm. I don’t have to tell anyone. Just one date. We won’t be having sex, for sure, right? Right. I just needed to keep telling myself that.

  “Fine. I’ll go out on a date with you.” I turned around to look at him. He smiled widely and the magic inside me cascaded over my skin. “Do you know that one of your workers was found dead near my place?”

  “Yes. I watched the news. The police spoke to a few of my staff, but they didn’t find anything.”

  “My dad told me that there have been two more kidnappings.” I felt that it was time for me to confront him about the blood, hoping that maybe he’d launched an investigation of his own. “Besides, I would like to know—how do you actually produce that blood, you know, for the Lucrative Shot?”

  He arched his eyebrows and stopped eating. “I can’t tell you, but I already know where you’re heading with this. Lucrative Shot consists of a percentage of human blood, which has been freely donated, and pure magic. I hire certain wizards. I didn’t kidnap your cousin if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “So, why did you asked Roberto to keep an eye on me, without saying anything first?” Questions kept dripping from my mouth like an interrogation; not what I had planned at all. Everything was coming out all wrong. He frowned and rubbed his chin.

  “The city is dangerous, and I had to make sure that you were protected.”

  I placed my hands on my hips and gave him a sharp look.

  “My dad uses a protection charm, so I don’t need a personal driver. He’s much more advanced with magic than me. He’s a full-blooded elf,” I explained, hoping that he would stop interfering in my personal life so much. “But you’re right, he’s forbidden me to walk home alone since the kidnappings started.”

  “Roberto will be at your disposal at all times, and don’t even think of arguing with me,” he said in a serious tone.

  “Fine, fine, and I’m sorry about those accusations. I didn’t mean to insinuate that you had anything to with it, but I might just buy a car, then I won’t have to rely on men who can’t take no for an answer and don’t know how to make a phone call.”

  “You are unbelievably stubborn, Julia.”

  “Yes, my dad tells me that.” I gave him a small smile. “Anyway, did you find out more about who might be behind all these kidnappings?”

  He sighed. “I made a few enquires, asked a few people to snoop around, but I’ve got nothing. It’s like someone is making a hell of an effort to keep this thing quiet.”

  “I don’t get it. Claudia was taken in the middle of the street. Someone must have seen something.”

  “I promise that I’ll use all my resources to help you. My people or your father are bound to find something,” he assured me, but I couldn’t stop worrying, thinking—what if it was too late? I excused myself, then went to the bathroom and rinsed my face with cold water. It was frustrating that I couldn’t do anything.

  “Are you working tomorrow?” he asked when I walked back into the kitchen.

  “No, I’m on holiday until January. On Thursday, I’m going to Kent with my parents. We always spend Christmas Day at my grandparents’ home.” I folded my arms together and leaned against the counter.

  “Good to know. I might take a few days off. Let me take you home so you can be nice and fresh for tonight. I'm taking you out for our first proper date.”

  “Just let me get my stuff.” I went back to the bedroom; my energy was more active this morning than it had ever been. My dress smelled of vomit. I put my killer heels on and gathered the clothes that I’d worn to the party. I couldn’t believe that Nathaniel La Caz wanted to take me out on a date, or that I’d agreed.

  He was waiting for me by the door.

  “I won’t be cruel and ask you to take off my shirt and trousers.” He beamed, opening the door for me to exit his home.

  “Ha, ha, ha, very funny. Be careful, I might just change my mind about our date,” I warned him. He didn’t respond, and I made sure that we didn’t touch each other. I didn’t know why, but my elf energy was pulling me towards him—again.

  It was always that way, and as much as I wanted him, part of me was still wary; it was the fangs. But I couldn’t help the way my body reacted towards him, or how much I missed him when I didn’t hear from him. I was a right mess. I just didn’t want to be the girl who he had on the side while he slept around with other bimbos. I wouldn’t have it. If he was serious about making an exception for me, then he’d have to prove himself and make more of an effort.

  I was still amazed that he lived in central London, in one of the most expensive apartments that I’d ever seen. Today, he was driving an Audi, and it looked brand spanking new, although I had no idea what kind of model it was.

  “So, what are you going to do after you drop me home?”

  “I don’t have any plans. I’ll go to the gym and be thinking about you, Julia.” He glanced my way and I could feel my face flush. “I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  “Seven is good.” I sat there nervously, fidgeting with my hands.

  “Relax, I’m not going to drain you. You’re safe with me.”

  “A powerful dark wizard said the same thing and in the end, he turned out to be a control freak, possessive, and mentally unstable,” I told him, not able to hide my feelings about Jasper any longer.

  Nathaniel wrinkled his forehead. “I will never force you to do anything, Julia, but it’s all about trust. I assume that this dark wizard was a man whom you chose to be with?”

  “Yes, my ex-boyfriend. He still likes stalking me.”

  He didn’t say any more and I wondered whether I’d put him off by telling him about my psycho stalker. I mean, who wanted to hear about someone’s ex? Not me. A few minutes later, he dropped me home. We said goodbye to each other and although I wasn’t really expecting him to kiss me, I was a bit disappointed when he didn’t try.

  Maybe he was a gentleman, after all. All signs pointed to yes.

  Chapter sixteen

  La Caz senior.

  Jennifer texted me to ask whether or not I made it home all right last night. She also mentioned that she could barely walk this morning; she’d hooked up with a gorgeous fairy. At least she had a good time, but I still needed to find out if she saw anyone suspicious hanging around our table during the party.

  I took a shower and thought about Nathaniel again. Technically, we worked together, and he was a vampire—well, half vampire, but I wanted him. I couldn’t do anything to change this, but dating him would have been a mistake, in the eyes of my family at least.

  When the clock indicated it was seven, I was ready. I decided to wear a fitted black dress that hung just above my knees and I didn’t overdo the makeup. I was nervous, but excited at the same time. Here we go. My first official date with Nathaniel La Caz.

  “Beautiful, as always.” He eyed me from head to toe, then stepped out of the car to open my door for me. I decided to stop overthinking everything. He looked good in a black s
hirt and grey jacket. His skin seemed paler right now. I wondered how long it had been since he drank from a human. I had to try to have a good time and stop worrying about what was going on. It was seriously unhealthy.

  “Thank you, Mr. La Caz. May I ask where we’re going?” I asked with a smile.

  “It’s a surprise.”

  He switched on the radio and soon, we were both lost in our own thoughts. We were going to have plenty to talk about during dinner. At least, I hoped we were going to eat. I hadn’t eaten anything since a quick snack in the afternoon. Nathaniel parked the car in one of the underground car parks. He made a phone call and within five minutes, I spotted Roberto walking towards us.

  “Good evening, Mr. La Caz. What time should I be available?”

  “I’ll call you, Roberto. I’m not sure how long we’re going to be out.” Nathaniel handed him the keys, then Roberto nodded to both of us.

  We were walking beside each other, and I had an incredible urge to take his hand, but I forced my energy away. I thought it was safer if we didn’t touch just yet.

  It was Sunday night, a few days before Christmas; I spotted a lot of well-dressed women and men having a pre-festive drink. Everything seemed to be alive; the people, clubs, bars, and restaurants were inviting. The temperature was below zero, but I was too excited to think about cold weather.

  “This way.” Nathaniel guided me towards the restaurant. Inside, a werewolf showed us to our table. Nathaniel told me he was hungry, so we didn’t waste a lot of time. As soon as our food arrived, we ate quickly. We talked a little about his business and how he obtained his fortune at such a young age. It turned out that his father helped him invest in his first company after Nathaniel graduated from university.

  After dinner, we left, and he took me to the Onyx nightclub; one of the paranormal clubs where humans couldn’t enter. Everyone was checked at the entrance by two well-built giants. All evening, Nathaniel didn’t touch me, and I was happy with this arrangement. However, when we approached the entrance, he put his hand on the small of my back and I felt energy start pulsing inside me and my fingertips buzzed with magic.

  “Mr. La Caz, welcome,” the bigger giant said, smiling, letting us through. There was a long queue on the other side and a few vampires gave us an irritated stare.

  “William, good to see you,” La Caz said as we entered. He took me upstairs through the dark neon lights; the soothing music was floating around the space. The club was busy. I had never been in this place before and was amazed at the amount of magic that was illuminated throughout. I spotted a few witches who were talking fiercely; the air around them was permeated with spells. Every kind of paranormal creature was here. A few vampires standing at the bar were nodding towards La Caz. A few fairies, elves, and witches turned as we were passing by.

  We reached the stairs, where I noticed another giant standing behind the sign that said it was a VIP area. The giant didn’t even say anything when we approached; he just let us in.

  “Impressive,” I whispered when we were walking up the stairs. On the second floor, there was another bar with comfortable sofas. I spotted a number of wizards who were chatting and having a quiet drink at the bar.

  “This way,” Nathaniel said, then we approached a man in his forties. He was sitting on a large sofa, talking to a young witch who seemed to be around my age. I gasped when I looked at his face.

  “Julia, may I introduce you to my father, Philip La Caz.” I was right; the similarities were extraordinary. The vampire rose to his feet. I noticed sandy hair and the same long nose. His eyes were darker, nearly black. It was Nathaniel La Caz, just older and bigger. He smiled, showcasing a faint scar on his forehead. “Father, this is Julia Taylor, my date.”

  “It’s such a pleasure meeting you,” Philip said in a thick French accent. He took my hand and kissed it. I couldn’t help but giggle.

  “Hello, Mr. La Caz.”

  “Violet, please leave us,” La Caz Senior ordered, and the witch with pink hair vanished.

  Nathaniel asked me to sit down. “What would you like to drink?”

  “I don’t know. If you can just choose a cocktail for me please, that would be great.”

  “For you, Father?”

  “I’m all right, son. I’ll have a chat with your lovely friend here,” Philip replied, waving his hand. Nathaniel disappeared, and I was left alone with La Caz Senior. I should have guessed that La Caz was partly French, but it was still a surprise. After all, it’s not every day you meet a vampire who happens to be the father of your date. “So, Julia, you have elf blood in you?”

  “Yes, my father is a full-blooded elf and my mum is human. I'm not advanced with magic, Mr. La Caz,” I replied, admiring his strong features. He was pale, and I was aware that he kept glancing at my neck.

  “Interesting. I rarely meet a magical creature who married a human. I have to say, I'm also surprised seeing you with my son. I hope he is behaving.’

  “So far, he’s been a gentleman.”

  “How did you two meet?”

  “I work for Paranormal Personnel and only recently, we started supplying people to Nathaniel’s factory.”

  “The employment agency? Great. I was always impressed with that business. Well, I'm not surprised he asked you out. Your scent is intoxicating. I hope you don’t mind me saying so,” he said, smiling again. I laughed.

  “I’ve been told,” I muttered. “So, Mr. La Caz, is it not strange seeing your son getting older as the years pass by?”

  Philip didn’t respond right away. He pursed his lips and then said, “I’ve offered to turn him many times, but he always refuses. Maybe I will never understand, but I think he likes being part human.”

  I narrowed my eyes, studying his face. Before I could ask any more, Nathaniel returned, holding a large pink cocktail.

  “I hope my father isn’t bothering you with insensitive questions.” He glanced from me to Philip, then sat next to me.

  “So far, I found out that you don’t want to become a full-fledged vampire.”

  His lips curved in a smile and he took a sip of his whiskey. “Immortality doesn’t appeal to me,” he said, not taking his eyes off me. I felt desire dancing inside me.

  “See? I tried to talk him out of this, but he doesn’t want to listen. His mother was the same—stubborn—and she never listened to anyone, especially to me,” Philip joked, patting Nathaniel on the back.

  “Is your accent French?” I asked, ignoring the magical pulsation on my skin; his body was brushing against mine, sending powerful vibrations to my mind.

  “Yes, I was born in Marseille,” Phillip replied. “I met his mother, Beatrice, in London. We got married when we were young, and I never went back. But my surname is Spanish. I think my mother’s father was Spanish. He was in the Army in France.”

  I sipped some of my Cosmopolitan, feeling that Nathaniel had a rich history. I was curious to ask how his father became a vampire, but I decided against it. Maybe this wasn’t the right time. Nathaniel was still looking at me, drinking his whiskey. This was highly dangerous, being around two vampires who were craving my scent, but surprisingly, I wasn’t afraid. They made me feel comfortable and safe.

  “Father travels to France often,” Nathaniel said. “Sometimes we go together. I have a lot of business contacts up there. French vampires are more patient when it comes to blood.”

  Philip’s eyes moved above my shoulder and he stood from his seat. “Unfortunately, I have to leave you, my dearests. I forgot that I was going to meet a skilled witch for dinner five minutes ago,” La Caz Senior said suddenly. “Keep her close, son; she is quite the distraction.”

  He gave me a quick, unexpected cold kiss on the cheek, then he was gone. I was taken aback by his sudden disappearance, but now I was alone with Nathaniel.

  “You must forgive my father; his manners can be confusing sometimes.”

  “He seems nice. I wasn’t expecting to meet him tonight,” I said, aware that Nathaniel’s bod
y was closer than before.

  “I’m glad he’s gone,” he whispered, drawing his face towards mine. “Because now, I can finally kiss you.”

  His lips were only a couple of inches from mine and I shivered, waiting in anticipation for him to touch me. He inhaled, then closed his eyes.

  “I don’t know if I’ll be able to control myself if I kiss you.” His voice was just above a whisper. A tiny jolt of electricity shot through my belly, then down between my legs.

  “I don’t care. I want you to kiss me,” I said, barely opening my mouth. He opened his eyes and I could see my own reflection in them.

  “You’re brave, Julia.” He moved away, drawing a long rasping breath.

  My mind spun, and disappointment swept over me. Then in a fraction of a second, Nathaniel was beside me again, covering my mouth with his own. He wove his fingers through my hair, drawing me closer to him. My lips parted under his and he deepened the kiss, taking my breath away. His tongue slipped into my mouth. The tingling of magical current travelled up my arms, lifting my skin into tiny goosebumps, and spread across my neck, tensing the muscles in my core and hips. Then I felt his fangs extend in his mouth. I panicked, and he pushed me away.

  When I looked at him, his chest was rising and falling; he was drawing long breaths, and his fangs were hidden again. The kiss was mind-blowing and the magic inside me was bursting.

  “Have I done something wrong?” I asked, my voice hoarse. He ran his hand through his sandy hair and drank the rest of his whiskey.

  “No, but until I have you in my bed, this will continue to happen.” His tone was husky, making me want more, if only another kiss.

  I blushed and sipped some of my cocktail.

  I wasn’t going to sleep with him tonight. I didn’t think that was a good idea at all, but no one in my life had ever created that kind of energy inside me.

  “I need a minute in the ladies’ room.” I stood from my seat and he nodded. My legs were wobbly when I walked; I was wearing my killer heels. A lot of vampires were staring at me. The bartender was a mermaid, and when I passed through, he shook his head as if he were trying to tell me that I was a fool. I didn’t care.


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