Love with Fangs (The Witching Hour Series Book 1)

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Love with Fangs (The Witching Hour Series Book 1) Page 18

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  "So, I can go home?" I glanced at her in disbelief.

  "Yes. Sometimes this can be caused when you’re stressed or nervous, but you’re fine, so we don’t need to keep you," she said, as if she understood what I was going through.

  "I think you should stay with us," Dad said, narrowing his eyes. "I don’t want you to be alone in your apartment."

  "There is no need—"

  He fumed. "Julia, this isn’t up for discussion. Someone tried to kidnap you today and they might try again."

  "All right, fine, but it’s only for tonight."

  "One night? You must be joking," he snapped. "Anyway, I was going to ask you before. Do you remember the person who tried to take you away? You mentioned that they were giants driving a black van."

  "Yes, I remember a van. The giant trying to manhandle me was dark haired, broad and muscular, but then I passed out."

  "At least we should have a clear profile when I check the CCTV. Fortunately, your boyfriend agreed to cooperate," he muttered, then left me so I could get changed. I put on my work clothes. My left side was still sore, but I ignored the pain and prepared to leave. Mum entered the room, looking flushed.

  Her eyes were glowing with enthusiasm. "Oh, Julia, Nathaniel is gorgeous! I don’t understand why you haven’t mentioned him before."

  "It’s slightly complicated, Mum, and if you left him with Dad, it isn’t going to end well," I said, wanting to stop my dad before he did anything to Nathaniel.

  "Don’t be silly, Julia. Your father loves him already. Oh my, you two have to come for Sunday dinner," she continued, smiling widely. "I can’t believe it. I’m going to tell—"

  "Mum, please, I don’t know where this is going yet. He’s afraid of commitment, so stop right there and let me deal with this," I said, standing in front of her, thinking about the memory charm. Unfortunately, that wouldn’t work, because Nathaniel was still waiting for me outside and my father was interrogating him. Mum frowned, but she didn’t stop ranting about his great features. Dad was talking to Nathaniel with his usual tense expression. Nathaniel appeared relaxed.

  I glanced at Dad, letting him know I needed a private word with the half-vampire, so he pushed Mum aside. My stomach tightened when I faced him.

  Chapter twenty-four

  Dating game.

  “I’m going to stay with my parents tonight. Dad doesn’t want me to go back to my apartment."

  “It’s a good idea,” Nathaniel agreed. “I have a few more people that I need to talk to. I believe I might be close to discovering who’s behind all these kidnappings.”

  “All right, just keep me in the loop. I need to know what’s going on.”

  "Of course, stay with your parents tonight and I’ll call you tomorrow. From now on, you’re not going out without Roberto," he said fervently, pursing his lips to tell me there wasn’t any room for negotiation.

  "I need to go, Nathaniel. Thank you for coming here and checking on me."

  He nodded, smiling, then whispered, "You won’t get rid of me so easily." He chuckled. "Okay, goodnight."

  "Goodnight, Nathaniel." Mum waved and smiled like a schoolgirl. I wanted to die; this was so humiliating. Dad gave Nathaniel a stiff nod, and the three of us walked away.

  It was nearly one o’clock in the morning when Dad dropped me and Mum home. He had to get back to work. I vaguely remembered the giant who tried to kidnap me, but he mentioned that he was going to speak to Todd, the werewolf who worked for Nathaniel’s firm; he’d apparently seen everything.

  I had a few messages from Jennifer—ten, actually—and a few missed calls from Rufus. I called and briefly explained to Jennifer what had happened. Then I drifted off to sleep, feeling more relaxed than I had in a very long time.

  When I woke up, it was a miserable day. I heard the rain banging on the window, and the house was silent. I glanced at my watch, realising that it was four in the afternoon. My body was really sore, and I could barely move my back, but I was still alive. I was back in my old bedroom and posters of the Spice Girls were still on the walls. Mum was still at work, so I went downstairs to get something to eat.

  My parents’ kitchen was large, with a wooden table in the middle. When I found a cottage pie in the fridge, I was in heaven. Mum always knew how to make me happy. After I reheated my delicious dinner, I switched on the TV just in time for the afternoon news.

  "In the past few weeks, more and more people have been reported missing. Many families have reported to the police the disappearance of their relatives under mysterious circumstances. My colleague, Susan, is speaking to a gentleman in South London who witnessed one man being snatched from the street and driven away in a black van."

  I listened as the presenter spoke to an older human man standing at the bus stop who had witnessed a kidnapping. He described the scene exactly the same as it happened to me yesterday and to Claudia, or at least as closely as could be expected from the human’s perspective. Black van, two very large men—giants, obviously—who snatched a very fair-haired person—most likely a fairy or elf—off the street, threw the person in the van and dashed away.

  I could only hope that my dad found those bastards, and soon. I finished my food and checked my phone. I had twenty missed calls from Rufus, two from Nathaniel, and one from Nicky. My boss was worried, so I decided to speak to him first.

  "Julia, thank God you answered. Are you okay?"

  “I’m fine, just a little bruised, but hold on; how did you—?"

  "News spreads quickly in London. Let’s just say I was in the right place at the right time," he said, sounding serious. "What the hell were you doing outside La Caz Pharmaceutical anyway?"

  "I just needed to see Lucinda." I couldn’t tell him the truth, but sooner or later he was going to find out there was something going on between me and Nathaniel.

  "I think I will have a chat with her," he continued, sounding angry. "She can’t just demand to see you. It’s unprofessional. These kidnappings are terrible. First your cousin, now you? Other giants are involved?"

  "Chill, Rufus. I’m fine. The world is still moving. No one is going to take a difficult elf like me."

  "Julia, don’t joke about this. You won’t be doing any more night shifts for now. I have vampires for that and they can manage."

  "Oh, come on, I’m not a child. You sound like my father. And may I remind you I already have one?" I snapped, annoyed.

  "I need to look after my staff, so don’t even try to convince me otherwise. Take the day off and you can come back tomorrow morning."

  I hung up, telling him how much I hated him. We had an unusual relationship, but he always looked after me; sometimes, more than he should.

  I hesitated for a moment before speaking to Nathaniel. Was he going to commit to me? Or was it just one of his games again? I shook my head, pushing away negative thoughts. I kept telling myself that I wasn’t going to overthink anything. I dialled his number.

  "Julia, how are you feeling?" His voice was calm and controlled.

  “I’m just a bit sore, but I feel fine otherwise. How about you?"

  “I’m getting ready to drive to the office, but I just wanted to check on you. Is everything fine with your phone?"

  "Yes, I didn’t answer because I was sleeping, Nathaniel," I said, laughing. "When my mum left you yesterday with my dad, I hope he behaved himself."

  "He’s worried about you, that’s all."

  "What did he say? Come on, I know my father. He can be very challenging sometimes."

  He laughed. "Well, if you want to know, he mentioned something about marks on your neck. His exact words were: “If I see any, I will make sure your face never sees the light of day again.” For a second, I thought he was joking, but then I realised he was seriously considering murdering me."

  "Hmm, I expected even worse. Well, at least my mother likes you."

  "Women are my specialty—human women—so, no surprise there." He lowered his voice. "Have you had a chance to think about my propo

  I bit my lip, hesitating. The truth was, I wasn’t sure whether I could trust him. I could see myself falling for him and then suffering, because I was always the one who ended up with a broken heart. “I’m still thinking about it."

  "In that case, I have to show you that I’m serious," he said in a way that sent a shiver down my spine. "When are you free next?"

  "After yesterday, Rufus demanded I take early shifts until further notice, so I suppose weekends are best."

  "Great. I’m looking forward to pleasuring you even further. Take it easy, Julia."

  "Goodbye, Nathaniel."

  For some reason, the conversation with him was exhausting. Even the sound of his voice caused images of me lying on his desk and screaming with pleasure to flash before my eyes. At least my magical energy wasn’t causing any trouble. I was hoping I’d be fine for another few days.

  Around half past five, Mum came back, but I was ready to return to my own apartment. She wanted to know whether Nathaniel was available, whether he liked roast dinner, whether he was serious about me, and if I was going to see him again. She had a million questions and I wasn’t prepared to answer any of them.

  I had to give her something, so I told her that he asked me to use his chauffeur from now on. She looked impressed, but still insisted on me staying for another night. I refused, although her cooking was tempting.

  Somehow, Nathaniel passed the message to Roberto that I was staying with my parents because he was already waiting for me outside when I was ready to leave. He nodded when he saw me, and then took me to my apartment without asking a single question.

  I spent the rest of the day watching mindless TV and eating junk food, my usual home pastimes. After I soaked in the bath, I called Nicky. Apparently, my dad told her parents that I was nearly kidnapped, and for the first five minutes she shouted at me for being so irresponsible. And after I told her about Nathaniel’s proposition, she said that I’d made the biggest mistake of my life for even considering it.

  Then the next day, I was working with Kate, and luckily it was a quiet day. I managed to find the right candidate for the Wand Maker position. I got a CV from a witch who had a bit of experience in wand crafting.

  I finished work in the evening and when I climbed into Nathaniel’s car; its owner was waiting for me inside. I had to say that I wasn’t at all surprised.

  "Do you need a lift?" I asked, smiling, but before he even responded, I felt his lips on mine and his long kiss left me breathless. My mind spun when he finally pulled away from me. My excess magic was buzzing over my skin.

  He chuckled. "Good evening to you, too."

  "I haven’t made up my mind yet," I reminded him when he told Roberto to drive to my apartment.

  "That’s why I’m here, so I can convince you." He leaned in, inhaling my scent, which was stronger than usual because he stirred my magical senses.

  "Don’t get your hopes up. Even if I invite you to my apartment, you’ll have to keep those fangs of yours to yourself."

  "You’re insulting me, Julia. I’m a gentleman. I don’t know what you’re talking about. Let me just spend an evening with you.” He wrapped his strong arms around me.

  "Have you been at work today, or were you just waiting outside this whole time, stalking me?"

  "I was working, and I have an advantage because I don’t need to worry about the sunlight. My secretary must have passed over five messages from your competitors."

  "Competitors?" I asked, confused.

  "Yes, I think there are two other recruitment agencies in London who deal with paranormals, and there is an annoying troll who keeps calling, wanting to talk to me."

  "Well, imagine if you’d had a meeting with him first, then we would have never met."

  "And that, my dear, would have been unfortunate."

  I was nervous about inviting Nathaniel to my apartment. My body wanted more of him, and if he started kissing me on my sofa, I didn’t think I would be able to control myself. The attraction between us was screaming for me to take the next step to the bedroom, but I was still hesitating.

  I relaxed when the car arrived on my street. We said goodbye with another long, deep kiss, then I went home.

  The next few days passed quietly. Nathaniel mentioned that he found out about something, but he wanted to hold the information until he was sure. Dad called during the week to tell me he was still searching for suspects. He asked again whether I was sure about what I was doing with Nathaniel. I knew he was only worried about me and I wanted him to get to know Nathaniel a little better.

  "What about Jasper? Have you managed to speak to him?" I asked, hesitating at first to ask him about my arsehole ex-boyfriend.

  "I informed the Wizards Association, and at the moment, he’s in hiding. My instincts are telling me he’s aware that he upset my little girl."

  "I thought I would hear a bit of good news, but hey, you can’t have everything."

  Jasper was clever; he knew that after my assault, my father would interrogate him, and it wouldn’t be a pleasant conversation.

  I planned a night out with the girls at the end of the month and a special dinner next week. Nathaniel had been sweet the past few days, taking me out nearly every night and spoiling me with presents.

  I didn’t understand how anyone could already know about me and Nathaniel, unless someone close to me was talking. I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to respond, because technically we were dating, but in theory it was a bit more complicated. During my few evenings with Nathaniel, I had a chance to get to know him a bit better. The coldness vanished, and I began to see a man who was caring and loving. I learned he wasn’t patient at all, and the more he was around me, the more he struggled to control his vampire urges.

  Over the past few days, everyone in the office found out that I was dating Nathaniel La Caz. The vampires looked at me like I wasn’t going to live for more than twenty-four hours. Jennifer wanted to know all the juicy details, whereas Kate and Alexandra were too busy to care about the gossip. When I finished work and shopping on Friday evening, I had an unexpected call from my dad.

  "Hi, Dad, what’s up?" I asked, answering the call while I opened the door to my apartment.

  "Julia, I need you to come to the station to identify a suspect for me."

  "A suspect? The one who tried to kidnap me?" I gasped, feeling that it was way too early for this kind of conversation. "What about Claudia? Did he say anything about her?"

  "Yes, we’re all certain that it’s him. He matches your description and the image from CCTV. Just get here quickly and I will explain more. Do you need me to send a car for you?"

  "No, I’m fine. I’ll be there as soon as I can." I put away my groceries and texted Nathaniel, telling him about my dad’s phone call. Within a minute, my phone started buzzing.

  "I will pick you up in half an hour. Be ready," he said, then hung up. I frowned, staring at the phone for several seconds. I didn’t see the point of calling him and telling him I was fine going on my own. My father was going to be present in the room, after all.

  I changed so I’d feel more comfortable and half an hour later, I was sitting in Nathaniel’s car. He seemed tense.

  "Maybe you should wait for me in the car. My dad hasn’t gotten used to you yet," I began, trying not to sound ungrateful.

  He shrugged. “I’m not letting you go inside alone. You never know how you might react."

  "The guy isn’t going to see me. So, please don’t treat me like a child."

  "I’m coming with you whether you like it or not." His tone indicated that was the end of the conversation. I gave up on arguing with him. There was no point.

  We were just outside my dad’s workplace. In East London, the Paranormal Unit looked like any other police station, but most of the staff had some type of supernatural genes. Nathaniel opened the door for me and we walked inside.

  My father was waiting for me and when he saw I wasn’t alone, he wrinkled his forehead and shot me a
sharp look.

  "Mr. La Caz," he said.

  "Mr. Taylor, I hope you’re well," Nathaniel said, and they shook hands. I could feel my father’s boiling magic.

  Dad gave me a look that said, why on earth have you brought him here?

  The police officer sitting behind the desk glanced at Nathaniel with interest, discreetly patting her blond hair. The station wasn’t as busy as I expected, but a few dirty, miserable-looking trolls were sitting on benches, guarded by two werewolves. My stomach lurched, and I entwined my fingers with Nathaniel’s. He smiled and squeezed my hand.

  "Mr. La Caz, I don’t think it would be a good idea for you to come in. I shall take my daughter alone."

  " I want him with me," I said quietly.

  "I think it would be better, Mr. Taylor, if I’m with Julia," Nathaniel insisted.

  I swallowed hard. Dad looked at me again like he wanted to say something, but after a few moments, he nodded and asked both of us to follow him. He was fuming.

  We walked down a long corridor, and a few elves in uniform stared at Nathaniel with interest. Dad stopped in front of a black door.

  "Are you all right, hon?" he asked me, looking worried; his blue eyes scanned my face, searching for any kind of hesitation.

  “Yes, I’m good. Let’s just get on with this." I could feel my magical energy beginning to stir. Nathaniel’s thumb was massaging my palm.

  Dad opened the door and we entered a dark room. Three other people were there: Stewart, whom I’d met twice, and two witches, all dressed in police uniforms. Nathaniel looked like Zeus who’d just emerged from Mount Olympus. My palms were damp with sweat and my heart was pounding way too fast. Stewart smiled and nodded casually; the two witches looked alert, glancing from me to Nathaniel in astonishment.

  "This is my daughter, Julia, and this is"—he paused for a moment—"her friend, Nathaniel La Caz."

  Chapter twenty-five

  The heat, and so much heat.


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