The Hemlock Girl

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The Hemlock Girl Page 9

by C. L. Heckman

  “Well, then what’s the big deal?”

  She glances around to make sure the coast is clear and then hands me the envelope. The return label shows some sort of DNA ancestry group.

  “Kota, what is this?” I ask, utterly confused. “Why would you need to test your DNA?

  “Not mine,” she responds. “Paul’s.”

  “Paul’s?” I repeat. “Why?”

  She stares at me for an uncomfortable amount of time. I decide to look away and fiddle with the envelope. I can feel her eyes burning through my cheeks. “Paul is adopted, Riss. He’s from Colombia.”

  “No way!” I respond. “He looks just like your dad.”

  “Yeah,” Dakota agrees. “That’s because my dad is Colombian, too.”

  “I’m confused. So, your dad is Colombian. You’re half Colombian, but Paul is adopted?”

  “Yup,” she responds with a nod of her head.

  “Ok, I’m going to need more information here, Dakota. You need to fill in some of the blanks.”

  “My dad is Colombian, he moved to the US when he was a teenager. He met my mom when he was working construction and she was a barista at the local coffee shop. They got married and tried to have a baby for about five years, but the doctor’s told her it probably wasn’t going to happen. My dad loved his country so much, that they decided to adopt a baby from Colombia. Enter, Paul.”

  “Wait, so are you adopted, too?” I wonder.

  “Nope. I’m the miracle baby,” Dakota explains with a smile. “A medical marvel. After they brought Paul home, Mom got pregnant with me without even trying. It was a fluke. Paul knows he’s adopted, but never really looked into it too much. We are his family.”

  “So, what’s this?” I ask, waving the envelope.

  “That’s Paul’s biological family,” she explains. “I took a swab of his cheek for my ‘school science project’ and decided to send it in to get his ancestry tested. I want to give it to him, but now I’m not sure I made the right choice. What if he doesn’t want to know? What if he thinks I overstepped boundaries?”

  “I think that’s his choice to make,” I explain. “You can’t hold onto this and not share it with him. He deserves to make that decision himself. Even if he’s initially angry with you, the knowledge that you’re supplying him with won’t allow him to be angry for very long. “

  Dakota sits and ponders my words as the door swings open.

  “Karissa, what are you doing here? I didn’t think you and Jasper ever left each other’s shadows.”

  “Very funny,” I respond, pushing myself up to a stand. I meander to my car to grab the pack of smokes I bought at the gas station earlier and give Dakota and Paul a moment together.

  “What’s that,” he asks, pointing to the envelope.

  Dakota hesitates. “Um.”

  “Let me see,” he says, grabbing it from her hands.

  I light a cigarette and push the first breath out of pursed lips while I watch Paul read the paperwork inside.

  “Dakota,” he states. “Is this about my family in Colombia?”

  Dakota nods her head. “I’m sorry, Paul. I just thought one day you might want to know.”

  Paul collapses onto the step next to Dakota and intently reads the paperwork. I creep closer, taking multiple puffs of my cigarette along the journey.

  “My birth mother was only 15 when she had me,” he explains, pointing to a spot on the page. “It says she’s still alive and lives in Bogotá.”

  “How about your dad?” Dakota wonders.

  “My dad is inside,” he explains with a serious tone. “But, it says here that my biological father is unknown.”

  Disappointment fills Paul’s face and I take a seat next to him. “At least you found out something,” I encourage.

  Paul folds the paper and stuffs it back in the envelope. “Why would you do this?” he asks, turning his body toward Dakota.

  “I …. I …” she mumbles. “I just thought …”

  Before she can come up with an excuse, Paul wraps his arms around her and squeezes tightly. “Thank you, sis. You’re the best.”

  He jumps up from the step and runs inside. “Dad!” he yells from the landing, pure excitement exuberating from every pore.

  Dakota releases a massive sigh of relief. “Well, that went better than I expected.”

  I extinguish my cigarette on the concrete, “It’s a great thing you did, Kota. He’s lucky to have you.”

  Resting her head on my shoulder, we listen to Paul talk to their dad about his birth mother through the screen door.

  “Maybe one day you’ll all visit Colombia, and he can find out answers to questions he didn’t even know he had.”

  Dakota wraps her arm around my waist. “Yeah, maybe.”


  Meet me down at the lake in an hour. Jasper’s text scrolls across my phone.

  I dry my hair with Dakota’s towel as she grabs the blow dryer from the bottom drawer. “So, what do you think he has planned?” she asks, intrigued.

  “I have no idea,” I explain. “I’m a little nervous, though.”

  “What’s there to be nervous about?” she asks. “You guys already slept together, so it’s not like there’s anything going to happen that you haven’t already done.”

  I throw my brush at her and she dodges it with ease. “Oh, shut up. You make me sound like a hoe.”

  Dakota shrugs her shoulders. “If the shoe fits.”

  My jaw drops and I tackle her to the bed, “Say uncle!” I yell as I pin her arm behind her back.

  “Uncle, Uncle!” she begs. “Jeez, Riss. I’ll remember never to imply that your morals are loose ever again.”

  I offer her a nod of approval. “I’m glad we got that sorted out. Now, blow dry my hair.”

  Dakota laughs and smacks me upside the head. “You’re lucky you’re cute, because I don’t think Jasper would put up with your crap otherwise.”

  I giggle and glance out her bedroom window toward Jasper’s house. “How was I ever happy before I met him?” I wonder aloud.

  Dakota makes a gagging sound as she sticks her finger in her mouth. “Oh, I love Jasper he’s so wonderful and perfect and just the best thing ever,” she mocks in a pretend Karissa voice that sounds nothing like me.

  “You know, I’m really beginning to question our friendship and whether I need your kind of negativity in my life,” I scold.

  “Yeah right,” she laughs. “You’d be lost without me.”

  Thirty minutes pass and its 6:55. My hair and makeup are done, and I slip into a black dress that I had tucked away in my closet from my cousin’s wedding last summer. I walk over to Jasper’s house, wondering if he’s ready for my arrival. Nerves begin to circulate through me, as if it’s that first night I dropped him off a few months back.

  A note hangs on the screen door. Follow the light.

  Glancing to my left, I notice that the pathway to the lake is illuminated with tea lights. Tiny flames flicker in the evening haze, guiding me toward the unknown. I remove my heels, and continue on barefoot down the walkway. On the hammock, a single rose, its petals open in full bloom, is waiting for me. I pick it up and smell its sweet aroma as it floats through the air in the warm summer breeze, carrying its scent to anyone lucky enough to cross its path.

  Continuing on, I push the ivy out of my way and follow the stairs down to the beach. At the bottom, Jasper waits for me in a collared shirt and black pants. A blanket sits atop the sand, and in the middle of it is a tray of assorted snacks. Chocolate cupcakes, marshmallows, and rice Krispy treats taunt me as my mouth begins to water.

  “A way to a lady’s heart is definitely through fattening dessert,” I laugh.

  Jasper walks toward me with his arm outstretched. I intertwine my fingers in his, and he pulls me in for a kiss. Music begins to play from the loudspeaker system of the rec building.

  “What is this?” I ask.

  Jasper laughs, “It’s our three week anniversary, Riss.”r />
  “That’s not a special occasion,” I giggle.

  “Every day is a special occasion with you, Karissa.” Jasper wraps his right arm around my back, and opens his left hand, waiting for mine to meet it.

  “Dance with me?” he requests.

  I glance up at him, marveled by the pureness in his eyes. “How did I get so lucky?” I ask.

  Jasper kisses my forehead before leaning his temple against mine. He clears his throat, as if he’s forcing back tears. “Not luck, Riss. We’re soulmates.”

  I rest my head on his shoulder and breathe in the scent of his neck. The collar of his shirt tickles against my nose as he pulls me in even closer.

  “Let’s sit down,” he directs, leading me toward the blanket. “I got all of your favorite pre-packaged desserts. I figure it’s not love if it doesn’t give you a stomachache.” Jasper laughs as he unwraps a chocolate cupcake and holds it in front of my lips.

  I furrow my brow. “You won’t like me when I’m fat,” I scold.

  “I will always love you, Riss, no matter what.”

  I stare at him, waiting to see if he realizes what word he just allowed to slip out of his mouth. It was the first time he’s said it to me, and I’m not sure if he’s even aware of its weight. He inches the cupcake closer, waiting for me to take a bite. I push it out of the way.

  “I love you, Jasper,” I say, staring deeply into his eyes.

  His eyebrows rise and a slight smirk edges along his lips. “I love you too, Karissa.” Setting the cupcake down on the pile, he grabs my hand and pulls me to a stand. “Follow me,” he directs, pulling me behind him as he takes off toward the woods.

  Glancing back, he makes sure my bare feet are finding steady ground. I have no idea where we are heading, but I would follow him to the ends of the earth if he asked me to. He slows to a stop at the edge of the forest.

  “Pick one,” he says waving his arm in the air.

  I glance at a seemingly infinite amount of trees. The forest floor is sprinkled with pine twigs and green ferns. Above it are branches of maple, oak, sassafras, hemlock, and spruce. Many of them seem to almost touch the sky. “Pick one of what?” I ask.

  “A tree,” he responds.

  “Why?” I ask. “Are you going to cut it down and build us a house?” I laugh.

  Jasper’s face remains serious. “No. Just pick one.”

  My laughter ceases. I meander into the forest, studying the trees, unsure of what qualities I’m looking for them to obtain. An old oak grabs my attention near the water. “This one,” I say, pointing to its trunk. “Unless you’re going to cut it down, then I will pick an ugly, half-dead one.”

  Jasper smiles, pulling a knife from his back pocket. “No, Riss. I’m not going to cut it down.”

  He circles the tree, staring at its bark and brushing his hand along its trunk. With his back to the water, he begins to carve into the wood.

  I slowly make my way toward him. “What are you doing?” I wonder.

  “Shhhh,” he says. “I’m trying to concentrate. “

  I take a few steps back, and decide to find a seat on the bench right outside the rec building. After about ten minutes of carving, Jasper calls me over to him.

  “Here,” he says, pointing to the bark.

  I stare at the tree. Carved into the wood are our initials positioned perfectly inside a heart.

  “You can’t change something that’s carved in wood,” he explains. “It’s permanent. So you better be all in on this, Riss, because I’m not going anywhere.”

  Jasper positions his hand around my left ring finger. I’m not sure if it was intentional or just a fluke coincidence. From the street, I can hear voices making their way onto the beach.

  “Hey!” Jasper yells, releasing his grasp. I turn toward them and notice all the Hemlock crew kicking off their shoes and scurrying across the sand.

  “What are they doing here?” I ask.

  “I planned a get together for us all,” he responds. “I wanted this night to be special, so I decided to include all of the people who got us to where we are.”

  Through the dusk, Keith, Paul, Dakota, Jason, and a few others meander onto the beach. Keith grabs the tray of desserts from the middle of the blanket while Paul rushes in the building to turn up the music.

  “Let’s get this party started!” Dakota yells, grabbing a cupcake from the tray and hitting me with her butt.

  I smile and hit her back as Jasper twirls me around into his arms. “Happy anniversary, Karissa,” he says, staring into my eyes. I wrap my arms around his neck and softly kiss his lips.

  “Happy anniversary, Jasper.”

  Chapter 14

  I stand alongside the fire pit, kicking sand into the ashes as Jasper plays guitar behind me with Jason. It’s definitely awkward being around him again, but I’m trying to roll with it. At the edge of the beach, the bushes open and a tall, dark, and extremely handsome guy appears.

  “Josh?” Dakota questions.

  “Who invited you?” Jasper asks from a distance.

  “You don’t have to be invited to something everybody wants you at,” Josh answers.

  I tap Kota on the shoulder. “Who’s that?”

  “Seriously?” she asks. “You don’t even recognize your future brother-in-law?”

  “Jasper’s brother?” I question aloud.

  “He’s hot, right?” Dakota remarks. “Changing your mind about which brother you chose?”

  Before I can respond, Jasper’s arm wraps around my waist. “Better wipe the drool from your chin, Riss,” he whispers in my ear.

  I elbow him in the rib, “Shut up!”

  Josh walks past us with little acknowledgment and heads inside to talk to Jason and the guys.

  “So, that’s your brother?” I ask.

  Jasper stares at me. “Yeah, that’s why I didn’t introduce you before.”

  “You have nothing to worry about, Jasper. Tall, dark, and handsome aren’t qualities I look for in a guy.”

  Jasper gasps. “I’m not tall, dark, and handsome?”

  “Not really,” I respond thinking of a way to climb out of the grave I just dug myself. “You’re perfect height, light and spontaneous and so freakin’ hot that it’s hard for me to keep my pants on around you,” I wink.

  Jasper laughs it off with a look of uncertainty. “Nice save, Riss. Just stay away from him, ok?”

  “Yes, sir,” I respond with a kiss to his cheek.

  Jasper heads inside to see why Josh bothered to show his face and I search for Keith amidst the group.

  Standing with his feet in the lake and a young red-head under his arm, Keith throws rocks into the water. I remember the girl from Jason’s party, but it wasn’t the same one he left with that night. I haven’t spent much time with Keith since I started dating Jasper, and I’m just realizing that I’ve been a pretty absent friend.

  “Karissa!” he exclaims with a punch to my shoulder. “Long time no see, buddy.”

  I nod my head, ashamed of my friend fail.

  “I’m Erin!” the little red-head says with a wave of her hand. Her smile is so big that it makes me feel instantly happy. Her auburn hair is tied to the side in a French braid with tiny strands sticking out of it. She is naturally pretty and only has the smallest amount of mascara and lip gloss to accentuate it. On her wrist, a silver bracelet reflects the sunset as it rests on Keith’s waist. She raises her eyebrow, awaiting a response, and I notice it’s pierced with a black barbell.

  “I’m Karissa,” I respond after a long awkward silence. “It’s so nice to meet you, Erin.”

  I lean in to Keith and whisper in his ear. “Gosh, she’s cute. Nice job.”

  He offers me a wink just out of her view. “So, what’s up, Riss? Everything ok?”

  “I’m not sure,” I respond, fiddling with my fingers.

  “Erin,” Keith mumbles. “Can you go grab me a soda? I need two minutes with Karissa, if you don’t mind.”

  Erin offers me an
encouraging smile. “Take all the time you need. I’m going to go mingle.”

  Keith falls to the sand, patting the spot next to him with his hand, and I don’t hesitate to join. “What’s going on?” he asks.

  “Tell me about Josh,” I blurt out. “Why is he here? Why don’t they get along? And, why is he so freaking hot?”

  Keith laughs. “Good lord, woman. Get yourself together.”

  I pull the hair tie from my wrist and toss my locks into a messy bun. “If we are friends, you will tell me everything you know.”

  “Ok, Ok,” he starts. “Josh and Jasper don’t get along great because Josh has basically stolen every chick that Jasper has ever shown interest in. As soon as they see Josh, they are smitten. I don’t really get it; I think Jasper is way cooler. Josh is kind of an ass – but I guess girls like that.”

  I fold my legs underneath me and pick up a handful of sand, allowing it to slowly flow through my fingers. “So, why would he invite him here?”

  “He didn’t, Riss. And, generally, Josh doesn’t come to these things. I’m really not sure why he’s here. Maybe he’s just bored, but usually on a Friday night he’s got a date. I should probably go find Erin before he decides to sweep her away from me. Sorry, Riss. I gotta go.”

  Keith jumps to his feet and takes off across the beach. I sit in the sand for a little while longer, drawing in it with the tip of my finger. A body plops down beside me.

  “Considering leaving me?” Jasper asks with a worried look.

  My heart breaks inside knowing it’s my fault he feels that way. “Never, Jasper. Josh just caught me off-guard, that’s all. What’s he doing here?”

  Jasper fiddles with the strings on his shorts. “Family stuff.” His eyes refuse to meet mine.

  I slide in closer and lay my arm across his lap. “Everything ok?” I wonder.

  Jasper stares off across the lake. Insecurity slowly migrates up my body. I remove my arm from his lap and zip up my sweater, noticing that the air has turned frigid. “Do you want me to go?” I ask, unsure of what his response may be.

  “No,” he says with a cracked voice. “I’m the one who has to go, Riss.”

  I cross my arms on my chest, certain he is breaking up with me. How did we get here? Just a few short hours ago he was carving our initials in the oak tree.


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