Love, Rosie

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Love, Rosie Page 34

by Cecelia Ahern

  Rosie: No not yet. She’s away with Stephanie right now taking a break from it all and when she comes back the results should be ready. They really don’t seem to know what’s wrong with her. I’m really worried. I looked at her the other day and it was as though I hadn’t seen her properly for years. Without even noticing it, my young mum has gotten old.

  Alex: She’s only 65, she’s still young.

  Rosie: I know that but I had an image of her in my mind and that image was of her years ago. Somehow since I was young I’ve continued to see her like that. But the other day when I looked at her in the hospital bed, she looked old. It was a bit of a shock. Anyway I just hope they find out what it is and fix it, she’s really not feeling well at all.

  Alex: As soon as you find out, let me know.

  Rosie: I will. It’s tough having to travel to Galway on my days off. As much as I love Mum, it’s a bit of a trek for me. Between working incredibly unsociable hours, traveling to Mum, helping her, I haven’t had any real days off for the past few weeks and I am tireder than tired.

  Alex: Where is Kevin in all this? Can’t he help out for once in his life?

  Rosie: Ha! Good question. Well in all fairness to Kev, he’s just bought a house and is in the process of moving in with his girlfriend. If he had more time I’m almost sure he would help out.

  Alex: No! Kevin? Mr. Commitment, bad. Freedom, good?

  Rosie: The very man himself.

  Alex: Wow, that’s a shock. You should have a talk to him about all this, try to get him to help out a bit more. You can’t be expected to do everything.

  Rosie: Well I’m not exactly doing everything. Steph is looking after Mum for the week and Steph’s got two young kids so it’s not exactly easy for her either. (Looking after Mum doesn’t sound right does it?) And I don’t mind because I want to be there for Mum, she’s all alone and I know how that feels.

  Alex: You asking for help from Kevin doesn’t mean you don’t love and want to help Alice. Kev should be told. And he shouldn’t have to be told.

  Rosie: Well I’ll wait until he’s settled into his new house and when that’s done and if he still hasn’t pulled the finger out then I’m not holding back. He didn’t visit Dad half as much as he should have and I know he’s paying for that now. I’ve never entirely understood Kevin, he likes to keep himself to himself. He came and went from the house and never filled anyone in on what he was doing. Then when Dad died he suddenly thought he could take control of all the plans. Now with Mum being sick he’s backed off again. Steph and I have tried to talk to him about it on numerous occasions but there’s just no getting through to him. He’s selfish, simple as that. Hold on, a coach pulled up outside, wait while I run to the window and check.

  Alex: Is Katie in it?

  Rosie: No.

  Alex: Oh. She’ll be—

  Rosie: Oh thank god, there she is. I better switch off the computer and dive into bed. I don’t want her thinking I was waiting up. Oh thank you god for bringing my baby home. Night Alex.

  Alex: Night Rosie.


  Mother dearest,

  Good news! Tony Spencer, an English bloke who owns Club Insomnia down the road, was here in Dad’s club last night when I was doing my set, and he was so impressed he asked if I’d like to work for him. How cool is that?! He also organizes a few summer dance festivals so I’ll be off around Europe during the summer playing at those. I’m really excited!

  Club Insomnia is a really popular club and it goes on till about six or seven in the morning. I’ll only be on the decks from about 10 p.m. till midnight just to get started. He pays really well though and as soon as I get my first decent check, I’ll send some home to you. I’ve met a really cool crowd of people over here who are also just out of school a few years and are doing bar work. Me and three other girls, Jennifer, Lucy, and Sara, are talking about renting an apartment together.

  I don’t no when John is coming over. Ever since he started college in September he’s been out all night every night with a bunch of people I’ve never heard of. He keeps bumping against his phone and accidentally ringing me when he’s out and all I can ever hear are loads of drunken people screaming in the background. It’s just been really weird with the two of us. Only more so every time we meet up after weeks apart. It’s not the same at all and I don’t like it. I thought I’d be with him forever but the rate we’re going I can barely imagine being with him until the end of the summer. He’s annoying me that much.

  Meanwhile, I haven’t heard from Toby in a long, long time. It’s entirely my fault because he rang me loads of times at the beginning when I moved over here and it was my turn to start making an effort but time just ran away. I keep on saying I’ll call him tomorrow but it’s been months. The last time I spoke to him he was having a great time at college, making friends with lots of teeth, no doubt. I’ll call him tomorrow.

  I hope everything at work is OK. I can’t believe you got your contract extended, I thought you hated the place. Let me no what’s going on there, I’m confused.

  Alex wrote to me a while back and told me what happened when he and Bethany stayed in the hotel when they were over for Ms. Big Nose Smelly Breath Casey’s retirement party. How funny! Didn’t you no it was going to be the Northside Pole Dance Club’s Christmas party? I don’t think Alex seemed too disturbed by the sight of red and white fluffy-bikini-clad Mary Claus’s dancing around the bar. I can’t believe Bethany refused to stay the night. That woman really doesn’t have a sense of humor. Those two just so aren’t right for each other, I don’t no what he sees in her. I’ve only met her a few times but she’s so uptight and he’s so laid-back I really don’t see them lasting together for much longer. I can’t believe Alex had to tend to one of the guests in the restaurant, was the man poisoned? What kind of food is your restaurant serving?! Just as well there was a doctor in the house.

  Anyway I better go and figure out what tracks I’m doing tonight. Dad’s giving me a two-hour set just to prepare me for Insomnia. Lisa keeps trying to persuade me to play eighties music so she can do her flash-dance routine. If it’s not snakes she wants it’s something worse like shoulder pads and perms.

  When Grandma gets better, you and she should come over to me for a few weeks. There are loads of nice relaxing areas to go to with lovely beaches and scenery; it’s not all pubs and clubs. Think about it, maybe a break would be good for Grandma.

  Miss you.



  You have an instant message from: RUBY

  Ruby:I’ve been dumped.

  Rosie: What? By Teddy?

  Ruby: No! Don’t be silly that man doesn’t know how to put the bins out never mind dump me. No, the culprit is in fact my adoring son. He has informed me that my services are no longer required and he’s traded me in for a younger model.

  Rosie: Oh no, Ruby I’m so sorry. Who’s the other woman?

  Ruby: Actually I pretend to be mad but I’m not really. Well, that’s a lie, at first I was really angry and ate an entire chocolate cake myself, Gary’s favorite cake that I had bought for him coincidentally. Halfway through it I was just angry and then while I was spooning the last mouthful into my mouth I began to think rationally (that’s what it does to me you see). So I devised a plan whereby I was going to invite this “other woman” into my home for dinner so that I could poison her just like in the movie.

  I needed to find out who she was, what made her so much more qualified than me, and why on earth Gary left me for her. As it turns out she’s only in her late 20s, is from Spain, teaches Spanish at the school (that’s where Gary met her, where he works as a custodial engineer), she’s thin, pretty, and a very beautiful person.

  Rosie: She’s everything you would usually hate, right?

  Ruby: Usually yes. But this time it’s different because she and my Gary have found love.

  Rosie: Ooooh!

  Ruby: I know! Isn’t it great? So I had no problem stepping aside an
d hanging up my dancing shoes. To tell the truth I was thinking of parting with Gary soon anyway. I’m not far off 50 now, I need to dance with someone more my own age who won’t have the energy to be flinging me across the other side of the room. I’m not up to it anymore. I’m just happy Gary has finally found someone. Maybe Maria will make him move out of my house and in with her.

  Rosie: Would you be upset by that?

  Ruby: As upset as I would be if I found a million euro under my bed. The boy needs to realize he is a grown man now and move out. I can’t cook him his dinners and clean his clothes forever. Anyway enough about me, how’s your mum?

  Rosie: Not great.

  Ruby:That’s a shame.

  Rosie: It is. It just seems that bit by bit everything is failing on her. Her arthritis has gotten so bad now that she’s almost crippled. It wasn’t so much of a problem when she and Dad were traveling because then they had the hot weather. Now though I don’t think hanging off a cliff in cold Connemara is really the best place for her. But she won’t move from there. I’m worried for her. She’s in and out of hospital with infections and problems with parts of her body that I didn’t even know existed. It’s as if when Dad died, her body just gave up.

  Ruby:She’s a toughie though Rosie, she’ll pull through.

  Rosie: Let’s hope.

  Ruby:How are things at Fawlty Towers?

  Rosie: Ha! Well I won’t have to put up with the place for much longer because I’m leaving at the end of the month.

  Ruby: You say that every month and you never do. You might as well just wait until your contract is up next year and then leave. Anyway unless you actually look for another job you’re not going anywhere.

  Rosie: Between working all hours and traveling back and forth to Mum, I just don’t have time. I mean when’s the last time I even saw you?


  Rosie: Well apart from when you drove by me at the bus stop beeping and waving. Thanks for speeding up, driving through the puddle on the side of the road and saturating me, by the way.

  Ruby: We were going in different directions and you looked like you could do with a shower.

  Rosie: Whatever. Anyway it’s been at least a month since I’ve been out properly. It’s ridiculous. I have no life. I really want to go visit Katie, and Alex has invited me over to him loads of times but I can’t do any of those things.

  Ruby:When your mother gets better everything will be a lot easier.

  Rosie: She’s not going to get better Ruby. She doesn’t want to get better. She’s just waiting now. She’s practically wheelchair-bound at this stage and she’s only 68.

  Ruby:Get lazy Kevin to help.

  Rosie: What would Kevin do? He wouldn’t know where to start and I know Mum feels more comfortable with me helping her. Anyway we’ll just have to keep on going.






  To Rosie,

  Thanks so much for my present and card. It’s really cool. Wherever Katie is tell her I said hi. She sends me postcards all the time from different countries and she sounds real happy. She’s got the coolest job! I never hear about her old friend Toby anymore. I guess they lost touch or something. Anyway thanks again for the present. I’ll be able to buy a new computer game with it.

  See you soon,

  Form Josh

  To Mum,

  Hello! I’m in Amsterdam, met a gorgeous guy who picks strawberries for a living. Doesn’t speak English but we get along just fine.

  Everything here is great, got loads of gigs, and the cafés are nice too!








  Rosie if you think thirty-eight is bad, just imagine how I must feel. Fifty next year. Aaaah! We’ll have a huge party.

  Just you and me invited.

  Happy birthday again.


  Hi Mum,

  I’m in Andorra. Met this gorgeous guy who’s my ski instructor who’s trying to teach me how not to break my neck. He doesn’t speak a word of English but we get along just fine. Everything is great here, you and I should go skiing some time, you’d love it! The winter festival is going really well, got a few small gigs to do. I’ll be home for Christmas so we can catch up on all the gossip! Can’t wait to see you!



  Hi Mum,

  Do you want to stay with me for Christmas? Katie is coming home and it can be the three of us. I think it would be really nice, you can have Katie’s room and I’ll set up a sofa bed for her. I’m so excited about the idea. Beanie has given me Christmas day off so please say yes!



  I’d love to come over honey. Thanks for the invite. Can’t wait to see little Katie. Not so little anymore I suppose!





  SUBJECT:Coming home

  Thanks so much for Christmas dinner it was absolutely yummy as always. It was good for us 3 to be together again. Just the girls!

  Grandma has changed a lot since the last time I saw her and you look tired. I was thinking of coming home for a few weeks and helping out. Maybe I could get a job around Dublin for a short while? I want to help out (plus there’s the added bonus of meeting up with that guy I met while I was there!).

  Let me no.



  SUBJECT:Re: Coming home

  Do not come home! That is an order! Everything is just fine here. You need to live your life too so you can continue on with your travels, work hard, and enjoy yourself! Don’t worry about your grandma and me, we’re absolutely fine!

  I’m really enjoying the job and I don’t mind the long hours. It’s also nice to be able to go away every week to breathe the fresh air of Connemara. Although I do have one favor to ask, Ruby and I would love to go over to you for a week sometime in February if you could fit us into your schedule. Ruby said she wants to go to a foam party and win a wet T-shirt competition before she’s fifty!

  Let me know when a good week is for you.




  I’ve a favor to ask. Do you think you might be able to take Mum for another week in February? I’m sorry I know you’re really busy too but Beanie has finally given me a week off and I really wanted to get over to Katie to check out how she’s living these days. I want to meet her friends and see where she’s working; you know, annoying things that mothers do.

  If you can’t then I understand. Perhaps I could twist Kevin’s arm into caring about someone else for a change.

  Give my love to the family.




  Of course I’ll take Mum. In fact I’ll go one better and take the family over to Connemara for the week. Pierre dragged me to his mother and father’s for Christmas dinner so I think I’m entitled to have my turn!

  You deserve a break Rosie. I’m so sorry you’re stuck over there doing everything. Sometimes I feel like going over there and giving Kev a good kick. I’m going to have a good talk with him when I go over and perhaps he may even want to see his niece and nephew for a change.

  Have fun with Katie. I can’t believe how grown up she is now. When she stayed with us a few months back I felt like I was talking to you.

  Enjoy the week with Ruby, I need to spend some quality time with Mum anyway.



  SUBJECT:Surprise 40th

  I don’t no where you are in the world right now but I hope you’re still checking your e-mails! Seeing as your mum is going to be 40 next month and you are going to be
21, I thought it would be a good idea to have a double birthday party. But I was hoping that we could fly you home and surprise your mum with a party?

  You can invite all your friends and we can organize all of Rosie’s friends too. Perhaps we can bring Ruby in on this too for help? Let me no if you think it’s a good idea. Noing Rosie the way I do, I think she would love it.

  Rosie: I’m 40 in a few days Ruby. 40. The big 4-0.


  Rosie: So it’s old.

  Ruby:Then what does that make me, ancient?

  Rosie: Oh sorry you know what I mean.

  Ruby:No not really.

  Rosie: Well we’re not exactly 20 years old are we?

  Ruby: No thank god for that because if that was the case I would have to go through a shit marriage and a divorce all over again. We would have to go out and look for jobs, be all uncertain about our lives, care about dating and how we look and what car we’re driving, what music we’re playing in it, what we wear, whether we’ll get into certain clubs or not bla bla bla bla. What’s so good about being 20? I call them the materialistic years. The years we get distracted by all the bullshit. Then we cop on when we hit our 30s and spend those years trying to make up for the 20s. But your 40s? Those years are for enjoying it.

  Rosie: Hmmm good point. What are the 50s for?

  Ruby:Fixing what you fucked up on in your 40s.

  Rosie: Great. Looking forward to it.

  Ruby: Oh don’t worry Rosie. You don’t need to make a song and dance about the fact the world has spun around the sun one more time. We should just take it as a given by now. So what do you want to do for your 40th?

  Rosie: Nothing?

  Ruby: Good plan. Why don’t we go down to my local on Friday night for one too many?

  Rosie: Sounds perfect.

  Ruby: Oh hold on though. It’s Teddy’s brother’s birthday that night too and we’re all gathering in the Berkeley Court Hotel.


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