Courageous Love

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Courageous Love Page 10

by KC Richardson

  “Tell me what happened when you spoke to the mother.”

  Frank took a drink from her beer and let out a deep sigh. “She said the babysitter called her last night to say she had the flu and didn’t want to get the baby sick. Jasmine, that’s the name of the baby. The mother had just started a new job last week and didn’t want to call in sick. Her boyfriend of two months finally agreed to watch Jasmine after she pleaded with him. The bastard doesn’t work, so Mom thought he could earn his keep by taking care of her daughter. He called nine-one-one at around three, saying Jasmine fell off the bed and stopped breathing. We arrived at the residence to find the baby unresponsive with marks on her arms that looked like he grabbed them and held too tight.”

  Frank took another drink of her beer and realized tears were falling down her cheeks. “Two of the officers arrested him while I drove the baby to the ER with another officer. I had her in the backseat with me, performing CPR on her until we got to the hospital and the doctors and nurses took over. The mom came home right after we left and another officer brought her to the hospital. She was going to have her first birthday in two weeks.”

  Frank wiped the tears from her face as Alex got up and sat in her lap. Alex placed her head on Frank’s shoulder and cried with her as Frank soaked up the comfort like a sponge. She whispered, “I had every intention of going back to the station to beat the shit out of the boyfriend, but Katie talked me off the ledge.”

  Alex had met Katie and her partner a couple of weeks earlier when the four of them had had dinner together. Alex told Frank later that night that she really liked them and wanted to hang out again.

  “I’m glad she was able to do that for you, but if I can be honest, I wouldn’t have minded one bit to see you beat him if you could get away with it without losing your job or who you are. There should be a special place in hell for animals like that.”

  “I agree.”

  They sat there a little while longer, holding each other until the tears ceased. Frank hadn’t eaten dinner, not with the turmoil tumbling through her body, but she asked Alex if she wanted something to eat.

  “You know what I want? I want to take you to bed and hold you all night long. Can I do that for you? For us?”

  Frank felt a lump form in her throat that prevented her from speaking, so she nodded.

  Alex stood, grabbed her hand, and led her to the bedroom, where Frank curled up in Alex’s arms and savored the compassion Alex showed her.


  Alex had a difficult time falling asleep as she held Frank in her arms. Every once in a while, Frank would twitch, and Alex imagined Frank was dreaming of pulling the trigger on that fucker. She thought of Aiden, who was about the same age as Jasmine, and she knew without a shadow of a doubt that she would have no problem killing anyone who tried to hurt him. She was finally able to sleep knowing he was safe in his crib and protected by people who loved him, and that Frank was safe in her arms.

  Chapter Fourteen

  After a few more days and a few more tears, Frank was feeling like her old self. She and Alex had the upcoming weekend off from work and they planned to spend their downtime together. Frank wanted to take her away for the weekend, but she had a basketball game on Saturday evening and didn’t want to miss it. Alex had to work last Saturday and missed Frank’s first game, but Frank was relieved. She had a lot of kinks to work out in her play. Missed shots, missed passes, missed plays plagued her game that night, but she was able to go to the park a couple of times that week to try to regain the shooting rhythm she’d had when she was younger.

  On Saturday, she spent a great deal of time visualizing the game, the way her teammates would cut to the basket, the passes she’d deliver, her shots hitting nothing but net. She took Bella out for a run early in the morning. Her body felt great, and her mind was clear. When Alex arrived, she put her bag in Frank’s bedroom and they headed off to the gym.

  Jordan and Kirsten were sitting in the bleachers with Aiden sitting on the lap of a woman Frank didn’t know. When they approached, Kirsten introduced her to her friend Brenda, who managed to shake Frank’s hand while holding on to Aiden, who was squirming in her arms. She held her hand up to Aiden, who gave her a clumsy high five. She was inordinately pleased to see Aiden remembered what she taught him a couple of weeks ago. Alex took Jordan’s seat when she and Frank climbed down the bleachers to get ready for their game.

  They stretched in a corner of the gym with the rest of their teammates and went over the game plan. Since Frank was new to the team, and because of her dismal play the week before, she started the game on the bench but didn’t stay there long. At the first timeout, she subbed in for Jill, their shooting guard, and heard Alex and Kirsten scream their approval. She smiled at Jordan and shook her head at the ruckus as she jogged on to the floor. Frank got the pass on the wing from their point guard and saw an open lane. She drove to the basket, and when Jordan’s defender came over to help, she dished off the pass to Jordan, who scored an easy lay-up.

  The next time down the floor, her defender gave her plenty of room, so she took a dribble, stepped behind the three-point line, and the only sound she heard was the swish of the ball falling through the net. By the end of the game, Jordan and Frank were responsible for forty-two of the team’s sixty points. Frank felt like she was floating on clouds. She still had it after all this time, and she wanted to celebrate. Alex, Kirsten, Brenda, and Aiden made their way down the stands to congratulate the team. Frank nearly lost her footing when Alex jumped into her arms.

  “You were great, baby!”

  Frank laughed at Alex’s enthusiasm and gently lowered her to the floor so she could kiss her. “Man, that was fun!”

  Jordan and Kirsten greeted each other similarly while Brenda held Aiden.

  “You guys feel like going to Lucy’s?”

  “Absolutely! I’m buying the first round,” Frank replied.

  Brenda graciously offered to babysit Aiden so Kirsten and Jordan could go and enjoy a night out together.

  They went back to their respective houses to shower and dress, and they met up at the local neighborhood lesbian bar that sponsored their basketball team. Frank and Jordan went to order the drinks while Alex and Kirsten grabbed a table. They sat together for a while rehashing the game.

  “You guys played so great.” Alex slid her arm around Frank’s waist and scooted closer to whisper in her ear. “You looked so hot out there.”

  Frank felt the wetness flood her boxers and shifted in her seat to relieve the pressure of her jeans from her swollen tissues. Alex’s hot breath in her ear sent chills throughout her body. She wanted to hold Alex in her arms, and when a slow song began, she led Alex to the dance floor, followed by Jordan and Kirsten. Alex stepped into her arms, and they moved their bodies to the slow, sensual beat. This was the first time they’d danced together, but they moved as one, like they’d been partners all their lives. One slow song led to another, and Frank wanted nothing more than to take Alex home and make love to her all night. They hadn’t been dating long, and she wasn’t ready to say those three little words that were anything but little. Frank cared for Alex and loved spending time with her. She made her laugh, she was thoughtful, and sex with Alex was the best she’d ever had. She definitely saw a future with Alex and hoped she felt the same. They hadn’t discussed what came next, but they were monogamous and committed to enjoying each other’s company.

  After a couple of hours of laughing, talking, drinking, and dancing, they decided it was time to leave. They hugged each other good-bye, then Frank and Alex drove back to Frank’s. Bella excitedly greeted them at the door.

  “You take care of Bella and I’ll meet you in the bedroom.”

  Alex’s sultry voice and look of desire made Frank’s pulse race and mouth dry. She nodded and watched Alex sashay down the hall and disappear through the door.

  “C’mon, sweet girl, let’s hurry this up.” She stood in the backyard as Bella took her time smelling the grass, chasing
crickets, and finally doing her business. It’s about time. Alex better still be awake. She grabbed two biscuits and placed them on Bella’s bed. “You’re sleeping out here tonight. No interrupting, got it? Even if you hear moaning or screaming.” Bella quietly lay down on her bed and went to eating her treats as Frank hurried to her bedroom. She was pleasantly surprised to see some lit candles that added a romantic ambiance to the space. She knocked on the bathroom door to check on Alex.

  “I’ll be out in a minute. Go sit on the bed and don’t move.”

  Frank did as she was told and wondered what was in store. The door to the bathroom opened, and her breath hitched when she saw the vision of loveliness emerge. Alex stood in the doorway of the bathroom with one hand high on the frame and the other on her hip, and Frank couldn’t remember ever seeing anything so fucking sexy in her life. Her eyes glazed over as she watched Alex walk toward her in a navy blue lace teddy, garters holding up black silk stockings, and black pumps with an impossibly high heel. She felt the moisture leave her mouth and accumulate in her boxers.

  Alex moved slowly toward her with a practiced sway of her hips and stepped between her spread legs. “You’re a little overdressed, baby.”

  Frank took her time letting her eyes roam every glorious inch of Alex’s incredible body. “You told me not to move.” Frank knew she sounded stupid, but at that point, she didn’t care.

  Alex laughed lustily. “I’m glad you obeyed my orders. That deserves a reward. If you keep being a good girl, I’ll keep rewarding you. Are you a good girl, Frank?”

  She absently nodded her head, and Alex smirked.

  Alex had placed the tip of her finger on Frank’s cheek and trailed the newly manicured nail down the side of her neck, down her chest to the top button of Frank’s blouse. “Unbutton your shirt.”

  Her hands flew to the first button, but before she was able to release it, Alex said, “Slowly.”

  Frank finally understood the game Alex wanted to play, and she was more than willing—as long as it didn’t take too long. She wasn’t sure how long she could hold out as her clit began to throb. She slowly undid every button and waited for Alex’s next order.

  “I want you to stand and unbuckle your belt.”

  Being the good girl she was, Frank followed Alex’s orders. When Alex gave her next instruction, she unbuttoned her pants and slowly slid her zipper down. Her pants fell and pooled around her ankles, but she waited for Alex to speak.

  “Sit back down, baby. You’re obeying very well tonight.” Alex squatted before her and removed her shoes, socks, and pants. She stood back up and spread Frank’s thighs so she could move closer. Alex slid Frank’s shirt off her shoulders and down her arms, and added it to the already discarded clothing.

  “You were a good girl, Frank. You may now undress me.”

  Molten blood rushed through her veins as she placed her shaking hands on Alex’s lower legs. Rather than hurrying though, she decided to give Alex a taste of her own medicine. She ran her hands achingly slowly up the sides of Alex’s legs until they reached the lace bands at the top of her stockings.

  She leaned forward and licked at the edge of the lace. When she heard Alex gasp, she smiled inwardly. Oh yes, Alex, we’ll see just how good a girl you want me to be. With a flick of her thumbs, she unfastened the garter clips, lifted Alex’s leg, and gently lowered one stocking with her teeth, then the other. She looked up at Alex and saw desire darkening those gorgeous brown eyes.

  She continued to move her hands up Alex’s smooth thighs and around her backside until they were cupping her shapely ass. She pulled Alex closer until her sex was right in front of her face. She didn’t move closer but kept massaging Alex’s ass while she inhaled the musky smell of her arousal. She decided she wasn’t going to do anything else until Alex instructed her—begged her—for release.

  Alex’s hands moved to Frank’s head and alternated between running her fingers through her hair and squeezing her head. Breathing hard, Alex demanded, “Fuck me, Frank. Fuck me right now!”

  She stood, lifted Alex, and placed her on the bed. She ripped off Alex’s matching panties and thrust two fingers into her as she latched aggressively on to her nipple. She withdrew, then added a third finger. She slid in and out of Alex’s slick sex, and it didn’t take long for her walls to spasm around Frank’s fingers as Alex cried out her release. Frank released Alex’s nipple and delicately kissed her breast, working her way up her neck before finding her lips. They kissed languidly as Alex’s breathing slowed.

  “You can come out of me now.”

  “I kind of like it here.” Frank wiggled her fingers and laughed when Alex grasped her wrist.

  “I’m spent, Sarge. You wore me out.”

  Frank slowly withdrew her fingers and licked them clean. “You taste so sweet.”

  Alex drew her back to her lips and they continued to kiss as she climbed on top of Frank. She kissed her way down Frank’s chest where she lingered for a while, tasting, licking, and nibbling her dark nipples until she could feel Frank’s hips start to move beneath her. She continued downward, dropping soft kisses on Frank’s stomach until she settled between her legs. She used her fingers to spread Frank’s inner folds and wrapped her mouth around the bundle of nerves that was swollen and red. She sucked tenderly until Frank started moaning, and didn’t let up until she screamed Alex’s name. Physically sated, they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Alex woke the next morning and stretched her arms above her head. She smiled at the slight soreness in her muscles and the smell of sex that still permeated the room. She roamed her hands down her chest and quietly gasped at the tenderness in her breasts and nipples, recalling how Frank nearly sucked them raw while fucking her hard the night before.

  Of the many lovers Alex had enjoyed over the years, Frank seemed to be the most attuned to her body, her likes and dislikes. She really cared about Frank and was more than happy with the direction their relationship was heading. Relationship? Was that what this was? Their schedules didn’t allow them to spend a whole lot of time together, but when they were able, they always had a good time. Right now they were keeping things light, but she had no desire to look elsewhere for companionship. Frank fulfilled Alex in many different ways. She was attentive, but not in a clingy sort of way. She appreciated that Frank opened the door for her, that she pulled out the chair for Alex to sit, that she made sure Alex was comfortable or if she needed anything. Frank was a true gentlewoman, a trait that was old-fashioned, but desperately needed to make a comeback in this seemingly self-absorbed society. Frank would be a perfect protagonist in the romance novels Jordan and Kirsten read incessantly before Aiden was born.

  She turned her head to discover Frank looking at her with those unique amber eyes. “Good morning.”

  “Yes, it is. What were you thinking about? You had this faraway look in your eyes, but a grin on your beautiful lips.”

  “I was just thinking you would make a perfect character in a romance novel.”

  Frank laughed. “Seriously? Why do you think so?”

  Alex turned to face Frank and cupped her cheek. “I was recalling how you open the door for me, pull out my chair. You know, those sorts of things. You’re polite and have excellent manners, which is sorely lacking in today’s world.”

  Frank turned her head and kissed Alex’s palm. “You deserve to be treated with respect.”

  She smiled and her heart fluttered at Frank’s declaration. “You see? That’s what I mean. You know how to properly treat a woman. You’re also the hottest woman I’ve ever seen, and this woman is going to make you breakfast in bed.”

  Alex started to get up when Frank pulled her back. “Hang on a minute. I want to say good morning properly.”

  They kissed passionately, but when Frank squeezed Alex’s breast, she gasped and pulled away.

  Frank looked alarmed. “What’s wrong?”

  “They’re just tender from all of the attention y
ou gave them last night.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I was so rough.”

  Alex leaned in and kissed her again. “It’s okay, baby. Rough is exactly the way I wanted it last night, and you were perfect. You’ll just have to take it easy on them today. Now, I’m going to make you a nice breakfast, then we’ll take Bella to the park and let her chase the ball.”

  She went to the bathroom to clean up and wrapped herself in Frank’s robe. She blew a kiss as she left the room and greeted Bella. “You go potty while I make you and your mama some breakfast.” She left the sliding glass door open as she went about preparing the food. She placed the plates and some juice on a tray and returned to find Frank sitting up in bed, freshly showered, and looking all kinds of sexy sitting there naked, the sheet pooled at her waist and her wet black hair slicked back.

  “Stop looking at me like that.”

  Frank leered. “Like what?”

  “Like you want me for breakfast instead of the eggs and toast I slaved away on. Be a good girl and eat your food, then I’ll see what I can do about dessert.”

  Frank held up her hands in mock surrender and took the tray from Alex to allow her to get back into bed. They made quick work of their breakfast so they could tend to more pressing matters. After they made love, they took a quick shower together and gathered Bella’s supplies.

  As the three of them strolled to a nearby park, Alex realized it had been a while since they’d gone to the park to play and she mentioned it to Frank. “The last time we went was the day I found out about Toni. Did you two play at the park often when you were kids?”

  “Yes, there was a small park down the street from our house that had swings, slides, and a teeter-totter. One of the great things about being a twin was that we were the same size, which makes all the difference on the teeter-totter. I’m not sure if you were aware of that or not.”


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