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aluxes, 267–270
ancient astronauts, 82, 115–116, 230
animal mutilations, 74–77
backward-walking people, 24–27
Belize City, 24–27
Belize, 21–69
blue-skinned men, 55–58
Brothers of the Red Hand, 148
Ceiba tree, 177
Chiapas, Sky Gods in, 185–190
Chichén Itzá, 13, 260
Chinkultic, 185–190
Coba, 255–262
Copán Ruinas, 71–73, 74–77, 82–84
Copán, 13, 22, 23, 66, 71–78, 82–91, 96–97, 116
Devil, being possessed by the, 101
dogs, affect of alien abduction on, 219–223
El Ray, the Little People of, 294–297
elders, Wise Men and the, 191–198
Garifuna, 12, 23, 28–34
giants from the stars, 171–172
Guatemala City, 94–95, 108
Guatemala, 91–174
Guatemalan jungle, Star Men of the, 167–174
Honduras, 71–90
Jesus miracles, 99
K’iche’, 60, 154, 159–165, 304
Kiuic, 286, 289
Lacandon Indians, 243–247
Lacandon, 15, 105, 179–184, 225, 240–243, 297
Lambityeco, 205–209
Little People of El Ray, the, 294–297
Mexico, 175–297
nahual, 74–75, 209
Oaxaca City, 191–198
Oaxaca, 16, 17, 176, 181, 182, 191, 193–199, 205, 210–214
Pakal, 224–229
Palenque town, 177, 220, 225
Palenque, 13, 92, 117, 175–181, 200, 212, 219–242
Q’umarkaj, 154, 160, 162
Quiriguá, 91, 115–130
red eyes, aliens with, 130–136
Red Hand, Shining People of the, 145–149
red-eyed reptilian, 141–144
reptilian, red-eyed, 141–144
San Cristóbal, 92, 166, 175–185, 191, 201, 203
Shining Ones, 147
Shining People of the Red Hand, 145–149
Sky Dynasty, 115, 119
Sky Gods in Chiapas, 185–190
Sky Gods, the Maya and the, 157
sky maps, Guatemala and, 105
Sky Men, 127
Sky Men, giants and, 171–172
Space Gods, 121
Star Man, encounters with the, 150–153
star map, 103–104, 203, 243–245
Star Men of the Guatemalan jungle, 167–174
Star People, 45
Star People, invaders as, 240–242
Stone Woman of Belize, 66–69
Teotitlán, 199–200
Toniná, 214–218
Tuhohani, 179–184
Uxmal, 13, 177, 242, 267, 271, 276, 278, 281
Wise Men, the elders and, 191–198
About the Author
DR. ARDY SIXKILLER CLARKE is a professor emeritus of educational leadership at Montana State University and the former director of the Center for Bilingual/Multicultural Education. She traveled extensively throughout Mesoamerica, having spent more than two years in small indigenous villages collecting stories about UFO encounters. Dr. Clarke’s previous works include Sisters in the Blood: The Education of Women in Native America, Encounters With Star People: Untold Stories of American Indians, and 12 bilingual children’s books related to American Indian myths and legends. She makes her home in Montana with her husband, her beloved Lhasa Apso, Prairie Rose, and her Maine Coon rescue cat, Rez Perez.
For the latest news and schedule of appearances, please go to You may contact her at [email protected].
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