Skye Light

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Skye Light Page 17

by A R Maloney

  “She won’t return for a while.” He was biting my neck and had his hands sliding the blanket away. It fell onto the floor beside us and he had his mouth on my breast, sucking and biting at my nipple. His hands were everywhere, and I found myself working at his pants. He laughed when I let loose a groan of frustration, and paused, lifting me up and laying me down on the bed. We made quick work of his clothes and moments later he was burying himself deep inside me, grinding and pumping while I pulled him close, bucking hard underneath him. What started as a fluttering quiver built quickly and soon, we were both growling and panting as I milked him for every moment of climax.

  Breathless, I looked up into his eyes and whispered huskily, “I’ll be looking for those flowers. Do not disappoint me.” I pinched his nipple hard before hopping from the bed and I pulled on my clothes before he could react. The look on his face was priceless as a moment later, I whispered the spell which would return me to my company hall, and with a wink, I was gone.

  Chapter 19—Fledgling No More

  I PUSHED OPEN THE door to my company hall, relieved to see it mostly empty. Everyone had gone about their daily business. I walked through our mess hall grabbing two small green kiwi fruit, then heading to my bunk. Finally, surrounded by familiar smells, familiar sounds, and familiar tastes. While I found comfort in the familiar, I found myself seeing through new eyes. ‘Nothing is the same.’ I thought to myself. A sense of unease slid through me, rising up from my stomach. I looked at the small pieces of sweet ripened fruit, holding one to my nose. I closed my eyes, inhaling the scent with a deep breath. It was near perfect in shape and size. No sign of bruising, yet suddenly it was not what I wanted. I looked at the fruits again before setting them aside.

  I proceeded to unpack. There really wasn’t much to do. I took stock of my potions and scrolls and removed everything, looking to see what would need repair or replacement. Then I came across the letter from Mera, and the last letter from Cooper. I sat on the edge of my bed holding Cooper’s final words to me, wanting to read them once more, but found myself unable to open the envelope. A mix of melancholy and guilt stilled my fingers and I found myself gasping for breath as I realized I hadn’t been able to outrun my own thoughts. Shaking my head, I tucked the letters back into my pouch and stowed it in my locker and selected some clean armor.

  Gathering my linens and soaps in my arms, I made my way to the company’s baths. I would need to find a cleric to check over my healed wounds but wasn’t sure who to talk to. Masio is my brother in arms and a head of my company. Would I be able to go to him and still hold back a full accounting of what had happened? Niera may be able to handle the job, but I knew she would be able to pull every bit of information from me. How would she react, knowing I had literally been sleeping with the enemy? Maybe I should just not seek anyone out and pray that the worst of the damage had all been healed by the blood spell. I finally decided a good soak in the baths may help me make sense of what had happened over the last few days.

  I immersed myself in the hot scented waters, staying until my skin started to wrinkle up like a raisin. I scrubbed my skin until it glowed pink. Then I stepped out, wrapping myself in a thick towel before putting on my clean tunic and leggings. Finally, after tying my soft leather boots, I decided I looked presentable once more. I was preparing to go deliver my report and Mera’s letter to General Eno, opening my locker to retrieve my pouch again when I heard a loud shriek. I looked up just in time to be tackled by Niera.

  “You’re back!” Niera hugged me fiercely. “I was so mad at you!” She punched my shoulder hard, showing her frustration. “I was going to come after you, but Torres would not let me. He said you needed to go alone. Can you believe he kept turning me into a sheep until I finally gave in?” She frowned pulling her blonde eyebrows down deep over her blue eyes as I laughed loudly at the visual in my head.

  I nodded. “I will have to thank him next time I see him.” The visual made me giggle. “Perhaps he will teach me that trick too!”

  “Pffffft!” The sound exploded from Niera’s lips as she rolled her eyes at me.

  “What? It could come in useful.” I paused, thinking about how much fun I could have with such a spell in my arsenal. “Really though, I’m still trying to make sense of it all myself.” I looked at my friend. “Niera, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare or hurt you. I had to do this alone. I didn’t want to be followed, and I made Torres promise to agree. Can you forgive me?” I sat down on my bunk and looked at her.

  Niera released a sigh. “You know I cannot stay mad at you; you’ve become like a sister to me.”

  Silently I wondered about that. Just how far had I pushed my luck with this? For now, I would keep my mouth closed.

  “How did it go anyway?” asked Niera, “Were you able to complete your objective?” She looked at my pile of armor, soiled with blood and dirt, shredded and torn, and…Ustenian tailored? She picked the pieces up, inspecting them closer. “How in gods light did you get these?!” Her voice was a mix of anger and surprise as her gaze met mine. “I take it you have quite a story, don’t you?”

  I squirmed under the scrutiny. “Like I said…I’m still trying to sort it out myself.” I changed the subject quickly, reaching over her shoulder to run a finger over her new company cloak. “It seems like you have a story too, welcome to the company, sister!”

  “Yeah well, they said since I’d pretty much taken up residence in your bunk while you were gone that I may as well have a bunk of my own. Riven and Roman were able to pull some strings, smooth things over.” She pointed to the bed next to mine where her helm and staff hung over her headboard. “Although I have to tell you, I like yours much better, “she whispered in a lower voice as she pointed outside through the small window next to my bunk. “That Dimitri is a cutie!”

  “Dimitri?” my eyes grew wide, “Oh! You’ve picked yourself a good one there! You can keep the window bunk,” I continued our banter, happy to have redirected her for the moment. We talked a while more and then I excused myself mumbling something about being debriefed and needing to deliver a message to Espencheid.

  I moved hastily to General Eno’s offices. Luckily, he didn’t ask for too many additional details either. Instead, he looked rather surprised that I had completed my tasks so promptly. I handed him the message from Mera and said quickly, “Sir, a request from our friend.”

  He nodded. “Go ahead.”

  “She implied that more preparation be given to those coming to see her. Apparently, I nearly scared the wings off her. And she wanted me to thank you.” I wasn’t sure if this was something he wanted to hear or not. “That was all.”

  He merely nodded his impish expression unchanging as he said, “Very good. You may go, Skye.”

  After what I had learned in my time on the other side, I had faith he would be a stout sympathizer towards my cause. I paused at his door before opening it. “Sir?”

  Eno raised his eyes toward me again.

  “Mera shared with me…a story…. The story of she and you.” I paused, watching for any change in his face—which he held smooth and calm. He has a great poker face. “I…no…your secrets are safe with me.”

  His words caught me by surprise, “We have much more in common than many know. Be careful who your share your secrets with, though the tide of this war may change over time, there will be many who will always resist the truth. Many of our people are not ready for the truth yet.” With that I was dismissed again, leaving Eno with his letter, and me with my thoughts.

  Next, I moved quickly to the teleporters and took the passage back to Arden for a small fee. I was happy to be back on this familiar ground, but I didn’t want to linger. I passed the practice fields, the pub, I even bypassed Torres’ home; running at a quick pace and gliding whenever the air currents obliged. Something in my blood was driving me to make it to Espencheid as quickly as possible. I made good time as I passed the fields and entered the forest. It’s amazing how efficiently I have learned to move
when I have a clear purpose. It was not quite an hour later when I found myself amongst the Kauri of Arden. I slowed my pace to a walk and approached the elder Kauri, my knees refusing to calm, high stepping from the repeated and continued exertion. “Espencheid, my friend, I have returned from Ustenia. I have delivered your memories to your brethren. I would share with you my journey.” It was best to be upfront; the Kauri would know everything eventually regardless.

  Espencheid opened his large eyes and greeted me. “Fledgling no more,” he spoke, “you have grown, sentinel.” His response was more observation than acknowledgement. “Sit with me.” I had learned that this was the way of the Kauri. Nothing was to be done quickly. He raised his roots up into a seat for me. Small branches moved behind me, making the seat even more comfortable. Espencheid sighed with satisfaction as he absorbed my memories. “Nabaru’s clan, the Kauri of Morland, is well I see.” He commented. “This is good. It makes me happy.” A sweet perfume was released into the air as he spoke happily about his brethren, separated so long since the Great Break. How is it that they remained unaffected when the world was severed? Perhaps they really are the key to finding peace for us all. My thoughts continued to ramble as the Kauri picked at my memories. “You have found happiness again, young sentinel?” He shared my recent memories with me. My cheeks flushed red as I relived my time in Morland.

  I began to stammer as I searched for the words. “Well, I don’t know…err...It’s not like it seemed.” Espencheid raised a wooden eyebrow at me. I’m not sure if he was surprised or amused by my reaction. He continued to wait quietly and patiently while I danced around my emotions, refusing to confront them. Finally, I shrugged my shoulders in defeat. “I don’t know what happened there.” I said. “I just don’t know. It just…happened.”

  Espencheid finally laughed, shaking the ground around him, sending small forest animals scampering away chattering loud complaints. “Sentinels and humans, and even the others, they all go through this. I will never understand your fear of emotions. You felt life again. You feel strong. Do not be ashamed. Nabaru saw it happen before either of you. Embrace it, child.”

  Again, I sought for words. “But he’s the enemy!” I knew the lie as soon as it had crossed my lips. “I mean…ugh!” I cried out in frustration. Quieting my voice, I whispered, “How can this be?”

  The ancient hushed me with the whisper of a light breeze through his branches. “Child, this is your destiny, find a way to make peace here. Only then will you be complete. You will need to find your way.”

  Our time here was finished. Espencheid withdrew his branches and thanked me for my visit. I bowed and whispered the spell which would once again return me to DuPage Fortress.

  Dusk was falling over DuPage Fortress as I made my way back to my company longhouse. I pushed open the door stepping into the hall, bringing in a light breeze as I entered. I walked down the hallway to the mess hall and picked up a plate of shepherd’s pie and a large glass of fruit tea. I looked around and saw Andre waving me over to a table.

  There was a loud mingling of voices from all across the room. The windows had been pulled open, allowing the breeze from the treetops to cross through the room. I looked around, over the faces of my company-mates and officers, feeling as if they knew of my indiscretions. I put my head down and hurried to the open spot which had been saved for me and sat swiftly. “Welcome back!” Andre greeted my return enthusiastically. I gave him a brief smile and took a bite from my plate. What was the meat…beef…goat...perhaps bear? Whatever it was…it was greasy. I pushed the food around with my fork, instead picking at the vegetables.

  Dimitri and Niera chatted back and forth. Andre teased Niera about her recent obsession with Dimitri. Niera teased Dimitri about going into hiding every time a pretty girl walked into the room. Andre joined in the joking and next thing I knew we were all laughing.

  Patie and Masio stood at their long table at the head of the room and whistled sharply to get everyone’s attention. We waited as everybody quieted down. Masio began speaking. “Good evening. It’s great to finally have us all together at the same time again. I’d like to welcome our forward team back from the badlands. Trudy’s team is back to us from Beloit Fortress, and Skye has returned from a longer than expected jaunt in Morland. It’s good to be able to celebrate full numbers again. We have received orders from General Eno. Tomorrow at noon we will be leaving as a company for another assignment. I will let Patie speak more on this.”

  Masio sat down again as Patie took over. She moved forward to walk amongst the company as she spoke. “Like Masio said, we have received new orders which will affect our company as a whole. Everyone needs to be mustered by tomorrow noon. We will be moving together, for an extended posting at the Savannah Gate. This is not a short-term assignment. Our forward team has made all arrangements for our move. We will have platform tents until our new company hall is ready.” She looked around the room, meeting face after face as she spoke. “This is good! We have been working hard and our efforts are being rewarded! Our company will be responsible for the support of the outposts and villages of Savannah. Certain patrols will also be picked from time to time to assist in the badlands. Pack up tonight and enjoy your free time until we assemble at noon!”

  I pushed the rest of my food around my plate, not hungry. Niera noticed and chirped at me, “Skye, if you’re not going to eat, at least drink your tea.” I rolled my eyes at her.

  Andre looked at Niera and said, “Sheesh, give her a break. You’re not her mother.” I glared at him and drew my breath in sharply.

  Niera punched his shoulder, “Hey! Try to be a little sensitive, will ya?”

  “Wow! Will you both cut it out? I just got back, don’t go making me want to leave again.” I growled at them both and stabbed a piece of meat angrily with my fork. I pushed the bite into my mouth and chewed it furiously, making a big show of washing it down with my tea. “There! Are you happy now?!” I must have looked like a child having a tantrum because within moments peals of laughter came from everyone within earshot.

  Andre poked Niera with a long finger saying, “Just you wait, we’ll get some meat on her bones.”

  After dinner we all headed back to our bunks. I packed everything except my immediate needs for tonight and tomorrow, placing a set of clean armor into my pouch. I looked at the soiled armor from Morland. I wasn’t sure what to do with it. It was quite different in style and cut then Lucenian armor, and it fit well enough. I decided to keep it. It would serve as a silent reminder of my unusual friends. With a small nod I pushed the pieces of armor into my hamper and closed it tight before making my way to the door. I would take these to the stream to wash, there were fewer prying eyes there.

  Niera was watching me from her bunk. She was already mostly packed, as she had just arrived not too long ago. “You ready, pokey?” She stood with her hands on her hips looking as impatient as she could. I pointed to my laundry bag and shrugged. “Come on, I'll help.” She offered.

  I nodded and we left the longhouse, stepping out into the still bright, late afternoon DuPage sun.

  Chapter 20—Waterfall

  THE WATER WAS COOL and refreshing as our feet splashed across the shallow stream. The small fish and lizards moved away, looking for hiding places safe from the thick silt we pulled up with each step. At its deepest point the stream was not quite waist deep, most was close to the knees. The water cascading down from the high cliffs above roared into our ears like an angry lion. I loved this place. Niera and I climbed onto a large rock at the water’s edge and sat. The sun kissed our faces and the spray from the waterfall cooled us as we chatted.

  “I pulled some strings. General Eno requested me back personally and then assigned me here. Technically my service is ended in a few months then I am free to do as I wish, but for now I will stay where you are.” Niera lay back on her elbows on the rocks, letting the sun bake her skin, “I’ve kind of grown to like these guys.” She said, speaking of our company, while she watche
d me cleaning the soiled garments from my journey.

  “Yeah, it’s a fairly decent group to get stuck with.” I agreed. I held the tunic up, observing it, then plunged it back into the water as I attacked a persistent blood stain with a bar of soap.

  Niera nodded. “They seem to care for you.” She was beating around the bush, so to speak. I glanced up towards her. She was inspecting her nails.

  I looked to my friend, “Niera, just ask. Everyone’s afraid to ask.”

  She sat up, pulling a knee up to her chest and wrapping her arms around it. “Ok, how are you doing? With everything? You’ve had a lot of loss there.” The questions spilled from her mouth like the water falling from the cliffs above. “We were afraid you had set off to kill yourself.”

  “Wow!” I exclaimed. “Hmm. I guess I’m doing as well as can be expected. I miss them both so much. I hurt sometimes just thinking about it. You? You knew Cooper for so long. He was the closest thing to a brother to you.” I sighed, the tunic and pants were as clean as they would get. I spread them out on a rock on the water's edge to dry.

  “Yes, he was,” Niera looked off into the distance. “I get really angry, you know?” I nodded sadly. “I wonder if we'll ever get the chance to make things right for them.” Niera spoke quietly. She looked at me. “You don’t have any idea how happy I was to see you back. You were gone much longer than I had expected.” She was fishing for information from me.


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