The Holy Ghost

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The Holy Ghost Page 8

by M. E. Clayton

  “Yes,” I answered, knowing I was going to have to tell her the basics.

  “I don’t understand, Frankie,” she muttered, confused. “What do you mean, the decision was made?”

  I could feel my heart beating in a rapid tempo. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust Robbie because I did. It was just…a lot to divulge my relationship with Luca, Ciro, and Phoenix. To anyone outside Morgan City they were like ghost stories. They were like mystical legends you tell people to spook them. You heard about them, but you doubted their existence because the stories had to be exaggerated, right?

  “The guy who came to see me yesterday is Luca Benetti, Robbie,” I finally admitted.


  I winced at the level of screeching the girl had reached. “The guy who came to see me yesterday is Luca Benetti,” I repeated.

  “I heard you the first time, Frankie,” she replied, her voice full of shock and confusion. “Are you talking about Luca Benetti? The Luca Benetti? The goddamn Father of The Holy Trinity? I’m mean, you said you’d tell me what was going on later, when I asked who he was, but…Christ, Frankie, I hadn’t expected this! Luca freakin’ Benetti.”

  I grimaced. I had heard they referred to the guys as that name, but I had done my best to not hear or talk about anything that had to do with Morgan City while I’d been away, so I chalked it up to rumors and had done my best to mind my own business. But I knew they referred to Luca as The Father, Ciro as The Son, and Phoenix as The Holy Ghost, and I didn’t care to learn why. Whatever made them earn those titles wasn’t good.

  “Yes,” I answered.

  And just when I didn’t think her screeching could reach higher levels, she caused dogs harm everywhere with her next realization. “Holy shit. You’re Francesca Mancini,” she cried. “You’re Ciro Mancini’s sister. Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit.”

  “Robbie, calm-”

  “Oh, my God, Frankie,” she went on. “You’re the freaking Church.”


  “The what? What are you talking about?”

  “Oh, my Sweet Jesus,” she mumbled. “You don’t know, do you?”

  “Know what?” I honestly had no idea what she was talking about.

  “People call you Church,” she said. “No one believed you existed because no one has seen you in years, but…the rumor is that The Holy Trinity worships the ground you walk on. Hence, calling you Church; a place of worship.”

  “That’s ridiculous,” I blurted. “Those three men don’t…they don’t…”

  Ignoring me, she said, “I knew your last name was Mancini, but I never connected you to those three. Why would the sister of Ciro Mancini be working as a waitress in Cedar Creek?”

  Exactly, I wanted to tell her.

  Once she settled her fandom down, her voice changed from incredulous to hurt again. “Why…why didn’t you ever say anything?” she asked. “I…I thought we were…close.”

  “Robby, I’m sorry,” I replied, and I was. I truly was. She’s been the best all these years, and she deserved better. “I was trying to distance myself from…my life in Morgan City. I didn’t tell anyone. Even if it wasn’t a matter of privacy, it was a matter of safety. I couldn’t walk around freely if people knew who I was.” And in saying those words, I realized what a fool I’ve been. I was able to walk around too freely, and I never connected the dots.

  Robbie let out a deep sigh, and I knew she was trying to absorb what I was saying without taking it personal. I also knew it was hard to find out the person you thought you knew wasn’t all they claimed to be. It’s how I felt the night I followed Ciro and Phoenix to that warehouse and found out I wasn’t as close to them as I had believed.

  “That’s a good point,” she conceded. “It’s just…a lot.”

  I pulled the sheet tighter around my naked body. I had to shift around to get comfortable from the ache between my legs. “I know it is, Robbie. I’m sorry I kept this from you, but…it is a lot.”

  “So…no more playing common peasant, huh?”

  I hated how she phrased that. Luca might be royalty, maybe even Ciro and Phoenix, but I wasn’t. And there was nothing common about good people who carved out decent livings for themselves. “I wasn’t playing a role,” I replied, trying to keep my voice from sounding defensive. “I left Morgan City for a reason, Robbie, and I was happy with my life.”

  “Oh, God, Frankie,” she rushed out. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that at all. I…it’s just…well, the Benettis are…infamous. Your brother is infamous. I…I was just being…dumb.”

  I let out bone-deep tired sigh. “No, it’s okay,” I told her. “I’m sorry. There’s just a lot going on, and I’m just tired.” Then I decided to tell her the rest. “There’s more to this than Ciro being my brother, Robbie. That’s why…it’s complicated.”

  “It’s not enough that you’re Ciro Mancini’s sister?” she asked, incredulously. “I mean, even without the Church rumors, you’re Ciro freakin’ Mancini’s sister. That’s…something.”

  Thinking back to how casually Phoenix said I was still Luca’s best friend, I went with that. “I’m also Luca Benetti’s best friend, Robbie.”

  “Oh, Christ on The Cross,” she breathed. “You’re…you’re Luca Benetti’s best friend? Are you freakin’ serious right now?”

  “We have been since we were children,” I confessed. “But…there’s more.”

  “More? There’s more?”

  “I used to be Phoenix Fiore’s girlfriend.”

  “Oh, fuck me running,” she cried. “So…so you’re telling me that, not only are you Ciro Mancini’s only sister, but you are Luca freakin’ Benetti’s best friend, and you’re dating Phoenix Fiore?”

  “I used to date Phoenix,” I clarified, not ready to own up to last night and what it might mean going forward. “I’m not sure what’s exactly going on now.”

  “No wonder people call you Church,” she replied. “Frankie, do you have any idea who the fuck you are? Do you?”

  “I’m Frankie Mancini,” I told her. “Plain and simple.”

  “There’s nothing plain or simply about you, girl,” she huffed. “Jesus Christ.”

  “How do you even know anything about any of this?” I blurted out. “Cedar Creek isn’t exactly running rampant with…the unsavory.” I didn’t want to say the words Mafia or Mob over the phone because…well, because I’ve apparently watched too many Mafia movies.

  Robbie snorted. “Puhlease,” she drawled. “There is plenty of unsavory shit going on in Cedar Creek. And even if there wasn’t, the entire state has heard of the Benettis, Frankie.”

  She had a good point.

  “Look, I have to go, but I promise I’ll call you later,” I told her. “We’re still friends, Robbie.”

  She let out a soft sigh. “Yes,” she replied. “Yes, we are.” I didn’t realize how much her words meant to me until she had spoken them. “Call me if you need anything, Frankie.”

  “Same for you,” I said. “I gotta go.”

  “Okay. Talk to you later.”

  We hung up and I knew we’d have to talk some more before things settled between us. Or maybe that was just my guilt talking. And then my conscience reared its ugly head and told me that if I expected Robbie to forgive me for leaving her in the dark, I probably owed Luca, Ciro, and Phoenix the same courtesy.

  Guilt fucking sucked.

  Chapter 13


  I heard her before I saw her.

  I was sitting in the living room, going over some financial documents, when I heard her bare feet walk onto the carpet from the hardwood floors that led from the bedroom into the hallway into the living room. I stood up and turned around, and while I was dressed for work, Frankie was dressed in a t-shirt and pajama pants.

  I had to will my dick to go down once I saw the next day’s damage. Her neck looked like she’d been attacked by a monster. I also had to remind my dick that he was nine inches of swollen, sore muscle. Women were
n’t the only ones who could get sore after too much sex. I fucked her last night until the motherfucker had nothing left to defile her with.

  “I see you found your overnight bag,” I said, greeting her.

  “I did. Thank you.”

  “Are you hungry? Would you like some breakfast?”

  “It’s almost noon,” she pointed out.

  I shrugged a shoulder. “I know breakfast is your favorite,” I replied. “I can make you whatever you want.”

  Frankie lifted a brow. “In that suit?” she asked. “You look like you’re going off to work.”

  “I am,” I told her. “Or, I will be soon, after you get settled.”

  “Murder isn’t just a nighttime activity,” she sneered, and I had to hold back from grabbing her and spanking her ass like a spoiled child.

  “Watch yourself, Francesca,” I warned. “Don’t act like you detest this lifestyle. You wouldn’t be as close to Luca as you are if you did.”

  “I’m not close to Luca,” she threw back. “Not anymore.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong,” I argued. “But that’s between you and him.”

  She walked father into the living room, and it literally took everything I had in me not to snatch her up and hold her close. The sooner she married me, the sooner I could get my sanity back.

  Frankie glanced at the documents on the table then looked back at me. “So, what exactly is it that you do?”

  “Legally, I’m an accountant,” I answered honestly. “I got a degree claiming so.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m sure you do.”

  “I keep the business books, Frankie. I don’t have a legitimate degree, but I’m good with numbers and I keep Luca’s finances when I’m not…taking care of other obligations.”

  “And Ciro?”

  “He owns and manages a few of clubs and bars throughout the city when he’s not otherwise occupied.”

  She finally got to the point, and thank God, because I had shit to do. “What is all this, Phoenix?”

  “It’s simple.” I knew she was going to fight me-us on all of this, but it didn’t matter. She’d see that soon enough. “You’re going to go back to school, get your business degree, and work for Luca in the same capacity as I do.”

  Her amber orbs widened in shock. “I am not going to go around killing people!” she cried, completely astonished at the notion.

  “Of course, you’re not,” I snapped. Jesus Christ, this girl. “I mean the accounting part, Frankie.”

  She visibly calmed down and I realized how bizarre this conversation was. “And?” she asked because she wasn’t stupid.

  “I’ll maintain the accounting of the businesses off the books while you’ll oversee the legitimate businesses, including Ciro’s business ventures.”

  “And?” she asked, her eyes narrowing.

  “And you’ll take your place when the time comes,” I answered.

  “What’s that mean?”

  “It means you’re a part of all this just as much as I am. Just as much as Ciro and Luca are.” She was about to argue, but I stopped her. “It’s been decided, Frankie. You don’t get a say.”

  Frankie threw her arms out to the side. “So, you guys just decided what my life is going to be from now on and I’m expected to just accept it?” She let out a dark laugh. “You guys are out of your mind if you think I’m going to come to heel like a good little puppy.”

  “Grow up,” I bit out. “We let you have your fit for six years, Frankie. It’s time to grow the fuck up and take your rightful place.”

  “And where’s that, Phoenix? As the Mafia’s newest accountant? Their newest money girl?”

  “As my wife!” I yelled, fed the fuck up with her self-righteousness. I stalked towards her, ignoring her shock. “As my fucking wife.”

  She started shaking her head. “You…what…are you insane?” she cried in a strangled voice. “We can’t just…what do you mean, your wife?”

  “Don’t fucking play with me, Frankie,” I growled. “If you hadn’t run off like a child throwing a tantrum, we’d be married by now with at least two kids. So, yeah, my fucking wife.”

  “I wasn’t throwing a tantrum,” she denied. “You guys betrayed me!”

  “No, we didn’t!” I argued. “We just didn’t include you in the dark parts of what we were doing!”

  “Oh, but now it’s okay to include me?” she threw back. “What’s the fucking difference?”

  I grabbed her by her arm and ignored her wince. I knew she was battered all to hell, but if I was really hurting her, she’d let me know. Frankie wasn’t a scared rabbit around anyone. “You better watch how you talk to me, woman,” I warned her. “If you want to rant and rave, by all means, go ahead. But don’t think you can cuss me out and not suffer the repercussions, Francesca.”

  Outrage was beautiful on this woman. “So, let me get this straight,” she seethed. “Not only do I have to dump my life in Cedar Creek, I have to go back to school and get my degree, so I can work for the Mob, marry you, and watch my tongue, lest I offend your tender masculinity?”

  I was going to kill her.

  Straight up wrap my hands around her neck and strangle the life out of her.

  “Yes!” I roared.

  “And when is all this supposed to take place?” she asked, sarcasm and rebellion in each goddamn syllable.

  “Your shit is already being shipped here from your apartment,” I reminded her. “We’ll be married by the end of the week, and you can start college this upcoming semester.”

  Frankie yanked her arm free from my grasp and took a step back. She looked up at me with wild eyes. “What in the hell do you mean, we’ll be married by the end of the week?!”

  “We’re getting married as soon as the marriage license is available,” I informed her. “Before Massimo dies. We’ll be getting married by a priest in his hospital room, Frankie.” She wrapped her arms around her stomach and doubled over, taking the emotional blow.

  Massimo was my ace in the hole, and we both knew it.

  When she looked up at me, her eyes were glassy and looked like liquid gold. They always looked like that when she cried. “You’re a bastard,” she whispered, knowing she lost.

  I just gave her a tight nod because she wasn’t wrong. I was a bastard. But I wouldn’t apologize for it. I’d do anything to have Frankie and that included manipulating the situation to favor what I wanted.

  Frankie thought this was all about us, but it wasn’t. It was about her, too. My parents were long gone in matching drug overdoses. Her parents were gone in an unfortunate car accident. Luca’s mother was weak, and Luca’s father was a sadistic monster. Luca had two brothers, but there were relations more than they were family to him. So, our family was us; me, Frankie, Luca, and Ciro. We were all each other had, and she needed to understand her place in this family.

  “I want to talk to Luca,” she said, straightening her back and wiping her face.

  “I’ll walk you up,” I told her. “Until you get your hand scanned, you can only get into our apartments if one of us lets you in.” I decided to break the news to her since we were already on a shitastic start to the day. “So, until then, you will be holed up in one of our apartments or with one of us at all times.”

  “When am I scheduled to get my hand scanned?” she snarled.

  I couldn’t help my smirk. “Once you’re done speaking with Luca and realize there’s no escape.”

  “This isn’t over yet, Phoenix,” she claimed.

  “Yes, it is,” I responded. “Luca won’t help you. Neither will Ciro.”

  “Why marriage?” she asked. “I can take my rightful place with you guys without marrying you.” Frankie was pissed. Her voice held a note of contempt in it that I’d never heard before from her.

  My back straightened and I regarded her as someone who wasn’t aware of how close I was to killing her. She was lucky I loved her as much as I did. “Because no other man will ever have you, Frankie,
” I answered. “And no matter how mad you are at the disruption of your life, I know you still love me. I know it like I know my own name.” Her lip curled and I knew she was about to get vile. “You can tell yourself last night was just sex all you want, but you and I both know better.”

  “And you’re so sure,” she scoffed.

  “I am,” I told her. “But even if I wasn’t, you still don’t have a choice. I love you, and I’ll kill every swinging dick in this fucking city before I ever see you with another man.” She ignored my claim and turned to walk away. “Where are you going?”

  She didn’t bother to look back as she answered, “I’m going to take a shower and get dressed, so I can go see Luca.”

  “There’s also a secret staircase that leads to Luca’s penthouse and a secret passage that leads to Ciro’s apartment,” I informed her, figuring I might as well let her know everything. “I’ll show you the access to each passageway later.”


  I waited until I heard the bedroom door slam before I ran my hands through my hair and let out a deep breath. I wanted to tear the place apart, but that wouldn’t do anyone any good. Only Frankie could turn me into a raving lunatic. Even the fuckers I killed didn’t ignite this kind of rage. Of course, I wasn’t invested in anyone the way I was with Francesca, but still.

  The fucking girl was going to drive me crazy.

  But if I was going to go insane, I was taking her with me.

  Chapter 14


  Luca’s penthouse was even more magnificent than Phoenix’s apartment. Phoenix had escorted me into the elevator and one floor up to Luca’s place, and when the elevator opened, it led into an open space where two guards stood on either side of the receiving room. Phoenix had given them each a nod in acknowledgment before placing his palm on the scanner that opened Luca’s front door.

  What had surprised me was, the second I was led into the foyer of Luca’s penthouse, Phoenix had placed a kiss on the side of my head and left the same way we came in. I hadn’t known what to do, so I had sat down on the settee that sat along the right side of the room. Not two minutes later, I looked up as Leonardo and Salvatore Benetti came walking towards me. I immediately stood up in a poor show of strength. I had nothing against the two Benetti brothers, but I didn’t trust them either.


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