by Ella Ford
Nikki bowed her head, “Yes, mistress.”
Ms. Klein studied her for a few minutes, then spoke thoughtfully, “I sense this punishment may not have been sufficient to drill the lesson home. I fear that you may not yet realise the level of obedience you must provide to me, what total submission means.”
Nikki stood, patiently awaiting her fate.
“I have an idea,” Ms. Klein’s dark face softened and she smiled her viper smile again, “Tomorrow we shall go for a drive, just the two of us. We shall drive to the city, back to your former place of work. It is about time that I showed my face down there, don’t you think?”
Nikki swallowed hard and her heart sank.
Chapter 4
Nikki stared out of the car window as they drove through the rolling farmland and onto the interstate. The skyscrapers and office blocks of the city loomed up on the horizon, too quickly for Nikki’s liking. Her mood was dark, her face haunted. This was the first time that she’d been back to her former home since entering Ms. Klein’s service many months ago. The thought filled her with dread. A distant part of her wondered what had become of her old house, what her neighbours thought had happened to her. When she’d signed Ms. Klein’s contract, she had agreed that her new owner would take care of all of that and thought nothing more of it, inwardly glad to be rid of the responsibility and the baggage.
She thought back to that morning. How Lilly had dressed her, unable to look her in the face after the spanking the previous day. Their morning shower, normally charged with erotic energy and barely contained lusts, was stilted and cold. Nikki sighed as she remembered the reluctance of Lilly’s touch, how she’d longed for everything to return to normal between them.
Ms. Klein had specified her clothing today. She was to wear only her usual black stockings and heels, as well as her black leather collar. There was no place for the maid dress today, she’d told her. For the journey, she was allowed to wear the short, cream coloured coat that was typical for their outings. She’d tied this tightly at the waist, keen to hide her nakedness and her shame.
At they entered the suburbs on the outskirts of the city, her mind turned to their destination. Cole Brothers Insurance, her former employer. She thought of her former life, an entitled slut who used sex to advance herself, never thinking of those that got in her way. Being employed by Ms. Klein had saved her, rescued from such a shameful and undisciplined existence. She sighed, wondering what Ms. Klein had planned for her at her old place of work.
Ms. Klein said nothing, eyes fixed on the road ahead, seemingly unconcerned by Nikki’s inner turmoil.
The car arrived at the office building downtown. The traffic was heavy at this time of morning, and Nikki felt herself hemmed in by the hustle and bustle around her. She longed to be back at Ms. Klein’s house, busying herself with her chores and dreaming of play time.
Ms. Klein signalled right and pulled the car into the office parking garage. She stopped at the security booth, winding her window to down to show her pass to the guard.
“Morning Ms. Klein,” the elderly man in the booth said, touching his hand to his cap and nodding slightly. He caught sight of Nikki on the passenger seat and looked her over, “Ma’am,” he added. Nikki flushed and locked her gaze straight forward, suddenly feeling very exposed and aware of her nakedness under the flimsy coat.
The barrier lifted and Ms. Klein drove forwards, wishing the security guard a good day. She pulled into her parking spot and brought the car to a halt. She reached over Nikki’s legs and opened the glove compartment, rummaging for a few seconds before pulling out a bright red leash. Nikki’s heart sank.
“Hold still, my dear,” Ms. Klein purred as she took hold of her collar and clipped the leash to the silver ring at the front.
Nikki cleared her throat, not wanting to speak but unable to hold her tongue, “Mistress, if I may. What happens if someone sees me?”
Ms. Klein frowned, her eyes studying Nikki’s face intently. “My dear, that is none of your concern. Your place is simply to obey my wishes.”
Nikki sighed, “Yes mistress.”
“Wait here,” Ms. Klein opened the driver side door and exited the vehicle. She walked around to Nikki’s side and opened her door, reaching in to take hold of the leash and dragging Nikki out to stand beside her. Nikki gasped, nearly losing her balance on the tall heels but managing to recover in a reasonably dignified manner. “Shall we?” Ms. Klein motioned with her hand towards the elevators. She set off walking, dragging Nikki behind her.
Nikki glanced around, scouring the parking garage for signs of anyone she recognised, but the lot was virtually empty. Nikki’s heart pound heavily as she stumbled behind Ms. Klein, keen to close the gap and hide the leash but unable to walk quickly in the damned heels.
They reached the elevators and Ms. Klein pressed the button to call it. As they were waiting for the car to arrive, the sound of footsteps behind them made Nikki’s heart sink. A man turned the corner, head buried in the pile of papers he held. Nikki didn’t recognise him and she relaxed a little. He glanced up, noticing the pair of them and muttered a good morning, before turning back to his papers. Nikki took a small step towards Ms. Klein, keen to hide the leash between them.
Ms. Klein sensed her movement and stepped away from her, revealing the leash again. “Good morning Jerry,” she said, her voice warm and friendly. Jerry looked up, smiling at Ms. Klein. He noticed the leash that she held and ran his eyes over Nikki, lingering on her long, stockinged legs. Nikki flushed under his scrutiny.
Jerry looked back to Ms. Klein, “Yours?” he asked, gesturing at Nikki.
“Yes, my maid, Nikki. She’s been a bad girl, haven’t you Nikki?”
Nikki’s face burned, she turned her eyes to the ground and managed to whisper, “Yes, mistress.”
The elevator arrived and the three of them stepped in. Nikki took up position at the back of the car, behind Ms. Klein. Jerry pushed the button that would take them to the seventh floor, where the executives had their offices.
“Guess you’d better take care of that then,” his eyes crawled over Nikki again and he grinned, “let me know if you need a hand.”
Ms. Klein laughed, and Jerry went back to his papers. The elevator ascended and nothing further was said. Nikki wondered why the presence of the leash hadn’t caused more comment, why Jerry had treated it as the most normal thing in the world. Perhaps the arrangement that Ms. Klein offered to her and Lilly was commonplace, that girls were offering themselves to powerful men and women everyday, giving themselves into the security of ownership and the pursuit of pleasure?
The elevator dinged and the three of them stepped out into the corridor. Jerry turned left and bid Ms. Klein a good day, flashing a final lecherous look at Nikki as he walked away. Ms. Klein smiled at her and tightened the leash, “Shall we?” she said and set off down the hall, dragging Nikki behind her.
The seventh floor consisted of private offices off a long main corridor. Nikki sighed with relief. Her fear that this floor was an open plan office, like the third floor where she used to work, appeared unfounded. Yet she found herself hurrying past open doors, eager to get to Ms. Klein’s office without any more encounters. Luckily, Ms. Klein didn’t appear to be feeling mischievous, at least not yet. She marched briskly down the corridor, pulling at the leash to have Nikki keep up with her.
In time, they reached her office and Ms. Klein stepped in. Nikki followed, not having much choice in the matter. Ms. Klein’s office was split in two. Her PA worked in the smaller part, the part they now stood in. The PA sat behind her desk, a serious looking girl with dark hair cut in a severe bob. She wore glasses, and proceeded to slide these down her nose to peer at Nikki over the top of them.
“Good morning Amanda,” said Ms. Klein with a cheery smile. She slipped out of her jacket and hung it on a coat hook on the far wall. Nikki was left standing alone in the center of the room, flushing as Amanda the PA stared at her.
; “Good morning Ms. Klein,” she continued to stare at Nikki, “should I… uh… hold your calls this morning?”
“Not at all. I believe I have a meeting with Goodwin Brooks from C.B.T. at eleven, is that right?”
Amanda shifted her gaze from Nikki and glanced at the computer screen before her. “That’s right Ms. Klein, I’ll be sure to let you know when he arrives.”
Ms. Klein thanked her and looked back at Nikki. “Now, Nikki, can I take your coat?”
Nikki’s blush deepened as she struggled to answer. “Thank you… mistress… I’m fine,” she stammered. Amanda raised an eyebrow at the word “mistress”.
“Nonsense,” replied Ms. Klein, “You’ll roast in here in that thing. Take it off this instant.”
Nikki sighed and untied the strap around her waist, letting the coat fall open. She shrugged it off her shoulders, and handed it to Ms. Klein. She stood before them, entirely naked but for her stockings, heels and collar. With a sudden flush of resolve, she straightened her back, crossing her arms behind her and pushed her chest out. She parted her legs slightly and held her head up. She could feel the weight of Amanda’s gaze upon her. The PA looked on with a wry smirk, studying her and clearly enjoying her discomfort. Nikki realised that this wasn’t the first such encounter that Amanda had had while working for Ms. Klein.
Ms. Klein took hold of the leash once again and tugged it, pulling Nikki out of her pose and led her through the other door to her private office.
Ms. Klein unclipped the leash and had her kneel by the desk while she went to work. Nikki watched as she powered up her computer to check her emails. She sighed and muttered as she reviewed her correspondences. “This simply won’t do,” she said a few times, busying herself and ignoring Nikki completely, seemingly completely oblivious to her presence. Nikki knelt quietly, hands resting on her thighs, lost in her own thoughts.
She thought about what she’d done the day before, how it had made her feel. She thought about Lilly and Ms. Klein, realising that in a strange way, she loved them both. Ms. Klein’s object lesson today was cruel and humiliating, but Nikki accepted that it was necessary. She had betrayed her employer, acted against her wishes and followed her own willful desires. Her undisciplined lusts had embarrassed both herself and Ms. Klein. Her body belonged to the mistress, and she came to relish this chance to prove her obedience to her owner, no matter how humiliating it was.
The intercom buzzed and Amanda spoke, “Ms. Klein, Goodwin Brooks is here to see you.”
Ms. Klein pressed the button to reply, “Thank you Amanda, give me two minutes then send him in.” She turned to Nikki and smiled. “Now what should we do with you?”
Nikki waited for her command, wondering what torment was in store for her next. Ms. Klein pushed back in her chair, smiling at her and motioned with her hand at the space beneath the desk. Nikki peered in. It was a confined space, between two sets of drawers, but was large enough to fit Nikki in while Ms. Klein sat at the desk. The front of the desk was covered, so she would be hidden from view. Obediently, she crawled forwards into the cubby, bowing her head to fit into the small space. Ms. Klein pulled her chair forwards, pushing her legs under the desk and parting her knees slightly. Nikki peeked up her skirt and caught a glimpse of her pussy. She wore no panties and the aroma of her desire and perfume soon filled Nikki’s nose and throat.
The door to the office opened and Nikki heard a strange man enter, greeting Ms. Klein as he did so.
“Goodwin,” replied Ms. Klein, “It has been simply too long.” She stood, reaching across the desk, presumably to shake his hand. “Please, have a seat. Can I have Amanda bring you a coffee?”
The man spoke, his voice was stately and refined, “Olivia, it is good to see you as well. I should very much like a coffee, but I fear my stomach ulcer would not thank me.” They laughed together and Ms. Klein sat back down. As she sat, she deftly slipped the shoe off her right foot, letting it fall to the floor. She held her foot out straight, pointing her toes at Nikki.
Nikki took the hint and held the foot in her hands. Her mistress wore light coloured stockings today, the red of her perfectly painted toenails visible through the sheer material. Nikki pressed her thumbs into the soft flesh of her sole, gently massaging it and taking care not to make a sound that would reveal her presence.
“Now, to business,” Ms. Klein spoke, betraying no hint of what was happening beneath the desk, “What would you like to discuss?”
Nikki raised Ms. Klein’s foot to her mouth, placing it between her lips and gently running her tongue across the tops of her toes. She breathed deeply, relishing the subtle smell of Ms. Klein’s sweat and expensive leather.
“Olivia, as you know, Cole Brothers and Chambers BioTechnics have a long history of mutual interest. A very profitable relationship for both of us,” Brooks spoke.
“Indeed,” replied Ms. Klein, her toes curling in Nikki’s mouth.
“As you may also know, C.B.T. has recently fallen into the public glare for less than ideal reasons.”
“You refer to the questions surrounding Grayson’s son?”
Brooks said nothing, Nikki assumed he was nodding. Ms. Klein’s toes were slick with her saliva now. She turned her attention to the sole, kissing it lightly and running her tongue along the length of the arch. She longed to nibble and tease her mistress’ sweet flesh, but dared not risk provoking a response that would embarrass her. She kept her actions tender and gentle.
Brooks spoke again, “It would be somewhat… unfortunate for certain facts to come to light regarding this matter. Unfortunate for C.B.T., as well as the wider Chambers empire. Therefore, Mr Chambers is quite keen to consolidate assets away from such volatile areas.”
“I’m intrigued,” Ms. Klein replied, sliding forwards in her chair and leaning on the desk in front of her. As she did so, her skirt bunched up around her legs, collecting at the top of her thighs. She pulled her foot away from Nikki and parted her knees wide, her pussy spread out before Nikki, demanding attention.
Nikki shuffled her body forwards, torn between wanting to plunge into that welcoming wetness and wishing to keep as quiet as possible. It took her an eternity to cover the six inches or so, but she eventually made it, lowering her head to rest on the lip of the chair and lightly brushing her tongue against Ms. Klein’s lips to test her reach. She heard Ms. Klein sigh lightly as she began her work, her surprise thankfully drowned out by Brooks’ voice as he droned on and on.
“So, as you can see. A transfer of intellectual property to an offshore holding company, underwritten by Cole Brothers and her partners, seems like a viable solution.”
Nikki’s tongue darted back and forth, licking the inside of Ms. Klein’s thighs. The unfamiliar angle forcing her to discover the mistress’ body anew. It was becoming hot under the desk. The heat of Ms. Klein’s pussy and Nikki’s own body causing the temperature to rise. Nikki’s mind sang with arousal and she slipped a hand between her own legs, plunging her skilled fingers into her lips and pressing firmly on her clit. The betrayal of the previous day forgotten, she lost herself in her current task. She felt her self control slipping away, her hunger for the taste of Ms. Klein pushing her to force her tongue deeper.
“Goodwin, it sounds like ahhhhh,” Ms. Klein sighed and her body tensed as Nikki’s tongue brushed against her throbbing clit, “... a perfect idea, I mean.”
Brooks sounded puzzled, “Olivia, are you okay? Should I have Amanda bring you a glass of water?”
“That’s quite alright, I’m fine,” Ms. Klein responded, recovering her composure and stabbing her foot into Nikki’s thigh. Nikki grimaced and swallowed the yelp. She turned back to Ms. Klein’s pussy, chastising herself for losing control. Her hand fell back between her legs, resuming her own stimulation.
“Please have your people contact Amanda and arrange an initial meeting. Let’s get this thing started as soon as possible,” Ms. Klein continued, cutting the meeting off abruptly.
Brooks sounded flustered by her strange behaviour, “Of course Olivia. Are you sure you’re okay? You look flushed? Perhaps you should head home for the day,” his concern sounded fatherly and genuine.
“As I said, I’m fine. Have a safe journey home Goodwin.” She didn’t stand to offer her hand. Nikki could almost hear Brooks’ eyebrow slither up his head.
“Quite. Shall I see you at the next Exchange social Olivia?” he inquired.
“Yes, I believe you shall,” she shot back, dismissive and clearly eager for him to leave. Nikki lapped at her warm folds, inwardly relishing the effect she was having on her mistress.
“Good day Olivia,” Brooks finally said and left the office, shutting the door behind him. Barely seconds after his departure, Ms. Klein reached under the desk, grabbed Nikki by her long blonde hair and pulled her up. Nikki’s joints ached from the confinement, but she stood smartly and ignored the discomfort. Ms. Klein roughly grabbed her face and kissed her deeply, her breath coming in short gasps. Nikki yielded to the kiss, allowing Ms. Klein’s tongue to probe her mouth.
Nikki sighed as Ms. Klein’s hand crawled over her body, groping her breasts, squeezing her ass cheeks, forcing its way between her legs to her wet pussy. She moaned as Ms. Klein’s fingers rubbed back and forth across her damp lips, a warmth spreading up her body to flush her chest and neck.
With a furious energy, Ms. Klein pushed her backwards onto the desk, forcing her to sit on the edge and then pushed her chest backwards so she lay on her back. The mistress stood above her maid, eyes alive with sexual energy, drinking in her nakedness and vulnerability. With a surprising agility, she placed a hand on the desk and hopped up to kneel beside Nikki’s body. She fell forward onto all fours and crawled towards Nikki’s head, long hair trailing across her skin and causing her to sigh.
Ms. Klein reached her destination and swung a leg across Nikki’s chest, pinning her arms with her knees and positioning her pussy mere inches from Nikki’s mouth. Without a single moment of hesitation, she plunged her hands into Nikki’s hair and pulled her head forwards onto her wetness.