No Surrender

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No Surrender Page 8

by Kevin J. Anderson

  Having kept his word Smith switched to command frequency again. "All right ... The cease fire is on. Place your weapons on the ground and come out with your hands over your heads. Over."

  Chozick laughed. "Very funny, Nine ... I thought you were after me. After us. But then my scouts saw the Hudathans. They want the skeleton and you're here to help them get it. And that makes sense in a twisted kind of way. The Confederacy is about to go under and the ridgeheads can save it. Well, that's fine with me ... Give us a ship plus five million credits, and we'll leave the box of bones behind. Or keep coming and we'll destroy them. The choice is up to you."

  Suddenly a third voice came over the command channel. And it belonged to Josy! "Not so fast asshole. It turns out that we have the reliquary ... And the hole you were going to hide in. So it's like Captain Smith said. Put your weapons down and your hands in the air."

  There was a moment of silence. Smith figured Chozick was on the horn checking to see if Josy's claim was true. Then, having received no reply, he was forced to confront the truth. With Josy behind him barring any chance of retreat, he had nowhere left to go.

  The silence was broken by a fourth voice. "This is Orson. I'm here with Lieutenant Josy. I suggest that you allow me to speak with Captain Chozick."

  Smith was sick of all the killing and, if there was a way to take the surviving renegades alive, then he was for it. More than that, he had a duty to do so … "Thou shalt not kill.” It wasn't a suggestion. It was a commandment. Yet he had violated it over and over. Maybe, just maybe, he could meet God with a little less blood on his hands. "Okay," Smith said. "Go ahead. You heard it Chozick ... Orson is coming out to talk to you."

  There was no reply. But, as with the drones, Smith could see what the robot saw on his HUD. And that gave him an Orson-eye-view of a rectangle of light with legionnaires crouched to either side of it. Then he was walking out into bright daylight with the sheds, trucks, and rusty gear piled beyond. He could see the renegades now, most of whom were kneeling, weapons at the ready. A man stood and turned. Smith could see the look of surprise on his face and hear his voice. "Shithead! Is that you? Well I'll be damned."

  "Yes," a new voice said. A voice that Smith recognized as belonging to Colonel Price! "You should have aimed lower."

  Chozick frowned. "Who are you? What's going on?"

  Smith was wondering the same thing. Had Orson been programmed to channel Price? That's the way it appeared. But why? Then he remembered the order Price had given him. The one he refused to obey.

  "Say goodbye," Price said.

  Chozick frowned. "Goodbye? Wait a minute ... Let's talk, let's ..."

  When Orson exploded, a horizontal blast wave erased Chozick and the rest of the renegades. Smith's visor went dark to protect his eyes and the helmet acted to dampen the sound. But he could feel the heat as the wind blew past him and was sucked back in. The second clap of thunder was weaker than the first, and left Smith feeling angry. The Legion had been planning to kill Chozick all along. And, being unable to count on him to do it, they sent Orson. Had the robot been programmed to knife the renegade if it got close enough? Or to shoot him? Probably. But he was carrying explosives just in case.

  "Well," Josy said, as she strolled out into the sunshine. "That takes care of that. Mission accomplished. Let's round up our people, call for some transportation, and go home.”

  About the Author

  New York Times bestselling author William C. Dietz has published more than forty novels some of which have been translated into German, French, Russian, Korean and Japanese. Dietz also wrote the script for the Legion of the Damned game based on his book of the same name and co-wrote SONY's Resistance: Burning Skies game for the PS Vita. He grew up in the Seattle area, spent time with the Navy and Marine Corps as a medic, graduated from the University of Washington, lived in Africa for half a year, and has traveled to six continents. He has been employed as a surgical technician, college instructor, news writer, television producer and Director of Public Relations and Marketing for an international telephone company.

  Dietz is a member of the Writer’s Guild and the International Association of Media Tie-In Writers. He and his wife live near Gig Harbor in Washington State where they enjoy traveling, kayaking, and reading books.

  Prisoner of War

  by Kevin J. Anderson

  Author’s Note:

  According to unofficial military policy, the U.S. Air Force knows exactly what it takes to make the best fighter pilot: balls the size of grapefruits, and brains the size of a pea.

  Some might say that it requires all the good qualities of a fighter pilot to walk in Harlan Ellison’s footsteps. Harlan is always a hard act to follow, and it’s daunting even to try.

  When I first talked with Harlan about doing a sequel to his classic Outer Limits teleplay, “Soldier,” he was very skeptical. Given the sheer number of abysmal sequels and bad spinoffs that have graced bookstore racks and theater screens, I suppose he had good reason. “I’ve never done a sequel to a single one of my stories,” he told me. “I never felt the need. If I got it right the first time, I’ve said all I needed to say.”

  In the course of my writing career I have gathered a rather impressive (if that’s the word) collection of rejection slips—something like 750 at last count—and I never learned to give up when common sense dictated that I should. So, I went back to Harlan. “Look, you’ve developed a sprawling scenario of a devastating future war, where soldiers are bred and trained to do nothing but fight from birth to death. Are you telling me that there’s only one story to be told in that whole world?”

  So, I got to play with Harlan Ellison’s toys.

  “Prisoner of War” is my tapdance on Harlan’s stage, set in the devastating world of “Soldier”. It is a story about another set of warriors in a never-ending war, men bred for nothing but the battleground—and how they cope with the horrors of…peace.

  As a final note, this story was published in an Outer Limits volume that never got distributed. I love the story, and I hope that here in Five by Five it finds a wider audience.


  The first Enemy laser-lances blazed across the battlefield at an unknown time of day. No one paid attention to the hour during a firefight anyway. Neither Barto nor any of his squad-mates could see the sun or moon overhead: too much smoke and haze and blast debris filled the air, along with the smell of blood and burning.

  A soldier had to be ready at any time or place. A soldier would fight until the fight was over. An endless Now filled their existence, a razor-edged flow of life-for-the-moment, and the slightest distraction or daydream could end the Now ... forever.

  With a clatter of dusty armor and a hum of returned weapons-fire, the defenders charged forward, Barto among them. They had no terrain maps or battle plans, only unseen commanders bellowing instructions into their helmet earpieces.

  Greasy fires guttered and smoked from explosions, but as long as a soldier could draw breath, the air always smelled sweet enough. Somehow the flames still found organic material to burn, though only a few skeletal trees remained standing. The horizon was like broken, jagged teeth. No discernible structures remained, only blistered destruction and the endless bedlam of combat.

  To a man who had known no other life, Barto found the landscape familiar and comforting.

  “Down!” his point man, Arviq, screamed loudly enough so that Barto could hear it through the armored helmet. A bolt of white-hot energy seared the ground in front of them, turning the blasted soil into glass. The ricochet stitched a broken-windshield pattern of lethal cuts across the armored chest of one comrade five meters away.

  The victim was in a different part of the squad; Barto knew him only by serial number instead of a more personal, chosen name. Now the man was a casualty of war; his serial number would be displayed in fine print on the memorial lists back at the crèche—for two days. And then it would be erased forever.

  Barto and Arviq both dov
e to the bottom of the trench as more well-aimed laser-lances embroidered the ground and the slumping walls of the ditch. As he hunched over to shield himself, the helmet’s speakers continued to pound commands: “KILL ... KILL ... KILL ...”

  The Enemy assault ended with a brief hesitation, like an indrawn breath. The soldiers around Barto paused, regrouped, then scrambled to their feet, leaving the fallen comrade behind. Later, regardless of the battle’s outcome, trained bloodhounds would retrieve the body parts and drag them back to HQ in their jaws. After the proper casualty statistics had been recorded, the KIA corpses would be efficiently incinerated.

  In the middle of a firefight, Barto and Arviq could not be bothered by such things. They had been trained never to think of fallen comrades; it was beyond the purview of their mission. The voice in the helmet speakers changed, took on a different note: “RETALIATE ... RETALIATE ... RETALIATE ...”

  With a howl and a roar enhanced by adrenaline injections from inside the armor suits, Barto and his squad moved as a unit. Programmed endorphins poured into their bloodstreams at the moment of battle frenzy, and they surged out of the trench. The Enemy encampment could not be far, and they silently swore to unleash a slaughter that would outmatch anything their opponents had ever done ... though this most recent attack was assuredly a response to their own previous day’s offensive.

  Moving as a unit, the squad clambered over debris, around craters, and out into the open. They ran beyond monofilament barricades that would slice the limb off an unwary soldier, then into a sonic minefield whose layout shone on the eye-visor screen inside each helmet.

  With a self-assured gait across the no-man’s land, the soldiers moved like a pack of killer rats, laser-lances slung in their arms. They bellowed and snarled, pumping each other up. As he ran, Barto studied the sonic minefield grid in his visor, sidestepping instinctively.

  From their embankment, the Enemy began to fire again. The smoky air became a lattice of deadly lines in all directions. Barto continued running. Beside him, Arviq pressed the stock of his weapon against his armored breastplate, pumping blast after blast toward the unseen Enemy.

  Then a laser-lance seared close to Barto’s helmet, blistering the top layer of semi-reflective silver. Static blasted across his eye visor, and he couldn’t see. He made one false sidestep and yelled. He could no longer find the grid display, could no longer even see the actual ground.

  Just as his foot came down in the wrong place, Arviq grabbed his arm and yanked him aside, using their combined momentum. The sonic mine exploded, vomiting debris and shrapnel with pounding soundwaves that fractured the plates of Barto’s armor, pulverizing the bones in his leg. But he fell out of the mine’s focused kill radius and lay biting back the pain.

  He propped himself up and ripped off his slagged helmet, blinking with naked eyes at the real sky. Arviq had saved his life—just as Barto would have done for his squad-mate had their situations been reversed.

  Always trust your comrades. Your life is theirs. That was how it had always been.

  And even if he did fall to Enemy attack, the bloodhounds would haul his body to HQ, and he would receive an appropriate military farewell before he returned to the earth—ission accomplished. A soldier’s duty was to fight, and Barto had been performing that duty for all of his conscious life.

  As he activated his rescue transmitter and fumbled for the medpak, the rest of the soldiers charged forward, leaving him behind. Arviq didn’t even spare him a backward glance.


  Some said the war had gone on forever—and since no one kept track of history anymore, the statement could not be proved false.

  Barto knew only the military life. He had emerged from a tank in the soldiers’ crèche with the programming wired into his brain, fully aware, fully grown, and knowing his assignment. If ever he had any questions or doubts, the command voices in his helmet would answer them.

  Barto knew primarily that he had to kill the Enemy. He knew that he had to protect his comrades, that the squad was the sum of his existence. No good soldier could rest until every last Enemy had been eradicated, down to their feline spies, down to the bloodhounds that dragged away Enemy KIAs.

  Winning this war might well take an eternity, but Barto was willing to fight for that long. Every moment of his life had encompassed either fighting, or learning new techniques to kill and to survive, or resting so that he could fight again the next day.

  There was no time for anything else. There was no need for anything else.

  Barto remembered when he’d been younger, not long out of the tank. His muscles were wiry, his body flexible without the stiffness of constant abuse. His skin had been smooth, free of the intaglio of scars from a thousand close dances with death. Barto and his squad-mates—apprentices all—had fought hand-to-hand in the crèche gymnasium, occasionally breaking each other’s bones or knocking each other unconscious. None of them had yet earned their armor, their protection, or their weapons. They couldn’t even call themselves soldiers. ...

  Now consigned to the HQ infirmary and repair shop, as he drifted in a soup of pain and unconsciousness, Barto revisited the long-ago moment he had first grasped a specialized piece of equipment designed to maim and kill. The soldier trainees had learned early on in their drill that any object was a potential weapon—but this was a spear, a long rough bar of old steel with a sharpened point that gleamed white and silver in the unforgiving lights. A weapon: his own weapon.

  He spun it around in his hand, feeling its weight—a deadly impaling device that could be used against the oncoming Enemy.

  Later, his advanced training would, of course, include hand-to-hand combat against other soldiers, human opponents ... but not at first. All trainees were expendable, but if the young men could be salvaged, then the military programming services would turn them into killers.

  For months, Barto received somatic instruction and physical drilling by one of the rare old veterans who had survived years of combat. The veteran had a wealth of experience and survival instincts that could not be matched even by the most sophisticated computers. He made sure that Barto fought to the limit of his abilities.

  Swinging the spear against nothing, feeling his body move, Barto reacted to the barked commands of the veteran instructor. Response without thought. He learned how to make the weapon into a part of him, an extension of his reflexes. He was the weapon; the spear was just an augmentation.

  Then they gave him a taste of blood, real blood. They wanted him to get in the habit of killing.

  The small metal-walled arena was like an echo chamber, a large underground room with simulated rock outcroppings, a fallen tree, and other sharp obstacles. Barto didn’t question of reality of the scenario. The environment itself was a tool to be used.

  During that exercise, the veteran instructor let him wear his helmet ... but nothing else. Stripped naked, he gripped the spear in his hand and glared through the visor. The helmet earphones gave him reassuring commands in his ears, directions, suggestions. Otherwise, Barto felt helpless—but no soldier was ever helpless, because a helpless man could not become a soldier.

  Underground, the arena door groaned open, and barricade bars moved away. Barto tensed. He gripped the metal shaft of the spear despite the sweat on his palms.

  Suddenly, a whirlwind of bristles and scales, sharp hooves and long tusks launched itself like a projectile. An enhanced boar with scarlet eyes snarled and plowed forward, searching for a target, something against which to vent its anger.

  And Barto was the only other creature in the room.

  On high pedestals in the gallery above, three enhanced cats watched, blinking their gold-green eyes. The feline spy commanders observed for the invisible overlords who wanted to see how the freshly detanked soldiers reacted in their first real life-or-death test.

  The boar charged. Barto jabbed with the spear, but he was too tentative. Before, he had only thrust at imaginary opponents and an occasional hologram projected inside
his visor. Now, though, the boar came on like a locomotive. The spear glanced off, opening a mere stinging scratch in the creature’s skin. Barto had not imagined its hide could be so tough, its bones so hard. He had made the first, terrible mistake in this duel.

  The trivial wound enraged the beast.

  Barto dove to one side over a synthetic rock, and the boar rammed into the artificial tree trunk. It spun around, shaking its head, tusks gleaming. The ivory spears in its mouth looked much more deadly than Barto’s primitive weapon. The boar attacked again.

  A moment of panic rose up like an illusion, but he pounded it back, and the fear evaporated, bringing a rush of adrenaline. The chemical and electronic components in his body released the substance, making Barto see red rage of his own.

  The enhanced boar recovered itself and snorted. Barto knew he had a better chance of striking the target in motion if he didn’t use a tiny pinpoint thrust; instead, he swung the heavy metal bar sideways like a cudgel. The sturdy steel bashed the creature’s thick skull. The sound of the impact rang out in the hollow room.

  The cats watched from their pedestals.

  The boar squealed and thrashed. Barto saw that its eyes held an increased intelligence, like that found in the feline spies and in the daredevil bloodhounds that retrieved bodies from the battlefield. The boar responded with a calculated counterattack, trying to outthink this naked human opponent, this would-be soldier. Barto smiled: the boar was the Enemy.

  In the frenzy of battle, Barto no longer thought like an intelligent human being. Instead, he relied only on instinct and unbearable bloodlust. He rushed in without forethought, without care, without any sense of self-preservation. After all ... he had a spear.

  The boar tried to feint, to react, but Barto gave the Enemy no chance. He swung again with the staff, drawing a bright red line of blood and putting out one of the beast’s eyes. Crimson and yellow body fluids oozed through smashed skin on the boar’s snout. It leapt forward, driven by insanity and pain.


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