Bound Series Trilogy: A Fantasy Reverse Harem

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Bound Series Trilogy: A Fantasy Reverse Harem Page 8

by Eve Newton

  “Why me?” comes the inevitable question. “Was I chosen, or did you pick me?”

  “A bit of both,” I tell her honestly.

  “And what is it all about?” she asks.

  “Hm,” I say with a smile. “Increase your odds and eat another muffin.”

  She gives me a watery smile back. “When will you tell me?”

  “When the time is right.”

  “Damn you,” she says softly.

  “Already am,” I murmur gently.

  “Yeah,” she whispers and picks up a banana.


  I absent-mindedly start to peel the banana, my mind reeling from all this new information, when Luc clears his throat. I look at him, surprised to see him still in my apartment.

  “If you intend on eating that, I shall have to go. I have only so much will power,” he says lightly.

  I peer down at the banana in my hand and smirk. I cheekily stick my tongue out and wrap it around the tip of the fruit.

  Luc groans, fake swooning as he vanishes out of sight.

  I chuckle and take a bite but crash back to reality when the bracelet thumps against my wrist.


  I’m in way over my head here. Whatever Luc wants with me is important enough for him to keep trying to get it, and yet failing over and over again. What on Earth could have him so desperate? But more importantly, am I strong enough to survive his trials and give him what he seeks?

  Before all of this, I would’ve mocked anyone who thought otherwise, but now I’m not so sure.

  Several hundred females before me have died for his cause. Will I be the one or will several hundred more die after me?

  I wallow in my misery for a few more moments, but then throw down the banana. This is my lot now. I might as well get used to it. I’m already halfway there. I can do this, I will do this, and by the Devil, he will get me out of Inbound and into a decent Earth-bound assignment after I’ve completed my mission for him. He will owe me that much, at least.



  I peer into the codex for the millionth time, seeking something that I could possibly have missed, or a sub-text that I have bypassed.

  But there is nothing.

  Nothing that will help Axelle as she moves through this phase and into the next.

  It has been several days since I last saw her in person, needing to keep my distance as my desire for her grows ever stronger. Tomorrow is the sixth day since the last phase, and she will move into phase four.

  I let out an exasperated breath. I’m as blind here as she is. There is nothing in this damned book to tell me what will happen in this phase and seeing as no one has reached this point before, I have absolutely nothing to go on. Jezebelle was dead within two days of coming through phase two so I don’t know what the future holds for Axelle.

  I slam the ancient tome closed and lean down on the pedestal it sits on, in the corner of my darkened bedroom.

  I’ve kept the lights dim for the last four days, needing the darkness to concentrate and to focus, but also to keep the stark reminder, still laid out on the bed, in the shadows. I know I should get rid of her—what is left of her—but keeping the dried-out husk of a female in my sights, reminds me of what is at stake, and it’s keeping my will power in check. I cannot, under any circumstances, go to Axelle to do what I really want to do to her. I cannot risk even a drop of my semen entering her womb until she is prepared for the outcome. Her suggestion of condoms was enticing, but it’s not enough.

  I stalk across the plush, black carpet, over to the husk on the king-sized bed, curled up on the black silk sheets, and look down at it.

  This is my greatest curse. My seed is so evil; no female can handle it inside of her, let alone hang on to it to create a child for me. As soon as it senses the essence of the female, it feeds, trying to gain a foothold, trying to get stronger to survive. But all it does is drain the essence and the form of the creature ends up shriveled and very, very dead. I’ve grown used to withdrawing if I want to keep the bitch around for another go, but every now and again, I need the release as it was meant to be.

  This is the result of that.

  I sigh, but it hardens my resolve not to touch my current bound Demon. Thinking about her stirs my cock, and I shed my robe to let it bounce free. I prefer to be naked anyway; clothes are so restricting. My true, impure form has no need for such cover-ups and my skin is itching to change, to stretch out and burn the way it is meant to. Sadly, no creature in my domain will survive laying eyes on me and at the moment, I need to be available for Axelle.

  With that, my decision is made.

  “Darius,” I say quietly. I have no need to raise my voice for my guard. Darius will hear me from a thousand miles away if I call.

  “Sir,” Darius says, appearing in the corner of the room.

  “I need you to do something of the utmost urgency,” I say, turning around. I have absolutely no shame in my nudity or my arousal.

  Darius’s eyes flick quickly to the husk on the bed. “I’ll take care of it, sir,” he says and takes a step forward.

  “Wait,” I say, putting my hand up. “Leave that for a moment. There is something else.”

  “Finally,” Darius says with a grin. “Your lack of entertainment over the last few days has had me worried. I will get you a female, the weakest one I can find.”

  “No!” I snap as Darius is about to disappear.

  Darius peers at me. “A strong one then?” he asks, puzzled.

  “No, I do not need to be entertained,” I growl at him, although the erection bouncing in front of me says otherwise.

  Darius looks down to that area and back up to my face. “I beg to differ, sir. You have terrified the staff with your violent attitude and now they have to draw straws to see who will attend to you. Normally, I would find it amusing, but this is not like you.”

  I huff. So, I haven’t had sex for a few days since I killed the husk, and yes, I may have killed a couple of servants who didn’t do quite as I’d asked, but it doesn’t mean I should be judged for it. “Who are you to tell me what I am like?” I ask sharply.

  Darius lowers his eyes. “No one, sir, forgive me,” he says submissively.

  Better. But I just give the Demon a grim look.

  “Is this about the blonde wench?” Darius asks suddenly and it sets off a spark in me as I rumble deeply in warning.

  “It’s not what you think,” I state through gritted teeth.

  Darius casts a glance up and gives me what would pass for a smirk. “If you want her, take her,” Darius suggests with his hands open in supplication. He may be braver than the rest to talk to me the way he does, but he still knows the protocol.

  “It’s not like that,” I say, crossing my arms. Damn this Demon. How am I supposed to ask him to do what I want now?

  “You have paid her special attention,” Darius states, not daring to go any further.

  I narrow my eyes. “Do you know why?”

  “No, sir,” Darius says, and I relax.

  I have tried, over the centuries, to keep my activities on this subject to myself, but every century or so there is always one smart ass who figures out what I’m trying to do and tries to insert themselves into the ritual to gain a better standing. Too bad I only need my chosen one and anyone else is a liability that is expendable.

  Well, there is nothing left for it but to make my demand. Everyone will soon discover her anyway.

  “I want a room made up immediately, and then you will go to Axelle and bring her here to me,” I order. Whatever will come tomorrow, I have to be close to her, to know the second she comes through it.

  Or not.

  “You wish her to stay?” Darius splutters. “In her own room?”

  “Is that not what I just ordered?” I lose my temper and roar at Darius.

  “Yes, sir,” Darius says and goes off to do my bidding.

  “About time,” I grumble.

  That De
mon needs bringing down a peg or two. I decide to starve him of essences for a few weeks, weaken him so that he remembers his place here. His current strength is an asset, but it is also becoming a huge problem in the attitude department.

  I turn back to the female and hold my hand out over the remains. It disintegrates instantly and the ashes are swept away.

  Whatever happens next, I don’t need the reminder of what I cannot do. Now, this is all going to be about what I can do.

  And I’m fucked if I know what that is.

  I take my time getting dressed a few moments later. Axelle seems to like my suited look.

  I catch her glances at me when she thinks I’m otherwise occupied. I preen in the mirror in my bedroom like a proud peacock and then scowl at myself. Why am I dressing myself for her? And why am I making myself attractive to her? Surely, I should be trying to repel her instead. I ponder, briefly, if I should change into a Stanford look-a-like, knowing her distaste for imps, but even I shudder at the thought of looking anything less than my best. I convince myself that it isn’t to please her, but myself. I know, though, that I’m not all that convincing.

  I straighten my cuffs and peer in the mirror. I add more sparkle to my bright blue eyes and then I’m satisfied she will approve.


  I’m starting to grow worried about Evan. No, concerned. I don’t worry about anyone other than myself and I have more than enough worry for my own plight to have any left over for anyone else.

  However, I haven’t seen the Reaper for a few days now. Okay, granted, there has been a ‘weekend’ in between the days, and I’d been pleased to discover I wasn’t on the weekend shift. But in the two days I have been at work there has been no sign of Evan. He is assigned to my desk, so he is either taking some vacation days or Luc has taken matters into his own hands, not trusting him to stay away.

  That makes me gulp. I was really getting into that kiss Evan and I shared a few days ago. It was hot and made all the better because it was completely spontaneous. I hadn’t seduced him, and it felt good.

  Really good.

  I want more and while I have been sitting here twiddling my thumbs for two days, I have realized something.

  Luc doesn’t want me having sex with a male. As in actual penetration. He was quite happy for me to go off and get my clit licked by Yasmine, so why not a guy? He clearly left that bit out because of…well, jealousy is definitely not the reason. In my dreams would the Devil be jealous over little old me. Possessive is probably more like it. He called me his asset. Ugh.


  I intend to grab Evan the next time I see him and drag him into this office to have my wicked way with him. Sort of. Half wicked way. A tongue and some fingers can get the job done just as well as a dick when you’re as hard up as I am right now.

  I don’t feel even the slightest bit of guilt.

  I have always enjoyed defying authority and seeing how far I can push to get away with things. I also know which battles to pick, and while the Devil will most definitely beat me almost every single time, he has cocked up this time.

  Speaking of the Devil, I have racked my brains to come up with what he needs me for and have come up with every idea known to man, including the one he has already dismissed — that he is looking for a wife. Although, now that I think about that, it doesn’t make sense either. If he wanted a wife, any Demon bitch in this place would beg him to pick her. He could have anyone he wants, so there would be no need for all of this ceremony.

  I bring my thoughts quickly back to Evan. If I go over what Luc wants with me one more time, I’m going to go insane. Maybe that is his plan? Deranged jerk.

  I’m relieved when the light comes on and when I open the door. I’m even more relieved to see Evan.

  “Hi,” I say softly, lowering my eyes and turning on the seduction power just a tiny bit to get my own way.

  “Hey,” he replies curtly.

  I bite my lip. Perhaps my power is out down here or defunct from lack of use. That should have worked. I turn it up a few more notches, but he just glares at me impatiently.

  “I haven’t seen you for a few days,” I venture, unsure now that I have to do this without my power, it seems.

  He ignores me and it pisses me off.

  Men don’t ignore me, especially when I’m turning on the charm as much as I am now. It’s giving me a fucking headache. I guess Reaper’s are immune to my charms.

  Fucking great.

  After I’ve stamped his scroll and sent it on its way, he lingers for a moment.

  I keep my hand on the door, giving him time to say what he wants to say and eventually—after the way too enthusiastic soul clears his throat in anticipation—he says, “I’m glad you are still alive.”

  “Thanks?” I stammer, hating the uncertainty of this situation. I have enough of that with Luc, I need something that I can control down here.

  I give the soul a quick glance and mutter. “Can you hang on, just a minute?”

  He nods his wispy head eagerly.

  I grab Evan by his cloak and, with my newfound strength, drag him through the hole in the wall and into my lap.

  “Hi,” I say, giving him a bright smile. “How about we start over?”

  He chuckles at me, struggling to get off my lap. He succeeds and straightens up, fixing his cloak back into place.

  “Hi,” he breathes, a goofy grin on his face.

  I relax. This is now going according to my plan.

  I stand up and clutch at his cloak, scrunching it up in my hands tightly as I pull him towards me. “Pick up where we left off?” I ask with a sultry smile.

  He tries to muffle his groan of desire, but I hear it anyway, as he grabs my hands and tries to push me away from him.

  “We can’t…”

  “Oh, but we can,” I say with a wicked smile.


  “Luc isn’t here,” I interrupt and crash my lips to his, plunging my tongue into his mouth.

  “Axelle,” Evan chokes out around my mouth.

  “Evan,” I breathe and grind myself against his already rock-hard cock.

  I run my hands down his hard chest, impressed with the body that lies under this damned cloak. I saw it the other night, felt it against me and I want it.

  I slide his zipper down and my fingers find his cock, and he moans.

  “Fuck, what are you doing?” He has his head thrown back and his eyes closed.

  “Seducing you,” I giggle.

  His head snaps back up, his brown eyes finding mine and searching them earnestly. “Your powers don’t work on me,” he states.

  “Oh, I know,” I say casually, pissed off to have that confirmed. “I’m doing it the female way.”

  “Oh,” he says and blinks.

  I give him a sassy smile and lower myself to my knees to take his very impressive length in my mouth.

  “Shit!” he cries. “Luc will…”

  “There’s nothing he can do,” I say, quickly pulling my mouth off him and then diving back in with gusto.

  “I know how this works,” he whispers, shoving his hand into my hair anyway and holding my head still so that he can pump his hips gently.

  “Loopholes,” I mumble around my mouthful of cock. “Now come for me, my little Reaper, because I need you to fuck me with your tongue so desperately, I may die if you don’t get to it soon.”

  “Fucking Hell,” he cries out as I up my game in a big way, sliding my tongue over him, circling his tip with my tongue, letting my fingers play with his balls, until I cup them and squeeze.

  He thrusts his cock into my mouth, deeper, making me groan with delight. It has been too long since I had a man. Okay, it’ll be longer still for real sex, but this is good enough.

  I hear some heavy breathing, that isn’t coming from Evan, and remember that I didn’t bother to close the door. The soul is watching us, panting with as much delight as I am.

  “Hey, can I be a Reaper?” he asks.

sp; “Uhh,” Evan mutters and floods my mouth with his cum. “Dammit, man, a bit of privacy?”

  “I’m facing eternity in Hell,” the soul says. “Isn’t this par for the course down here?”

  “Firstly, no and secondly, you won’t remember any of this. Your Demonic essence will be newly recycled from your soul.”

  “Bummer,” the soul says. “So, give a damned soul a bit of a show, eh, love?” he adds.

  Evan growls at him and pulls his dick out of my mouth, leaning over to slam the door in the soul’s face.

  His adoring look back at me makes my heart pound. I lick my lips, delicately swiping my finger over them to let him know that I swallowed every last drop of his cum, and that I fucking enjoyed it.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this,” he murmurs, but comes closer to me anyway. “Luc will skin me alive for touching you.”

  “He has no choice,” I murmur back. “Now come here and ravage me.”

  The look he gives me speaks volumes as he drops to his knees in front of me. I’m a bit put out that this isn’t exactly the ideal place to do this, but I’m not going to moan about it excessively. I shuffle my skirt up my thighs, showing him that I don’t bother with underwear.

  He licks his lips as his eyes rove over me. “I c-can’t,” he stutters.

  “Oh, but you can. It’s not actual sex. Just a bit of oral. Besides, you owe me one now,” I challenge him.

  “Fuck,” he mutters, running his hand through his hair. “I want you,” he adds looking back at me. “Fuck it.”

  He dives on me, his mouth attaching itself to my pussy, his tongue flicking out to circle my clit like an expert.

  “Oh, yes!” I cry out as I can already feel the pleasure building. “Evan, tongue fuck me until I come on your face.”

  His muffled groan excites me further.

  He adds his fingers to the swirl of his tongue, and I cry out.

  I feel my clit twitch as he keeps up the pressure in an intoxicating rhythm, sliding his tongue inside me and then starting to thrust in and out.

  I come in a flood of juices, gripping Evan’s hair to keep his amazing mouth on me. “Fuck, yes,” I pant.


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