Bound Series Trilogy: A Fantasy Reverse Harem

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Bound Series Trilogy: A Fantasy Reverse Harem Page 19

by Eve Newton

  I gulp. “Yes, sir,” I mutter and know that I have been given my orders and am dismissed.

  This did not go how I’d hoped, although it was wishful thinking. I’m going to have to make sure that I cloak her now. There’s nothing else for it. Once I leave here, I will not be returning and Vazna will take over my place. He will be relentless in his pursuit of Axelle and will destroy her without a second thought.

  As I should.

  But when I think about her, I know in my soul that I will fall for her. I will not be able to be in her presence and resist her temptation forever. I will be putting my life at risk for her, my soul, just for her.

  But I know it is the right decision. She doesn’t deserve to be used to breed the purest evil ever to exist and be devoured for the honor.

  I take a deep breath and vanish from Heaven, leaving my home of eons for the very last time, to take this leap of faith with a Demon who will do everything she can to corrupt me.

  And I will let her.

  I land in the park across from the house she was trapped in earlier, but I know instantly that she has left, and that the soul of the occupier has been returned.

  Evan is nowhere in sight either, so he is either with her, or has been returned to his post in Hell.

  I close my eyes and focus.

  Her essence is still bound to Lucifer. I will be able to find her easily.

  I latch onto her quickly with a small smile.

  She is safe.

  I only realize now how worried I was that she would be back in Hell and undergoing the next trial with the Devil at her side.

  She isn’t far away, over in the next town, so with a last resigned look up at the blue sky and clouds, I dematerialize and send myself to the Demon that I am giving up everything for.


  As Axelle drags me towards the ladies room, I feel a rush of happiness go through me. It is a feeling that I haven’t felt in forever. I barely recognize it

  “I love you,” I murmur to her as she kicks the door closed behind us and slams me up against it.

  “Say that again,” she growls at me, gripping my hoodie tightly in her fists.

  “I love you, Axelle.” I obey her without question. I will do whatever she wants me to.

  “Mmm,” she purrs, pressing her body close to mine and rubbing herself up and down.

  My dick is so hard, so eager to be inside her, finally.

  She grins at me and then crushes her lips to mine, her hands immediately going to the zipper on my jeans to slide them down and free me.

  Her hand wraps around my length, making me groan as she tugs just this side of too hard.

  “Again,” she whispers against my lips.

  “I love you.”

  She breathes in deeply, her eyes closed in bliss.

  I know it is because I’m saying this without her using her powers on me. It is giving her a massive kick.

  I grab her by her upper arms and plunge my tongue back into her mouth, before I pull away.

  “Fuck me, right here, right now, you beautiful creature,” I murmur.

  She pulls back, giving me a shrewd look. She knows what I’m doing. “You really don’t care what I look like, do you?”

  “Nope,” I reply and reach for the buttons on her pants. I need them around her ankles, now.

  She lets me undo them, her smile going wicked again.

  Once they drop to the floor, she toes off her shoes and kicks the pants off, dropping her panties as well, leaving her free to pounce on me, wrapping her legs around me as her hands go back to my cock that is twitching to thrust inside her. She wiggles, making herself more comfortable and then she raises herself up a bit. I take that as my cue that we are just doing this with zero foreplay. I don’t give a flying fuck, if she doesn’t.

  I turn us around, slamming her into the door and thrust up, hard and fast, pushing through her lower lips and into her wet heat.

  “Oh, fuck,” I groan as she starts to ride me, gripping me with her thighs, her fingers digging into my shoulders.

  “Evan!” she cries out, coming around me already. “Shit, yes! That feels so good!”

  “Oh, it does,” I moan into her mouth, devouring her again, our tongues dueling with each other.

  I have to touch her, to feel her slippery clit under my fingertips. I reach down, finding it immediately and pinching it roughly, before tugging on it and then circling more gently, causing another climax to rocket through her, as she screams loudly in my ear.

  “Oh, Axelle,” I roar as I take over and pound her against the flimsy door that is shaking under our vigor.

  I grip her hip as I keep up the steady teasing of her clit with my other hand.

  She is keeping herself steady against me with her death grip around my waist with her legs as I give her the fucking of her life.

  Well, okay, that’s probably not true. She has been with thousands of men, but it’s definitely the fucking of my life.

  I feel the blood roar through my veins as my balls tighten and I come inside her with a cry of triumph that is only slightly aimed at Luc.

  I groan into her mouth as she kisses me again, my dick still spurting out a stream of cum that I can feel dripping out of her already.

  “Fucking hell,” she pants in my ear as she stops kissing me to catch her breath. “That was worth waiting for.”

  I grin at her. “Oh, you have no idea how good this feels.”

  She chuckles. “I do. I’ve been starved of dick for so long.” She unwraps her legs, pulling herself off my cock, and drops to the floor with a grunt.

  I frown down at her and gulp.

  She has turned her back to me, clutching at her stomach as she bends over to pick up her pants.

  “Give me a minute,” she says and disappears into a cubicle as Dashel appears next to me with a curious look on his face.

  “You okay?” I call out, ignoring the Angel to my right.

  “Yes,” she calls out, but I can hear the strain in her voice. The host is putting up a fight. We need to find a new host for her soon. A weak one. She opens the door and her grimace turns into a big smile as she sees Dashel. “Hey, Angel. You’re back.”

  “Yes,” he states. “We need to leave here immediately.”

  “Couldn’t agree with you more,” she murmurs, passing me and grabbing my hand first and then Dashel’s.

  He looks down at their joined hands briefly and then up to her eyes.

  I give him an eye roll as his features have gone all soft and gooey. Too bad he wasn’t here to see me fucking her a moment ago. Perhaps it will change his mind about pursuing this with her if he thinks he’s next in line to wet his dick in that sweet pussy. Okay, so maybe not that sweet pussy. We need to ditch this host and soon.

  “I have an idea,” she says as I push open the door with my free hand. “Hear me out before you decide against it, okay.”

  “Okay,” I reply, ready to do anything for her. This quick fuck in the restroom of the skankiest bar in town, has solidified my commitment to her. I’m her loyal follower, there’s just nothing else for it.

  She has captured me, and I don’t want to ever leave her.



  “Dammit,” I mutter under my breath.

  I’m standing in a small park across from a modest house and Axelle isn’t here. She must have done a runner at the first opportunity she got. In fact, I can’t even sense her. Somehow, that Angel fucker has got to her and cloaked her. I can sense the good all over this place.

  “Where would she go?” I mutter, even more infuriated with myself for not being able to sit back and wait for Evan to return. Now, this has been a wasted trip.

  I feel a ripple under my feet and shrug my shoulders. The Earth is responding to my darkness. The grass where I’m standing is turning black and the flowers are wilting. The trees are creaking in protest as I suck all the life and goodness out of the Earth. I can’t resist looking over my shoulder at the destruction
I’m causing, and it delights me to see a man stumble as he hits the forcefield of blackness that surrounds me.

  I’ve turned yet another soul to a life of sin and I wish I could stay here for a bit longer, but my presence will have alerted the other side and I’m expecting a welcoming committee any moment now…

  “Dashel,” I drawl and turn around to regard the Angel that has been sent to ensure my compliance in leaving, only to be pulled up short.

  I send a gaze of contempt over the dark-haired creature dressed in a white shirt and a tan pants.

  “You aren’t Dashel,” I point out obviously.

  “You shouldn’t be here,” the unknown entity says, carefully. His blue eyes, while cautious, are staring me straight in the eye, the insolent little shit.

  “Neither should you,” I remark, giving him a death stare that would make any other creature burst into flames. But no, not this asshole. “And who are you?”

  “Vazna,” he replies. “I am here merely to see to it that you leave. You have done enough damage this year already.”

  “I’m searching for something,” I say, trying to push away the dread that Dashel has Axelle and that is why this underling has been sent in his place to confront me. “So be a good, little soldier and stay the fuck out of my way.” I clench my fist to stop myself from throwing a fireball at my nemesis’s guard. I would end up killing him and that would bring about a war I’m not interested in starting right at this minute.

  Where is Darius when you need him? At least that could be justified in the grand scheme of things.

  Vazna stands his ground with his arms crossed, his large frame wider than my almost slender body that I chose for Axelle.

  Damn that woman.

  “Leave now or you are going to tip the scales. You know we cannot allow that to happen,” Vazna says with a smug smile, trying for a different tactic.

  “Not until I find what I came for,” I say and am ready to flame out of the Angel’s disgustingly good presence to seek out Axelle, when Vazna stops me with his next words.

  “You aren’t prepared for Armageddon, Luc.” The emphasis on my name grates my last nerve. Only those who have my express permission are allowed to call me by name. “You don’t have what is needed, unlike our side.”

  My anger rises up that this Angel dares to mention my one weakness. I take a step forward and snarl at Vazna, fisting my hand in his face, inches from smashing his nose in.

  “You have no idea how close I am,” I growl.

  “Hm,” Vazna mutters.

  I see the flash of fear in the Angel’s eyes and I relax and smile. “Now, get out of my way so that I can get back to it.” With a flash of my real, snake-like eyes at Vazna, who finally recoils underneath my stare, I disappear in a blaze of flames back to Hell to rethink how I’m going to find my Demon Bound, bring her home, see that she makes it through the rest of the trials, gives me a son and then I can finally, finally beat the crap out of her for betraying me like this.


  I regret that I’ve had to betray and abandon Luc. That really wasn’t something I thought I would do, not just because I wanted to get him in the sack for real, but I’ve fallen for him in the worst way.

  This annoying thought makes me frown as I watch Evan reluctantly make his way back to Hell.

  I’m sure my plan will work. Dashel has said that Luc can’t come back to Earth just yet. That he has already been looking for me. I’m glad that he didn’t find me. I’m sure that I would’ve gone back with him if he’d come here and asked me to.

  I never thought I would have ‘feelings’. I’m beyond such trivialities, but Luc has brought something out in me that I just can’t deny, as much as I desperately want to. It makes you weak to care. And I’m the biggest fool for letting him get to me. He doesn’t give a shit about me, only what I can give him. He will dismiss me the instant his spawn slithers from my body and then what? I’ll be back doing my crappy Admin job, with Roberta’s smug face staring at me every hour of every day for the rest of eternity, known as the one that the Devil spurned.

  No, I’m better off here, out of his intoxicating, smoldering, sexy presence where I can clear my head and get him out of my system. He won’t dare spend too much time trying to find me, hence why I’m sure he will send Evan here to get me in exchange for giving, ugh, Jezebelle her body back. All Evan has to do is play it cool. Although, I’m starting to think that he is going to tank this in a big way.

  I grunt as the soul pushes at me deep inside, desperate to get me out of her.

  “I need a new host,” I declare to Dashel, who has been sitting across from me on the grass in the park we found earlier, waiting patiently for me to come out of my pensive state.

  “Axelle,” he says, pursing those sexy lips. “I don’t think…”

  “Look, I can’t stay in this body, she is too strong, and I don’t get to exist without a host body, so are you going to help me or not?”

  He hesitates, biting his lip.

  “I will help you,” he says resigned as I reach over, power switched up to full blast to get him to do my bidding. It is such fun to use this power over the male species again. It pisses me off that Luc and Evan are immune to my charms.

  He bats my hand away with a fierce look in those perfect green eyes. “You don’t need to do that. I am here with you of my own free will.”

  “I know,” I retort, “But it’s such fun. I can’t help it.”

  “It’s who you are,” he says slowly.

  “Damn fucking straight.”

  He winces at my cussing, making me laugh at him and crawl over to climb onto his lap and wrap my arms around him.

  He pulls his head back to look me in the eye, taking a deep breath. Then he leans forward and presses his lips to mine in a brief kiss that doesn’t last nearly long enough.

  “Why can’t I resist you?” he murmurs.

  “It’s impossible if you are a male,” I murmur back, snaking my hand in between us and rubbing my hand over his impressively bulging cock. “And you are definitely a male.”

  His breath catches as I make him harder with my teasing.

  “But you are no longer using your powers on me. I don’t understand this.”

  I shrug and lower his zipper. I need to feel that silky smoothness in my hand. I need to corrupt this good boy in such a way that he will beg me for more, yet not be damned for eternity without me.

  “Please,” he moans softly, as I take him in my hand, not caring that we are out in public with passersby staring at us cavorting in the middle of the park.

  I suck in a breath as he grows even harder when I tug gently on him, but then his big hand closes around my wrist, stopping my actions.

  “Please stop,” he says firmly.

  “No,” I say, leaning forward to kiss him, properly this time, with a sweep of my tongue over his lips.

  He parts them and plunges his tongue into my mouth, making me shiver. He is an excellent kisser. I can’t wait to have that mouth on my clit.

  I wiggle enticingly. I resume jerking him off slowly and seductively, so that he can’t push me away.

  “Stop that,” he grits out against my lips. “I told you, you don’t need to do that.”

  I pull back the seduction. “Then let me touch you. I need to feel your dick in my hand. I want to feel you get as hard as you possibly can.”

  “Uhn,” he moans.

  “I want to feel your hands on me. Touch me, Dashel.”

  He looks down at my tits. They aren’t very big, nor that perky and suddenly I feel I’ve headed down the wrong path. I want him to see me, to touch me in the body that Luc gave me. The body that he wants me to be in.

  I leap off his lap and scramble away from him, leaving him to put himself hurriedly away before he crawls over to me and takes my hand.

  “You wish to be back in the Demon form the Devil gave you, correct?”

  “Yes,” I whisper. “But I can’t go back there. You know I can’t.”
  “Does Evan know why?” he asks innocently, which seeing as he is about as innocent as a being can get is quite convincing. If it weren’t for the slightly lowered eyes as he asked.

  “Not yet,” I admit. “I will tell him; I just need the right time. So, please help me get out of this body and into another one. One not so strong. No harm will come to her if I jump soon, nor to the next one.”

  He frowns at me. “So, you will keep changing?”

  “I have to,” I shrug. “It’s the way it is…unless you have a way to give me a form…”

  He shakes his head.

  “I will help you as long as you promise that you won’t hurt the souls,” he says, gripping my hand tightly.

  “I won’t,” I insist, but he would have to be a fool to think that’s true. I have already damaged this soul inside me by being with Evan earlier. She won’t remember any of this consciously once I jump, but she’ll know deep down that something isn’t right with her. My Demonic essence has touched her soul and I’ve used her body. It’s why we aren’t supposed to stay in the same host for very long. It’s why Lacey needed her defense mechanism because I stayed way too long with her. She knows, she remembers.

  It broke her.

  I give Dashel a bright smile. “Promise,” I add as his searching look is unnerving me. I cup his face and gently kiss him.

  “You are beautiful,” he murmurs. “It matters not what you look like. Not to me.”

  I choke back the sob that threatened to come out. I have no idea where it came from.

  He frowns at me, so I frown back. “What?” I ask.

  “Can you enter a form that has passed on?” he asks seriously.

  I try my hardest not to laugh.

  “No,” I say, biting the inside of my lip. “If that was the case, we would be running rampant across the Earth.”

  “Oh,” he says despondently, but then brightens again. “What if there was a way? You were able to inhabit Lacey’s body without a soul. Maybe you are different? Special?”


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