Bound Series Trilogy: A Fantasy Reverse Harem

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Bound Series Trilogy: A Fantasy Reverse Harem Page 39

by Eve Newton

  Life altering.

  Literally, in my case.

  I sit up and put my wings away as I hear a knock at the door.

  It opens before I have a chance to pull my shirt back on.

  “Hey,” Evan says, leaning in the doorway. “You okay?”

  I nod briefly. I’m not ready to admit out loud that I’m more than okay, that I feel strong and powerful and liberated from my conscience. This must be what it feels like to be a Demon and not have to face consequences for your actions.

  He nods back once and then turns on his heel to leave.

  I don’t want to be alone anymore, so I jump up and follow him out of the room.

  “Do you know where Axelle is?” I ask.

  “Back in the bedroom,” he replies shortly.

  “Good,” I mutter and hurry up my pace to get back to her. I need her arms around me, her lips on mine, our tongues dueling with each other and my dick inside her.

  Everything and everyone else can be damned.

  Damned like me.


  I stare down at Axelle. I don’t know what to make of this development. Twins? The codex made no mention of it, only my son. The third generation removed from Lucifer, the fallen Angel.

  My grandfather.

  I purse my lips and leave the room, unable to get my head around what this means.

  “Nothing,” I mutter. “Absolutely nothing.”

  I push open the door to the nursery that I’ve been working on since I met Axelle. I just knew she would come through for me.

  I wasn’t wrong.

  I stare at the small crib, draped in black lace, and then wave my hand in the air. A matching crib appears next to it, also draped with black lace. I frown at it and then add a small pink ribbon, woven through the delicate fabric to signify the girl’s sleeping vessel.

  I can’t say the word yet.

  I don’t even want the girl. No, she was meant for Axelle, to keep her happy and occupied so that she doesn’t interfere with the very important job I have of raising my son.

  Yes. That’s what this is.

  The Fates know how vital the boy is to even the sides, and how he has to know what is required of him from a young age, so that he can be ready when he comes of age to bring about the end of the world.

  I smile then.


  This is how it should be.

  I can’t wait.

  As I leave the nursery, I run into my father.

  “Ugh,” I state and give him a look of disgust.

  “So? Is she with child yet?” Gravla asks eagerly.

  “None of your business,” I say shortly. The less this asshole knows, the better.

  “But it is my business, my boy,” he says jovially, ignoring my sour mood completely. “I am here for him.”

  That stops me in my tracks. “Err, no. You will have nothing to do with him.”

  Gravla gives me a contemptuous look. It’s the first time I have seen that look for a long time, and it pisses me off.

  “Actually, the boy needs the rites, and it is written that the grandfather is the one to do the job.” He gives me an ingratiating smile as he smooths down his jacket.

  “Oh?” I growl, thrown off-guard. I didn’t read anything of the sort.

  Gravla rolls his eyes, which just serves to piss me off even more. “Yees,” he drawls. “Your grandfather gave you yours.”

  I pause. Not much is ever said about Grandfather. My namesake. I know that my father hated him because Lucifer knew he was a weak-assed fool incapable of ruling and let him know that every day. I also know that Gravla somehow managed to kill him because he did end up ruling, but other than that, I have no idea how it happened. I didn’t think my father was capable of killing the original Devil. He sure as shit couldn’t beat me even if I gave him a head start. That makes me think. If Gravla managed to put himself away in a painting, did he do the same to his own father? He seems to have a knack for that sort of thing. I growl as I remember Jezebelle.

  “Hello?” Gravla sings, waving his hand in front of my face. “Anyone home?”

  “Fuck off,” I snarl and turn to walk away.

  I have a lot to think about. If Grandfather is in one of these paintings, I want to know which fucking one.

  Right. The Hell. Now.

  I need to get Stanford to go around searching for possible prisons and line them up in the gallery.

  “Uh, I don’t think so,” my father interrupts my thoughts. “I’m here to do this whether you like it or not.” He pauses to give me a sly look. “I could always go to your wife and ask her.”

  That makes me stop suddenly and glare at my father. “How do you know about that?” I ask.

  Gravla looks away coyly. “Oh, you know. The staff talk.”

  “No one knew!” I roar.

  The last thing I want is to have this asshole know my business. I need to find a way to get rid of him. Surely, if I find my own grandfather, he can perform the necessary rites. He is the one who started all of this, after-all.

  “Staff, the old crone…what difference does it make?” Gravla says, buffing his fingernails on his suit jacket.

  My growl rumbles throughout the residence, the ground shaking at our feet. “Fucking witch-bitch!” I thunder as I turn and march off in the direction to get to the Dark Oracle’s cave.

  “Leave her be,” Gravla says, hurrying to keep up. “She told me because of my role here.”

  I stop at my father’s tone. Why does he look so fearful? “What does that bitch have on you?” I ask, almost with glee.

  “Why, nothing,” Gravla says, unconvincingly. “But it begs the question, why are you so interested in keeping this a secret?”

  I glare at him for turning the tables, and for making my marriage sound…dirty.


  It’s the first time I’ve thought about it that way. ‘Union’ was my go-to word. I called Axelle ‘wife’ to nail home that she now belongs to me. I never really thought about it in the sense of a ‘marriage’. I certainly didn’t think I would care that it was being slurred.

  “My marriage is something I’m proud of,” I state, pulling myself up to my full height and glaring at Gravla, who is still walking around wearing my face. Asshole. “I intend to make an announcement to all of Hell about it today. In fact, you interrupted me going to make the arrangements.”

  There, that has wiped the smirk off his face.

  “I see,” my father says. “Then she is with child. You wouldn’t care about this if she was letting you down.”

  I’ve had enough of this prick.

  I reach out and grab him by the throat. “My wife is perfect. She is with child and we are going to announce this today so that everyone knows that I am on the way to ending the world.”

  “Indeed,” Gravla murmurs, trying to remove my hand from his throat, but he can’t, and it makes an evil grin pass over my face.

  “I would just leave now. I will find where you stashed Grandfather, I will extract him and have him kick your ass like he was supposed to do centuries ago.”

  I watch as my father’s face goes ashen. So, I’m right. The fucking bastard imprisoned his father as it was the only way he could beat him to be ruler.

  What a cowardly little fucker.

  I sneer at him and let go. “You aren’t worth my time,” I say and stalk off, pushing down the memories of Gravla being so hard on me, taunting me, bullying me, whipping me even, because it was the only way he could make himself feel better. It only stopped when I got old enough to fight back. The first time I punched my father in the face was the best day of my life.

  Until now.

  I have a female by my side that is everything I need to satisfy me intellectually and sexually. She is growing my son inside of her, and I will tell everyone about it. The sooner the better.



  “Ah, fuck,” I comment as I feel myself drawn into that stupid white room that D
ashel took me to. “What do you want?” I ask Vazna as he swims into view.

  “You,” he replies, with a smirk that I didn’t think Angels were allowed to have. Well, apart from my Angel.

  “You have to stop this, you know,” I say, cocking my hip and going only a little bit seductive on his ass. “You are playing with fire. I only have so much will power before I succumb to it and corrupt your little soul.”

  “Didn’t think you had any,” he replies, clearly unconcerned by my threat. “Don’t you just take what you want, when you want it?”

  “What makes you think I want you?” I ask, sauntering a bit closer to him. Man, he is gorgeous. Damn Angels. Why do they have to be so fucking good-looking?

  “Oh, please,” he scoffs. “I know what I am worth to you.”

  “You won’t quit it, will you?” I snap at him, losing all air of temptress about me in my annoyance with him. “I’ve already taken one Angelic soul today, beware, because I’m in the mood for another.”

  He hisses at me, his blue eyes flashing. Seems that was news to him. But then he goes all casual on me again.

  “Nope,” he says, sidling closer. “Besides, I don’t want to.” He reaches out to twirl a lock of my hair around his finger. “You have bewitched me,” he murmurs, staring at the hair wrapped around his finger.

  What. The. Fuck?

  Why all of a sudden am I irresistible to these Angels?

  “No kidding,” I grumble.

  “No,” he says, shaking his head. “It’s more than just your job.” He brings his eyes back to mine. “And it’s more than mine. I never thought I could feel this way. I didn’t think it was possible. But you…I don’t want to feel this way. I loathe you. You are a despicable creature that turns my stomach…and yet.” He sighs and unwinds my hair, watching it bounce back into place.

  “I what?” I ask, my eyes on his full lips that I want pressed against my own. I shake my head to clear it of these wicked thoughts. I am married to Luc now. I am in a committed relationship with Evan and Dashel. I can’t be thinking about this other Angel and what I want to do to him. It isn’t my job to make him fall. Not anymore. Luc, Evan and Dashel have asked me to give this up. Okay, so Luc has one last job for me, that I still haven’t decided what to do about. But this creature is off limits. I can’t help the feeling of resentment that bubbles up, but it is soon squashed when I remember how much in love I am with the three men, who have definitely given me their whole hearts. I owe them what they asked of me. Without question. Without doubt that it’s the right thing. Without resentment.

  Vazna gives me a searching look. “You know what will happen if you give Luc a son, don’t you?”

  “He gets his heir,” I say with a shrug.

  “And…” Vazna presses, pursing his lips together.

  “And what?” I ask, narrowing my eyes. What is he getting at?

  I search his eyes and then he snorts.

  “You like Earth, don’t you?” he asks. “You don’t approve of the Apocalypse. If you bear a son with that…creature,” Vazna shudders in revulsion, “He will bring about the end of the World, Axelle. Do you know that?”

  “I know that,” I say quietly, wishing he hadn’t reminded me. This is something that Luc and I are going to have to discuss at some point.

  Vazna shakes his head at me solemnly. “You are no better than he is by considering this.”

  “I never said I was,” I point out, irritated at his sanctimonious attitude.

  “You are a selfish little whore,” he spits out at me suddenly, startling me. His tone had been soothing, a bit flirty up until this point. Clearly, he was playing me and now his true colors are showing again.

  “You bastard,” I snarl. “You don’t know anything about me.”

  Why do I care so much what he thinks about me? I shouldn’t give a rat’s ass. But for some stupid, annoying reason, I do.

  He grabs my hand, making me hiss as I try to yank it back. “You know you can’t let this happen,” he says softly, then, almost kindly.

  “It…it’s too late,” I whisper.

  “No!” he spits out, gripping my hand tighter.

  “Send me back,” I add, still in the same whisper.

  “Get rid of it!” Vazna shouts. “Leave him and get rid of it!”

  “What?” I gasp in shock. “You fucking bastard! How dare you!” My anger at his unthinkable suggestion enrages me to the point where I want to kill to protect my unborn babies.

  He gives me a curious look which only further ignites the flame of anger.

  “I am not getting rid of my children, and I am not leaving him,” I seethe.

  “Children?” he croaks out, a sweat starting to form on his forehead.

  I feel the heat on my cheeks and bite my lip. That should probably have remained a secret, but in for a penny and all that.

  “Twins,” I add, rather unnecessarily. “A boy and a girl.”

  That grabs his attention. “What?” he asks, shaking his head. “This is totally unprecedented. The lore is written that the third generation of Lucifer, the original Lucifer, will be a son, and that he will be the one to bring forth Armageddon. There is no mention of a girl. No, you must do the right thing, Axelle,” he says quietly. “If you leave him, come to our side, we can raise the child, children, to be good.”

  I give him a long, hard stare. He is fucking delusional. But I don’t scream at him or tell him to go to Hell. He must know his words are a long shot for their side. I’m a Demon. Luc’s Demon wife. Queen of fucking Hell. I’m not going anywhere, and neither are my children. Threat of Armageddon or not.

  “I have to go,” I say eventually and then pinch myself to get out of this damned dream and back home.



  “Hi,” I say softly as Axelle opens her eyes. She looked like she was having a bad dream.

  “Hey,” she says, sitting up, giving me, Dashel and Evan a big beam as she takes us all in at her bedside. “Man, this whole exhaustion thing is a bitch,” she jokes with a weak smile.

  She looks pale and drawn. I quickly offer her my blood to drink and she accepts it, hesitantly this time.

  “Take it,” I demand. “You need it to keep you healthy.”

  She just nods and sips on it, instead of gulping it down as she usually does. Something is wrong. It doesn’t take a genius to know that.

  “What is it?” I ask, wanting to take her hand, but also trying to play it cool.

  “Uhm…nothing,” she says, avoiding my gaze.

  “Axelle,” I press. “Tell me.” Now I take her hand and squeeze it not-so-gently.

  She finds my gaze and holds it for a moment. “Why are you so desperate for this child. For your son,” she amends, looking down.

  I blink at her and wonder how to answer that. Is it not obvious?

  Dashel tries to hide his cough in his hand and I glare at him to shut it.

  “To start the Apocalypse,” I state, looking back at Axelle.

  Her eyes snap to mine, her face stricken. “You want to end the World? For real?”

  I snort at her and her stupid question. “Obviously,” I say, contemptuously, watching Evan reach out to stroke her hair, winding it around and around his fist before letting it go. I frown. “All of those doomed souls ripe to be dragged down to do my bidding. Why wouldn’t I?”

  “But then there will be no Earth,” she says, almost woefully.

  “Yes,” I say dryly. “That is what the Apocalypse means, my dear.”

  What is this?

  “But what about all the Demons on Earth?” she asks, agitatedly.

  “They will be recalled, obviously.” I make my point that she is being ridiculous with these dumber than dumb questions.

  “So, Hell will be over-run with Demons? What about all the souls that get recycled? That is a lot of Demons to be running around all at once,” she says with a weak smile.

  “Axelle,” I say crossly. “Do you know how many doomed
souls are currently on Earth? Hundreds of millions.” I point my finger to the ground to emphasize this. I have absolutely no idea if that is true. Who can possibly know? I will only know when they have been sent through the recycler. “It will take Inbound centuries to process all of that. I can assure you that no Demon will be laying around idle.” I huff out an indignant breath.

  “And then what?” she asks quietly.

  “Then what, what?” I ask back with a shrug. “We start all over again.”

  “With what?” she shrieks at me, pissing me off like never before. “Aliens?”

  I give her a curious look. Aliens? Hmm, I never even thought…

  I shake my head to get it back on track. “If you think the other side will sit back and let Earth be completely destroyed, then you are being extremely naïve, Axelle.”

  “So, you are saying it won’t be?” she asks, almost hopefully.

  I have had enough of this.

  I stand up and yell in her face, “For fuck’s sake, Axelle. What is with this inquisition?”

  She pales, knowing that she has crossed a line here. I have no idea what has gotten into her. She is a Demon. What does she care about Earth and its crawling vermin?

  “I-I…it’s just,” she gulps, and I can see the wheels churning around in her head. I see her fleeting look of triumph before it vanishes to be replaced with a haughty expression that would, under normal circumstances, make me flatten her to the bed and ravage her. However, whatever is about to come out of her mouth now is going to be a lie. I should know, isn’t one of my moniker’s the Lord of Lies? I stifle my indignant huff.

  “You promised me males to play with,” she says with a small pout now forming on her lips. “How will I satiate the Seductress without them?”

  I give her a hard glare, having expected some nonsense, but she looks so upset by the prospect, so genuine, I suddenly feel bad for doubting her motives. I cast a quick glance at Evan and Dashel, noticeably silent while we have this argument. Not wanting to get involved? Or waiting to see who is victorious before picking a side?


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