Bound Series Trilogy: A Fantasy Reverse Harem

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Bound Series Trilogy: A Fantasy Reverse Harem Page 41

by Eve Newton

  “Humph,” I mutter rudely and turn from him.

  He pulls me towards him and turns me to face him. “I will grow ten dicks just for you, my love, my wife,” he says. “Whatever you need from me to satisfy the Seductress in you, just ask. There is nothing that I can’t give you; that I won’t give you.”

  I shiver at those delicious words.

  “I’ll hold you to that, husband, because I may have some requests that don’t include you growing extra dicks.”

  “I can imagine,” he utters darkly.

  With that said, he turns us to the stairs.

  I can hear him pant at all the delicious thoughts that I’ve put in his head. It’s making me wet and slippery and I want to sack off this announcement and jump him right now.

  As it turns out, it is me who leads him down the stairs, but then he takes control of me to steer me in a direction that I have never been before.

  This makeshift corridor is tiny, and undecorated. My heels clack on the stone floor and I feel a cold shiver go over me as my arm brushes up against the dark, cold rock wall. There is only enough space for the two of us to walk side-by-side, but I take the opportunity to cozy up to him. He is burning hot, in the temperature sense, as well as the looks sense. He gazes down at me from his narrowed goat’s eyes, that flicker with flames every now and again.

  “You okay?” he grates out as he stops in front of a thick wooden door.

  I resist the urge to clear my throat on his behalf. His voice is so rough, it sounds like gravel in a blender. I just nod and give him a smile.

  Luc then kicks the door open with his hoof and we step out onto a small circular balcony that looks out over millions of Demons, all staring up at us, some hushed, some talking loudly, all wondering what is going on.

  “Oh,” I say faintly.

  I’ve never been one to be self-conscious, but I suddenly wish I’d taken a bit more care with my hair, which is swinging loosely around me, and my make-up, which is practically non-existent. My flawless Devil-given skin doesn’t need it. Except under these circumstances. How are the Demons in the back supposed to see me? All they will see is a washed out, pin-eyed, female standing next to the extraordinary goat-figure creature of our leader.

  I give him a fierce glare. He could have warned me that he would be announcing it to all of his minions in person, instead of a small, well-lit press-conference to be broadcast on Demon TV. Fuck’s sake. Males of any kind!

  As soon as we are spotted, the crowd hushes and a reverent quiet descends on the scorched earth of Hell outside of the residence. I suppose that the majority of these Demons have never even seen Luc in person before, never mind had the honor of hearing him speak to them.

  He gives me a look and then he starts to speak…in a language I really should know, but don’t. I’ve never spent enough time in Hell to learn it. I know now what that look was for. Luc knows I have no clue what he is saying. All I can do is stand here and look amazing, yes, but also intelligent and challenging. No way do I want to be perceived as Devil arm-candy. I shudder and adopt a vicious glare on my face, which I bestow on the Demons in the front of the crowd, that can probably see my small stature, next to the giant, Devilish figure next to me.

  When Luc lifts our joined hands together, I lift my chin that bit higher so that I can snootily cast my dismissive gaze across the swarm.

  He gives me a small, what passes for a smile, and then drops our hands. The crowd has gone wild. Or at least, the male contingent has. The females are all staring at me in, yep, envy and loathing. Ha. Wait until they find out about Luc’s plan that only I will be a part of.

  Then I gulp.

  It reminds me that I will now definitely have a massive target on my back. Probably best not to leave the residence without Darius close by in future. The thought of the massive, ugly Demon Guard comforts me in a way that I didn’t think would ever happen. I relax slightly under the attention and smile beatifically at my minions.



  As Luc leads me back inside, he shifts to his human male form. “Now that is done, we should find Trent and execute this plan,” he says, sending my high crashing back down.

  “Oh,” I mutter. Is that really the only reason he has done this?

  He kisses my hand, knowing what I’m thinking, and he sighs. “We agreed,” he starts, but I shake my head at him.

  “I know,” I say, stiffly. “But I’m still not altogether pleased that you’re sending me off to screw him.”

  “And strip his essence,” he reminds me.

  I brighten considerably at that. I hadn’t really remembered that part. “He’s an ass,” I still protest. “And what about Evan and Dashel?”

  Luc snorts with mirth. “Aren’t all of your kills asses, my dear?” Then he shrugs. “Don’t tell them.”

  I shrug, caught out. “’spose,” I mumble. “Not sure I want to keep secrets from them.”

  “Then tell them,” he says, getting exasperated.

  I growl at him. “You are being an ass, my dear.”

  He chortles at me. “Come, I will locate him, and you can get to work. Don’t be too long though. You asked for a ravaging and I intend to dish it out, especially after you have been with him.” His look of distaste riles me up. How can he find me disgusting when this is his plan? If he even so much as looks at me funny when I return, I will smack his face off.

  He has his eyes closed, so he can’t see my scowl, but then they fly open suddenly, and he adopts his own scowl.

  “What?” I ask hopefully.

  “I can’t locate him,” he mutters and grabs my hand, flaming us out and straight to, ugh, Roberta.

  “Where is he?” he barks at the astounded Demon, who is standing there with her mouth hanging open at the sudden appearance of her master, and his wife.

  Her shrewd eyes land on me with a light sneer as if she knew all along, I was some kind of power-digger.

  I adopt my own sneer, disliking this bitch more than I thought possible in that moment. Bearing in mind my feelings weren’t exactly warm to start with.

  “He, who?” Roberta asks, recovering slightly.

  Luc growls at her.

  “My Lord,” she adds hastily, finally getting her wherewithal back.

  “Trent,” he clips out shortly. “I can’t locate him.”

  “Trent…” Roberta searches through her ubiquitous folder and then swallows. “He is on Earth.”

  “What?” Luc snaps. “For what possible purpose?” His eyes have gone so narrowed; they are practically closed.

  Luc is pissed, but why? It intrigues me, so I tug on his hand, not caring that asking will make me sound foolish. “What’s the problem?” I ask.

  Luc glares down at me, his face fierce, but he softens it as he takes in my searching eyes and guileless expression. Man, if I can still kick the Devil’s ass with just my face, Trent has something else coming altogether, and it isn’t going to be a screw. I have an idea brewing that might let me off that particularly nasty hook.

  “He isn’t supposed to be up there,” he explains. “He is an Upper Level Demon. They are too powerful to walk amongst humans. He will be causing all sorts of issues.”

  Upper Level Demon? My hand tightens, squeezing his fingers hard. My sort-of idea has just bloomed into a full-blown fucking excellent plan that completely takes the responsibility off me to deal with this unsavory situation. Not that I’m not up for a bit of seducing and killing, but he gives me the creeps in a massive way. I suppress my shudder and tug on Luc’s hand, gesturing with my head that we need to leave.

  Luc gives me a suspicious look, but with a final glare at Roberta, he flames us back to the residence.

  “What is it?” he asks.

  “This is perfect!” I exclaim. “If he isn’t supposed to be there, then Vazna will take care of him.” Then I frown. “Although, I still want the pleasure of ripping his essence from his body,” I add fiercely. Scumbag.

  Luc’s eye
s go wide, as if this thought had never even occurred to him. “You may be onto something,” he says carefully. “But I don’t want you anywhere near that Angel,” he adds just as fiercely.

  “I can handle him,” I say as casually as I dare. The thought of seeing him again makes my blood roar through my veins.

  “He attacked you with a dart gun last time and look where that left you?” he spits out, but not with anger at me. I don’t think.

  “I’ll be careful,” I say.

  “And how do you plan on asking the feathered fuck to let you have his kill?” The suspicious tone has me trembling slightly.

  “I don’t plan on asking,” I say defiantly.

  It works, as he lets out a loud laugh. “Oh, Axelle,” he says, tucking my hair back behind my ear. “I do love your fire. I will send Darius with you…”

  “No,” I blurt out, interrupting him.

  I don’t want that beast hovering over me while I talk with Vazna. We have said things to each other in my dream-reality that Luc must never know about. “He will make things more difficult with Vazna,” I add lamely as Luc glares at me to explain. “You know, after he tried to kill him. Besides, this is a delicate situation. And need I remind you that we are plotting the demise of an Upper Level Demon. That won’t sit well if word gets out.”

  “Then you don’t go, let Vazna take his essence. What do I care?” Luc sneers.

  “I care,” I say passionately. “He tried to prey on me, and I want to make sure he knows who is responsible for kicking his ass before he gets Reaped. Oh…wait…what will happen to his essence?” I ask with a scrunched-up face.

  “Nothing,” Luc tells me. “He just ceases to be. He really got under your skin, didn’t he?” he asks carefully, giving me a searching look now.

  I pause. Okay, so I slightly overplayed my hand there. I knew I would get him under my control, but he is a disgusting low-life and his face just pisses me off. “Yes,” I say, with lowered eyes. “His plans to overthrow you are unacceptable,” I add vehemently to steer this topic away from me.

  His face hardens. “Well, I can’t argue with that,” he mutters. “Fine, go. But if you require assistance, you call me. Fuck the consequences, I will be there. My only priority is you and my son being safe,” he growls.

  “And daughter,” I add lightly, not wanting to annoy him, but needing to remind him, it seems, that I’m also growing another baby inside me.

  “Of course,” he mumbles.

  I grimace at him. He really needs to get on board with having a daughter and soon.

  “When I get back, I want to tell Evan and Dashel about the twins and then I want that thing you promised me,” I purr, switching tactic as he noticed my grimace and his face darkened quite terrifyingly.

  As expected, it works, his eyes light up, but there is still a thunder cloud over his head. “Fine,” he says. This appears his go-to word for the moment. “I will arrange it, but remember the rules.”

  “I will,” I murmur, running my hands up his chest. “My reward is you in your faux-Devil form.”

  Now that lights a fire under his ass, as I knew it would. He grabs me by my upper arms and smashes his lips to mine.

  “You have no idea what that means to me,” he whispers against my lips, his eyes closed.

  “Well, if you give me what I want, I will do anything for you, always,” I whisper back.

  His eyes pop open with a shrewd look. “Anything?” he asks seriously.

  “Yes,” I say.

  “Hmm,” he murmurs, his eyes, two flames and I know exactly what he is thinking.

  I gulp, remembering the ordeal, but I also remember that I survived and how he made me feel afterwards. I force a smile on my face, and he sighs, knowing it is too much to ask.

  “Maybe one day,” he says and kisses me on the forehead.

  I nod dutifully, and then use my new flaming power to transport myself to Earth, and to Trent’s location, which somehow has been beamed into my head. I smile as it must’ve been Luc’s kiss.

  I glare down at him, sleeping in a bed with a fan blasting away in the dim room. I sigh.

  South America.

  I always loved it here in the summer. Hot as Hell, which is of course my preferred temperature. I just cannot let Luc and our son destroy this World. I just can’t. Rebuilding it, if that is what the other side will do, will take centuries or longer. I can’t let this happen.

  “Vazna,” I call out softly, so as not to wake Trent just yet.

  He is there in a flurry of feathers, a suspicious look on his face, which changes instantly as he sees me standing there.

  “What is it?” He approaches me quickly, not in the least bit afraid of me and my powers.


  I indicate the Demon in the bed. “He shouldn’t be here. Luc sent me here to return him, but I thought you would rather do the honors.” I give him a sultry smile that has his breath coming faster.

  “You would betray him?” he asks, casting his gaze to Trent and then back to me.

  I shrug. “This particular asshole needs putting down,” I say with a look of disgust. “Want him or not?”

  Vazna jumps into action. “An Upper Level Demon,” he says. “What’s the catch?”

  “I want his essence,” I reply instantly.

  Now it is his turn to give a look of disgust. “To do what with?” he asks.

  “Why do you care?” I ask, sidling over to him.

  He grimaces. “I don’t.” He glares down his nose at me as I gaze up at him, running my hand up his chest, just as I did with Luc a few minutes ago. It works every time, power or no power.

  His face softens, his lips curving into a small smile. “Ready for that?” he asks cockily, for an Angel no less.

  “Don’t tempt me,” I murmur, staring at his luscious mouth before I shift my gaze to his bright blue eyes.

  I bunch my hands into his shirt and pull him closer. His eyes have glazed over, a sure sign he has succumbed to my Seduction. I tilt my head back and he leans down as if to kiss me, but I whisper in his ear instead, “I will stop the Apocalypse. Just trust me,” I mutter and then I can’t resist plunging my tongue into his mouth and give him a kiss that he will remember for a very long time.

  He groans and gathers me closer with his free arm, his other encumbered with his light-bearing sword.

  “Don’t stop,” he pleads with me as I pull away.

  As much as I would like to see where this goes, I can’t. I promised. “I have to go,” I whisper and turn back to the bed, to find Trent staring at me in utter amazement and then triumph as he realizes who I am and that I was just engaging in a lip lock with the enemy.

  “Now!” I urge Vazna, indicating Trent with my hand.

  Vazna brings himself back to Earth with a shake of his head and aims his sword at Trent, whose eyes go wide with fear. He leaps out of bed and gathers a cloud of power to him, but it’s too late.

  Vazna has lashed out with his sword, frying the body of the Demon, causing his essence to scream in agony as it struggles to get free of the flames.

  “Let him go,” I order him.

  “Sorry, but that’s not how this works,” Vazna says with a shrug.

  “Asshole,” I hiss, seeing Trent completely disappear into the bright light.

  I cover my eyes and spin to Vazna, furious.

  He gives me an apologetic look and says, “I will contact you in your dreams, Axelle.” And then he is gone, his feathers flapping up a wind that whips my hair into my face.

  He played me as much as I played him. I growl and in a fit of temper, flame back to the bedroom that I share with my husband and lovers.



  I stare at my wife as she returns in a flash of fire that has me stepping back slightly, lest she set my suit aflame.

  “Problem,” I drawl at her as I see her fierce frown.

  “That Angel is a dick!” she exclaims.

  “Well, you won’t get
any argument from me,” I chuckle and take her hand. “But did he do what you wanted?”

  She huffs out a breath. “Yes, he…you know… but he got all”

  “Huh?” I ask, crinkling up my nose.

  “I didn’t get my part,” she hisses, crushing my hand in her annoyance.

  “Oh,” I say and shrug, not overly concerned. “But it is done?”

  “Yes,” she says and stamps her foot. She pulls her hand from mine and folds her arms.

  “Pissed, are you?” I ask with a small smirk.

  “How can you tell?” she asks sarcastically, but then gives me a half-hearted smile. “I know I’m being a bitch about it.”

  I just shrug at her again. I don’t care one way or the other. As far as I’m concerned, the threat has been dealt with.

  “So where is my prize?” she asks, drawing my attention back.

  “What do you mean?” I ask coyly.

  “My male to play with, you promised me,” she pouts.

  “Oh, that. You didn’t have to seduce him, though, so do you really deserve it?” I’m baiting her for my own amusement. I will give her what she wants and more. I see her eyes flash dangerously, and I try to hide my smile. I’m over the moon that this plan worked out without her having to be defiled by that pervert, along with the fact that I didn’t end up creating a civil war over it.

  She sets her lips in a grim line and places her hands on her hips. I note she is still in the black silk dress that looks so sexy on her, I feel myself go hard.

  “Oh, really,” she snaps. “You think calling Vazna in wasn’t unpleasant enough?”

  “I’m sure it was. Dealing with that asshole would certainly unmake my day,” I comment and watch as her anger zings into the red zone.

  I struggle to keep the smile off my face as her cheeks go red.

  “Then give me what you promised me,” she splutters, unable to outright demand anything from me. She still knows her place, although I would give her anything she demanded, especially if it makes her promise to give me what I want in return. Specifically, what she asked for before the announcement.


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