Bound Series Trilogy: A Fantasy Reverse Harem

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Bound Series Trilogy: A Fantasy Reverse Harem Page 46

by Eve Newton

  The Demon wets himself and then passes out with the sheer fear of being faced with his leader in a terrifying grip, several feet off the ground.

  I rumble and drop him, pissed off now. The Demon hits the ground, hard, and it scatters the few Demons that were nearby. “Insubordination will not be tolerated,” I yell into the momentary silence.

  Then I shift into my true form and obliterate several dozen Demons who clap eyes on me before the rest shield their gazes from me. I hear the screams of the dying and I revel in it. I want more. I want to take them all out.

  “Get down, for fuck’s sake,” my father’s voice calls out from underneath me.

  I look down at him in annoyance.

  My father is standing there glaring up at me with that look. The one that tells me he is most disappointed in my behavior.

  “This is most disappointing behavior, Luc,” Gravla says on cue.

  “Fuck off,” I growl back, remaining where I am hovering a few feet off the ground. It is keeping the Demons cowed as they daren’t look at me and be extinguished for eternity. “This has nothing to do with you!”

  “Actually, it does,” Gravla says. “And I know the answers you are looking for. I will tell you if you get the fuck down from there,” he adds slyly.

  I glare at him, wishing I could incinerate my own bloodline, but no such luck. Dammit. That means that Dashel is also immune. This day has gone straight to the Hellhounds.

  I land heavily next to my father, triumphant in the fact that I’m towering over him and the asshole has to look up at me.

  “Well?” I bark out, refusing to change form. The Demons are dispersing under their leader’s wrath, not that I’ve really done much…yet.

  Gravla sighs. “They don’t want the Apocalypse and they are prepared to go to any lengths to prevent it…if you get my meaning…” He peers at me with his blue eyes that look just like the ones that I have adopted, complete with extra sparkle for Axelle’s benefit. In fact, his whole form still looks like the one Axelle favors and it makes me furious. Even more furious as I take in his words.

  “How do you know this?” I growl.

  Gravla shrugs. “If your head weren’t so far up your ass, you would also know. Or perhaps that should be, if your dick wasn’t buried so deep inside your new bride all of the time instead of ruling, this would never have happened.”

  “Leave her out of it,” I rumble. “And if you are threatening her in any way, whatsoever, I will find a way to burn you at the stake.”

  Gravla laughs at me. “Oh no, not me. Them.” He indicates with his chin at the scampering Demons. They have realized that I’m not going anywhere and I’m not changing back into a form they can talk to, never mind fight.

  I take in a steadying breath and push past my father. I’m not getting anywhere with him except more pissed off. I stomp off, back through the double doors and kick them closed with my massive hooves and then flame out to Axelle, forgetting momentarily that Evan can’t see me this way.

  She sees me and with a shriek, she shoves Evan’s face away from me as she leaps off the altar. “Everything okay?” she asks instantly.

  I shift back and embrace her. Taking comfort in her. My whole rule is spinning out of my control and I have no idea why.

  “Yes,” I say. “For now.” But I can already tell that the Demons are returning to throw whatever magic they can at my residence to try and kidnap my wife, and therefore, my unborn children. “We need to talk.” I flame the four of us out to our bedroom and sit Axelle down on the bed.

  I start to pace in front of her, wondering how in the Hell I’m supposed to start. I’m not used to dissension and I’m sure as shit not used to asking for the reason why my Demons have gone off the deep end.

  “Luc?” she prompts after a few minutes of silence and pacing.

  “You were against the Apocalypse,” I say, turning to her suddenly.

  I see her pull back, fear on her face.

  “But then I gave you what you wanted. Didn’t I?” I can hear how unsure I sound, even to my own ears, so it comes as no surprise that Axelle’s perfect eyebrows skyrocket and she sits up straight again, astounded at my tone.

  Dashel has come closer, listening intently, while Evan once again clings to Axelle. It seems that I’m not the only one who needs to be touching her every waking second.

  “Yes,” she says, but I don’t have to be a genius to hear the slight hesitation in her tone.

  “Why are you still against it?” I ask. “I need to know. Do not be afraid of your answer.”

  She purses her lips and stands up. “Is that what this is all about?” she asks, indicating the shaking that occurs every now and again.

  “Yes,” I confirm, looking her square in the eye.

  “Oh,” she says knowingly and walks over to take my hands. “You want me to tell you why they are doing this?” she adds hesitantly.

  “Yes!” I snap. “I don’t understand any of this. The Apocalypse has been foretold for millennia. It should come as no shock to anyone that now that I am this close to having my heir, it is going to go forth.” I glare at her, pissed off.

  “I’ll explain it, my love,” she says, remaining calm now in the face of my anger.

  It pleases me to see her strength. It turns me off when she cowers from me. I don’t want that for her. For us.

  “It may have been foretold millennia ago, but so many of these Demons are new, or at least not ancient,” she amends with a small pout. “Earthbound gigs are hard to come by and the best of the best as far as assignments go. Every Demon in here is waiting for their chance to go there and cause chaos. If Earth no longer exists, they have lost out on their chance. Am I making any sense?” She is chewing her lip as I stare at her.

  “That’s what this is about?” I ask incredulously after a moment.

  She nods hesitantly, knowing that my temper has risen again.

  “I told you that Earth would be remade. That the other side would remake it in time,” I insist, pointing at Dashel, even though he is firmly ‘Team Me’ right now.

  “Yes, you did. But I didn’t know, and I’m sure as shit that they don’t either. Why would they? Apocalypse, by its very definition, is the end of the World,” she replies, taking my hands again after I shook them free. “I understand why this is important to you. It has been what you have been working towards forever, but not everyone sees it the same as you, in black and white. There are gray areas, and in those areas, Demons are salivating at the bit to get an Earthbound assignment.”

  “Humph,” I mutter and start to pace again.

  Has everything that I’ve thought, worked for, tried desperately to achieve over the last few centuries all been for nothing? Has it boiled down to a choice of going through with my plans and facing civil war or giving up and just keeping everything the way it is? Or the third option, to wipe out my entire cache of Demons over it and start afresh with the souls that will come through after Armageddon?

  I sigh. I open my mouth to tell her that I have to think about it, when who should pop back in, but Gravla.

  He stops dead when he sees Dashel and I grimace at him.

  “Oh, yes, meet Dashel. Grandfather’s twin,” I say and watch with delight as my father gulps visibly and pales. Oh, this development now has its appeal to me. A perfect way to torture my father for all the years he tortured me.

  “Tw-twin,” he stammers but doesn’t hang around to find out anymore. He hauls ass out of the bedroom as if it was on fire.

  I chuckle and catch Dashel’s eye. I’m surprised to see that he looks vaguely amused.

  I turn back to Axelle. “I need to go and think about what you’ve said. When I get back, I want some time alone with you. Understood?”

  She bites her lip in amusement. “Yes, my sexy husband, I agree to that.” She winks, making me beam with pride and arrogance. I couldn’t be more thrilled with her right now.

  I bend down to kiss her, long, hard and passionate enough to give her wic
ked thoughts about what I want to do to her when I return.

  I disappear in an extra hot set of flames, leaving the three of them alone, ignoring the clawing in the pit of my stomach that tells me that they’re going to engage in sexual activity without me, just to spite my earlier request.



  After a sex session that included a very satisfying DP, I wander off to find my husband. He is back in the gallery, staring at that ugly depiction of his grandfather.

  “Thought you got rid of that,” I comment, leaning casually against the doorway.

  “Needed it to think,” he says shortly. But then he turns to me with a half-smile to show that he isn’t pissed off with me.

  “And? What did you decide?” I ask warily.

  He shrugs and sighs. “I have no idea.” He rushes up to me suddenly with a wretched look on his face. “I need to know, and fucking soon, what I am going to do about this, but I can’t seem to make up my fucking mind!” he yells, brandishing the painting at me, that swooped into his outstretched hand.

  I duck further into the room, because the rush of power that came off him in that moment, made my hair stand on end. I smooth it down and regard him closely.

  “Anything I can do?” I venture, still wary.

  He fixes me with a blue-eyed glare, and I gulp, wishing that I hadn’t said that, until his face relaxes, and he crosses over to me again, his shoulders slumped. Fuck, I’ve never seen him so defeated.

  “Yes,” he says. “You can tell me again why they want this. I need to hear it.”

  I nod eagerly and tell him again about Earthbound assignments and the waiting list.

  He stares at me, taking it all in. “If I don’t do this, my entire existence has been for nothing,” he says flatly.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” I snap at him, finding my footing with him again in the face of this vulnerability. “You are the Devil. You are ruler of Hell. That doesn’t have to change. Ever,” I point out forcefully. No way do I want my son to kill my husband so that he can rule. It’s not happening while I exist on this plane, or any other.

  “But everything I have worked for, everything that I have been told, that has been beaten into me, all the expectations and pressure, stress and disappointment over the last few centuries has all been about this moment and now that it is here, I am facing a civil war over it!” He goes back to yelling. “My whole life has been worth nothing if I don’t do this!” he exclaims with volume, gesturing wildly with the painting so that he nearly bashes me on the side of my head with it. I step back and give him a smile at his apologetic shrug.

  “You are being a bit dramatic,” I point out.

  He gives me a withering glare, but then it changes to a shrewd look that I falter under. “You,” he says, not unkindly, but with intensity. “I need you to help me make this decision.”

  “Me?” I croak out, stunned by his request.

  “Yes, you are the self-appointed Queen of Hell,” he states with dignity. “Act like it!” he spits out.

  “Okay,” I say, but then don’t say anything. I daren’t because I’m very unsure if he is being a dick or being serious.

  He loses all of his fight again and gives me a look of love that melts me briefly, before it vanishes and his grim look returns.

  I blink and figuratively, take the Devil by the horns. “Luc, I love you. You are my husband and I am your subject. I am yours to command. If you want me to sit quietly in a corner and be seen but not heard, then I will do it. If you wish me only on your arm at functions as a hot piece of ass, then that is what I will do. If you want me to act as a sounding board while you vent to reach your decision, then I am on board with that.” I pause for dramatic effect. “If you want me as your partner in crime, to discuss things with you and reach a mutual decision with respect and equal weight, then, without fail, I will be there for you. You decide, my love, in what capacity you want your wife to act.”

  He gazes at me with such adoration, that is a new addition to his facial features, and I like it. A lot. I want it to always adorn his handsome visage when he looks at me.

  “I don’t think you are the to-be-seen-and-not-heard type,” he says dryly.

  I chuckle, relieved that he didn’t take me up on that particular one.

  But he doesn’t say anything else after that. He just stares at his grandfather.

  I decide to remove that obstacle from his line of sight. I take it gingerly between my hands, palms just touching the sides as I lift it out of his grip, cautious of activating the spell that will bring Lucifer out of his imprisonment. I place it facing the wall and then look back at Luc expectantly.

  “I want you as a true partner,” he says decisively. “I want us to rule together. Equally with respect and with love for each other, always.” His eyes burn into mine waiting for my answer.

  “Yes,” I breathe, gripping his hands tightly. “I accept.”

  “Thought you might,” he says with a gentle laugh at my expense. “So, my Queen. What do we do about this?”

  “We call it off,” I say instantly, and he raises his eyebrow at my quick answer.

  “And that’s that?” he asks, with a wrinkled brow.

  “Yes,” I say. “This doesn’t define you, Luc. It never has and if your asshole father made you think that, then I will go and get rid of him myself right now. Somehow,” I add, a smile tugging at my lips.

  He lets out a loud laugh. “Indeed,” he says, but then frowns again. “Tell me then, Axelle, what does define me?”

  “Your rule, your legacy. Your children,” I say, squeezing his hands even tighter. “Me,” I add with a seductive look from lowered lashes.

  His gaze pulls my eyes back up to his. “And that’s that,” he says, bending down to kiss me.

  I watch him leave, wishing I could go with him, but there is no point in aggravating the crowd further by showing off my pregnancy.

  I gasp as a pain in my stomach brings me to my knees, glad that Evan is there to find me moments later before I faint from the agony that is tearing through me.


  I leave the crowd to go back to Axelle.

  I’m in a state of agitation and I need to make sure that she is okay before I speak to Evan and Dashel about a plan that I loathe, but have no choice in. My Demon minions have left me with no choice.

  I flame in right next to Evan, who is staring down at Axelle prone on our bed, her breathing erratic.

  “What happened?” I demand immediately.

  “Not sure. I found her right before she passed out,” Evan says. “But she has…uhm…extended,” he adds, gesturing to her body.

  I look down at her again and then take her hand in surprise as I sit next to her. The babies are growing at a rapid rate. They will be here before we know it. She seems to calm at my nearness, and that makes me happy. I throw a smug smile at Evan.

  “She will be fine,” I say and stand up again. “But I need to talk to you and Dashel about something.”

  I see Evan give me a weird look at my serious tone, but he nods, and I flame out with him to find Dashel.

  Weirdly, I find him in the downstairs hallway, avidly watching a couple fucking in all sorts of delicious ways. I had totally forgotten about these impromptu shows that I insisted upon for my own entertainment. I now have a Demon wife that can quite happily achieve my absolute satisfaction, and I intend to make good on my promise to her to grow another dick and impale her on them both at the same time.

  I groan as I start to get hard, receiving a disgusted look from Evan in the process.

  “I’ll tell Axelle about this,” he remarks to both of us, pointing between me and Dashel. “She will not be pleased.”

  “I am here doing research,” Dashel says, standing up. “I am new to intercourse and I wish to please Axelle in every way that I can. I am learning how to do that by watching these two creatures.”

  “Humph,” I mutter and then give them both a fierce glare as th
ey expect me to answer for my raging hard-on and lustful noises. But then I realize that my plans will annoy them both. “Axelle wishes for me to take her as the beast with two dicks,” I gesture to the painting a slight way down the hall. “I intend to do that at the earliest opportunity."

  “Two dicks?” Evan splutters and stalks over to the painting that I'd indicated.

  His face goes puce as he sees the image and then turns to retch. “Is that—is that Jez?” he croaks out, looking for all the world like he is going to lose his lunch on my floor.

  I give him a smug smile. “Why, yes, it is,” I say.

  “Fuck’s sake,” he mutters as Dashel goes to investigate what all the fuss is about.

  “Oh, my,” he says, tilting his head. “You can do this to please Axelle?”

  “I can,” I say. “I can do anything. Devil, remember?”

  “I want to watch this,” he murmurs, his eyes going dark. “She will take great delight in this act.”

  “Oh, I know.”

  “I can’t unsee this!” Evan yells at us. “For the love of all things unholy, take this painting down right now!”

  I shrug and snap my fingers, setting it alight, much to Evan’s relief. “I shall replace it with one of me and Axelle, with Dashel watching us. Where will you be?”

  “Standing next to her with my dick in her mouth,” he answers cockily.

  “Oh no,” I retort. “That pleases you. This act will be for her benefit and hers alone.”

  He pauses, but then his eyes light up. “In that case, I will be standing in front of her, with you behind her, with my dick also inside her.”

  “TP?” I ask, impressed. “Now that I am sure she will enjoy, and it will make for a good piece of pornographic art. But we digress.” I gesture for them to follow me back up the stairs while I tell them of my plan.

  They are both startled, as I knew they would be, but I need them to get on board with this before Axelle wakes up.

  “Do you agree?” I ask urgently.


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