Forever With You

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Forever With You Page 8

by E. L. Todd

  I walked inside and saw Skye sitting at the table with Trinity.

  I hadn’t realized Trinity was going to be there, but they already heard the door so I had to walk inside.

  Trinity was leaning over the table, her face permanently stained with tears. She looked so similar to Slade it was uncanny. Skye sat beside her, silently comforting her.

  I wanted to kiss Skye but I refrained from being affectionate with her in front of Trinity. I remembered how I felt when I saw couples together when Skye wasn’t in my life. They always pissed me off. I sat next to Trinity at the table.

  Slade was my best friend but Trinity was my friend too. I wasn’t picking sides, even though I wish Slade would change his mind about marriage. “Hey, Trinity.”

  She didn’t say anything in response. She didn’t even bother to wipe her tears away.

  “Let me know if there’s anything I can do,” I whispered.

  “I should go,” Trinity said. “I know you guys must want to spend time together.”

  Skye shot me a look.

  “No.” I rose to my feet. “I just stopped by to get something. I’m headed to…Slade’s.”

  “Oh.” Trinity didn’t move.

  I went into the kitchen and pretended to look for something. Then I returned to the table. “I’ll see you later.” I just looked at Skye because I knew I couldn’t do much else.

  Her eyes told me how much she missed me even if she couldn’t say it.


  Slade walked beside me on the street, not really there.

  “Let’s try that new Thai place,” I said.

  “I’m not hungry.”

  He hadn’t eaten in weeks. I was starting to get worried. “Come on, just try it.”

  “I want beer.” That was all he said.

  “They have Thai iced tea. That’s pretty good.”

  Slade stopped walking. “Go be with Skye. I’m nothing but a pain in the ass right now. Go be happy…” He turned around and started to walk the other way.

  “Whoa, hold on.” I grabbed him and turned him around. “I see Skye all the time. I want to hang out with you.”

  “Liar,” he snapped. “If I could be with Trinity right now, that’s where I’d be.”

  I suspected he was already buzzed. “Well, let’s try that Thai place for now.” I pulled him toward the restaurant. Reluctantly, he came along.

  We found a table and I picked up the menu. “This place has really good reviews.”

  Slade stared out the window. His face was etched into a permanent grimace, like he was constantly in pain.

  When the waitress came over, Slade ignored her. I ordered for both of us, already knowing what he liked. And I ordered him a Thai iced tea.

  Slade rested his face against the table just like he did at his apartment. “God, it hurts…”

  I would tell him to sit up but I knew it was futile.


  After seeing Trinity earlier, I knew Slade was suffering more. It was ironic since he was the one who broke them up to begin with. I tapped his arm. “Sit up, man. I want to look at you.”

  “You know what I look like,” he whispered.

  “Slade, come on. Sit up.”

  He slowly sat up, acting like it took all his energy to do so.

  “Any new tatts?” I asked.

  He shook his head.

  I tried to think of something to talk about. “How’s the shop?”

  His eyes wandered around the restaurant, looking at nothing in particular. “Have you seen Trinity?” His eyes burned like they might burst into flame.

  I didn’t know how to answer his question. I figured it was best if we steered clear of her. “No.” When Skye and I were broken up, it was nice not worrying about running into her somewhere. If I had to see her every day, it would be a million times harder.

  He nodded his head slowly. “I love her…”

  “I know you do, man.”

  “Like, really love her. Just because I don’t want to get married doesn’t mean I wouldn’t die for her…”

  “I know.” Seeing him like this was painful. “How’s the shop?”

  “The what?” he asked.

  “The shop. You know, where you work.”

  “Oh…” He nodded then looked away.

  “And how’s it doing?”

  He turned back to me. “It’s okay. The same, really.”

  “See any new tattoos?”

  He shook his head.

  I wondered how he was at work. Was he this off? Did people think he was high all day?”

  “Did you catch the Mets game?” I asked.

  He shook his head.

  The waitress brought our food.

  Slade stared at his plate like he didn’t know what to do.

  “Slade, you need to eat.” I wasn’t going to let it slide this time.

  “I’m not hungry.” That’s what he always said.

  “Slade, we aren’t leaving until you eat half of that.”

  He picked up his chopsticks and slowly ate.

  I knew he really hit rock bottom in order to lose his appetite. That was one thing that never changed about him. He could eat all day, every day. But now that part of him was gone. “How’s the band?”

  “Band?” he asked.

  “Yeah, your band.” I ate my pad Thai.

  “All those songs are about Trinity…I’m going to quit.”

  “No, don’t quit,” I said. “Playing music is good. Just take a break for a little bit.”

  He picked at his food and ate slowly. “You think Trinity misses me as much as I miss her?”

  “I do.”

  He sighed and kept eating. “I can’t sleep…”

  I knew how that was. When Skye and I were apart, I never slept. “I know how you feel, man.”

  “Can you…like…stay over tonight?” He didn’t look at me as he said it.

  Slade wouldn’t ask that in a million years. He clearly wasn’t himself. “Of course, man.”

  “I just…if you’re there I might be able to sleep.”

  “Sure,” I said. “You don’t need to explain yourself.”

  He finished half his food then stopped. “It’s moments like these when I wish I’d never loved her…”

  “You don’t mean that, Slade.”

  “You said the same thing about Skye.”

  “But I thought she cheated on me. And even then I didn’t really mean it.”

  “I hope you guys get married,” he said. “You deserve to be happy.”

  “Thanks…you deserve to be happy too.”

  “Why can’t I be more like you?” he blurted. “Trinity would like that.”

  “No, she wouldn’t. She loves you for who you are, Slade.”

  “But you’re marriage material.”

  “So are you,” I said.

  Slade seemed to lose interest in the conversation because he looked out the window. The rest of the meal was spent in silence. After I paid the bill, we walked back to his place. His place was a studio, so the bedroom was in his living room. Slade immediately lay on the bed and I sat on the couch.

  “Good night,” I said.


  I stared at the ceiling, wishing I were sleeping with Skye.


  I slept at Slade’s place every night. I didn’t mind because it seemed to help him sleep, but I really missed Skye. Since I spent all my free time with Slade, and Skye spent all her free time with Trinity, we hardly saw each other.

  And I was going crazy.

  At lunchtime I went to her office. She was on the phone when I walked inside. Ward was in London so I knew I wouldn’t have to deal with him.

  Skye was wearing a tight collared shirt that showed the curve of her breasts. Thin glasses were on her rose, and her hair was wavy. She looked like a damn bombshell. I already missed her, but this was torture.

  Skye hung up. “Where do you want to eat?”

  “I want sex,” I blurte

  She stared at me blankly for a moment. “Sorry?”

  “I’ve been with Slade every waking hour and you’ve been with Trinity. Baby, if I don’t fuck you right now I’m going to explode.”

  She sighed. “My dad, uncle, and cousin all work here, Cayson.”

  “Sean and Mike are at lunch. I checked.”

  She shook her head. “It’s too risky…”

  “I’m not taking no for an answer.” I was being serious.

  “Cayson, we’ll meet at your place after work for a quickie.”

  “I want one now.”

  She gave me an incredulous look. “Am I talking to Cayson or Slade?”

  “I know what it’s like to live without you, and it’s starting to feel strangely like that. Just bend over your desk and I’ll make it quick.”

  Desire came into her eyes and she was tempted.

  “Baby, please.” I locked her office door then closed the blinds.

  She sighed. “Fine. But make it quick. And be quiet.”

  Thank god. I came behind her and lifted up her skirt. After I undid my slacks and pulled my cock out, I moved her underwear over and slipped inside her. “Oh fuck…”

  “Be quiet,” she whispered.

  I gripped her shoulders then slammed into her repeatedly. I gave her my best moves and rubbed her clitoris in a circular motion, wanting her to get off before I did.

  Skye thrust her ass into me, and my cock slid through her slick with just the right amount of friction. I was already prepared to come but I held on so she had a chance to reach her climax. I rubbed her clitoris harder and pushed her over the edge. When she tensed underneath me and gripped the desk, I knew she reached her threshold. That’s when I let myself go, releasing inside her while trying not to moan.

  When we were finished I pulled out then grabbed the tissues off her desk and cleaned up. Then I pulled up my pants and sat down.

  She adjusted herself then caught her breath, looking satisfied. “That was the quickest fuck I’ve ever had.”

  I gave her a smug look then shrugged.

  She chuckled. “I wasn’t complimenting you.”

  “Well, that’s how I took it.”

  She grabbed her purse. “Lunch?”

  “I just came here to get laid.” I stood up then adjusted my tie.

  Skye put her hand on her hip then glared at me.


  Chapter Nine


  When we returned to New York, Rome and I returned to our professional relationship. Every day at work, I acted like she meant nothing to me. I stayed in my office most of the time and avoided her. Now that I could have her whenever I wanted her, it was hard to resist her. I thought it was smart to steer clear of her while I was on the clock.

  I kept thinking about our trip to San Diego. A physical relationship had developed, and it was one I never expected to have. She wanted a fling with no strings attached. Normally, it’s what I wanted too. But I had a feeling Rome was different. Usually after I had sex with a woman a few times, I was bored. But with Rome, I only wanted more.

  At the end of the workday, I stopped by her desk. “Any calls?”

  “Nope. But you do have a meeting with Mr. Sherry tomorrow morning.”

  “What time?” I asked.


  “Thank you, Rome. I would have forgotten.”

  “That’s what I’m here for.” She took off her glasses and returned them to her case. Whether she wore glasses or not, she was sexy as hell. Her green eyes were vibrant in either case. Sometimes I forgot I could stare at her all I liked. I didn’t have to hide anymore.

  “Dinner?” I asked quietly.

  She looked at her watch. “How about tomorrow instead?”

  I wanted to know what plans she had but I didn’t ask. She made it clear she didn’t want to discuss our personal lives. “Sure.”

  “I look forward to it.” She grabbed her purse then stood up. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Thomas.”

  “Good night, Rose.” I watched her walk away and head to the sidewalk. Blatantly, I watched her, wondering what she was doing tonight. Did she have another date? We never talked about monogamy. I’d have to ask her about it next time I had a chance.


  At the end of the following workday, she and I got into my car and we drove to a quiet place near my apartment. She stared at the lights and knobs of my expensive car.

  “You have a nice ride.”

  “Thanks,” I said. “Do you have a car?”

  “A Honda. But I never use it.”

  The valet took my car then we walked into the restaurant. Rome and I were more comfortable around each other now that we slept together a few times. I felt more comfortable staring at her and making my intentions known. I could be myself around her at this point.

  “You look beautiful tonight.”

  “I didn’t earlier?” she asked. “I was wearing the same thing.”

  “You always look beautiful.” I reached across the table and touched her hand.

  She blushed slightly. “And you always look delicious in your suit.”

  “Delicious?” I asked.

  “Yep.” She pulled her hand away then looked at the menu.

  After we made our selections, the waiter took our order, and then we sipped our wine and enjoyed each other’s company.

  “I want to ask something about our relationship,” I said.


  “Are we seeing other people while we’re doing this?”

  “That’s up to you,” she said simply.

  “Why is that up to me?”

  “I know you have an active personal lifestyle. I’m very tame in comparison.”

  “Well, I don’t want to see anyone else. I think relationships, even if they are casual, are more enjoyable when other people aren’t in the mix.”


  “So, we’re monogamous then?”

  “It seems so.”

  I couldn’t read her. “Do you want to be? Or does it make a difference to you?” It mattered to me. Did she not care if I slept with other women? Did she care about me romantically at all?

  “Yes, I want to be.”

  That was the answer I was hoping for.

  The food arrived and we ate quietly. Her leg brushed against mine under the table, and I realized she was flirting with me. She did cute things like this often, being affectionate but not overdoing it.

  When we were finished, I paid the tab and we headed back to my place. When she walked inside, she examined the room. “You have a beautiful home.”

  “Thank you.” I took off my jacket and loosened my tie.

  She walked around and examined everything, like she was really interested. “It has a great view.”

  “It can be a bit distracting sometimes.”

  She headed down the hallway toward my bedroom.

  I followed behind her, knowing where she was going and why.

  She walked around my bedroom and examined it. “That bed looks comfy.”

  “Try it out.”

  She slipped off her heels then jumped on it. When she lay flat on her back, she stretched her arms out then rolled over. “I’d love to get fucked on this.”

  My spine shivered at her words. “I can make that happen.”

  “Yeah?” She unbuttoned her blouse then took it off. She wore a black bra underneath.

  I stared at her for a moment before I removed my clothes then crawled on top of her. There were a hundred things I wanted to do to her. I’d been thinking about them all day. Now I had my chance.


  She and I lay in bed together. Nighttime had fallen on the city, and the lights shined through the windows. I stroked her hair while I stared at her exquisite face. She was the most beautiful woman I’d ever had in this apartment. Not only did I feel like I accomplished something impressive, I wanted to keep her there.

  “How do you get up in the morning?” she ask
ed after she sighed.

  “My alarm clock makes me.”

  “But this bed is so soft.”

  “On the weekends I get up pretty late.”

  “If I had this bed, I’d file for disability.”

  I laughed. “I have a feeling I’ll have a hard time getting rid of you.”

  “Yep.” She hugged a pillow to her chest.

  I eyed the pillow, feeling jealous of the soft fabric in her arms. I pulled it out then moved close to her, wanting her to hold me like that.

  Her eyes were closed but she smirked slightly. “Are you jealous of a pillow?”

  “What if I am?” I rested my forehead against hers and hiked her leg over my waist.

  “Well, then you’re extremely insecure.”

  I ran my fingers through her hair, watching her face. “With you I am.”

  She opened her eyes and looked at me. “Thank you for the lovely evening.”

  Did that mean she was leaving? “You’re welcome.”

  She sat up then pulled the covers off.

  I grabbed her and yanked her back. “Stay.”

  She pressed her back into me then smiled over her shoulder. “I have things to do. Plus, if I lay here any longer I’ll fall asleep.”

  “Would that be the worst thing in the world?”

  “Of course not. But I really should get going.”

  I kept my hold on her, not wanting her to leave. I was never clingy like this with my dates. Normally, they wanted to linger all night and the following day. I grew irritated because I wanted to kick them out but I didn’t want to be a jerk about it. But with Rome, I wanted her to stay. And I wanted to make her sleep with me without being mean about it. “You haven’t seen my TV and couches. It’s the ultimate entertainment system.”

  “Are your couches as comfortable as this bed?”

  “I fall asleep on them all the time.”

  “I guess I can take a peek.” She left the bed then grabbed her skirt.

  I quickly opened my nightstand and threw a shirt at her.

  She caught it then eyed it for a moment before she pulled it on.

  Damn, she looked hot.

  Rome headed down the hallway then sat on the leather couch. “It is comfy.”

  I sat beside her in my boxers then turned on the TV. “Whenever I’m in here, productivity takes a hit for the worst.”


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