Guys on the Bottom - Guys Book Three

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Guys on the Bottom - Guys Book Three Page 16

by Darien Cox

  “Bullshit, I trained both of them for everything.”

  “Okay, well, that’s what he’s telling me anyway. He’s got the ingredient lists but doesn’t know how to put half the shit together, but he tried anyway and fucked it up. Lunch crowd is swarming in, kitchen’s backed up, it’s a train wreck. Richelle’s been filling in but she called in sick. And there’s lime juice and sesame oil all over the floor, and something that looks like blood but I think it’s grenadine—”

  “He doesn’t need all that detail!” I heard Duncan say. “Give me the phone.”

  I shook my head. “Hello?”

  “Zach, it’s me,” Duncan said. “Will you come in today? I’ll pay you off the books or as a subcontractor or whatever. I’ve been trying to help out but there’s been carnage for two days straight, and carnage is bad in a vegetarian restaurant.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  Duncan’s sigh of relief was genuine. “I promise, next time I call it won’t be for this.”

  I grinned. “It’s no problem. I’ll be down soon.”

  “Thank you, love. See you soon.”

  I hung up. I’d heard Duncan call other people ‘love’ before, so I didn’t take it too seriously, but I allowed myself to enjoy it nonetheless.

  So carnage at Duncan’s garden of delights. And I had to go save the day. Well that was fine, I was bored anyway. But if he thought I was putting on leaves or twigs or wings for the occasion he could get fucked.

  I changed into my sexy jeans and chose a cool tie-dye tee shirt that I knew looked good on me. Hey, I’m not vain, but if the man I’ve got my eye on is going to see me, there will be effort. I sprayed a little cologne on and headed off to Elfy Choices.

  The Shire was burning, and they required my wizardry.


  I skipped the main doors and slipped in the side of the garden fence to Elfy Choices instead. Music piped into the space, an odd but intriguing mix of medieval baroque and trip hop. Most of the tables were full, and the elves looked nervous. A young waitress called Aria passed by me with an empty tray as she headed to the bar, then did a double take and stopped. Despite the pointed ears and colorful costume, I could tell by Aria’s panicked expression she was not having a very magical day.

  “Zach. Are you back? Please tell me you’re back.”

  I looked up at the Elfy Choices hut, and Robert was mixing drinks—with Duncan. Duncan told me once he preferred to delegate the stressful stuff, so if he was rolling his sleeves up it must be bad. But he was moving fast, and actually looked like he knew what he was doing.

  I patted Aria on the shoulder. “Hang in there. We’ll get it done.”

  I moved quickly toward the food and drink hut. Duncan was nodding as Robert simultaneously mixed drinks and muttered to him, possibly instructions. Duncan was mixing a set of three drinks, his brow furrowed. I tried not to acknowledge how cute he was, because he was clearly stressed out, but in jeans and a green tee shirt with a unicorn on the front, Duncan was so sexy and adorable and I nearly keeled over.

  “Hey.” I pushed through the opening on the side and Duncan and Robert both whirled around.

  “Hey!” Robert said. “Can you go help Steven? He’s dying back there.”

  “I’m on it.”

  Duncan grabbed my face and kissed my forehead. “Thank you,” he said then went back to work.

  I found Steven in the kitchen, standing over a tray he’d just pulled out of the oven. It was supposed to be my eggplant rollatini with vegan ricotta and organic marinara, but it looked like burned road kill. “Steven.”

  He looked up at me with wide eyes. Any jaded smugness I’d seen in him in the past was gone. “Hey! Zach, Chauncy quit, and I can’t keep up.” He looked down at the eggplant. “And this eggplant doesn’t look like yours does.”

  “On that we agree. Okay. Fill me in, where you at right now?”

  “I got the last two orders out but there are six more and I’m way behind and I just fucked up the eggplant. And before you say do it again, this is the second batch. I threw the first one away because it was a mess.”

  I looked through the orders, then glanced around the space, which was also a fucking mess. “Where’s the fried cauliflower sauce? Is it prepped?”

  “Yeah, I was gonna cook those next.”

  “You’ve got two stuffed mushroom orders here, did you mix the stuffing?”

  “I started. But it still needs…damn, hang on. Shit. Where is it?” He bent over and knocked something off the counter with his ass, and it made a loud clang.

  I looked down and winced as liquid spread across the floor in streams. “Was that the sauce for the fried cauliflower?”

  Steven looked down. “Shit.”

  I closed my eyes and counted to ten. I can fix this. Duncan was depending on me.

  Duncan—that’s it. He had to be more adept at following instruction than Steven, and he was sure as shit a lot less frazzled, at least on the surface.

  “Steven. Can you mix drinks?”

  He shrugged. “Well enough.”

  “Go up front and help Robert. Follow his instructions and don’t spill anything.”

  “You want me to mix drinks?”

  “Yes. Do it now.”

  “Okay then.”

  “Duncan!” I called out.

  Duncan wiped his hands on a rag then came back into the kitchen area. “What can I do?” He frowned as Steven passed by him on his way to the bar. “Tell me he didn’t just quit too.”

  “Steven’s gonna help Robert. I need you to help me. Can you do that? If I tell you what to do?”

  “Yeah. Okay. Let’s do it.” He rubbed his hands together. “Tell me what you need.”

  For the next hour and a half, I was Duncan’s boss. While I prepped and cooked, I called out instructions for him at the same time. He followed them to the letter, and he moved at what seemed like ten times the speed of Steven.

  I was high on an adrenaline spike, and found I was enjoying myself. Duncan and I fell into a rhythm, and the kitchen got back on track. We worked closely in the course of it, and I got a little thrill every time our arms brushed or our hips inadvertently bumped together.

  I checked on Steven, and he was preoccupied with mixing drinks. Robert assured me that he was doing fine, and was a big help. Things in the kitchen started to slow as Duncan and I got caught up, but he remained behind with me anyway as the last orders trickled in, then eventually stopped coming.

  When Duncan told me we were done, I kind of just stared at him, wired but worn out as my adrenaline started to crash. “We’re done?”

  “Yeah that’s it.” Duncan smiled. “Those were some slick management skills, Zach.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Shifting me to the back and Steven to the front. You’ve got a knack for this.”

  “I enjoyed it, to be honest,” I said, and Duncan looked pleased. “I had fun cooking with you.”

  He wrapped his arms around me and hung there. “Thanks again.”

  I chuckled. “You tired, old man?”

  “I’m fine but I feel kind of shaky.”

  “Adrenaline. I’ve got it too. Means you kicked ass.”

  I was keenly aware that all Robert and Steven would have to do was glance back to see Duncan hugging me. And this was no quick bro-hug, he was hanging on me and it was lingering. We might as well have had a flashing ‘we’ve been fucking’ sign over our heads. I didn’t care. I was wondering if Duncan might, but he seemed content to hang on a bit longer.

  Since he was being so damn friendly and normal, I had to assume Corey hadn’t convinced him I was a slime-ball yet.

  “Zachary,” he whispered.”

  I smiled. “Yeah.”

  “I know I owe you a proper date, and while we weren’t able to plan ahead and the last few hours haven’t been great foreplay…do you want to get out of here with me?”

  “Right now?”

  “Right now.” He stepped back from t
he hug and looked into my eyes. “May I whisk you away somewhere for the night? Or do you have other plans?” His gaze trailed over me and I knew he liked what he saw. “I know I should have called but I’ve been out straight helping Barry with staffing problems and…well, this. But you’re here now and you look so good I need to kidnap you. I’ll tie you up and throw you in my trunk if I have to.”

  My pulse jumped and I looked Duncan over. He had yeast flakes all over his arms, his hair was a sweaty mess, he was wearing a unicorn shirt, and I’d never found him so sexy. “I would love to be whisked away by you. But I’m gonna need a shower. I smell like garlic olive oil.”

  “Shower won’t be a problem. Is that a yes?”

  “That’s a yes, Duncan.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  After showering, I stepped out of the bathroom to find an outfit laid out the bed. I stood there in my towel, scratching my chin. Duncan had taken me to his house, but instead of bringing me to his bedroom, he’d led me to a guestroom with a shower and told me to take my time because he had arrangements to make. The bathroom had razors and toothbrushes, deodorant, cologne—everything I’d need.

  When we’d cleaned the kitchen and left Mythic it was almost five o’clock, and with the clear skies it promised to be a beautiful summer night. I was surprised Duncan actually had his own vehicle today, no Earl. And I was further surprised to find he drove a nice Jeep Wrangler with big tires. I would have maybe guessed at a fancy, expensive sports car, but that wasn’t really fair. Duncan had money and sophistication, but he also had that off-the-wall, eccentric thing, so to presume to know his mind would be a mistake.

  When I mentioned I should probably stop at home for a change of clothes, he told me I could shower at his house, and he once again used that phrase, ‘I’ll give you everything you need.’ I mentioned I probably wouldn’t fit in any of his clothes, that his legs were longer, and he said, “I’ll get you suited up, I know your size from your costume at Mythic.”

  I was taken aback, but Duncan was so casual about it, like providing clothing for your date was a normal thing. He seemed determined to kidnap me, and he didn’t want to waste any time, so I decided not to fight him. The outfit laid out on the bed was casual but stylish. Nice tan pants, blue cotton button-down shirt, even underwear, shoes and socks.

  A knock sounded on the guestroom door. “Zach, can I come in?”


  Duncan opened the door, and then paused when he saw me with a towel around my waist. “Oh. Good timing.”

  I grinned and approached him. He was showered and dressed in black slacks and a black shirt, and he looked hot as fuck, so I wrapped my arms around him. “You look great, all villainous in black.”

  “Thank you, I’m feeling very villainous.” His fingers drifted down my bare sides, making me shiver. “I have to run out for about a half hour, but then we’ll be leaving. Make yourself at home, grab a drink or anything you want from the kitchen, but don’t fill up because I’m taking you to dinner.”

  I smiled. “Okay. Wow, we’re really going on a date, huh?”

  His hand slid around and pinched my ass. “You’re mine for the whole night, okay?”

  “More than okay.”

  He left the room and closed the door, and I stood there grinning like an idiot. I felt like a lucky fuck today.

  I got myself dressed, and muttered a soft, “Damn,” when I looked in the mirror. It had been a while since I’d been in anything other than jeans, shorts and tee shirts, and I was pleased with the result. I wanted to look good for Duncan. It had been a game of highs and lows since starting this thing with him. Seemed every encounter involved grand romantic moments like this, and him pulling me into his car that night, showing up outside my apartment. And now this spontaneous date night. But all these events thus far had happened with periods of silence in between. When I was with him it felt like things were hot and heavy between us, and I was excited and falling for him more every moment. It was the in-betweens that made me question things.

  Not that I needed to be with him every moment, I was past requiring that kind of reassurance from a love interest. We were still kind of carrying on in secret, but at least he hadn’t mentioned Corey. Either Corey had decided to back off after getting my text, or hadn’t bothered to contact Duncan for some other reason. Or maybe he had and Duncan just hadn’t mentioned it. If so, whatever had been said obviously didn’t deter him from me.

  I left the guestroom and went downstairs. God, this was a nice house. I got a bottle of water from the fridge, then jumped when the doorbell rang. I peered out the window. Duncan’s Jeep was already gone. Should I answer the door? This wasn’t my house. But who knew what Duncan was planning for our date. Maybe I should get it in case it was a delivery or something.

  The doorbell rang again, two in quick succession. I set my water down and went to answer it. A man stood holding a bottle of wine and a single red rose. “Oh. Hi there.”

  I nodded. “Hello. Can I help you?”

  He looked me up and down. In his forties, sandy blond hair, tanned and fit in a striped polo shirt and stark white pants, blue eyes sharp and pretty. He lowered the arm holding the wine and the rose. “Oh. Um, is Duncan here?”

  “He had to run out. Was he expecting you?” I realized I sounded like Duncan’s assistant or something.

  “Do you know when he’ll be back?”

  “Probably about twenty minutes.”

  “Oh. All right. Do you work for Duncan?”

  Shit. I wasn’t sure how to answer. This was no delivery boy. This handsome man was here for Duncan, and my stomach clenched with nerves. How many goddamn people was Duncan dating? And why did they all have to be so fucking good-looking?

  To make it easy, I said, “Yes, I work for Duncan.”

  “Oh, okay.” His shoulders sagged with relief, and I realized I may have just fucked up. This guy now thought I was the help. “Do you mind if I wait for him? He’s not expecting me, but I just wanted to drop by and see if he was in.”

  Aw, fuck. It was too late to slam the door in his face. And I’d already told him Duncan would be back soon. Awkward. “You a friend of Duncan’s?”

  He chuckled. “Yes. I’m a friend.” He shifted the bottle to his other hand. “I’m Wes.” He stuck his hand out and I shook it. “Is it okay if I wait inside? I wanted to give Duncan this wine and it’s really hot out. It’s a rare vintage so I don’t want the heat to tarnish it.”

  Fuck right off, Mr. Fancy White Pants. “Well, we can’t have that. Do you um…want to come wait in the kitchen?”

  “Yeah, that would be great. I didn’t catch your name.”

  “I’m Zach.”

  “Thank you, Zach.”

  Fuck, fuck, fuck. “Sure, come on in.”

  I led Wes to the kitchen, but wasn’t sure if I should hang around and wait with him. I watched as he set the wine and the rose down on the dark wood table. I suddenly suspected that it was this man, not Greg, who’d been in Duncan’s bed last, and I felt sick to my stomach. I wanted to flee the kitchen, but I’d let this guy I didn’t know into Duncan’s home, I couldn’t really in good conscience leave him here alone.

  He took a seat at the table and smiled at me. “Do you have any water?”

  “Sure.” I got him a bottle from the fridge, growing more uncomfortable by the minute. This dude probably thought I was the houseboy. When I handed him the water, I got stuck on his blue eyes. There was something really familiar about his face, and suddenly it clicked. “Wes, you said your name was?”

  “Yeah, that’s right.”

  I pulled a chair out and sat. “Did you used to play hockey? Professionally?”

  He chuckled, looking coy. “I did, yes. I’m that Wes. I wouldn’t expect someone your age to recognize me.”

  “My mother’s a big hockey fan. It was on in my house all the time growing up.”

  He nodded. “And what do you do for Duncan?”

  I kiss him and I ride his cock a
nd let him spank me and whatever else he wants. “I um…” I tried to answer as honestly as possible. “I do some cooking at Elfy Choices.”

  His face lit with a smile. “Ah! The new project. Haven’t been by yet, but I’m sure I will soon.”

  “Great.” I forced a smile. I looked toward the window when I heard Duncan’s Jeep pull in.

  Wes stood. “I think he might be back.”

  I stared at Wes’s profile. He was smiling, all lit up because Duncan was home, and I’d never felt so awkward in my damn life—and I’d had some awkward moments in my time.

  The door closed and Duncan called out, “Zach?”

  “In the kitchen,” I said.

  Duncan came in carrying two paper bags by the handles. He stopped short, and there was no mistaking the ‘Oh shit’ expression when he saw Wes. He recovered quickly and set his bags down, his eyes flicking to me. I gave him a reassuring smile.

  “Wes. I didn’t expect you today.”

  “I know, I know.” Wes strolled over with the rose in his hand and grabbed Duncan in a hug. “I wanted to surprise you.”

  “Duncan, I’m gonna go do that thing in the other room,” I said.

  Duncan eyed me over Wes’s shoulder. “Thanks, Zach. I’ll be with you in just a few minutes, then we’ll go, all right?”

  “Take your time.”

  Wes let go of Duncan, and for the first time since arriving, some awareness flashed across his expression as he looked at me.

  That’s right, Slick. I ain’t the houseboy.

  I hurried out of the room. But there was no way I wasn’t staying nearby…meaning close enough to try and overhear something. I went into the closest sitting room and planted myself on a chair next to a wall of books, putting my feet up on an ottoman.

  I could hear voices, but they were speaking softly. Damn it. Sighing, I examined Duncan’s book shelf. It was a wall of classics in nice leather bindings, numbered. The kind of collection you put out because it looks nice, but probably don’t read often. I grabbed one of the books and checked out the cover. The Scarlett Letter. I huffed. “Figures.”


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