Greyriver Shifters

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Greyriver Shifters Page 64

by Kristina Weaver

  I just hope to fuck we can save ourselves and my female again, one last time.

  You’re playing a very dangerous game here, big brother.

  Christ! Where the hell did you come from?

  Oh shit. Hell. I groan, trying to close off my mind only to hear Hannah cackling and her wolf’s victorious snarl.

  I’m getting sneakier by the day. Don’t tense up or start panicking, Brig, I’m not exactly going to tell anyone what you’re doing now that I finally know what is happening. Your plans are good. I mean, they fucking suck for Bee, but I get what you’re doing, and I won’t interfere. Bad call on denying the Fating though. That’s just cold, man.

  I had to. How do you think I’d have done all this with Bee as my mate?

  I don’t know! Just a day ago, I was in your head and truly believing that you were intent on leaving and becoming a snow hobo, and now I know every single thought you had was a lie. You even lied to yourself, Brig. That’s not normal, man, not at all normal.

  It is when you have a sister who picks around in people’s heads whenever the mood strikes! Christ, it was not easy keeping things clear and defined while also finally getting my dick in my Fated!

  Gross, gross, gross, gross, gross! Just gross, Brigger. God, don’t do that to me. I’m eating.

  Hannah, is there something that you wanted or can I go back to brooding and drinking? I have a lot of shit still left to do, least of all being that I have to keep pretending that I’m a double-crossing bastard, who is actually delivering an innocent female for a death sentence.

  Oh chiiiillax. You’re only doing something for the good of all. She’ll understand. I mean, that was her reasoning when she still thought she was betraying her own pack.

  Be fair, Hannah. She’s a good person who just wants to help others.

  Oh blaaaah. Now see, this is why you guys are in this messed up situation. You keep wanting to help other people, and it’s just not helping you. It’s far easier to be self-involved.

  I hear her sniff of disgust and chuckle silently, sipping on my drink while she mentally lists off reasons to be a bitch, as if she’s actually excusing some of her actions. Not that it would matter, Hannah has no shame. Really. I don’t think she was born that way.

  *gasp* I’d be hurt by that remark if I cared.

  You’re irredeemable, you know that?

  Sure, and? Look man, I get by any way I can. Lucky for me, I can afford to contemplate being a good person, only contemplate mind you, because I have a mate who totally will kill anyone who hurts me.

  Good for you.

  Yeah, but so not good for Bee apparently. I don’t even want to know how much she hates you right—wait, let me check—yeah okay, she hates you a lot. A lot. I mean a lot.

  You’re being a bitch again.

  When did I ever stop? Oh, and by the way, do you want to know who Jock’s Fated is? I caught a looksee in his head when he was streaming hard core porn, and it’s right there, Brig. He just doesn’t want to see it.

  No! Nope. Just keep it to yourself. I do not wanna get involved.

  Oh but Briggie. It’s so hilarious! I can’t laugh all by myself. It’s no fun.

  Laugh with Beebee.

  She won’t talk to me because I told her it’s all her fault for being a trusting fool. I was kidding. A little. In any case, she keeps singing ‘some bitches needa die’ by some weird band I’ve never heard of every time I try to say something.

  She doesn’t mean it. She likes you.

  Oh, dude, she’s not referring to me *eye roll and fake awkward silence*

  Yeah okay. Thanks. I really needed to hear that before I have to go down there again.

  I’d stay away, Brig, no really. She’s super-pissed, and she’s shifted to both animals like four times now. Plus, she’s a crier, been crying ever since Jock put her in the cells.

  My heart clenches thinking that Beebee is sad—

  And very angry. And hopeless. And accepting of death. Really, that part makes me gag. Who accepts death? Why one time when this wolf named Banes was ripping out my throat—

  Not interested.

  But…but no one wants to hear that story anymore! It’s my story. A Lifetime worthy story that even Logan won’t entertain. I need to tell it.

  She whines a little more, making me laugh and pouts when I ask her where Logan is.

  Some super-secret meeting about Lync. They won’t even let me hear them anymore. Logan taught them to block me, so I can’t eavesdrop.

  How did they do that?

  Oh, shut up! Like I’d even tell you. You’re stuck with me forever.

  And there goes my reason to live.



  Brig, for a minute I’m gonna be serious here, okay? Bee is really hurting right now, and it’s not something even I can ignore. You’ve betrayed her in the worst way, brother. You lied when she gave you her trust, and you made a mortal mistake keeping the Fating from her. How did you do that by the way?

  Do you really have to ask?

  No one can lie that well to themselves. You cannot tell me you actually convinced your wolf—oh Brig, that is just so wrong.

  But necessary. Now go away, I wanna drink in silence for a while before I face the spitting cougar.

  Spitting my ass. She’s crying.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “All by myseeeeelf, don’t wanna be all by myself anymoooooooore.”

  I sniffle, sniggering when I hear another snarl from the next cell, the sound filled with irritation. The occupant has yet to talk to me though, so I could be totally wrong and he could be enjoying my melodramatic response to betrayal and imminent death.

  It’s not even the death part that keeps making me sobby and sad, it’s the whole “I just walked you right into a trap and I didn’t even have the decency to face you and gloat.”

  Isn’t that what happens in the movies? The villain eventually comes into the room, smiling like the Cheshire cat and spends two full minutes explaining how, why, what, when, and then outlines exactly what a dupe you were for once believing that he could really love you.

  Then some super sexy totally hot chick is supposed to slink in, drape herself against him like poured maple syrup and show you why you were so foolish in the first place, as to believe a male would leave her for your average ass.

  I didn’t get any of that, and as unrealistic as it sounds, I am so mad. I’ll tell you why.

  First, I was kinda looking forward to it happening in real life even if I was the recipient of the Nobel Peace prize for biggest dupe this century. If that is the right prize…I dunno, whatever.

  Point being, I totally got conned out of having that moment, and I would have truly enjoyed it because that is when I would have been super chill and unconcerned and told Brig that I am not sad, he can keep his small dick.

  Okay, second, it may have very briefly and unrealistically crossed my mind that that is the exact moment when a hero busts in and saves the day, freeing the damsel—me—and kicking the villain’s ass—Brig.

  Well, thaaaat didn’t happen, and instead I got to have Jock the cock haul me off for a very long car trip in which I had a bag that smelled like armpit over my head.

  And nooow I’m here. In a cell that is dark and dank and cold. With a dirt floor that is killing my sinuses. No light, no cot, and no bucket for undignified poopie time.

  And I’m sad.

  So, so sad, and I don’t care if that makes me a loser. I do feelings. I like feelings. I’m the girl who hugs everyone and kisses inappropriately on the lips—even the wet-lipped kissers, yuck—because I like spreading the love.

  Not like a hooker. You know what I mean.

  So sad.

  I sniffle again, my lip trembling and try to hold it in like Hannah kept trying to shriek at me before I started picturing Brig’s dick and she left in a huff.

  I can’t though.

  “Whhhyyy!” I wail, dropping my head onto my knees
to give full rail to the wail.

  Crying is not neat and clean, but I feel so much better as I sob, intermittently gasping to get the pain out and maybe release myself from the agony.

  “Shut up!”

  I perk up immediately, quieting instantly, and crawl to the wall to my left.

  “Oh, hi neighbour! My name is Barbie. I’m in the joint for high treason and collusion, whatever that means, I am not that good at English.”

  Another snarl reaches me as answer and I huff, plopping down with my back to this wall and sigh loudly.

  “You know, I could use some company. When I get bored I cry. It’s my thing.”

  “Oh for the love of… I’m Scarlet, okay.”

  “You’re a female! Oh wow I would have totally pegged you as male from your snarls and well the dirt down here sort of messes with my nose so I couldn’t smell you all that well. Anyways, whatcha in for?” I ask conversationally.

  I get another round of dead silence before sniffling again which causes Scarlet to snarl and hit something…well, the wall behind me because I feel the impact.

  “I tried to kill that bastard, Jock, and he stuck me in here. He deserves to die a slow and painful death!” she snarls again, the sound of her animal throwing a catlike hiss in at the end.

  I shiver at the sound of her fury and totally thank God I am not in her cell with her. Koookooos.

  “I hear ya, sister. Before he tossed me in here, I was, like, so hopeful that I could appeal to the better side of his personality.”

  “That dickbag has no better side! He’s scum, the human equivalent of garbage. A liar and a thief and a cheat. He should be peeled like a fruit with a blade made of—”

  “’kay, I totally got that, and, ahem, the visual was interesting. Why did you try to kill him? I mean, just so we’re both clear that we belong to the same Hate Jock Club,” I say slowly, venturing a guess that whatever comes out of her mouth will not be good.

  “He got my sister killed! When I lay my hands on that male, I will savage him like no other female has before. I will hurt him until he screams and his entrails—”

  “Wwwwhoookay! Yeah, uh, that is so interesting and all, but I just ate the last Tic Tac I had in my pocket and I’d like to keep it down for the vitamin C. Uh, how long have you been in here exactly?”

  “Three months, five hours, and thirty-nine seconds! I will make him pay for everyone. I will—”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You’ll do nasty horrible things that will make him blah, blah, blah. I got all that, sister, okay, and I totally agree. As long as it isn’t me doing it because I have a totally weak stomach. Three months though? Three whole months? I mean—”

  “He took exception when I picked him up in a bar, took him home, had sex with him, and tried to stab him while he slept.” She sighs, making my lips twitch and my eyes go wide.

  “That will do it. He gonna let you out of here anytime soon? Say in the next, hhmmm, maybe day or so?” I ask conversationally, biting my lip contemplatively.

  “I believe his words were, ‘You will rot to death in your own filth.’”

  “Well, there’s still hope.” I choke, trying not to giggle at the very matter of fact way she said those words. Me, I’d be crawling the walls by now if I was stuck in here with no end date in sight.

  “When do they feed you?”

  “Twice a day. Seven in the morning and seven at night,” she murmurs, her voice losing the growly quality when she sits down too, her movements echoing through the walls.

  “Only twice?”

  “He has to dart me before he brings the food in, and he refuses to do it more than that in case the drugs mess with my system.”

  “Okey dokey. So he has drugs that work with our shifter metabolisms. Good to know.”

  “Yes. At least it works on me.” She grunts, making me smile.

  “That sucks, Scar. I was hoping we could plan a way out of here, but it seems we’re truly stuck. By the way, I got my ass landed in here because I happened to go and fall in love with Jock’s accomplice. Hold the applause,” I mumble, making her laugh, a rough grating sound that makes me wince a little.

  “Aaah, both of us imprisoned unjustly for love.”

  “Er, well I mean, I was unjustly imprisoned. You for real tried to murder the guy. No judgement! It’s just, I figure we need to be honest. Now meeee, I just wanted to save people,” I say with a high and mighty attitude that Scar picks up on.

  She snorts, her amusement clear when she sighs and mutters something under her breath.

  “I suppose you’re one of those females who want to work for the greater good.”

  “Well yeah. That’s like totally a worthwhile life,” I say, wishing I believed it still.

  “All I wanted to do was avenge my sister.”

  “M’kay. Not that I don’t believe you and all, considering that we’re both in prison and I’m going to be tried and convicted of treason. Then die. Hopefully not, but I mean, I wanna be re…a…lis…tic,” I say, crying again because damn it…

  I don’t wanna die. It’s easy to be all high and mighty and brave when you’re thinking about things, but when you’re in it, it sucks. I really do not want to die. Like at all.

  Well hallelujah! Now I can come back. Praise Jesus, she has seen the light.

  Oh my God, not you. Just go away. I’m having a conversation with an actual person.

  I am an actual person.

  No, you’re like that freaky little brain thing from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


  Just saying.

  Well, I am just saying, you finally woke up and stopped the sniveling.

  I start crying as soon as she says that, my emotions getting the better of me in such a way that I cry louder, the moaning grunt sounding terrible even to my own ears.

  “Stop crying! It is weak and unproductive.”

  My soulmate! I think I just heard my BFF.

  I thought I was your friend.

  God, why do I feel unreasonably jealous? I don’t even like her.

  “Shut up, Scarlet! I’m allowed to cry. I’m gonna die soon.” I sniffle, ignoring both snickers and grunts of disgust.

  Well, of course you’re my friend, but let’s be honest, she’s cooler. And don’t be mean. You like me.

  I do not. And her name is Scar.

  That’s gross and weird. I don’t like it. I think I’ll call her Mimi.

  That isn’t even anywhere close to her real name. Her full name is Scarlet.

  Still gross. Tell her I’ll call her Mimi.

  Okay, I’ll bite. Why Mimi?

  Because she’s a mini me. Mimi.

  You make no sense.

  To you. To me, I sound awesome. Now. Stop crying, Ben Stiller. This isn’t the end of you and Mary.

  I snort, recalling that end scene when the guy walked out and cried like a boss. That was some premium emotion right there.

  It’s the end, asshole. I can’t get out of here. There aren’t any windows. I’m locked in like a root cellar set up. And Jock definitely called the big wigs. I’m standing trial, and there is no way I’m escaping that noose.

  Oh noose shmoose. I heard the resistance kills people with like one of those crazy shifters who are just this side of feral. Apparently, they riiiip people apart. To make the suffering last longer.

  Thanks. I wanted to hear that.

  Relaaaax. Brig will never let them kill you. He loooooves you.

  I snort, not quite as in agreement with that assumption as she seems to be and rest my head back to close my eyes.

  “Who is that?! Oh God, I have finally broken. My mind is gone.”

  I giggle, figuring Hannah must have hopped on over to Scar and is currently being her usual peachy self.

  “Calm down. That’s just Hannah,” I mumble, stretching out on the floor with a tired sigh.

  May as well sleep, if this is all I’m getting by way of conversation and crying is out.

  “Who is Hanna
h?” she yells, making me laugh again.

  “My ex…BAD LOVER’S sister. She has a mind ability, so she just hops around in people’s heads when she’s bored!” I yell, wanting Brig to hear it wherever he is.


  I resent that. I’m here out of genuine feeling for you, Beeber. I like you. I don’t want you to die and never fill my life with sarcasm. I need you to live to dilute the happy everyone has going here. You need to save me.

  Dude, I am on death row here. I can’t save shit.

  Brig is not going to let you die! Can you please hear me on this?

  Did he tell you that?

  Well no, not exactly—

  Then it’s settled. Your brother is a big, big betrayer—

  Be more inventive would you. At least use the word ball or bag or dick attached to variations of curse words *dramatic sigh*

  I’m not interested in laughing right now, okay? This isn’t funny. I’m really hurt, and you’re not making it any better. Do you get that Brig set me up?

  Beebee, Brig…is Brig. He’s a bastard, but I happen to know that he does love you and he won’t let you die.

  Just shut up, Hannah, okay? I don’t want to hear this, and I don’t need your weird humor right now. Let me be depressed in peace!

  Fine! You cry and do all that gross stuff, but you remember this, Beeber, I am your friend and I would never lie to you about this. Not much anyway. He can’t let you die. He just can’t. He stayed with you.

  I huff and shove her out of my head, ignoring her sniffling for the peace and quiet of my cell. Not two seconds later, I hear growling and muttering, one ‘fuck off’ and then Scarlet too starts humming, probably trying to drown Hannah out.

  That is how I almost fall asleep, listening to Scar hum Def Leopard, a band I know Hannah doesn’t like.

  Make her stop, Beeber! Please. I don’t even know why people called them a band.

  I snort, hearing Hannah’s frantic pleas and yell for Scar to stop.

  “Yo Scar, could you quit the humming, babe? Hannah is driving me nuts with her sniveling.”

  “Now you know how I felt listening to you whine and sing Celine Dion for two hours!” she yells right back, making me laugh.


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