Love Unscripted

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Love Unscripted Page 12

by Emma Collins

  “Yeah, but I needed to talk to you... To see you,” Riley said, pulling out the chair across from her. “That wasn’t me. I didn’t include your name in my statement. I think Maria decided to go rogue even though I said that I didn’t want your name mentioned. I’m so sorry...”

  Laura nodded. She believed Riley. She was on the verge of tears as she spoke, and Laura knew it could just be her acting skills, but she chose to believe her. It didn’t really change anything though. Laura had already moved on from their night together. This whole thing with the media just showed Laura how different their lives were. She couldn’t see herself ever living like that, having people following them for a photo op, and being with someone that famous... It would always be a part of her life. Laura didn’t think she could handle that.

  “So,” Laura started, “You’re out...”

  Riley just nodded. “Can you forgive me? For getting you involved in all this?”

  Laura thought she was blinking back tears. The last thing she wanted was to upset her, but she didn’t want to lead her on either. When Laura left her a few days ago, she really thought they would see each other again, that once filming was over, they could see what this really was, but Laura knew that was just a fantasy, that she’d been riding the high of their night together.

  “Yes. I forgive you.”

  “I fired Maria.”


  “I would never be able to trust her again. She went behind my back,” Riley said, leaning forward to rest her forearms on the table. “I wish there was more that I could do, but unfortunately... It’s out there now. There’s no taking it back.”

  “I know. It’s okay though. No one recognizes me. Not around here anyway.”

  Laura should probably invite Riley to lunch or dinner, something when she’d driven more than three hours to be here, but she didn’t want to give her the wrong impression.

  “Are you starting a new book?” Riley asked, noticing the laptop open between them.

  “Yeah. I’m trying not to let the pressure get to me... I feel good though. Refreshed, I guess... Like I have a clean slate now. I’ve written the grief out of me. I’m ready to write something more... Upbeat. Fun even.”

  “I can’t wait to read it,” Riley said, flashing that million-dollar smile, and for just a second, Laura nearly wavered. It was on the tip of her tongue, but she didn’t do it.

  Laura didn’t ask her what she was doing later, as much as she wanted to. Amanda would kill her, but Laura had to trust her gut. She needed to do this, to start this new life on her own.

  Chapter 32

  “Take Five!”

  Riley sighed, running a hand through her hair as she made her way off set. Julie McCoy must think she was the most incompetent actress on the planet. Riley had never made such a mess of her lines before. She needed a few minutes to clear her head. She wished she could text Laura, but that would only make her feel worse.

  They’d stayed in touch over the last three weeks since Riley had showed up at Laura’s favorite coffee shop, prepared to stake it out to get a chance to talk to her, but she’d gotten lucky. Laura had been there, her eyes on Riley as she walked in. Even though Laura had forgiven her, Riley knew something was different between them. Their texts were friendly yet polite, and the few attempts Riley had made at flirting had failed miserably.

  “Hey,” Julie said, her hand lightly touching her arm. “You okay?”

  “Yeah. I’m fine,” Riley said, almost defensively, but she knew Julie was only trying to help. “Really. I guess I’m just a little nervous,” she said with a smile. It wasn’t entirely true. The thought of kissing Julie McCoy wasn’t nearly as terrifying as it had been a few weeks ago.

  “You know you can trust me, right?”

  Riley met Julie McCoy’s gray blue eyes. She was even more beautiful in person, and Riley should have been looking forward to today. In a few minutes, she’d be kissing Julie McCoy, a woman she’d had a crush on for the last ten years, but she couldn’t stop thinking about Laura.

  Riley was just doing her job, acting out a scene, but a part of her felt like she was cheating on Laura. She knew it was insane to be thinking about it like that, especially when she wasn’t even with Laura, not really. They’d just had one amazing night together. Riley just wished she was here, that she could go home after a long day of shooting and fall into Laura’s arms, but that wasn’t going to happen. She knew she was lucky enough to still be talking to Laura after everything that happened when she came out.

  “Yes,” Riley said, giving Julie a smile. “Of course. I trust you...”

  “What you did was really brave... Coming out, I mean. I don’t think I could have done it if I was in your shoes. You should be very proud.”

  Riley swallowed the lump in her throat. No one had said that to her yet, not in person anyway. Her life hadn’t changed much since she came out, but she had a feeling that when this movie was finished, it would be her real coming out. It would be the first time she’d attend a premier as her real self, and if she managed to win any awards for this performance, she’d have to put some serious thought into what she’d say. She wanted to set an example to younger people, that being true to yourself was more important than any religion or any job.

  “Thank you,” Riley said. “I just wish I’d done it sooner... We should probably get back.”

  “Okay. Try not to overthink it. The kiss, I mean... You’re a great actress, Riley. You’ll be fine.”

  Riley took a deep breath. So many compliments. From Julie McCoy. She could do this. She had to. This project meant so much to her. She had to get it right.

  Chapter 33

  Laura closed her laptop and finished the last of her coffee. She’d been coming here every morning, getting the words down, and trying not to think about Riley. Not only did she miss her, she was curious about the movie, about how Riley was doing. Laura picked up her phone, taking it off flight mode and checking the five alerts that filled her screen. One of them was a text from Riley. Laura held her breath as she opened it.

  Hey, next week is a quiet one for me if you want to spend some time together? You can come on set or just relax at the house. I can even introduce you to Julie McCoy ;)

  Laura read the message again, pausing before she started her reply. She’d love to see Riley again, but she’d already decided that there was no point. Their lives were too different. Laura could easily see herself falling for Riley, but she wasn’t prepared to move to California, to deal with the paparazzi, and if she wasn’t, what was the point in seeing Riley again?

  The only other time she’d see Riley would be when the movie was released. Laura would be invited to the premier, and she’d agreed to do some promotional interviews when she’d signed the contract. Those meetings would be under different circumstances though. They’d be purely professional, and they were months away.

  Laura typed out a quick reply, doing her best to be polite and not cold, hoping that Riley wouldn’t take her refusal personally. She used Amanda as an excuse, saying that she’d promised to help her out while one of her employees was away. It was true, but if Laura really wanted to go visit Riley, Amanda would have made other arrangements.

  Laura pressed send before she could change her mind. That was the right thing to do. Yes, they’d had fun. They’d had chemistry, but it was a temporary thing. It suited Laura. She was finally ready to move on with her life and let the memory of Grace go, and she assumed it suited Riley. She’d been worried about having to do those scenes with Julie McCoy, about getting carried away. Maybe that night with Laura gave her the confidence boost she needed.

  The only thing Laura wanted to think about right now was this book. She was writing every day, and it felt good to be back doing something meaningful again. She loved spending time with the horses and helping Amanda out too, and it looked like both of those things would be filling her calendar for the next month. She needed to stay busy. She was always afraid of that loneliness creeping bac
k in, but having a full calendar was the best remedy.

  Chapter 34

  Riley stood beside Adam, her hand lightly resting on his shoulder as they stopped to pose in front of the dozens of photographers. She glanced behind her, motioning for Julie McCoy to come stand beside them as the press continued to shout their names.

  After weeks of filming together, Riley liked to think she could call Julie a friend, a mentor even. Julie couldn’t believe that this was Riley’s last movie, but she hadn’t judged her. She’d just asked her why, and that was the start of many regular, late night chats. Riley had even told her about what happened with Laura. It wasn’t a secret thanks to that photo from the parking lot, but it still felt strange saying it out loud.

  Julie’s hand slid around her waist as the three of them smiled for the cameras. She should be happy right now, but that familiar weight was pressing down on her chest as they walked the final few feet to the steps of the theater. It was almost two years to the day when she was here, climbing these same steps with Adam for their last movie. She’d locked herself in the bathroom, trying to keep her breathing under control, and she’d managed to keep the panic attack away. Tonight, she wasn’t so sure.

  Riley hadn’t even considered a repeat of her last premier. She hadn’t felt that shortness of breath and unsteadiness since that night, and now, here it was. Back again.

  She’d searched for Laura while they spent the last hour on the red carpet, pausing for photos or interviews, and eventually, Riley saw her in the distance, well ahead of her. She had a woman with her, and every time Riley glanced over, they were either linking arms or the woman had her arm around Laura. That’s when the first signs of a panic attack started, when she’d realized that Laura was here with someone else and that she’d missed her chance. She should have said something. They used to text, but Riley hadn’t heard from her in almost two months. Maybe that was why. She was with someone else now.

  “Riley?” Adam asked, leading her away from the crowd. “You okay?”

  Riley took a deep breath. It was like déjà vu. Adam had done the very same thing at the last premier. “I’m fine. Just a little overwhelmed.”

  “Are you sure? You look pale.”

  “I’m fine. Really,” Riley said, taking a deep breath. She could do this. “Let’s go inside.”

  Riley’s eyes fell on Laura, but her back was to her. The woman beside her smiled as they spoke to someone that Riley didn’t recognize. Laura looked absolutely stunning, her dark hair styled, and her simple black dress showing off her curves. She looked like she belonged here, and the woman that was with her was hanging on her every word.

  “Have you talked to her yet?” Julie asked, her voice just above a whisper so that only Riley could hear her.

  “Laura? No.”

  “You should.”

  Before Riley could say anything, Julie was with Adam, crossing the lobby and making their way inside, stopping to kiss a few cheeks and shake some hands. She would talk to Laura. Just not yet. The night was long.

  Chapter 35

  When Laura walked into the after party with Amanda, she had no doubt that the studio had taken over the entire bar and restaurant. Everywhere she looked there were familiar faces, actors and actresses that she knew from some of favorite TV shows, and Amanda was completely starstruck. Laura was hoping it would wear off by the time they’d walked the red carpet and went to the premier, but apparently not. She was like a kid on Christmas morning, her eyes wide, her mouth slightly agape, taking it all in. A DJ was keeping the party going and a long buffet table was full of every kind of food.

  At least they looked the part, although Laura felt so out of place, she was sure someone would come and escort them out any second, especially with the way Amanda was acting. Laura booked an appointment for hair and makeup that afternoon, and they’d both gone shopping for new dresses last week, so they were blending in, but Laura was having trouble relaxing. She wanted to enjoy tonight. That’s why she brought Amanda. She was treating these few days in L.A. like a vacation, but she couldn’t relax. Her eyes kept searching the room for Riley.

  It started at the theater, but Amanda and Laura were one of the first ones to hit the red carpet. The likes of Adam and Riley were one of the last to make their way inside. That didn’t stop Laura looking out for her though. It was a subconscious thing, and Laura hadn’t even realized she was doing it until Amanda pointed it out.

  “Please tell me you’re going to talk to her,” Amanda said as they made their way over to the open bar and picked up two glasses of wine.

  “I will. I just need to find her first,” Laura said, taking a much-needed drink. “And have a few glasses of wine.”

  “Why are you so nervous?”

  “I don’t know. Because I’ve spent the last few months thinking about her... Because she’s probably moved on, and I have to be ready for that... Because this,” she said, motioning around her, “This is her world, and I don’t belong in it.”

  Laura leaned against the bar, surveying the room one more time for Riley, but she didn’t see her. Maybe she would be fashionably late.

  “Just talk to her,” Amanda said, her hand lightly resting on Laura’s arm. “You’ll never know unless you do.”

  “I know... I know.”

  “Are you hungry?” Amanda asked, her eyes focused on the buffet. “I’m starving.”

  “I’m okay for now... I’m going to get some air. Will you be okay?”

  “Will I make a fool of myself and get thrown out? No. Definitely not. I’m fine now. I promise I’ll behave.”

  “Good. I’ll see you in a few minutes, okay? I’m just going to look around... See if I can find Riley.”

  “Alright. Good luck,” Amanda said as she brought her wine glass with her and weaved her way through the crowd towards the food.

  Laura had no idea what she was going to say to Riley. She was just tired of wondering what was going on between them. If it was nothing, she’d rather just know that. As the weeks and then months went by, Laura thought she’d forget about Riley, but the opposite had happened. They’d texted less and less, and this wasn’t the kind of thing you could text about anyway. Laura was trying to figure out whether what they had that night at Riley’s was real or just a one-night thing that had suited both of them at the time.

  Laura crossed the room, keeping an eye out for Riley, but a neon sign for the rooftop got her attention. She’d only been here for an hour, and the noise of the party was already getting to her. She was an introvert through and through, and nights like these didn’t suit her. She needed a few minutes away from the crowds and the music. Hopefully, the rooftop bar would be quieter than downstairs.

  Laura pushed the door open and climbed the stairs, taking her time, knowing that the heels she’d bought for tonight were an inch higher than anything she’d ever worn before. The cool night air hit her as soon as she got to the top of the stairs and stepped outside. Fairy lights illuminated the space. All six tables were empty, and the bar was shut, but Laura wasn’t disappointed. She had her own drink, and the only noise she could hear were the sounds of the cars below.

  “Looks like we had the same idea.”

  Laura’s hand flew to her chest as she turned. There was Riley, sitting at a round table for two that was tucked in the corner behind her. She stood, walking a few steps, her heels clicking against the concrete, until she was standing in front of Laura. Riley’s red dress clung to her, a slit running up her right thigh, and Laura had trouble focusing as she took her in.

  “I don’t know,” Laura said as her heart hammered in her chest. “You hardly came up here to get away from everyone.”

  Riley shrugged. “There’s only so much schmoozing one can do in a night... Is that why you’re out here? For a bit of quiet?”

  “Yes... But I wasn’t going to stay up here for long. I was on a bit of a mission to talk to someone tonight.”

  “Julie McCoy? Because I can introduce you.”

; Laura laughed softly. “No. I was uh... I was hoping to talk to you.”


  Laura nodded. She found it hard to believe that a year ago they’d shared such an amazing night together. If she didn’t say the right thing tonight, they’d have no reason to see each other again in the future. They’d only ever have that night, but maybe that was all they were meant to have. Sometimes things didn’t work out the way you planned them to. Laura knew all too well that life can throw you a curveball when you’re least expecting it.

  Chapter 36

  Riley brought her champagne glass to her lips, finishing what was left. She had no idea how long she’d been out here talking to Laura, but she’d been nursing that glass for a while now. There were probably people looking for her downstairs, but she didn’t care. She’d stay up here all night if she could.

  Even when things were busy with filming, Riley was always thinking about Laura, wondering how she was doing or what she was up to. They’d sent the occasional text to one another, but it never amounted to much. Tonight was the first time Riley had a chance to really talk to Laura since everything had happened with the photo and all the rumors that followed about whether or not they were dating.

  Riley often wondered what might have been if she’d just been patient enough to wait and kiss Laura when they were back at the house, where no one could see them. She’d kissed Laura in the middle of that parking lot, and if that hadn’t happened, maybe Laura would have stayed another few days. Maria certainly wouldn’t have shown up. Laura’s name wouldn’t have been all over the internet. Laura might even have even been her date for the premier tonight.

  She’d learned from Laura that Amanda was the woman on her arm tonight. Riley felt the jealousy dissipate almost immediately as Laura told her about bringing her best friend and having to keep an eye on her. Regret quickly replaced the jealousy though, and Riley knew she had to say something tonight.


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