Ready for Love

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Ready for Love Page 24

by Catherine Maiorisi

  “I see,” George said. “And how often did you see each other after that?”

  “Never. Until we met again in New York City.”

  George shifted in his chair slightly to look directly at her. “Surely you kept in touch. It’s so easy these days with things like e-mail, Google, and social media. I assume you planned to meet at that gala in New York City. Surely it wasn’t a coincidence.”

  Renee looked into his eyes. “If you’re wondering whether Constance was faithful to Nigel, you’ll have to ask her. But I can tell you she wasn’t unfaithful with me. We had absolutely no contact after she left Stanford and our meeting earlier this year was a total coincidence. Believe me, when I found out that Constance had been married to a man and had two teenage girls, my instinct was to run as fast as I could.”

  George smiled for the first time. “What stopped you?”

  She hesitated, wondering how transparent to be, but once again she went for honesty. “I was shocked when Constance disappeared from Stanford without saying goodbye. Neither of us acknowledged the intensity of our connection and I think we were both scared by it, she because of her commitment to Nigel, me because I’d never let myself feel what I felt for her. I was so self-protective that I buried my feelings and convinced myself she didn’t matter to me, but the minute I saw her at that Gala, all my feelings for her rushed back and I knew I wanted to be with her. And though I hadn’t bargained for two teenagers, I fell in love with the girls as soon as I met them.”

  “Thank you for being honest.” George swiped a tear from his eye. Then with a glance across the table at Constance and at his wife to his left, he leaned in and whispered. “I admit I’m not really comfortable with this same-sex thing. Constance told us that she and Nigel loved each other but weren’t in love, that theirs was a marriage of convenience forced on them by the four of us parents. She said they were happy but each of them was anxious to be free once the girls turned eighteen. I’ve struggled with the fact that I forced my son to hide himself from me, that I never knew the real Nigel. I’m so sorry he never got to fully live his life and be truly happy.” He pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket, blew his nose and surreptitiously blotted his eyes. “I love Constance like a daughter, and I’m determined to not make the same mistake with her. I can’t promise I might not be offensive on occasion, but I can promise I will try and I will do my best to support you both in your new life.”

  Renee choked up at the acceptance by these very human, down-to-earth people she’d always scoffed at as, “the royals.”

  “Hey, things are looking very serious on that side of the table.” Constance grinned. “Do you need to be rescued, Renee?”

  All eyes turned to her. “No, I’m fine. We’re just getting to know each other.” She looked around the table. These four people, her in-laws, were so much more than she’d expected.

  “So how’s the painting going, Constance? The four of us were so proud to read the reviews of your New York debut.” Constance’s dad glowed with pride.

  “It’s going well. Renee’s dad likes the slides I sent him so much he’s offered to do a joint show with me in New York or London or Paris, my choice.”

  The Grandees turned to Renee and not getting an answer to the unspoken question, they looked at Constance.

  “Oh, sorry, Renee’s dad is Alain Rousseau.”

  “Oh, how wonderful,” Constance’s mum said. “We met him and Natalie at his last show in Paris. Such warm and genuine people. We were surprised to learn she’s…” She stopped talking while the butler cleared the dishes in front of her. Renee tensed, wondering whether she would comment on her mom’s color and her being biracial would come up. As the butler carried the tray out of the dining room, Constance’s mum turned to Renee again. “We were surprised to learn she’s a professional musician. What a lovely woman.”

  Renee’s tension bled away. Maybe her race wasn’t an issue for anyone but her, not, at least, for the people she chose to be with. Her mother’s final words when she spoke to her last night after they were invited to dinner with the Grandees popped into her mind. “If you like them and think they’ll fit, invite them to stay with us for New Year’s Eve.”

  She glanced at Constance, and as if she saw the question, Constance walked around the table, hugged Renee and whispered in her ear. “It’s up to you. Invite them, if you’re sure.”

  Renee cleared her throat. “I know it’s kind of short notice, but then I never thought I’d meet the four of you.” She smiled. “We’d love for you to join us in Paris for New Year’s Eve and day. Friends of mine are hosting a party, dinner and dancing at a hotel to ring in the New Year and my parents are hosting a brunch New Year’s Day. You’d have to stay with my mom and dad since all the hotels are booked up, but they have plenty of bedrooms and my mom told me to invite you if you seemed, um, friendly.”

  Renee was suddenly draped in blond teenagers. “Rennaay, we thought you said we were staying in a hotel.”

  She put her arms around them. “We are. We have a suite but there are no more rooms to be had.”

  Chapter Thirty

  As planned, the eight of them arrived in Paris in time for a late lunch with Renee’s parents. Natalie and Alain greeted their guests warmly and as Alain showed the Grandees to their bedrooms, Natalie welcomed Constance, Chloe, and Cara into the family with hugs and kisses.

  Renee introduced Chloe and Cara to Henri and Antoine, the sixteen-year-old nephews she’d recruited to be the twins’ New Year’s Eve dates, and several other teenage nieces and nephews, all of whom would join them for lunch at the separate teenager table Natalie had set up in another room.

  The three sets of parents gelled immediately and conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and a gentle undertone of love for Renee and Constance and the twins. Art, politics, finance and the lovers responsible for bringing them all together were topics of discussion. After lunch, the Grandees retired to their rooms to rest before the dinner and dancing at Darcy and Andrea’s New Year’s Eve party. Constance accompanied Alain to his studio and Renee helped Natalie clean the kitchen.

  Natalie pulled Renee into a hug as she tried to squeeze behind her to get to the refrigerator. “Constance is lovely, Renee, not just visually, but as far as one can tell in a few hours, as a person and a mother. And she’s obviously head over heels in love with you.” She turned back to stacking the dishwasher. “Are you happy?”

  Renee grinned. “I am. I truly am. Thank you for encouraging me to go after her.”

  “Are you ready to make a lifelong commitment to her and Chloe and Cara? No second thoughts? No wanting to try other women? No wanting to be free?”

  “None of the above. I want to be with Constance and the twins as long as they’ll have me, forever, I hope.”

  Natalie hugged Rene again. “I’m so glad, mon cher, I’ve wanted this for you. You were too immature when you loved Darcy, but you’re lucky to have found another love as deep. And, with a beautiful ready-made family. I’d given up having grandchildren from you, so Chloe and Cara are a wonderful surprise.”

  Renee shoulder bumped her mom. “How many grandchildren does a woman need? You already have thirty, plus five greats.”

  “Unlike children, you can never have too many grandchildren and thirty-two is definitely better than thirty. Have you and Constance discussed having children?”

  “Merde, Mamam, we just got together.” Renee grinned. “It might be nice but it will be a while before we get around to that discussion. If ever.”

  “Your papa is in love with Constance’s work so I’m sure we’ll be in New York for a joint show in the next year, if not for a wedding. But I’m glad Constance and the girls will be staying for the week so we can get to know each other.”

  Hearing the excited conversation between Constance and her dad coming down the hall, Renee hugged her mom. “Here they come. Time to drag my family to the hotel so we can all nap before the festivities.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  The girls were excited by the suite, excited to be attending their first New Year’s Eve party in an elegant hotel in Paris, excited to be wearing gowns, and excited that they would be accompanied by good-looking boys, even if they weren’t real dates. It took a while for them to calm down enough to rest or nap in their room. Happily, the bedrooms were separated by the living room so Renee and Constance had privacy. As she lay on the bed waiting for Constance to return from the girls’ room, she wondered at her optimism, upgrading her room at the hotel to a suite the night of Constance’s art show, the night she’d met the girls. Thinking back, she didn’t think she was so sure things would work out between them. Apparently, the heart knew more about the future than the mind.

  When Constance returned they kissed and cuddled and talked about all that had happened in the last few days. Constance dozed off first but Renee was not far behind.

  Chloe and Cara were in a tizzy running between their own room and Constance and Renee’s trying to hurry their mum along. When the boys arrived, Renee greeted them and called the girls out to wait with them until Constance was ready to go. She took a minute to admire them, the boys handsome in their suits and the girls pretty in matching lavender gowns, and brushed at the tears prickling her eyes. She couldn’t have been prouder if she’d birthed the four of them. “You all look so beautiful. Let me take a few pictures. First Cara and Chloe alone, then with Henri and Antoine.”

  Constance, as always, was gorgeous in an iridescent green gown that hid none of her many charms. As Renee slipped into the jacket of her black tux, Constance wrapped her arms around her. “Can I be your date tonight, gorgeous?”

  Renee kissed the top of her head. “Tonight and forever. Shall we?”

  Constance pulled back and looked at Renee. “I’m nervous.”

  “You’ve met most of the important ones already at Songfest or Thanksgiving.”

  “True, but I haven’t met the most important one.”

  Renee was puzzled for a second. “Darcy? You’ll love her. Everyone does.”

  Constance ran a finger along Renee’s jaw. “She’s so important to you. What if she hates me?”

  Renee kissed her lightly on the lips. “You’re the only one I love, the only one I’ve loved for more than sixteen years. She’s just the one I thought I loved. I’m confident Darcy will love you. Come, the troops in the living room are getting restless. Even though I told them Darcy would probably have a professional photographer, the girls want to take some pictures of you and me and the four of us.”

  They were all quiet as the elevator slowly rose up to the rooftop ballroom, each nervous for their own reasons. The elevator opened to a crowded room with floor-to-ceiling windows and exquisite views of nighttime Paris. Waiters circulated amongst the groups of guests with trays of drinks and hors d’oeuvres. Renee took a deep breath. She took Constance’s hand and asked the girls and her nephews to stay close so she could introduce them to their hosts. As they moved through the crowd, Renee was stopped by members of the Inner Circle and the many others she knew. She felt prouder and prouder each time she introduced Constance as her fiancé and the girls as our girls. When they encountered Tori and Elle and Beth and Gina, she pulled Tori into her arms and whispered, “Thank you for pushing me to look for happiness.”

  Tori pulled away. “It looks like you found her.”

  “I did.”

  Renee grinned and put her arm over Constance’s shoulders. Maya joined them as Renee spoke to the small group. “You all know Constance and Chloe and Cara. These are my nephews Henri and Antoine. What you don’t know is that Constance and I are engaged.” She couldn’t keep the stupid grin off her face as her friends crowded in to congratulate her and Constance.

  Then the crowd shifted slightly and she was face-to-face with Darcy. Darcy stared for a second, as if not believing her eyes, then grinned. “Renee, you made it.”

  Renee pulled Constance closer. “Yes. And let me introduce you to my fiancé, Constance, and our daughters Chloe and Cara, and my nephews Henri and Antoine. Our hostess and my friend, Darcy Silver.”

  “My, my, not one but three lovely ladies.” Darcy laughed. She kissed Renee then Constance. “Congratulations and welcome to our New Year’s Eve party.” She turned. “I seem to have lost my wife.”

  Just then Andrea drifted into the group. She appeared puzzled. “Constance, how did you get here?”

  Constance frowned. “I’m sorry, who…oh, Andrea, I didn’t recognize you in a tuxedo and out of your apartment. I’m here with my fiancé, Renee.”

  Renee looked between the two women. “You know each other?”

  Constance leaned into Renee. “Andrea is my landlady.”

  Renee started laughing. “I can’t believe this. Andrea is Darcy’s wife.”

  Chloe tugged on Constance’s arm. “Can we walk around or do we have to stay with you old folks?”

  Renee turned to Darcy. “What are the arrangements for dinner?”

  “No assigned seats. I’d love for you and Constance to sit at our table with Tori and Elle so I can grill you. I want to know how this came about.” She glanced at the four kids. “Have the girls met Erik and Joel’s girls, Moira and Megan? Maybe they could sit together?”

  Constance turned to the four youngsters. “You can wander but absolutely no alcohol. As you heard, you can sit anywhere for dinner. I’m sure Henri and Antoine would enjoy meeting Moira and Megan, so why don’t you look for them.”

  “Yes, Mum,” Chloe said, rolling her eyes.

  Renee punched her shoulder. “Smartypants. Come find us if you need anything.” She put her hands on Antoine’s shoulders. “I’m depending on you boys to take care of them. No leaving the party and no crazy stuff, please.” The boys grinned and saluted then the four of them melted into the crowd.

  Renee was overcome by the reception she and Constance received. The Inner Circle and other friends, including women she’d slept with along the way, came to congratulate them, and of course, to meet the woman who had snagged the elusive Renee. She was so proud of Constance she could hardly keep from shouting about her good luck, and, of course, Constance charmed everyone she met. Renee’s parents arrived with the Grandees in tow. Renee waved them over and introduced the grandees to Darcy and Andrea. Darcy suggested they sit with her aunt and uncle and Andrea’s parents at a table she’d reserved for them in the dining room. Last Renee saw, they were all happily chatting like old friends.

  Dinner was announced and the crowd flowed into another room where round tables for twelve were set up. As she tried to figure out which table was Darcy’s, a waitress arrived. “Renee and Constance?”

  “Yes. How did you know?” Renee asked.

  The waitress grinned. “Sexy butch in a tux and beautiful blond in a shimmering green gown. Please follow me.” She led them through the crowd to Darcy’s table.

  At the table, Renee hugged Darcy again and whispered. “Still think I’m sexy though you’re married and I’m committed?”

  Darcy planted a quick kiss on Renee’s lips. “Some things in life are permanent, sweetie.” Seeing Constance’s frown, she took Constance’s hand and kissed her knuckles. “No need to worry. That was an old friend’s kiss. You are a lucky woman, Constance. There are lots of broken hearts in this room tonight.”

  Constance laughed. “I’m prepared to defend my woman.”

  Dinner was fun, with lots of joking and teasing. Darcy and Andrea wanted the whole story so Renee and Constance recounted meeting again and picking up where they’d left off more than sixteen years ago. At one point, Renee got up to check on the girls and found them happily seated at a table with other teenagers, all wearing paper hats and blowing toy horns in preparation for midnight. She found her parents and the Grandees and they too were having a wonderful time.

  When she sat back down next to Constance, she whispered, “I can’t remember ever feeling this happy and this alive. Thank you.”

  Constance kissed her and everyone at the table tappe
d their water glasses with a piece of silverware, so they kissed again.

  “Good practice for the wedding,” Tori said. “Have you set the date?”

  Constance glanced at Renee before answering. “Not yet, but we will soon.”

  After dessert they moved back to the glass-enclosed room for dancing. Renee was surprised to see The Tessa DeLong Band playing. She looked at Darcy. “You brought Tessa and her band over for tonight?”

  “Actually, she’s paying them for the whole week,” Andrea said.

  Renee shook her head. “You are something else, my wonderful friend.”

  This was the first time Renee and Constance had been out as a couple and they danced for hours, switching partners but always coming back together, stopping for drinks but always moving onto the dance floor again. Somewhere along the way, Renee danced with each of the girls and Constance with each of the boys, then they all danced a fast dance together and the kids left to search out their friends. As midnight approached, shoes were kicked off, silly hats were donned and champagne was poured. At midnight the band switched to “Auld Lange Syne.” Renee and Constance kissed and wished each other a happy New Year. They found the girls with the Grandees, which now included Renee’s parents, standing at the windows watching the fireworks and wished everyone a happy new year.

  Cara’s eyes were wide and luminous. “It so beautiful.” She pointed out the window. “Watch with us.”

  “Come here.” Renee pulled Constance, Chloe, and Cara in front of her, draped her arms over her three girls and the four of them with the Grandees and Renee’s nephews marveled at the gorgeous explosions of color over the Eiffel Tower. Her heart bursting with love and pride and joy, Renee felt Paris was rejoicing with her. She hadn’t known such happiness was possible. When the fireworks ended, the six Grandees said goodnight, taking Renee’s nephews with them and escorting the girls to the suite.


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