Delusional Love (2nd Edition)

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Delusional Love (2nd Edition) Page 13

by Young, Sage

  “Did I tell you how absolutely beautiful you looked tonight?” He said in a hushed tone. He loved this woman so much it hurt. He quickly undressed and grabbed a condom from the nightstand, Ivan stared into Stephanie’s eyes never breaking eye contact as he wedged his body between her legs, nudging them apart. Realizing that she was still wearing a lace thong he ripped it from her body. Stephanie was slightly startled by the roughness but she was not afraid. This was Ivan, her man and she trusted him with her life. He lowered his head to her and kissed her gently rubbing his tongue along her lips. She opened her mouth giving him access. The kiss deepened as he thrust his tongue deep into her mouth. She could taste the scotch as she lost control sucking so hard she felt him moan. He battled with her for access of her tongue. The kiss was so passionate they both had to rip their lips away to breathe. Ivan placed his forehead against hers, breathing heavily.

  ”I love you so much.” He said as he gently swiped her lips with a kiss.

  He hooked both her legs with his arms as he entered her with a quick hard thrust. His thrusts were rough, rougher than he had ever been with her. She tried to keep up with him by thrusting upward as he pounded her like a man possessed. She was so turned on. She came so hard she felt like she lost control of her body. As the tremors slammed into her body she felt like she was floating. She yelled his name as she came. He looked into her eyes as he continued thrusting into her, his body stiffened and she could feel his dick pulsating in her. He let out a load growl as he climaxed. He collapsed on her trying not to put his full weight onto her. He couldn’t move. He wanted to move, but he wanted to stay inside Stephanie forever. He placed small gentle kisses on her face and neck.

  “I love you so much it scares me.” He said breathing heavily. Once he was able to regulate his breathing he dismounted her and she instantly missed their connection. This scared her, he scared her. He completely owned her; her heart, her body and soul. He got up and went into the bathroom. She laid there watching his retreating back praying that this man would not break her heart because she didn’t know if she could survive it. She turned her back to the bathroom door as she felt a tear slide down her cheek. Several minutes later he walked back into the bedroom sat on the end of the bed and placed his head in his hands.

  Stephanie looked over knowing he was thinking about the situation that happened with Ashley. She crawled over to him and placed her arms around his waist allowing her bear breast to rest against his back. He finally spoke “I don’t get it. I don’t know what kind of game she’s playing. She knows that I will demand a DNA test and if I find out it’s not mine she will lose everything. Why is she doing this?”

  “Are you sure it’s not yours did you ever have sex with her without protection?” She asked realizing the filter from her brain to her head obviously hadn’t kicked in. She waited for his response, he turned and pulled her into his lap.

  “Look at me babe. I have never slept with any woman without protection including Ashley. I have always worn a condom.”

  “You know that they are not totally full proof.”

  “That’s what has me worried. I can’t imagine having to deal with Ashley, not to mention bring a baby into this situation.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know what I’m going to do about that situation, but I do know that right now I’m going to make love to the woman I love.” He said as a declaration. She looked into his eyes and she could see the love.

  Tears appeared in her eyes. “I love you too.”

  He lowered her onto the bed. “Hey? What are the tears for?” He said looking concerned.

  “I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me. I have never been an emotional person and I’m turning into a crybaby.” She said with a smile.

  Ivan kissed away the tears as he entered her again. She wrapped her legs around his waist. This time his strokes were gentle, he took his time as he entered her slowly and deliberately.

  “I. Love. You.” He said stroking her with each word. He continued. “This. Is. Mine. Look at me Stephanie. Do you hear me?” She opened her eyes looking into his beautiful green eyes that were now darker.

  “Yes baby it’s all yours.” She said as she could feel the pressure building in her body again. She began to yell. “Oh….yes baby it’s all yours… shit...” She yelled as she came.

  Ivan quickened the pace of his strokes. He could feel her pussy milking him as he came hard into the latex wishing it were Stephanie carrying his baby and not Ashley.


  Ivan rose at five thirty and worked out for one hour; he showered in his exercise room and went to the bedroom to get dressed. Stephanie was waking up when he walked in the room.

  “Hello beautiful. Sleep well?”

  “Well, the funny thing about that, my man kept me up all night making love so while I did not get much sleep I am well rested.” She said with a smile.

  He leaned down and kissed her on the lips. “Adam is coming over this morning. Apparently he had a conversation with Ashley after I left and he wants to talk to me.”

  “Okay, I will shower, get dressed, and get out of your hair.” She said smilingly.

  “I never want you out of my hair, I would like you to stay, if it’s not too uncomfortable for you.” “No, I’m fine. I just don’t want to intrude.”

  “You are my woman, it’s impossible for you to intrude. You are a part of my life now.”

  “Okay I’ll stay.” Stephanie didn’t tell him she was a little apprehensive; she wanted to be there for him. She stood and smiled at the fact that she was not ashamed to walk nude in front of her man. As she walked towards the bathroom and her stomach immediately felt queasy, she ran into the bathroom just in time to empty the contents of her stomach in the toilet.

  Ivan came up behind her, “Are you are alright, baby?” He asked as he bent over to pull her hair back while grabbing a hand towel and handed it to her.

  “I’m fine my stomach is just a little upset. I think it was something I ate last night. I’m fine now, let me brush my teeth and take a shower.”

  Adam arrived about nine o’clock. Adam hugged his brother as he entered and walked over to the sofa where Stephanie was sitting and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “How are you doing?”

  “I’m good.” She said while looking at Ivan.

  “So what did you need to talk to me about and I hope this is not to question me about the paternity of Ashley’s baby because that is an issue I will deal with in due time.”

  “Well, you may be out of time. Have you listened to your messages today?”

  “No. Why?”

  “Well, it appears that Ashley has been in contact with Mom and she is beside herself excited about having a grandchild.”

  “WHAT!” Ivan was seething. This side of Ivan unnerved Stephanie.

  “She has no fucking idea who she’s dealing with. That bitch will regret the day she got my family involved in her bullshit.” Stephanie stood beside him and began to rub his back.

  “Are you so sure it’s not yours Ivan?” Adam asked. Ivan pulled away from Stephanie’s touch and walked over to the window staring at the skyline.

  “I don’t know. I mean I always used protection with her. Hell, I’ve never slept with a woman without a condom, it doesn’t make sense. I am fairly certain that while we were together we were exclusive.”

  “Then it appears your problems have just grown tenfold because mom is now involved. She left several messages for you and had me on the phone almost an hour wanting to get more information about the pregnancy and why you hadn’t told her.”

  “Fuck.” Ivan could not believe this was happening.

  “It gets worse. Mom has summoned us to Italy and she wants you to bring Ashley with us.”

  Ivan immediately looked over at Stephanie who was now sitting back on the sofa visibly upset and confused. Ivan sat down on the sofa next to Stephanie and pulled her onto his lap. “I can’t do that, Adam.” Ivan sai
d while looking into Stephanie’s eyes and tried to gauge how she was feeling.

  “I don’t think you have a choice big brother. Mom is expecting a call today with the date of our arrival.” Adam stood and walked towards the door.

  “Look, I have to go but call me after you talk to mom.”


  It was interesting to see the type of hold the matriarch of Ivan’s family had over Ivan and his brother. After speaking with his mom, Ivan rearranged his plans for the following weekend so that he could fly to Italy.

  Stephanie lay on the bed exhausted from another intense love making session with Ivan. He pulled her body into a spooning position as they lay in darkness.

  “I want you to come with me to Italy.” He whispered in her ear. “I want my Mom to meet you. She needs to meet the woman I’m in love with.”

  “I can’t go Ivan, your mom is expecting Ashley.”

  “Ashley is not going and I need to explain this situation in person. My parents need to understand that you are my lady and if Ashley is having my baby then I will take care of my responsibility.”

  Ivan looked at Stephanie and could see fear in her eyes. He sat up and pulled her into his lap, and kissed her gently. She melted into his embrace and tried to relax.

  “Yes baby. I will go with you.” She said not totally sure of how she felt about this situation.

  Friday August 26st

  Ivan, Stephanie, and Adam boarded Ivan’s private jet and flew to Italy. True to Ivan’s word, Ashley did not come. There was a six-hour time difference so when

  they arrived in Abruzzo it was almost 11 p.m. and Ivan had a car waiting when they arrived. The ride to his parent’s home took an hour. Although it was late there were several family members there to greet them when they arrived including his parents. When the trio walked into the house, Ivan’s parents immediately greeted their sons with hugs. Ivan grabbed Stephanie’s hand and pulled her close to him. His mother gave Stephanie a strange look and asked who she was in Italian. Adam spoke up first and said she was Ivan’s assistant at work and Ivan interrupted him by saying that this was the woman in his life. Stephanie did not understand what was being said but she knew it was not good because his mother put her hand over her mouth and started yelling in Italian.

  “Ivan come hai osato portare un'altra donna in casa mia quando la gravidanza fidanzata è addormentato su per le scale.” (Ivan how dare you bring another woman into my house when your pregnant fiancée is asleep upstairs.)

  Ivan’s body stiffened and he pulled Stephanie closer to him.

  He shouted. “Perché lei sente? Essa non è la mia fidanzata. Stephanie è la donna della mia vita e se nonè possibile accettare che lasceremo.” (Why is she here? She is not my fiancée. Stephanie is the woman in my life and if you cannot accept that we will leave.) Ivan’s mom turned her back to Ivan and Stephanie. Ivan pulled Stephanie’s arm practically dragging her out of the room towards the door.

  Adam ran after them. “Bro don’t do this, you need to stay and clear this mess up.”

  “I will be back tomorrow.” He walked up to Adam and said barely above a whisper.“Non tornerò qui se Stephanie non viene accolto” (I will not stay here if Stephanie is not welcome.) His intention was for her not to understand what he said but she knew it concerned her. They walked out the house into a waiting car.

  “Portarci in hotel Vicoria.” Ivan said to the driver.

  “What the hell was that about? Are you just getting around to telling your mom your dating a black woman, if so that was pretty shitty.” Stephanie said believing that his mom was reacting to the fact that she was black.

  “I am not having this conversation with you right now. We will talk at the hotel.”

  “The hell we will. We are discussing this now.”

  “Enough Stephanie.” He yelled and startled her. “We will discuss this at the hotel.”

  She looked at him ready to explode but could see the pain in his face as he looked straight ahead, avoiding her stare. They arrived at the hotel twenty minutes later but Ivan’s phone continued to buzz the entire ride and he refused to answer it. Once inside the suite Ivan immediately made himself a drink.

  “Do you want one because I’m going to have several?” He said with a faint smile. She shook her head.

  “Do you now want to explain to me what the hell just happened at your parent’s home?”

  Ivan took another gulp of his drink. “Let me first say that my parents are not prejudice they have taught my brother and I to treat everyone equally. So you being black was not the cause of my mother’s blowup.” He took another sip of his drink.

  “Me bringing a mistress into her home while my fiancée with child lay upstairs in her home sleeping, now that’s the problem. He said sarcastically. You see babe, it’s appears that Ashley has been a busy little bitch and she has been at my parent’s home for the last few days waiting for our arrival. I did not inform my parents that I was bringing my girlfriend because I thought we could clear up this situation with Ashley, introduce the love of my life to my parents and show you where I grew up. Needless to say that plan has been shot to hell.”

  Stephanie looked puzzled. “Why is she here? I don’t understand.”

  “It seems she contacted my mother a few days before the gala to give her the good news about the baby.” He said sarcastically. “She also asked my mother not to say anything to me about her visit because she wanted to surprise me. Oh and the best part is that she has my entire family duped into thinking that we are getting engaged.” He said with a huff and drained the rest of his drink.

  “You know that getting drunk is not going to make the problem go away.”

  “I know but it will make me forget for a little while.” She took the glass out of his hand. “I know something else we can do to make you forget for a little while.” She said seductively as she starting kissing him.


  The next morning Ivan left the hotel early to deal with the fiasco that was unfolding at his parent’s home. “Are you sure you will be okay for a couple of hours?”

  “I will be fine, I may take a cab to the market place.”

  “No, I will send the car back and it will be at your disposal.”

  She put her arms around his neck. “Thank you don’t worry about me just handle your business at your parents so you can come back and handle your business with me.” She said smiling.

  “I’ve created a sexual demon.” He said as he brushed his lips against hers.

  “I’ll be back soon.” He said and smacked her on the butt then left the room.

  Stephanie showered, ate breakfast and headed downstairs to a waiting car.

  ‘A girl could get use to this.’ She smiled as she slid into the backseat of the car.

  “Where would you like to go madam?” The chauffeur asked.

  “I would like to go to the market place.”

  “Very good Madam.”

  Stephanie spent the next couple of hours buying souvenirs for everyone. The prices were so reasonable that she used euro instead of the credit cards Ivan gave her. After she shopped Stephanie stopped at a small café, and sat at table outside to enjoy the weather and scenery, while she drank her coffee and ate her scone.

  As Stephanie watched the people walking by she noticed two familiar faces. It was Ivan’s mom and Ashley, they were apparently shopping. Ashley spotted her and gave her a faint smile. She said something to Ivan’s mother who looked in Stephanie’s direction. Ashley pretended to be upset and Ivan’s mom comforted her while signaling her to a waiting car. Stephanie could not believe the scene that just unfolded in front of her.

  ‘What a goddamn actress. Oh, this bitch got game, but she will not get my man.’ Stephanie thought as she finished her coffee and headed back to the hotel. Stephanie waited hours for Ivan, she tried his cell phone but it went straight to voicemail.

  “This is bullshit, how do you leave me in a hotel in a foreign country and don’t even ca
ll to check in.” Stephanie was fuming and finally at six o’clock she decided to have dinner without him. She grabbed her purse and there was a knock at the door. She swung the door open, “It’s about time do you…” She stopped mid sentence staring at Adam and not Ivan. “What’s wrong Adam, is Ivan okay? I have not heard from him since this morning.” He walked into the room and sat on the sofa.


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