Delusional Love (2nd Edition)

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Delusional Love (2nd Edition) Page 18

by Young, Sage

  He quickly shuffled through the messages and weeded out the ones that he had to return right away when he came across Stephanie’s message. She called him the day of the accident, the day he showed up at her apartment and was greeted by her new boyfriend. He balled the message up and decided against throwing it away instead he stuck it in his pocket. Later that evening he called Stephanie. She answered after two rings.

  “Hello.” She said softly.

  “Hello Stephanie.” Ivan said coldly. “How are you Ivan?”

  “I’m fine.”

  There was awkward silence.

  “I miss you.” She said softly wanting him to know how she felt.

  “Yeah well it didn’t take you long to get over me. I’m returning your call and I don’t have much time so what did you want?”

  “I wanted to talk to you about my pregnancy. I think you got the wrong impression.”

  “Look Stephanie I don’t have time to listen to your explanation about your pregnancy that is not my concern. I have more pressing things to deal with, take care of yourself. Goodbye Stephanie.”

  “I still love you.” She said just above a whisper.

  He felt a pang in his chest. He wanted to yell that he loved her too, but he couldn’t.

  “Yeah well sometimes love can be delusional.” He hung up the phone and returned to Ashley’s room.


  Stephanie met the girls at Sonny’s Restaurant. It felt like forever since the last time they went out together. “Look at you Steph, I can’t believe how much weight you gained. Those babies are growing leaps and bounds, but you are glowing baby girl, motherhood is agreeing with you. How do you feel?” Tara asked. “I’m feeling pretty good considering I look like I’m carrying four babies instead of two.”

  They ordered their food and Brianna turned to Stephanie.

  “So have you talked to Ivan? Does he know about the twins?”

  “No, I tried to talk to him and he freaked out on me and accused me of whoring around and getting pregnant by Mark. Even after I let him calm down and tried to explain again he went on his rant again. You know what, I’m tired of trying to kiss Ivan’s ass to accept my babies. He is the one who chose her over me, he chose her, so as far as I’m concerned I don’t owe him a goddamn thing, let alone an explanation of my pregnancy. He should know after everything we’ve been through that I would not sleep with someone so soon after breaking up with him, let alone get pregnant by someone else.”

  “Steph, he still needs to know about the babies.”

  “Look, that’s my decision, not yours and I say fuck him. He left me; he hurt me, just walked away like I meant nothing to him after I gave him everything. He is choosing to marry her because she is pregnant.” A single tear rolled down her cheek. “I loved him so much and he just kept stomping on my heart. I can’t keep being his doormat and I definitely don’t want him back in my life out of obligation.”

  “Alright Steph, don’t get upset, it’s your decision and we’ll support you on whatever you decide.” Tara said and tried to sooth her.

  “Good, because I decided to move to Miami with Mark until the babies are born.”

  “WHAT?” Brianna and Tara said in unison.

  “Awh hell no, I will support you in everything but that. Has this pregnancy caused you to lose your mind?” Tara said angrily.

  “Stephanie you can’t do this, you need to think this through. Don’t you remember how bad he hurt you? Think Steph, you are leaving one heartache for another, stay here with us, we will make sure that you are taken care of.” Brianna pleaded with her.

  You know we’ve got your back in anything that you need. You can move in with me, I have more than enough room.” Brianna said.

  “I can’t impose on you like that.” Stephanie said.

  “But you can impose on that bastard that broke your heart. Do you remember the bad shape you were in when you found out he was cheating on you? We sure as hell do. He screwed you over and never looked back. Don’t do this to yourself baby girl you are just setting yourself up for more hurt.” Tara said.

  “I appreciate what you guys are saying but I don’t have feelings for Mark like that anymore, we are friends and he extended the invitation as friends and nothing more.” Stephanie did not want to go into how Mark said this would give him a chance to make up for the hurt he caused her because they would just twist his words into some ulterior motive, “In the end, it’s my decision and I have given it serious consideration. I don’t think I can stay in town while he marries her and gives her the life I thought we would have together.”

  “You are treading in dangerous territory Steph, seriously think about this before you go down that road. When Ivan finds out about his babies, and oh…. trust me, he will find out, there is going to be a major fall out that will destroy whatever’s left of your relationship with him.” Brianna said.

  “He already destroyed our relationship when he said goodbye.” Their food arrived and they ate in silence. As they were leaving the restaurant Stephanie turned to her friends.

  “I love you guys and I will think about it and let you guys know what I decide.”

  Stephanie went home, took a shower, laid down and tried to weigh all her options. Financially she would be okay until the babies were born, but she would need help for the first couple of months. ‘I can’t stay here and be constantly reminded of his decision.’ Stephanie dozed after making a decision.


  “Hey Mark, how’s the moving going?” Stephanie asked after she called him the next morning.

  “Done. Actually I just completed settlement on my house and I’m flying out to Miami next week.” There were a few seconds of silence. “Is everything okay Steph?”

  “Yes, I was just wondering if your offer is still open.”

  “Of course it is, did you make a decision?”

  “I did. Do you have time this evening to come over so we can talk about it, I will make you dinner.”

  “Don’t bother because if you are considering coming with me, I will bring dinner over to celebrate.”

  “How about you bring dessert I will cook and after we can talk. You can decide if you want to celebrate.”

  Mark came over at six o’clock and dinner was ready. After dinner and dessert Stephanie and Mark sat on the sofa to discuss Stephanie’s decision.

  “First, I just want to thank you again for the offer to stay with you.”

  “This doesn’t sound like the response I was hoping for.” Mark said suspiciously.

  “Hear me out, like I said I want to thank you for the offer, but I need to know something?”

  “What is it?”

  “I don’t understand why you are willing to take on another man’s responsibility.” She said and looked him directly in his eyes for any hints of deceitfulness.

  “Well if you are asking me what my intentions are towards you, I would have to say that I love and care about you. I get that you are still in love with your babies’ father and I can accept that. I want to do this for you. He said earnestly. “You can’t even imagine how I struggled with not having you in my life when you left, I wanted to make it right and even if we never get together again I can move on knowing I did right by you.”

  “Thank you for saying that. I would like to take you up on your offer, but we have to set ground rules. First, you need to know why I came to this decision. Both Bri and Ty offered for me to move in with them, when it was close to my due date, but I can’t bear to live in the same city with Ivan and his soon to be wife and their new baby. He thinks I’m pregnant by you, and I am still so angry with him for thinking that I would jump into bed with someone else so soon after our breakup. I am not ready to tell him about the babies yet, if ever.”

  Mark interrupted her. “For the record, I think that’s a bad idea Steph. As much as I don’t like the man he has a right to know about his babies and….” Stephanie put her hand up to stop him.

  “It’s my decision and I
will decide if and when I tell him.”

  Mark continued. “Okay, but I think you’re wrong.”


  Whatever.” Stephanie said harshly. “Anyway, if I move in with you it will be like having a roommate, you have to let me pull my weight financially.” Mark started to protest and she interrupted. “Mark, that is the only way I will agree to this arrangement, otherwise I will have to move in with my parents.” She winced at that thought.

  “Go on.” Mark said irritated.

  “I don’t want to be more of a burden than I’m already going to be, so you have to promise me that if there is someone you are interested in dating that you will pursue it. I couldn’t bear staying with you knowing that I am putting a cramp in your love life.” Mark stared at Stephanie, but did not respond.

  “Lastly, I don’t want you to feel obligated to get involved with the babies.

  You don’t have to attend their doctor’s appointments or be there for the birth. I’m sure my mom, my sister, Bri and Ty will be there. I want me moving in with you to be as least disruptive as possible for your life.” Mark looked into her eyes, but did not speak right away. He moved closer to Stephanie on the sofa, and put his arm around her shoulder.

  “When I asked you to move in with me, I was fully aware of what I was asking. I intend to be there for you every step of the way with your pregnancy.

  I intend to go to every appointment, help you through all your aches and pains, and if you will have me I would be honored to be there in the delivery room.

  I am in this with you for the long haul. You need to know this before we move together; I am not your roomy. I am someone who loves and cares about your well-being and will help you through this difficult time in your life.” Mark turned his body towards her palming her face with his hands. “Stephanie, look at me.”

  She lifted her eyes to meet his gaze.

  “I am not asking you to fall in love with me again. I acknowledge that I blew that opportunity, but let me take care of you, even if it’s only for a few months.” Stephanie could see the sincerity in his eyes. She kissed him on the cheek and thanked him. He noticed a tear rolling down her cheek. Mark placed his lips softly on her eyelids and trailed kisses down her cheeks until he reached her lips.

  He kissed her continuously giving her light pecks on her soft lips. Finally, he brought his lips on hers firmer rubbing his tongue along her bottom lip encouraging her to open. Reluctantly, she did, and he used the opportunity to take her tongue into his mouth and sucked on it feverously. Stephanie closed her eyes taking in and enjoying the intimacy. God she missed this, she missed Ivan. The thought of Ivan caused her to pull back, feeling such a sense of guilt. Mark placed his forehead on her forehead.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Its fine, but you have to know that I still love Ivan and if you can’t handle that, I can’t move in with you.”

  “Okay Steph, I will never pressure you, but know that I still love you, and that has never stopped. I only ask if your feelings start to change that you won’t fight them.”

  She nodded. “Then we’re good.” He pulled Stephanie into an embrace. Her mind reeled from everything going on in her life, but she knew she needed to move on. Ivan did not want her. She needed to realize that as she was entering a new chapter living in a new city and preparing to be a new mom. She rubbed her stomach and smiled. Mark placed his hand over hers as they rubbed in unison. Mark felt her hand slowly fall away as he continued to caress her belly. He heard a soft snore and realized she was sleep. He looked at her while she slept. ‘You are so beautiful. I will show you how much I love you and deserve a second chance.’ This was his opportunity to show her how good they could be together. He already loved the babies she was carrying and if given the opportunity would make her a great husband and father to her babies. Mark stood, scooped Stephanie in his arms and carried her to the bedroom. In a couple of days they would be in their new house, and with any luck, ready to start a new life with the woman he loved.


  Sage Young is a writer of erotically sensual novels. Currently residing in Philadelphia, PA she is entering the literary arena this summer with her debut novel, “DELUSIONAL LOVE”. Sage is an avid reader of all things, but erotic romance novels in particular.

  Sage uses every spare moment to indulge in her second favorite passion, writing. Her favorite saying is, “Always Explore the Possibilities”. She hopes that you will enjoy her novel and looks forward to your feedback.





  ‘How did my life get here?’ Thought Ivan Quinn, founder and CEO of The Quinn Corporation. Handling the day-to-day operations of a billion dollar company was not difficult for him but dealing with all the drama in his personal life was taking its toll.

  Ivan sat in the living room of his condominium, in the dark and nursed another drink. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a picture of his beautiful baby girl Angel.

  He kissed the picture as he closed his eyes and thought of happier times, a time when his life was not so complicated. He had Stephanie, the love of his life by his side his business was expanding and he was happy, truly happy. Then the bottom fell from under him. He was now engaged to Ashley Ross who was the mother of his child.

  Ivan did not love Ashley, in fact he despised her, but he made a promise to his mother. The hospital had to deliver his beautiful baby girl, but Ashley remained in a coma since the car accident.

  Stephanie Young, the love of his life was pregnant by another man and had moved to Florida with him. Could my life get any worse? He thought as he continued to nurse his drink, knowing that he would soon have to return to the hospital where he spent most of his time, at Ashley’s bedside, since the accident.




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