Blood, Lust and Love

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Blood, Lust and Love Page 7

by Sheri Velarde

  "I think that this is exactly what I might need after a night like tonight." She shifted herself so that she straddled Mel's hips, both of her hands gently stoking his chest. "I know it might just be all the shock and adrenaline from the attack, but since you rescued and comforted me, I feel close to you. I trust you. I want you." She tentatively kissed him.

  Mel closed his eyes as she kissed him, responding to her advances even though she could tell he struggled not to. "I am not worthy of such trust. I do not wish to do anything to harm you. I cannot take advantage of you like this." His voice was tense with desire, yet sad with conviction.

  "You want me too. I can feel it in your body," Ella whispered as she licked his neck. "Stop fighting what we both want. Tell me that you want me."

  "I do want you, but I cannot do this to you, not now. I will not cause you more pain in the long run," Mel said with restraint.

  "If you don't start kissing me back, I may become very hurt indeed. You're not taking advantage of me. This is what I want. I'm the one who initiated whatever this is. I want to take this further. Please, give me a little peace and comfort tonight. Please." Ella could not contain the deep yearning that emitted from deep inside of her.

  She began kissing Mel more intensely and moving her body against his. Her wet breasts slid across his torso, she moved her naked body against the growing bulge in his jeans. Despite his clear intellectual resistance, his body was indeed responding to her in kind. She could tell that he wanted her as much as she wanted him. That he burned with desire as well.

  Finally his resolve broke. He muttered something in French that Ella could not understand, then grabbed her and began kissing her in a way that she had never been kissed before. His tongue pushed into her mouth with such need that it only heightened Ella’s own need. In one swift motion, he lifted them both into a standing position and with one hand, reached over and turned the water off, no easy feat considering they were in a wet shower, had been on the ground for a long time, and Ella had wrapped her naked body around his like a vine clinging for her life.

  Before she knew what happened, Ella was in Mel's arms, with the shower open, and they stood dripping wet in the middle of the bathroom. "You really should take your jeans off so we don't make a mess all through your house." It was the only thing that she could think to say.

  Mel laughed and set her down so she could lean against the counter. He quickly stripped his jeans off with simple elegance in his movements and with no embarrassment. And boy did he have nothing to be embarrassed about. Ella's eyes widened as she took all of him in. But while she gawked at him like a teenage virgin, Mel swept her back into his arms and carried her out of the bathroom, directly to his bedroom.

  For all of his previous restraint, now that Mel had unleashed his desire and hunger, it was as if he had unleashed a wild animal. He did lower Ella gently onto the bed, trying to spare her bitten shoulder, but that was where his self-control ended. Immediately, he crawled on top of her, ravishing her with his hands, his lips, his tongue, his teeth, kissing, playing, nipping, and driving Ella insane with desire. She moved underneath him, responding to his animal instincts with her own, losing herself in a way that felt right. All rational thought seemed to have left both of them. Only lust and impulses remained.

  Ella had no idea how long he explored her body before she pulled his lips back up to hers, kissing him with an intensity she had never felt before. "Now. I have to have you now. I have to have you inside of me, please!" she begged. She pulled him close and lifted herself up to make it clear what she was pleading for, positioning herself below him, begging for him to enter her.

  Mel went very still for one moment. He brought a gentle hand across her cheek and kissed her lightly on the lips before he thrust deep into her, causing Ella to see stars. Mel's cock was so large that at first his being inside her hurt.

  Once she recovered, they began moving in motion together, starting slowly to give Ella time to adjust but quickly gathering speed. Ella had no problem being forthright with what she wanted, moving her hips, trying to take Mel deeper inside her with each plunge of his passion. Mel had so much stamina that just when she thought she could get no higher, he would take her beyond any pleasure that she had ever known.

  She screamed when she came the last time and bit into Mel's shoulder to keep from waking the entire city. Mel gave some sort of muffled cry when he felt the bite and his speed picked up, practically pounding her through the mattress until he too met his climax and shouted out in French. Ella felt him bite her back on her good shoulder and the sensation sent her over the edge again. Her whole body felt as if it were made of nothing but nerve endings, so complete was her euphoria.

  Mel collapsed on top of her and then rolled off, pulling Ella close to him as he did. She snuggled against him and lay in the afterglow until she could move and talk once more.

  "That was fantastic. You are amazing," she murmured as she trailed her hand up and down his stomach, tracing his happy trail of hair.

  Mel made an almost purring sound. "You are pretty amazing yourself. Your body is luscious and silky. Your skin is so creamy, luminescent. You are exactly what a woman should be, beautiful and scrumptious. And very enthusiastic, I might add."

  Ella laughed. "Like you could see my body. You never stopped to turn on the light."

  "Oh, I have very good night vision. Plus, I think that I had quite the opportunity to soak you in while in the bathroom."

  She could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke, as he lovingly stroked her hair.

  "How is your injury? I did not hurt you did I? I tried to be gentle, but you bring out the animal inside me."

  "Endorphins are flowing so strongly through me right now, that I can barely feel the pain. My shoulder is sore, but that has nothing to do with you. I can't imagine a better medicine than what you just gave me. As a matter of fact, I think that I could use another dose of your special medicine very soon."

  It was Ella's turn to smile as she began kissing her way down his chest and working lower. Much to her surprise Mel seemed to be in the mood again already. "Boy, you have great recoup time. A characteristic that I love in a man!"

  Mel moaned as she began to take care of him with her mouth. "Only when I am with one as desirable as you."

  After that he was not in the mood to talk as Ella licked and sucked up and down his shaft, occasionally taking a moment to suck and nip at his scrotum as well. Mel seemed to like a little biting here and there, taking great pleasure out of momentary nips of pain, little scrapes with her teeth. Ella loved the power she felt she had over him, loved the desire she seemed to stir in him. Satisfying him only turned her on even more.

  Just when Ella thought that she had almost made him come undone and was anticipating him coming in her mouth, he pulled her up so that she was sitting on him. He glided himself into her and began to move her up and down as he gripped her hips tightly. He went slowly, letting the pleasure build up for Ella before he increased the speed and motion. His hands found their way to her breasts, massaging and pinching her nipples as she rode him faster and faster. They came at almost the exact same moment and Ella was the one to collapse this time.

  She lay atop Mel, loving the feel of him still inside of her. She kept giving herself aftershocks just by moving his still seemingly hard cock ever so slightly while still inside her. There seemed to be no end to the pleasure that this man could give her. She had never experienced a lover who had this kind of power over her body. It was definitely something she could become used to, if not addicted to.

  Ella had no idea how long they stayed like that, Mel inside her, intertwined with each other in a comfortable silence. Finally she rolled off of Mel on to her good side, snuggling close to him once more. "Thank you. After all that happened earlier tonight, I think this is what I will remember most. Such a better memory than a ghoul attack."

  "I am glad that I have made this night special for you, I am even happier that I was there to save you tonigh
t. It would have been a travesty if your light had went out of the world tonight."

  Ella half laughed, half sighed listening to Mel. "You have such a strange way of speaking, kind of old fashioned. Tell me about yourself, I feel that I should know more about you. I want to learn all about you. You are my angel after all no matter what you say."

  Mel stiffened ever so slightly. "I suppose my speech is so strange to you because English is not my native language. French is. I am from Paris."

  "Paris? Wow, I have always wanted to go to Paris. How on earth did you end up here in the American Southwest? I can't think of anything further from the culture you grew up in! Paris and Albuquerque are separated by more than miles, more like separated by galaxies."

  "I travel a lot, usually to hot beds of supernatural activity and the American southwest is teeming with such activity." Mel seemed like he wanted to say more, but just then Ella yawned. "You need to get some rest. You have been through a lot tonight and sleep will help you heal. Sleep now, my lovely, you are safe here, nothing can touch you here."

  "I am tired," she admitted reluctantly. "Promise you will stay here in bed with me? I want to wake up in your arms."

  Kissing her gently on the forehead. "I promise I will stay here until you fall asleep."

  She had already begun to dose off. "You won't stay here with me the whole night?" If Mel made a reply, Ella never heard it, she fell asleep before she finished her question, and the last thing she remembered was Mel stroking her hair gently as she drifted off to dreamless oblivion.


  Ella awoke alone in the bed, not wrapped in Mel's arms as she would have liked. Propping herself up on her elbow she looked around, searching for Mel, only to discover he was not in the room. A note caught her eye, propped up by a glass of water. However, since she had been asleep for many hours, she had to visit the restroom before reading it. Then she noticed that her mouth was extremely dry and had a faint salty taste in it as well, so she gulped down the water.

  As she stumbled through Mel's quiet and spacious condo, Ella saw no sign of the man himself. There was some light coming in through the living room window and it looked like it was late afternoon. She had slept most of the day away and her lover had probably been up for hours.

  After Ella took care of necessary business, she took a good look at herself in the mirror. She was clean and looked much better than she had the night before. Her hair was tangled from the night of lovemaking. It took a while to work all the tangles out. She washed up a little and then went back to see if she could find out where Mel was. Finally, she headed back to the bedroom, to read the note and to find some clothes to put on as she was still wandering around naked.

  A T-shirt and pair of drawstring sweat pants sat neatly on a chair in the corner. They were a little big, but fit well enough. Ella sat down on the bed and started to read the note. "Ella, I expect you to sleep most of the day away after the night you just had. You are perfectly safe here. Please stay until I return. I have set some clothes out for you and there is plenty of food in the kitchen. Please help yourself. What I have is yours. I am already missing you as I write this." It was simply signed M.

  The mention of food made Ella's stomach growl. Even though she was a little hurt that Mel was not there when she awoke, it comforted her that he had asked her to stay, even if he did not say where he went. She found the kitchen full of fresh fruit, vegetables, meats, almost anything and everything that a person could ask for.

  She wondered if Mel had slipped away to an all-night grocery store after she had fallen asleep. Ella piled a plate with food, fixed some coffee, and settled down to eat, reliving the happy moments with Mel from the night before, not ready to think coherently about the attack that led to their meeting.

  By the time she had finished eating, the sun had started to go down, and she was very thankful that she had today and tomorrow off from work. She would hate to try to explain why she was calling in sick. She turned on some lights and wondered if she had time to do some snooping around to discover more about her mysterious lover before his return.

  Deciding to resist the temptation, she searched around for her purse and checked her cell phone for messages. Nothing terribly important, since no one knew of the attack last night. Ella knew she shouldn't be surprised, but the terrible part of last night emphasized just how alone she was in the world.

  Sure she had some friends and coworkers who cared. But Ella began to wonder how long it would have taken someone to notice she was missing if Mel had not been there to save her the night before. She probably would have been dead for at least two days before anyone even bothered to wonder where she was. Being alone and overlooked seemed to be the story of her life since the very beginning and the reality of that made her sad.

  She lost herself in melancholy thoughts, thinking about how she could have been dead today and how no one would even know or care. So complete was her misery, she never heard the door open and jumped when Mel called out her name. However, she happened to notice that it was now completely dark outside.

  "Ella, I am sorry to startle you." Mel came over and pulled her into his arms. "How are you feeling today? You look well rested. Did you sleep well? Did you find the food I left you?"

  Snuggling close to him, feeling wanted and cared for, she answered. "I feel shockingly well. I haven't looked at the bites yet, but they are itching which must mean they are healing. I slept all day, so I am feeling very rested, almost better than before the attack actually."

  She smiled seductively at him and began snuggling in a different manner, even though she was a little shocked at her own forwardness yet again. She just did not seem able to contain herself in the presence of this particular man. Her attraction to him was just too powerful to ignore.

  Leaning over and kissing her gently, Mel seemed a little reluctant to respond to her advances. "Hold that thought for a moment. Let me check your wounds, change your bandages, make sure that they are healing properly. You suffered quite the trauma last night and I do not think that you have taken some time to truly deal with the attack."

  "I think that could wait for a little while, don't you? I really missed you in bed when I woke up. I had been hoping for a little repeat performance from last night." Suddenly it hit Ella that while she felt well rested and had eaten, maybe Mel had been at work all day and was tired and hungry, not just horny like her.

  "Where were you all day? Do you want me to fix you something to eat? I guess I'm being a little selfish here. Did you just get off work?"

  "I don't think that you are being selfish. I want to make love to you again, more than you know. It is all I thought about all day. I just want to make sure that you are okay, that you aren't in pain or suffering from the events of last night." Mel looked at her anxiously, really examining her and her reactions, staring at her as if he were trying to discern something serious, checking to see if she was going to have another mental meltdown.

  She placed her hand over his mouth. "Later, I am fine, trust me. Please, I just want a reminder that what happened between the two of us last night was not a dream, that the passion and the tenderness was all real. Please, show me the same hunger, the same desire as last night? I need to feel that reassurance. That is what you can give me right now. That is how you can help me the most, giving me a reason to value the life you saved."

  Ella leaned in and kissed him with as much force as she could muster and this time he did not pull away and was far from tentative with his response. He pulled her roughly to him and did not seem to be as concerned with being as gentle tonight as he was the night before. As she wrapped herself around him, he moved as if to stand up. "Where do you think you are going?"

  "To the bedroom, to give you what you want, what you are asking for."

  "No, let's stay here, I want you right here and now." She pushed him back down on the couch.

  Mel didn't argue, but he reached over to turn the light off.

  She grabbed his hand. "Now what ar
e you doing? I want to see you when I make love to you. I want to enjoy your body in the light. I want to take all of you in, to see all of your beauty. I want to see us intertwined together, our naked bodies moving together. Stop being a prude."

  Mel seemed hesitant and unsure, but Ella pulled her shirt off, then started kissing him so relentlessly while unbuttoning his shirt that he gave into what his body was telling them both he wanted. He rolled her onto her back and ripped the sweat pants off in one quick motion. His jeans were off almost as quickly. His entire body was rigid with desire and Ella's was wet and aching for him. She ran her nails down his back as she raised her hips up to grind against his.

  "Ah, you are a temptress sent to drive me out of my mind with desire!" Mel exclaimed just before he penetrated her fully and deeply with force, causing her to see stars again.

  There was fierceness in the way Mel made love to her, but Ella matched it with an intensity of her own. She had never wanted a man like this. She was hot all over for him, wanting him closer even as he was inside of her. If she could somehow crawl inside of him, she would. She came so loud and hard that she feared her legs would never be steady again.

  Mel increased his rhythm, sending more shockwaves through her and speeding towards his own fulfillment. She could tell that he was getting closer from the feral sounds coming from his throat, but he abruptly turned his face away from her, pulling her up and burying his face in her shoulder. She could swear he came as forcefully as she had, but then he let out a sound of frustration rather than ecstasy.

  Even though Ella felt sure he had had his release, his body was still stiff and full of tension. "What's wrong? Wasn't it good for you? Do you need me to help you finish by other means? I am more than willing to go down on you. In fact, I'd love to." Ella went to move, but Mel held her in place.

  "It was fantastic; you are fantastic. I am completely satisfied, as always, by our lovemaking," he answered in a strained voice. It almost sounded like he was in pain. He still had his face turned away from her, as if he didn't want to look at Ella at all, leaving her bewildered.


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