The Slave Planet

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The Slave Planet Page 32

by Seven Steps

  The Czarina cackled. “Well then, we’ll just have to do something about that. Seize them!”

  Dell Una turned to Nadira. “Get back in the ship!”

  “What about you?” Nadira asked.

  “Don’t worry about me,” Dell Una said. “Leave. Now!”

  Nadira, Kiln, Eva, and Lex ran back to the safety of the ship and closed the door while three enforcers surrounded Dell Una.

  “Keep that ship on the ground!” Czarina Arees commanded. “I want the rogues alive!”

  More enforcers ran to surround the ship.

  Dell Una cried out as the enforcers pulled her delicate arms forcefully behind her back. Baring her teeth and remembering the fire seed, she focused on the ground in front of her.

  The ground trembled.

  “Let go of me!” Dell Una shouted.

  The enforcer’s bodies shook. They released their grip, confusion on their meaty faces.

  Dell Una swooped her hands outwards. Using the sight, she pushed the enforcers back several feet. Her hands came together with a slap. Immediately, the enforcers were crushed, victims to the invisible hands of the Zenithian sight. Dell Una raised her closed hands into the air. The enforcer’s crumpled bodies rose with Dell Una’s hands.

  The ground beneath the enforcers collapsed, leaving a deep, gaping hole. The rocks sitting along the edge of the hole shook before rising high in the air. They came together, forming massive, rocky jaws. The rock jaws sprung open, and swallowed the unconscious enforcers whole. The jaws then shut tight and plunged toward the ground again. The ground exploded in a spray of dirt and rocks as the rock creature dove below the surface, dragging the enforcers down into the bowels of the planet.

  Panting, Dell Una turned to Arees and opened her hands.

  The remaining enforcers trembled as they looked at their leader.

  “Don’t just stand there!” Arees shouted. “Kill it!”

  The enforcers regrouped, and several rushed forward.

  As if conducting a symphony, Dell Una’s hands swooped forward and pushed the enforcers back to the steps of High Council Hall. She took in a labored breath. The use of the fury had weakened her small body. She crouched low, ready for the next attack.

  Arees’ eyes opened wide first in surprise then in hot anger. “Shoot it! Shoot it now!”

  The enforcers aimed their blasters at Dell Una.

  Dell Una raised a hand, lifting a wall of stone in front of her, creating a barrier between her and certain death.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a black disc floating gently down from the sky.

  Heavier fire blasted a hole in the stone wall.

  Dell Una raised a hand, snatching the blasters from the enforcer’s before pitching them away. With the momentary ceasefire, Dell Una stepped out from behind the wall and raised her hands. Thousands of stones rose from the ground. She pushed her hands forward. The stones flew through the air, growing as they went. One by one the newly formed boulders hit their targets, crushing any enforcers that stood in their path.

  The enforcers scattered.

  Dell Una stumbled, the fury sapping her strength.

  Another line of enforcers flanked her from the left.

  Dell Una pushed them back, brought her hands up to lift them, and smashed them to the ground.

  Someone grabbed her from behind. A heavy body jumped on top of her, then another and another until she could barely breathe.

  Liquid flame poured from her mouth, streaming out in front of her. It reared back like a snake then barreled through the enforcers that held her down.

  The load above her grew heavier with dripping bodies. She grunted under the dead weight and the smell of boiling flesh. She saw stars began to encroach on her vision. She knew what came next. Blackness.

  A hand pulled back her purple hair, forcing her to look up into the evil, green eyes of Arees, who aimed at blaster at Dell Una’s head. “End this now, or I will kill you.” She jerked the blaster towards the Magistrate’s ship, the Jewel. “And then I will kill them.”

  Exhausted from both using the fury and the weight crushing her small lungs, Dell Una prepared herself for death.

  I tried my best, Embrya, but I was too weak. I told you that I wasn’t a savior. Can you hear me? I am no savior!

  Arees’ green eyes narrowed. “Who are you?”

  Dell Una took a small breath, her vision doubling. “I am Dell Una of Zenith.”

  Arees smirked. “Goodbye, Dell Una of Zenith.”

  The black disc floated down behind the Czarina.

  Dell Una’s eyes rounded as the disc expanded. Within the orb were blue sky and strange trees. She locked eyes with Arees, her cheeks trembling as adrenaline rushed through her. With the last of her strength, Dell Una pushed off the melted bodies that laid on top of her, jerked her hair out of Arees’ grasp, pulled back her arms, and pushed.

  Czarina Arees’ green eyes widened with terror as she flew through space and fell through the canopy of the trees.

  The orb closed.

  The Czarina was gone.


  “It’s done.”

  Dell Una stumbled toward the Jewel. The enforcers dropped their weapons, backing away from her as she passed.

  The ship’s door opened, and Nadira, Kiln, Lex, and Eva ran out.

  Kiln scooped Dell Una up into his massive arms. “You did it Dell Una. You saved us.”

  Dell Una sighed and shook her head. A single tear rolled down her cheek. “Take me home. Please, just take me home.”

  Kiln nodded and started back to the ship.

  Lex followed.

  “What about Venus?” Eva asked. “What will happen to it?”

  “I don’t know,” Nadira replied.

  Nadira and Eva watched the dazed enforcers move back toward the steps of High Council Hall. Their leader was gone. They were lost.

  In the distance, Jun-Su began to scream. It took several seconds before the words reached Nadira and Eva’s ears.

  “Release me!” Countess Jun-Su cried. “I am the next in line. I am the rightful ruler of this planet. Take these shackles off of me!”

  They watched as Bragnia released Jun-Su and the newly awakened Tagnia.

  Eva took a step forward but froze when Jun-Su grabbed the blaster from Bragnia’s hands and shot Tagnia in the chest, her body exploding and covering both Jun-Su and Bragnia with gore.

  Bragnia’s hand trembled then fisted.

  Jun-Su turned to Bragnia and said something too low for Eva and Nadira to hear.

  Bragnia stood still for a moment, staring at the bloodied remains of her sister.

  Jun-Su spoke again.

  Bragnia shook her head as if clearing it, then ran off.

  Jun-Su yelled something at the enforcers, and within moments, they chanted her name, “Countess! Countess! Countess!”

  Eva felt a hand on her shoulder.

  “We have to go,” Nadira said, turning toward the ship.

  They climbed up the stairs of the Jewel and strapped into their seats. The crew of the Omni were gone.

  The sound of Dell Una’s weeping mixed with the sounds of the engines firing.

  Nadira looked out of the window and saw women emerging from the Residential.

  She wondered if those women would live to see another day.



  With a sigh of relief, Dell Una pressed her face to the window as the ship touched down on Zenithian soil.

  “I’m home.” Dell Una rushed toward the door. “It’s over!”

  Not waiting for the Jewel to reach the hanger, she slammed her small hand on the door release button.

  An alarm sounded, causing Lex to slam on the brakes midway into the hanger.

  “What are you doing?” he screamed.

  Dell Una wrung her hands and fluttered as the door slowly dropped open. Her eyes darted wildly from the door to the ship’s crew, as if they would attack her at any second.

“You have to wait until the ship sto—”

  She squeezed her small body through the ever widening opening of the door and took off, disappearing past the tree line in the direction of the palace.

  Lex and Kiln looked at each other and shook their heads.

  Turning back to the controls, Lex maneuvered the ship into the nearly empty hanger and shut it down. They raced down the stairs and made their way to the lunchunt area, taking special care to leave their shoes in the ship.

  “What do you think happened to Arees?” Lex asked.

  “She was pushed into a black hole,” Eva replied. “She must be dead.”

  “I’ll bet it was the same black hole we saw Heedon and Embrya make in the square.”

  “Maybe. But I’m afraid that our problems may not be over. Jun-Su was just as bad as Arees, and now she’s in charge. How can we leave Venus in her hands?”

  “Maybe she’s changed,” Nadira said. “With the death of her children, maybe her heart is softened.”

  “She killed Tagnia the second she was released,” Eva said. “Jun-Su is just as bad as Arees was. And there is still a matter of the women who are in hiding. There may be thousands of them left behind.”

  A powerful breeze came up suddenly. They looked to the west. A great cloud of Zenithians briskly flew toward them. With Magistrate Embrya at the head and countless Zenithians bringing up the rear, they parted the skies like a mighty storm, landing directly in front of the Venians.

  “Welcome back,” Embyra said, stepping toward them.

  Nadira and Eva nodded respectfully while Lex and Kiln kneeled.

  “You have done well,” Embrya said. “You have returned our Dell Una to us.”

  “Dell Una was magnificent,” Eva said. “Arees will no longer ruin our planet and kill our people.”

  Embrya smiled. “Yes. Please join us in the palace. We have much to discuss.”

  A Zenithian rode a lunchunt to them as more Zenithians cheered overhead.

  Once they settled in the cart, they followed the winged processional to the palace where Embrya delivered a grand speech, praising Dell Una on vanquishing Arees and saving Venus.

  At the end of the speech, the Zenithians returned to their daily routine, and the Venians, Dell Una—now clean and somewhat composed—and Heedon joined Embrya in the throne room.

  “Dell Una, you have done a great thing on this day,” Embrya said. “You have saved a planet. There is no greater act then an act of virtue. I am so proud of you.” She laid a hand on Dell Una’s shoulder, as tears fell from Dell Una’s eyes onto her new purple dress.

  “We are proud of you.” Heedon stepped forward, laying a hand on Dell Una’s other shoulder.

  Dell Una looked up at Heedon in wonder.

  “And to show our appreciation,” Heedon said, “we are making you an Interra.”

  Dell Una’s eyes opened wide. “Your majesties!”

  “You will be our official envoy to the other Forger-Keepers,” Heedon said.

  “There is no higher honor!” Dell Una wept, all three eyes glistening with tears.

  The travelers clapped before Embrya and Heedon turned to them.

  Embrya fluttered to her throne and took a seat, her face turning heavy. “And now, the Venians.”

  Heedon followed her, placing his hand behind the throne. Next to Heedon on a solitary table sat a large wooden box.

  “There is much to do, and the time is short,” Embrya said. “You must retrieve Arees.”

  Eva gasped. “She is alive?”


  “But, but she was just vanquished!”

  “And now she must be brought back,” Embrya said.

  “But why?”

  “We cannot tell you that now, but it must be done,” Embrya said. “Dell Una has done her part. Arees is in a place where she can’t hurt anyone. But it is of the utmost importance that you find her and bring her back here.”

  “She’ll never listen to us,” Eva said. “Not after all that’s happened.”

  “She will,” Embrya said. “I will not let you fail.”

  Heedon picked up the box and handed it to Embrya.

  Embrya looked into his eyes briefly, before taking the box and opening it.

  “I will again send you on my ship, the Jewel. When you arrive, you will seek out Pennick and Seven. They too are integral to our plans. They will help you find Arees. You will bring her, and them, back here to me.”

  “And what if she refuses?” Eva asked. “What if Pennick and Seven refuse? How can we convince them to come with us?”

  Embrya held out the opened box to them. “You will show them these.”

  Dell Una, still gathering herself on the floor, looked up and gasped. “Embrya, you trust them with the Toma? But they are Venians!”

  Embrya shot her a dark look, and Dell Una immediately quieted.

  Nadira, Eva, Kiln and Lex stepped forward, took out the jeweled necklaces, and placed them around their necks.

  Nadira looked down at the necklace. The metallic chain itself was simple, a plain rope design. A blue jewel sat in a round, metallic casing. She ran a thumb over the jewel in wonderment. It looked as if it housed a tiny, blue sandstorm within. She watched it swirl, and the world suddenly tilted. Nadira felt her heart speed up. Electric shocks ran through her veins. She cried out as the Toma, once swinging around her neck, slammed into her chest and pressed. Pain clouded her vision as it broke through her skin. She felt her heart lurch and stretch out to the jewel. She was breathless. Just when she thought that the Toma would disappear into the hole in her chest, pain exploded inside her head. With what little breath she had left, she screamed. Her brain pulsed and squeezed against the top of her skull. She felt intense pressure behind her eyes. Her lungs seized, and a jolt of pain ran down her spine and through her feet—then the pain stopped.

  Nadira could feel everything. The ground beneath the tree, the sea as the waves lapped at the shore. She was tuned into Zenith, and it felt glorious.

  She realized that she was on her hands and knees on the floor. Beneath her was a pool of blood. The jewel of the Toma was flush into her chest. She felt the coolness of the metal casing between her lungs. As she wiped away the sweat that had formed on her brow, a new pain crept into her consciousness. Kiln’s hand was painfully wrapped around her wrist. She wondered when he had clamped onto her.

  Nadira looked up at Embrya. “What was that?” she demanded.

  “Those jewels contain the elements of Zenith: dust, water, the coldest ice from the great mountain, and the seed of the volcano,” Embrya said. “When all of those elements come together, they act like a magnet, attracting matter in its purest form to it. Matter that you can build upon, manipulate, link together, and, for some of you, destroy. That dust has traveled through your Toma and into your body. Now you are all connected to Zenith. That’s what you feel, don’t you? Connected?”

  Nadira took a deep breath and looked at her friends, who were all on the floor, blood staining their chests. All except Eva. She stood ramrod straight, the terror fading from her eyes as she watched them recover.

  “You have the sight now. You just have to use it.”

  Kiln was just beginning to help Nadira to her feet when a burst of light filled the room.

  Lex’s Toma lit brightly.

  “Lex will be your beacon,” Embrya said. “Your leader.”

  “Follow Lex?” Eva asked, holding the Toma tightly in her hands. “But ...”

  Embrya’s eyes narrowed at her, and Eva’s voice trailed off. She looked down at her Toma.

  “Lex’s heart is the purest that I have ever seen,” Embrya said. “That is why he will lead you. Follow him as if you were following me. Even when you feel that the path has veered, keep on it. He will lead you back.”

  Eva nodded tightly.

  “Lead them to what?” Lex asked.

  “To success,” Embrya said. “To victory, to—”

  Fire shot out of Kiln’s hands, cutting off E
mbrya’s words. The fire rushed to the window before being sucked back into his palms. Kiln looked at his hands as if they were snakes.

  Heedon smiled. “Fire? Hmm. I was kind of hoping that it would be you, Lex. After all, you are Glorium.”

  Lex frowned.

  “How did you do that?” Nadira asked.

  “I don’t know,” Kiln said. “It’s like the fire was inside me. I just let it out.”

  Nadira closed her eyes, still not at all sure what it all meant. She felt Kiln’s fire explode again, only this time the fire began to swirl. Somehow she knew that she was controlling it. She felt the fire in her fingertips, hot and angry. Raising her hand over her head, she watched as the fire stretched skyward. She lowered her hand and the fire went down again.

  Kiln looked at her in wonderment.

  Nadira turned toward the front of the room again, feeling her attention being drawn upwards. She felt the water vapors above her shiver. She closed her eyes.

  “I can feel them.”

  It was as if every molecule in the atmosphere was a part of her. She reached out her hands and felt the molecules as they turned their attention to her. Though she couldn’t see them, she imagined the drops of water as musical notes, and she waved her hands above her head as if conducting a great symphony. She felt the droplets sway. She dropped her hands and felt billions of droplets explode as they hit the great tree. The torrential downpour outside sounded more like thunder than rain. Beneath her feet, the tree shook as powerful winds swept through Zenith.

  Suddenly, she felt her feet leaving the floor. Her head bumped against the ceiling. Yelping in surprise, she opened her eyes to see a black, swirling cloud in front of the palace. Within the tornado, she watched lightning strike, felt the molecules bump together, and knew that she had made it happen. She felt the thunder roar in her chest before it roared in the cloud.

  “I see.” Nadira smiled down at her beloved and felt him, too. Where she was cool, he was hot. She felt his heartbeat as if it were her own. She felt the fire as it coursed through him. It seemed to get hotter as she examined him. She ended the storm outside, pulled a few water molecules toward her, and drifted down to the ground. She turned to Kiln, touching his forehead. The water in her fingertips sizzled. As steam rolled off him in great waves, Kiln closed his eyes and sighed in something akin to ecstasy.


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