The Slave Planet

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The Slave Planet Page 47

by Seven Steps

  A sharp knock broke her thoughts, and she turned to the door.

  This is it. They are taking me to my death.

  “Arees? Arees, are you awake? It’s Lex.”

  She let out a breath and jogged to the door, jerking it open.

  Lex stood on the other side.

  He looks amazing.

  His red hair was combed back, his beard neatly trimmed, and his clothes were clean.

  Arees squeezed her lips together to keep from gasping and stepped aside to let him in.

  He walked in, looked around, and settled himself in a cushy chair.

  “I just came to check up on you.”

  “Well, I haven’t gone anywhere yet.”

  He smiled. “That’s good.”

  Arees sat on the edge of the bed across from him, feeling self-conscious about her body, her hair, her dress, and her posture. She smoothed her pearl colored dress and tried to look relaxed.

  “How soon until we see the Magistrate?” she asked, wiping her palms on the bedspread.


  Arees nodded.

  Lex leaned forward in his chair. “Arees, there is no reason to be nervous. I will talk to the Magistrate on your behalf.”

  Arees rose and walked over to the window. “And will she listen to you? Can you guarantee my safety?”

  Lex followed her to the window and stood behind her.

  Arees was keenly aware of his closeness and placed one hand on the window, allowing the firmness of the glass to steady her. It felt as if her insides were going to jump out at any moment.

  “Nothing is guaranteed,” Lex said. “But I can promise you that I will be by your side every step of the way, whatever happens.”

  “Why are you doing this, Lex? Haven’t you heard? I am a murderer on two different planets.”

  Lex stepped closer, placing his hands on each of her shoulders.

  Arees felt her shoulders warm under his touch.

  “That is the past,” Lex said. “And you had nothing to do with the murder of the Unders. That was all Eva’s doing.”

  “And the people of Venus?”

  Lex slowly turned Arees toward him. “That is all in the past.”

  “Not according to the Magistrate.”

  “Arees, stop worrying about what is going to happen. Everything will turn out as it should. And I’ll be right here. I won’t leave you.”

  Lex pulled Arees to him, wrapping her in his arms.

  She hugged him back. Comfort washed over her, and she stepped closer to him, breathing in his scent. He didn’t smell like anything she could identify, she only knew that she couldn’t get enough of it.

  His hand touched the back of her neck and ran up her nape, stopping to gently massage her scalp. Her heartbeat sped up, pounding in her ears. She squeezed herself closer to him, wishing that she could hide inside of him for the rest of eternity.

  He gently pulled her hair, bringing her head up to look at him. His gaze dropped to her full mouth then rose to her eyes again.

  She froze. Her body wanted something that her mind didn’t understand. She knew that she wanted him to do something. She yearned for him to.

  But what?

  Lex dropped his mouth to hers.

  Arees stifled a moan a pleasure. His lips were soft and supple, warming her to her core.

  Oh yes. This.

  Hesitant to do anything that might frighten her, he placed soft, promising kisses around her mouth, first to her lower lip, then to the right, then the left. When he kissed her full upper lip, Arees brazenly pressed her lips into his.

  Smiling at her eagerness, Lex moved his hands to her jaw, taking full control of the kiss.

  His hands had begun to move down her back when a knock on the door interrupted them.

  Arees jumped back from him, her eyes wide, gazing into his. She had never kissed a man before.

  It felt wonderful.

  Stilling, she waited for his reaction, wanting him to say something, anything.

  Lex stared back at her, seemingly as stunned and speechless as she was.

  Another knock pounded against the door.

  Arees stepped around him and walked to the door. She looked over her shoulder, only to find Lex watching her intensely. Pulling the heavy door open, she looked down into each of Dell Una’s three eyes.

  “It is time.”


  When Lex and Arees arrived, Pennick and Seven were standing in front of Embrya and Heedon.

  Arees moved into the room and stood in the far corner, keeping her eyes on the floor.

  Lex stood in front of Embrya and Heedon.

  Embrya’s eyes tracked Arees before returning to Lex. “Lex. Welcome.”

  Lex bent to one knee in front of Embrya, his head low. “Magistrate Embrya. High Keeper Heedon.”

  Heedon inclined his head at Lex, while Embrya smiled down at him. “Rise, Lex. You have done a good thing today.”

  Kiln and Nadira jogged into the room, bowed in front of Embrya and Heedon, and stood next to Seven and Pennick.

  Dell Una fluttered in behind them. “Magistrate and High Keeper, all six are accounted for.”

  “Thank you, Dell Una,” Embrya smiled. She turned first to Seven and Pennick. “Seven and Pennick. Welcome to Zenith.”

  Seven and Pennick looked at each other, excitement in their eyes. They were now dressed in white shirts and pants.

  “It is my honor, Embrya,” Seven bowed. “I have seen you in my dreams. You are even more beautiful in person.”

  Embrya smiled. “Thank you for your kind words. You must be wondering what you are doing here. I will have you wonder no longer. Dell Una, please, the grand Specumium.”

  Dell Una opened the throne room doors. Two more Zenithians walked in carrying a large glass mirror between them. They gently placed it on the floor and flew out.

  The mirror lit brightly, momentarily bathing the room in brilliant light, and then eight shadows projected around the Specumium.

  The shadows began to take form.

  Two of them were single points of light.

  Two of them were tall and blue, with many small eyes, a slit for the mouth, and high foreheads that extended up and curved backwards until they touched the middle of their backs. They had two arms and two legs and wore long, gray robes.

  Two of them resembled walking trees. They were greenish brown with no discernible arms or legs. Where one would expect eyes, a nose and mouth, there were only notches.

  The last two were covered in bright red skin. One, long tube-like body had a black hole of a mouth filled with blunt teeth.

  “Welcome Forger-Keepers,” Embrya said.

  The beings didn’t respond.

  “We have all sent out representatives in search of the next Forger-Keeper,” Embrya said. “I believe that I have found them. Seven and Pennick, please step forward.”

  Seven took small steps as she approached Embrya. The blue creature with many eyes and the walking tree turned to look at her and Pennick. The light and the red tube did not budge.

  Embrya waved them closer.

  Seven and Pennick stood next to her, their eyes glued to the beings before them.

  “Do you accept Seven and Pennick of Earth as the next Forger-Keeper?” Embrya asked. “Please state.”

  One by one, the beings were illuminated by light from above.

  “What does that mean?” Pennick asked.

  “It means that they are in agreement,” Heedon replied, a big grin on his face.

  “In agreement for what?” Pennick asked.

  “That you be the next Forger-Keeper,” Heedon said.

  “What?” Seven asked.

  “It has been decided,” Embrya said. “May I present the next Forger-Keeper pair, Seven and Pennick.”

  The tree-like beings appeared to smile, their notches tilting up slightly, but Seven couldn’t be sure.

  “Seven and Pennick,” Embrya said. “Please take your places next to Aoe and Aie.” />
  Seven frowned.

  “The lights.” Embrya smiled.

  Seven nodded and took Pennick’s hand.

  “You may want to say goodbye to your friends,” Embrya said, her brilliant smile falling slightly. “This may be the last time that you see them.”

  “But why?” Seven gasped.

  “You are the new Forger-Keeper pair, replacing the dying Aoe and Aie,” Embrya said. “You will be learning your new duties. There may not be time for visits.”

  Seven shook her head. “But I don’t understand. What is all of this? What does it all mean?”

  “It means,” Heedon said, “that you will be creating new worlds, planets, and stars. You will no longer need to carve them. And you, Pennick, will ensure that your beloved has enough light to create. Now please.” He waved them to their friends. “Say your goodbyes. There is much to be done.”

  Seven and Pennick turned to Nadira, Kiln, Lex and Arees.

  Nadira was the first to step forward, hugging Seven tightly. “We’ll never forget you.”

  “We won’t forget you either,” Seven said.

  Pennick shook hands with Kiln and Lex, and hugged Arees and Nadira.

  Seven hugged Lex, Kiln, and Arees and pledged to keep them in her thoughts.

  They turned back to the Specumium and took their places behind the two points of light.

  The room turned blindingly brilliant. After a moment, the light began to fade.

  By the time Nadira took her hands from her eyes, the Specumium had turned back into a mirror, and all of the Forger-Keepers, including Seven and Pennick, were gone.

  Nadira held on to Kiln’s hands tightly. She was losing friends by the day. She hoped that she wouldn’t lose him too.

  Embrya smiled at Heedon. “It is done. We are preserved, and we owe it to you.” She looked at the group before her. “You have saved us all. Without Seven and Pennick, Aoe and Aie would have died with no replacement, and the universe would have collapsed. We are in your debt.”

  Lex stepped forward. “I would like to ask that that debt be paid today, your grace.”

  Embrya’s smile waned. “What do you want of us, Lex?”

  “Whatever you were planning to do to Arees, please place the blame on my shoulders,” Lex said. “I will bear the punishment for her.”

  Embrya looked at Heedon, then back at Lex. “Lex, you do not know what you are asking.”

  “I do, your grace.”

  “No, you don’t,” Embrya said. “Arees has killed thousands of people. She must pay for her crimes. You yourself brought her to me so that I could punish her.”

  “I understand, your grace,” Lex said. “But I have looked into her eyes and I have seen that she is a changed person. If no forgiveness can be given, then please, take me in her place.”

  “One life for another?” Embrya said. “Have you spoken to Arees of this?”

  Lex looked back at Arees, surprise widening her features. “I have not.”

  “Perhaps she does not want a savior,” Embrya said.

  “I do not, Embrya,” Arees choked out. She walked forward and stood next to Lex. “Lex, please don’t do this. I don’t want anyone else to be punished because of me.”

  “I kissed you because I knew that I might never see you again,” Lex said. “I promised you that I would be with you until the end. This is my way of doing that, of protecting you.”

  “Lex, please don’t do this,” Arees begged.

  “Embrya, I offer myself up in Arees’ place,” Lex said. “You said that you owed us a debt. This is how we request you pay it back.”

  “Why are you doing this, Lex?” Embrya asked.

  “Because I love her, Magistrate,” Lex said. “I cannot let her die if there is something that I can do about it.”

  Embrya stood and approached Arees. “There is only one way to know for sure.”

  “To know what?” Lex asked.

  “If she is your truth,” Embrya said. “We have seen a woman, Lex. A woman who will join with you for life. A woman who will wear the Toma. Arees, have you brought Eva’s Toma with you?”

  Arees, frowned, nodded, and reached into her pocket. She pulled out the Toma and held it out to Embrya.

  “Place the Toma around your neck,” Embrya said.

  Arees placed the dangling jewel around her thin neck.

  The Toma slammed into Arees’ chest, knocking her to the floor. Her screams filled the throne room as the Toma wormed its way between her breasts. The floor beneath her pooled with blood as the Toma tunneled deeper into her body. Her body convulsed once, then twice. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

  “Arees!” Lex cried, dropping to his knees by her side. He cradled her in his arms and gasped at the iciness of her skin. “What have you done?” His eyes blazed at Embrya and Heedon.

  Arees groaned and rolled over to her side. The temperature in the room noticeably dropped.

  “It is done.” Embrya looked at Heedon then back at Lex. “The Toma has bonded with her. There is only one test left, the test that will tell if she is the one for you or not.”

  Embrya fluttered her wings and hovered next to Arees, careful not to touch the blood on the floor. She bent down and touched the top of Arees’ head.

  Arees let out a howl, doubled over, and grabbed the sides of her head, screaming in pain.

  “What’s happening to her?” Lex cried. He felt on the verge of tears as Arees screamed over and over, her body shaking as waves of pain overcame her.

  Arees’ screaming subsided, and with bloodshot eyes, she shakily looked up at Lex.

  “I remember.”

  A Sneak Peek At The Next Chapter...


  Nadira purred as Kiln’s placed heated kisses along the column of her throat, his strong hands pulling her closer. She wound her arms around his neck, tilting her head slightly so he could reach the place where her throat met her shoulder.

  “Tell me again,” he whispered.

  “I love you.”

  “And again.”

  He moved to the other side of her neck, attending the soft, brown skin there. She ran her hands through his thick blond hair, smoothing it away from his face. Pulling away slightly, she touched her forehead with his, pulling his eyes up to meet hers.

  “I love you.”

  He grinned, the warmth of his smile melting her heart.

  “Aren’t you going to tell me?” She teased.

  He pretended to frown, and lifted his lips to hover over hers.


  He kissed her softly, capturing her scoff with his mouth.

  “I don’t love you.”

  She pulled away, her smile wavering.

  “I worship you.”

  He slid his hand behind her neck, pulling her off the pillow to meet his lips.

  “I breathe for you.”

  He kissed her again, coaxing her mouth open with a flick of his tongue.

  “I live for you.”

  He moved over her.

  “I’ll never let you go.”

  Suddenly, the door flew open, and two men ran into the room.

  A hissing filled Nadira’s ears.

  She watched in horror as the dripping needle violently pierced the hollow of Kiln’s ruddy neck.

  Kiln made a strangled sound, grabbed at his throat, and collapsed, his body twisting towards her as he fell back onto the bed.

  His wide, blue eyes searched the darkness for her.

  Someone grabbed Nadira by her legs, flipped her, and hoisted her, face down, onto their shoulders.

  She saw Kiln reach for her. Saw fire briefly flicker in his palm before extinguishing in a slip of twirling smoke.

  She called his name.

  For a moment, she imagined that his great strength would overcome the poison that pumped through his veins, dousing the fire that heated his core. Then, his large hand dropped, and his head rolled back onto the pillow. The bed that they had so passionately shared only moments a
go now held his limp form, still powerful, but without the pulse of life that so enraptured her.

  Kiln was gone.

  The wail started in her gut, and rose into her throat before she realized it, before she had time to understand the magnitude of what her treacherous eyes showed her. A moment before the scream passed her lips, a dirty hand covered her mouth, preventing its release.

  “Quiet you.”

  Kiln was no longer here to protect her. She was naked and exposed and at the mercy of the men who dragged her beloved from the bed – their bed - and dumped him onto the floor as if he were nothing more than trash.

  She struggled against the fear that threatened to drown her.

  “Careful with that one,” The man who held her whispered. “If he’s hurt, the whole plan is ruined.”

  He wore a heavy, embroidered, brown robe, and a matching cap.

  “I’m always careful,” His companion snapped, his voice a low, lethal rumble in the room.

  Careful? That means Kiln’s alive. They’re taking him alive!

  Desperate hope pushed out the fear, and Nadira began to struggle. Blood pumped in her ears, and her breath came in short, quick spurts. She pushed against the kidnapper with her knees, squirmed to release herself from his grip, but he was too strong, and held her fast. Her mind raced, trying to come up with a way out of this room, a way to raise the alarm, to save them both. Then she remembered,

  The toma.

  Her attention quickly focused on the blue jewel that sat in the middle of her chest. The jewel that gave her instant control of a planet’s atmosphere.

  She looked to the ceiling, focusing on the unseen clouds above. A storm cloud formed, black and super charged. Revving up the electrons at the bottom of the cloud, she called down lightning to her.

  A brief roll of thunder shook the room, before lightning split the sky and shattered the far window, the spraying glass only slightly muted by the heavy curtains.

  Nadira’s hands rose to block her face from the assault.

  The man holding her gasped and stepped back.

  “What the-”

  “Stick her already!” His companion commanded.

  As quickly as the words were said, she felt a poignant stab in her rear end.

  Her kidnapper’s beard tickled the side of her face, “Relax there, girl. We’ve still got a long road ahead.”


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