His to Possess #5: Entangled

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His to Possess #5: Entangled Page 2

by Opal Carew

  She drew in a deep breath. “Oh, yes. That feels so good.”

  His erection caressed her opening as it slid deeper and she moaned at the welcome feel of his invasion.

  Once he was fully sheathed, he leaned over her, his chest against her back, and nuzzled her neck.

  “I’ve wanted to be inside you again for so long,” he murmured against her ear.

  His hands skimmed along her sides and she trembled.

  “I’ve missed this, too,” she whispered.

  She squeezed him as he drew back and when he slid forward again, she moaned at the exquisite pleasure. He drew back again, then forward.

  “That’s so good.” But she wanted more. She wanted him deeper.

  His hands slid under her body and cupped her breasts as he propeled into her again. And again.

  She sucked in a breath as he thrust even deeper. “Oh, Storm, yes.” Delight flared through her.

  He squeezed her breasts tighter as he thrust faster, with long, smooth strokes, driving her pleasure higher and higher.

  “God … I’ve … missed … you … so … much,” she panted as pleasure blossomed within her.

  He surged deep on his next thrust and she gasped, then her moan turned guttural as he drove harder and harder, filling her with his impossibly thick shaft.

  “I’ve missed you, too, baby.” His lips caressed her temple. “You have no idea how much.”

  Then he reached around and found her clit, then stroked it lightly.

  That did it. She flew over the edge, moaning long and loud.

  He nuzzled her neck. “God, I love hearing you come.”

  Her mind blasted into a state of euphoric bliss, echoes of joy cascading through her.

  He thrust again and again as she wailed in ecstasy. Then he groaned and held her tight as his body shuddered against her. Through her haze of expanding pleasure, she felt him erupt inside her, his hot seed spilling deep.

  They seemed poised like that for several long moments. Their bodies joined in exquisite bliss. Then he collapsed on top of her, sucking in air in panting breaths.

  He rolled onto his back, taking her with him, and she found herself lying on top of him, his arms tight around her. She gazed at the ceiling as they lay sprawled on the bed, their legs dangling over the edge.

  “I could fall asleep right here,” he murmured, sounding very sated.

  “Mmm.” She rolled her head sideways and nuzzled his neck. “I have a nice, comfy mattress right here.” In actuality, his solid body was all hard muscle, but she didn’t mind. He was also warm and his arms curled protectively around her.

  He chuckled, then rolled sideways, spilling her onto the bed. He pulled back the covers, then swept her into his arms and placed her on the soft gray sheets, then climbed in behind her. The pillow was soft against her head and his body was hard and solid against her back. With his arms around her, she felt so warm and cozy that she drifted off to sleep.

  * * *

  Jessica awoke to find herself alone in the bed. The comfort of Storm’s solid body against her was gone. She bolted to a sitting position, wondering if the wonderful lovemaking with Storm had been a dream, like so many dreams she’d had over the past months.

  But she was in his bedroom. His luxurious bedroom. In his king-size bed with satiny-soft gray sheets, surrounded by his solid teak furniture, and a huge window overlooking the city. In his expensive penthouse.

  But where was Storm?

  The aroma of freshly brewed coffee answered her question. He was probably in the kitchen whipping up a batch of his wonderful blueberry pancakes, or maybe his special bit-of-everything omelet, as he used to call it.

  Sunlight shone through the large window. She stood up, grabbing the sheet to wrap around her, and stared through the glass at the glorious view of the city below. Stunning.

  She glanced around the room for something to cover herself and saw Storm’s white shirt on the chair. He’d shed it in the living room but it was now lying beside her suit and blouse on the armchair beside the bed. She grabbed his shirt and pulled it on. It was like being surrounded by him, with his scent filling her nostrils.

  She wrapped her arms around herself in a hug, imagining him holding her. But why imagine, when she could just scoot to the kitchen and have the real thing? She fastened a couple of buttons and headed out the door and into the living room. She turned and sauntered into the kitchen to see Storm standing at the stove, wearing only a pair of boxer briefs that were molded to his perfect body.

  All that male skin was a delight to behold.

  “Good morning.” She walked toward him and ran her hand along his back, feeling the hard muscle beneath her fingertips. She traced the intricate pattern of a tribal tattoo banding one bicep.

  He flipped the four pieces of cinnamon swirl French toast he had in the pan, then turned to her. His arms swept around her and he kissed her, leaning her back in a deep dip. His lips moved on hers with a passionate hunger and she slid her tongue into his mouth, tasting coffee. When he returned her to her feet, she was breathless.

  “Good morning to you, too.” He grinned. “It was an even better evening last night.” He gazed down at her body. “My shirt is very becoming on you.”

  “Thank you.” She strolled to the coffeemaker and poured herself a cup. “Can I help with breakfast?”

  “No, just sit and I’ll bring it out. It’s ready anyway.”

  She sat down in the bright sitting area in the kitchen and sipped her coffee. He had everything set up, with cutlery, napkins, and syrup already on the table. Even fresh flowers.

  He placed a plate in front of her and sat down. She breathed in the sweet aroma, then began to eat. Oh, man, she had missed his wonderful cooking. As she sipped her coffee, she noticed the velvet ring box on the table, off to the side. Her chest compressed.

  At her frown, Storm glanced at it. He picked it up and carried it to the desk off the side of the kitchen counter and slipped it into the drawer.


  They ate in silence for a few minutes. Then Storm put down his fork and gazed at her.

  “So I just have to ask. Is it that you don’t like the ring? Or was it just too extravagant?”

  “The ring was beautiful. It’s just that you sprang the whole proposal on me way too soon.”

  His eyebrows arched. “Too soon? So that means it’s just a matter of time?”

  “Um … I…” Oh, God, what could she say to that? “Storm, I really don’t want to be pressured.”

  He raised his hands. “Okay, I get it. I thought, after last night…” He shrugged, trailing off.

  Her lips tightened. She didn’t want to think about this right now. They’d had a wonderful night together. “I just want to take it a day at a time. No commitments.”

  He frowned. “Is this about Dane?”

  She put down her fork and stared at him, her stomach churning. “I really don’t want to do this right now.” She pushed her chair back and stood up.

  But he grasped her hand. “No, Jess. Don’t go. I’m sorry. We’ll figure it out as we go. Okay?”

  She sighed and sat down. “Okay.”

  He glanced at his watch. “Actually, I’ll have to hurry. The driver is picking me up in twenty minutes.”

  “To go to the office?” She glanced at the clock on the wall. It was already after eight. “I’d better get cracking myself.”

  “It’s okay. If you want to come in a bit later, it’s no problem. I just have a meeting at nine o’clock I can’t miss. I can send the driver back for you later.”

  “Oh, no, I can’t just go in late.”

  He smiled. “You forget. I’m the boss.”

  Actually, she had forgotten. But now he’d reminded her. He was the boss. The man she knew—Storm—was just a role.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, “I’m not comfortable going in later. I’m supposed to be there at nine.” She wiped her mouth with the napkin and stood up. “I need to shower. Do you need to go

  “There are two showers. Go ahead and use the one in my bedroom.”

  She nodded and walked away, then shot into the bathroom and took the fastest shower of her life. She pulled new clothes out of her suitcase and put on her makeup in record time. She was only a couple minutes late showing up at the front door.

  He smiled. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” She patted her still slightly damp, upswept hair, hoping it wouldn’t come tumbling down, given that she’d pinned it in place at lightning speed.

  He stood in front of her, in a tailored charcoal suit, the patterned blue tie matching his eyes. He looked so much like Dane. The perfectly attired, wealthy businessman. He strolled toward her, then took her in his arms and kissed her. She couldn’t help stiffening in his embrace, and he released her and stepped back. Maybe it was the unfamiliar clothes, or the simple fact that she was still processing his new identity, but it felt odd to be held by him.

  “We should be going.” He opened the door and gestured for her to precede him out.

  * * *

  Jessica’s heartbeat matched the blinking of the floors as the elevator carried her and Rafe up to the executive offices. The elevator doors opened and Rafe stepped out ahead of her.

  “Rafe. Good morning.” Melanie’s eyes lit up at the sight of him.

  “Good morning, Melanie. When Mr. Genese gets here, tell him to come right in.”

  “Of course.” Then Melanie saw her. “Jessica.” Her smile faded and her eyes lost their light.

  Arriving at the same time had been a really stupid idea. Had Rafe thought of that when he’d suggested she come in a little later? No one would have thought anything of that given she’d just returned from Chicago.

  Rafe had glanced at them before entering his office and noticed her expression. He smiled. “Don’t worry, Jess. Melanie knows all about us. I told her our history.”

  Her gaze shot to Melanie and she didn’t know if she imagined the accusation in her eyes or not. Her fingers found the worry stone in her pocket and stroked the smooth surface.

  She wanted to take Melanie aside so she could talk to her. She didn’t want to lose her friendship. She had to make this right somehow.

  “Jess, since Dane is still out of town, why don’t you join me in the meeting. You can take notes and update him when he gets back.”

  “Of course, Mr. Ranier.”

  He grinned. “You are not going to call me Mr. Ranier. Melanie calls me by my first name. You should, too.”

  “Yes … Rafe.” It didn’t even occur to her to call him Storm, since that’s not who this man was.

  But the name Rafe did not roll off her tongue and it must have sounded awkward to him. He glanced at her sharply and his gaze locked on her. Then he frowned.

  She quickly strode to her office and put away her things, then grabbed her notepad and pen. She glanced up to see Melanie standing at her door.

  “Here’s the file for the meeting.” Her expression was cool and her voice emotionless.

  “Thanks, Melanie.” She stepped across the room and took the file. “Look, I—”

  “You should get in there. He’s waiting for you.”

  Jessica pursed her lips and nodded.

  * * *

  Rafe’s style at the meeting was different than Dane’s He was warmer, a little friendlier, and asked more questions, as opposed to Dane’s no-nonsense, move-it-along style but, like his brother, he was exceedingly confident and very much in control.

  After the meeting, he told her she’d done a great job, even though all she’d done was stay out of the way and take notes. After that, she’d left his office to leave him to his work.

  She went back to her own office and dropped off her notebook, then walked to Melanie’s desk.

  “Melanie, here’s the folder back.”

  Melanie was Rafe’s secretary and would file it for him. Melanie just nodded and continued typing.

  Jessica drew in a deep breath. “Can we get coffee together? I’d really like to talk.”

  Melanie’s fingers stopped moving and her gaze turned to Jessica. Sparks of anger danced in her eyes.

  “Melanie, you’re my friend and I want it to stay that way. Please can we talk about this.”

  Melanie shrugged, then nodded. “I guess I could use a cup of coffee.” She grabbed the phone and called for someone to take over answering her incoming calls, then she retrieved her purse from her desk drawer and stood up.

  As they got on the elevator, Melanie said, “It’s a nice day. Why don’t we go down to the courtyard?”

  A few minutes later, they stepped out the lobby door into the warm morning air and picked up a coffee at the coffee shop on the corner, then went down the steps to the courtyard next to the building and sat on one of the benches overlooking the large pots of brightly colored flowers.

  Jessica turned to Melanie. “I’m really sorry things turned out like this. What did Rafe tell you about us?”

  Melanie shrugged. “That he met you in Bakersfield. So I know he’s your ex.” She caught Jessica’s gaze. “He’s the man who broke your heart.”

  “That’s true. And now he’s back.”

  “And you slept with him last night.” At Jessica’s guilty expression, Melanie continued. “I made the arrangements for your trip home and I knew Rafe decided to pick you up. Then you didn’t come back to the apartment last night and you both show up here together.”

  “Melanie, I know you have feelings for him. I would never have gotten involved with him in the first place if—”

  “I know.” Melanie stared at the coffee cup in her hand. “You were involved with him long before you met me. I get it. I’m sorry, it’s just hard, that’s all. You’re one of my best friends and you’re sleeping with the man I’ve wanted for such a long time. It just doesn’t seem fair.” She tipped her head sideways. “You do remember the part about him breaking your heart, right?”

  Jessica’s lips compressed. “How could I forget?”

  Jessica nodded. Then, to her surprise, Melanie smiled.

  “You know what’s really not fair?”

  “What?” Jessica asked.

  “That you have not only one, but two Ranier men who want you. I’d kill for just Rafe. So what about Mr. Ranier? I mean Dane?”

  Jessica sighed. “It’s pretty clear he wants it to end between us. He doesn’t want to do anything to ruin his relationship with his brother.”

  Melanie nodded. “He has missed Rafe. He’s changing the business in ways that Rafe had suggested in the past.” She toyed with the lid on her coffee cup. “So are you going back to Rafe?”

  Jessica sucked in a breath, debating whether she should tell Melanie about yesterday. Then she decided secrets would only be a threat to their friendship.

  “Actually, Rafe proposed to me.”

  Melanie’s fingers tightened on her cup. “Oh. I see.” She glanced at Jessica’s left hand. “Are you holding off on wearing the ring until you have a chance to talk to Dane?”

  Jessica shook her head. “I didn’t accept.”

  Her friend’s eyes widened. “What? Are you crazy? How could you possibly turn down Rafe? He’s handsome, kind, sexy, rich, and … did I mention sexy?”

  Jessica grinned. “So now you’re trying to talk me into marrying him? I thought you wanted him for yourself.”

  “Yeah, that would be nice. But let’s face it, he’s my boss and it’s obvious he just doesn’t see me that way. I’m not going to cross the line and embarrass myself and risk my job for a guy who doesn’t even notice me. It’s different for you. You met him before you started working for this company. Same with Mr. Ranier. Although I admit I don’t really get what you’re doing with Mr. Ranier. The just physical thing, I mean. But you lived with Rafe. You’re in love with him.”

  “Yeah, I’m in love with him,” Jessica echoed.

  “You don’t sound very convincing.”

  “I know. I’m just … confused. Rafe
is not the same as Storm. Storm was a free-spirited guy who played guitar for a local rock band. Rafe is a suave, rich business tycoon.”

  “But he’s still the same guy.”

  Jessica sipped her coffee. “I’m not sure that’s true. Even if it is, I’ll have to get used to the differences. Get to know him all over again.”

  Melanie covered Jessica’s hand with hers. “Whatever those differences are, it’s worth getting past them. Rafe is a wonderful guy. Don’t let him slip away.”

  Jessica shook her head. “How do you do that? Here I am, with the man you want, but you’re taking it all in stride and actually trying to talk me into marrying him.”

  Melanie bit her lip. “I’d be lying if I told you I wasn’t jealous. But it’s clear that he doesn’t want me, and,”—she gazed at Jessica—“when Rafe told me about the two of you … when he looked at me with those gorgeous blue eyes of his while he talked about what the two of you had … I could see he’s in love with you.” She sighed, her green eyes turning misty. “I just want to see him happy.” She patted Jessica’s hand. “You, too.”

  Jessica squeezed Melanie’s fingers. “You’re a good friend, Melanie. To me, and to Rafe. Thank you.”

  Melanie nodded. “Sure. Now, tell me about the ring. Was it gorgeous?”

  Jessica smiled. “I have to admit. It was stunning. It was the shape of a moth outlined in diamonds.”

  “Oh, my God, that man is so romantic.”

  * * *

  That evening, Jessica turned Rafe down when he asked her to join him for dinner, telling him she needed a little space. She needed him not to rush her. Even when Melanie invited her to go out with friends, she declined. A quiet Friday night at home was just what she needed.

  As she sat relaxing on the couch, watching an old sitcom on TV, the phone rang and she picked it up.

  “Jessica, it’s Dane. Can you meet me for a drink?”

  Her heart thumped loudly. She knew he’d had meetings all day today in Chicago. He must have just returned from the airport.

  She didn’t want to deal with this right now, but how could she turn down her boss?


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