Totally Trucked: An M/m Opposites Attract Age Gap Romance

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Totally Trucked: An M/m Opposites Attract Age Gap Romance Page 6

by BJ Blakely

  Besides, I’d rather keep this to myself.

  I shrug my shoulders. “I’m not into guys my age, Mary Beth. Thank you for the offer, but I’ll have to pass.”

  Mary Beth sighs. “You should’ve told me earlier. I’ve been getting his hopes up for nothing.”

  I glance at Forest. “Maybe Forest will be a better match.”

  Forest gulps. “How old is he?”

  “Nineteen,” Mary Beth says without missing a beat. “He’s such a nice boy, but he has such a tough time finding guys into twinks.”

  Forest grits his teeth. “I hate to say it, but I like older guys too, though I’m still in the experimenting phase. But I’ll keep my eyes out for a match,” Forest adds. “You never know who’ll find him attractive.”

  Mary Beth thanks Forest, and returns to scrubbing dishes. I glance at the clock. I have three minutes before my shift.

  Just enough time to pull Forest aside and give him hell for forcing me to admit I don’t have the hots for Mary Beth’s nephew.

  I grab Forest’s freshly washed apron and drag him across the room. “Damnit, dude.”

  Forest’s jaw drops. “What did I do?”

  “You’re getting Mary Beth’s hopes up.”

  He shakes his head. “I’m not. I’ve never even kissed a guy. She shouldn’t try to set me up with her nephew.”

  I flit my eyes back to Mary Beth. She’s scrubbing dishes, her wide frame bobbing as she works. My heart breaks as I watch her.

  Yeah, she’s a little forward, but her intentions are pure. She has such a good heart, and it warms me that she’s so accepting of her nephew.

  Not every aunt or family member is like that, and I would know.

  I turn back to Forest. “She’s helping her nephew, dude. She’s a rockstar ally, and you won’t even give the poor guy a chance.”

  Forest groans. “Neither will you, asshole. And I can’t help I’m not into younger guys.”

  He clears his throat. “Are you heading back to the Truck n’ Munch tonight?”

  I shake my head. “Not tonight.” I’d thought of heading back to the stall. But something doesn’t feel right. I don’t know if it’s because Jax is gone, but I don’t want to suck dick tonight.

  “But your mystery guy might be there,” Forest protests.

  I shake my head. “It doesn’t feel right. Maybe tomorrow.”

  Forest relents, and we return to the diner to start our shifts. The day drags on, and I can’t stop looking at the clock.

  You can only take so many grumpy customers before you need a nap. If Jax were here, it’d fly by.

  Damnit Jax. Fucking Traitor.

  Abandoning your beautiful waiter who gives you free bacon should be a crime.

  When my shift ends, I tear off my apron and hurry home on my bicycle.

  Forest is already in his room when I arrive, so I enter my room and shed my clothes without worrying I’ll disturb him.

  I’m so fucking exhausted, and I want nothing more than to whip out my cock, jerk, and fall asleep.

  Spitting on my palm, I bring it to my shaft and lube it up.

  The masturbation is pleasureless, but necessary to dispel the annoyance from the afternoon and cart myself to dreamland.

  I jerk harder, not feeling much. At last, I gear up to come. But something stops me before I shoot.

  When I started jerking, I was thinking of the mystery man.

  But now, I’m thinking of Jax.




  “Please tell me you’re heading back tonight.”

  I’m in the middle of painting my toenails when Forest rudely interrupts me, causing me to glare instantly.

  I screw the cap of the nail polish back on — black, my favorite color — and set it down.

  Grabbing the insta-spray, I quickly dry my nails, then turn to face him.

  All I want is to enjoy my one night off this week with Tobias, the cutest and sassiest cat in Bear Springs.

  But Forest has other plans.

  “You have to head back to the truck stop, dude. You’re missing out on the man of your dreams.“

  His words infuriate me. Who does he think he is?

  Jesus. You tell your roommate one sexy story, and suddenly he thinks he has a say in your sex life.

  Forest has another thing coming if he thinks he can control me this easily.

  I cross my arms. “I’m not heading back to the truck stop, and there’s nothing you can do to convince me otherwise.”

  Forest glares at me. “You can’t give up so easily.”

  I snort and shake my head. “Believe me, I didn’t. I’ve gone back at least four times, and I haven’t seen him since.”

  Just then Tobias decides to take a walk around the room. He leaps off the sofa and heads to the window, then heads straight to Forest and hits Forest with his tail.

  I smirk vindictively. Even Tobias knows Forest is wrong.

  Forest sighs. Scooping Tobias into his arms, he joins me on the couch. “You didn’t tell me you already tried.”

  “Maybe I’m too embarrassed to tell you. Maybe I’d rather take this loss and feel this shame in peace.”

  Forest nods and crosses his arms. “Well, it’s your only night off this week, and I'd be a horrible roommate if I let you mope around the house. You’re clearly depressed the mystery man ghosted you, and I can’t let you wallow in misery. Get your shit. We’re going out.”

  I snort. “I’ve got nail polish, Hot Cheetos, and a DVR full of HGTV reruns that’ll last a lifetime. I’m not moping. I was having an incredible night until you rudely attempted to fix my nonexistent problems.”

  Forest isn’t convinced. “You’re moping and you know it.“

  “Not moping.” I’m definitely moping.

  “Sitting around painting your toes when you’d rather be sucking off the mystery guy who abandoned you and hasn’t looked back is moping. I don’t mean to be harsh. I’m trying to get you out of the house.”

  He has a point. But he’s also missing a second, and no less palpable, point.

  While I am mourning the disappearance of my regular at the Truck n’ Munch, I’m also pretty pissed Jax hasn’t returned to Bear Springs.

  I enter work every day, my heart racing at the thought I might see his face, but nope. He never shows.

  It’s almost like he’s avoiding me or something.

  But this, I keep from Forest. For some reason, I don’t care if he knows about the mystery guy. But Jax? I’m keeping him to myself.

  Forest swipes my nail polish and tosses it onto the other side of the couch. “We’re going out for a beer. I’m not letting you turn me down.”

  I groan and shake my head. “I’m not a big drinker,” I lie. “Can’t we stay at home and make virgin cocktails with Tobias instead?”

  Forest grabs my arm and yanks me to my feet. “Tobias doesn’t drink. And I’m not letting you say no. Maybe you’ll meet a cute guy at the bar.”

  “Doubt it.”

  He ignores me and hands me my wallet. “If you do, you’ll thank me forever. Now come on.” He pushes me out the door. “Tilly’s beer isn’t going to drink itself.”

  * * *

  An hour or so later, we’re sitting at Tilly’s Tavern and sipping brews.

  As much as I love Tilly, the town’s most amazing woman who started this bar with her adopted-sister-slash-business-partner-slash-lover, Natasha, five years ago, I’d rather be doing other things.

  It doesn’t help that Forest is about to desert me at the counter.

  He’s been talking about going to the bathroom for ten minutes, but I’ve talked him out of it every time, not believing he had to go.

  Apparently, you can only hold nature off so long.

  “I’m going to pee my pants this time. I’m heading to the bathroom.”

  I groan and sink back in my seat. “I can’t believe you.”

  He glares at me. “I’ve done nothing wrong. When ya gotta go, ya g
otta go. You’ll have to occupy yourself for the next 2 minutes until I get back.”

  I scowl and stare down at the counter. “Some friend you are,” I grumble. “You drag me out to a bar, and I don’t even drink. Now, you’re leaving me to use the bathroom.”

  “Tilly will keep you company,” Forest shouts as he rushes away from the counter and hurries to the bathroom.

  I turn to face Tilly. She’s mixing drinks, her agile hands whipping up cocktails and pouring brews like magic.

  Christ, she works fast. Gin, rum, cola, juice. I can barely keep up. But thankfully she finds time to keep me company.

  Tilly removes a hot pink headband from her smokey gray hair, shakes her hair out, and leans across the counter to where I’m moping with my drink.

  “Logan,” Tilly says with a sorrowful sigh, sliding a shot glass of clear liquid in front of me. “Drink, honey. You look like you’re having a miserable time.”

  I groan. “I was all set for an HGTV marathon when Forest drug me here tonight. I love this bar, but it’s hard to have fun when all you want to do is watch Fix it or Flip it for hours on end.”

  “Break up?” Tilly asks, a concerned expression on her face. My heart melts. She’s so generous and warm.

  I shake my head. “No. Just a glory hole hookup I thought was turning into a regular thing, but hasn’t. Apparently, he’s left me for greener pastures.”

  “Drink the vodka, dear.” Tilly taps the rim of the shot glass, directing my attention towards the free drink. “It’ll help.”

  She’s so nice. “Thanks, Tilly. But I’m not in the mood to drink.”

  Tilly shoots me an exasperated look. “OK, buddy. I’ve tried to be nice, but I’ve got to be honest. Your attitude is bad for business. I can’t have you sitting at my counter bringing everyone down. So drink the goddamn shot.”

  Her rebuke stings. “Sorry Tilly.” I down the shot with a grimace. It’s nasty, but free. If it’ll cheer me up, I’ll try it. “Thanks for the shot.”

  It goes straight to my head. But I don’t complain. I’ll do anything to get my mind off the men in my life, who’ve totally abandoned me.

  I’m halfway through thanking Tilly a second time for the free vodka when suddenly someone slides into the seat next to me and grunts. “Hi, Tilly.”

  Tilly’s eyes shoot open. “Well, holy shit. I haven’t seen you around here in a while.”

  “Work,” the man says. His voice is familiar. I turn to face him.

  I recognize him at once.


  2 months away. 2 long, grueling months away from Bear Springs and the beautiful men I’ve jerked off to more times than I can count.

  At least I’m back. I discovered Tilly’s last time I was in Bear Springs, and tonight all I want is a drink.

  Tilly, the ever-amazing hostess, pours me a bitter-as-fuck IPA and slides it across the counter.

  Her storm-like grey hair shoots out in every direction, and her green-blue eyes are bright with life. “How’s life on the road?”

  I snort. “It’s been better. Truth be told, I’ve been counting the days until I get back to Bear Springs.”

  Tilly lets out a belly laugh. “I doubt that. But you’re cute — and a paying customer — so I’ll let the occasional white lie slide.”

  I take a sip of beer, unable to believe I’m back. First thing tomorrow, I’m hitting up Betty’s to meet my adorable waiter, and possibly get another bacon-cheese delight.

  That’s the third thing, if you exclude my truck route, that brings me back to Bear Springs: Betty’s delicious dishes. I haven’t had food that good in years.

  That’s when someone taps me on the shoulder. “Uhh, Jax?”

  I turn to face the man next to me. That’s when my heart slams into my throat. “Well, I’ll be damned.”

  It’s Logan. With his bashful smile and glistening blue eyes, my cute waiter is even cuter than I remember.

  His floppy brown hair is even floppier than last time, and it sends a pang of lust rocketing to my cock.

  Logan grins and removes his finger from my shoulder. “I didn’t think you were coming back.”

  God, he’s adorable. I can’t tell if it’s Tilly’s lighting system, but his cheeks are pink, and my heart does flip-flops as I stare at him. “Me neither. I guess we can thank the scheduling gods at SUCME Trucking for sending me back to Bear Springs.”

  Logan takes a sip of beer. “Aww, and here I was, thinking you came back to see me and give me $20 tips.”

  “Not this time, I’m afraid,” I say with a laugh. I like how he added and give me $20 tips at the end of his sentence. It takes the focus away from came back to see me and makes it less serious.

  The little cutie has no idea that seeing him was one of the main reasons I asked Jonah to send me this way.

  I eye the empty shot glass on the bar. “What are you drinking?”

  “Vodka shots.” Logan scrunches his face together. “Not my favorite, but Tilly gave it to me free.”

  Tilly shakes her head in mock disappointment. “You looked depressed. Any good bartender would give you a free shot. We can’t have your attitude stinking up the bar.”

  “Thanks, Tilly.”

  I fight back a laugh. “If you could have anything to drink, what’d it be?”

  “Uhhh, vodka. But this time, with cranberry.”

  I tap the counter three times. “One vodka cranberry, Tilly.”

  Tilly snorts. “You could’ve told me you wanted cranberry juice with your free vodka. You didn't have to trick this man into buying you a drink.”

  Logan eyes me. “Did I trick you?”

  “Nah,” I say with a snort. “I wanted to buy you a drink.”

  “Well, I accept your offer.” Tilly slides the fresh cocktail in front of Logan. He takes a sip and sighs in delight. “Thanks.”

  I nod in response.

  Tilly can’t help but laugh. “You two are cute. I hope you come back to entertain me more often.”

  Logan chokes on the vodka cranberry. His cheeks turn even pinker. “No. He’s my customer at Betty’s. I recommended that he stay at Sweet Dreamin’, so I guess I’m something of a travel guide, as well.”

  He’s so cute when he’s embarrassed. “He’s right,” I explain to Tilly. “He’s my waiter. The only reason he talks to me is because I’m the best tipper he’s ever had.”

  Tilly snorts. “That sounds sexual, but I’ll let it pass.”

  A flicker of lust shoots through me, but I bury it. “Not sexual. It’s the truth.”

  “If you say so.”

  Lucas glares at her. “We’re friends, Tilly.” He cocks an eyebrow at me. “Or is that too much?”

  “It’s fine.” I make a shooing motion to let Lucas know it’s okay. “You give me extra bacon. You can be my friend.”

  “Yum. Bacon.”

  I ignore this. “Besides, I’m only in Bear Springs for the next week. I won’t have time to do much else besides hit up Betty’s and give this very attentive waiter all my money.”

  “I like the sound of that,” Tilly quips without missing a beat.

  “Me too,” Lucas says meekly as a ewe. His eyelashes flutter in the dim bar lights, and it causes something I’m not drunk enough to acknowledge to flutter in my stomach.

  God, look at those lips. So fucking plump. What do they taste like?

  Would he ever let me try?

  Just then my phone buzzes. I whip it out. It’s Lucas and Jasper. They want to video chat, to see how the night’s going.

  I’m tempted to ignore them, but right then a young man I recognize from Betty’s exits the bathroom and slides into the seat next to Logan.

  Logan smiles at me. “Jax, meet Forest. Forest, Jax.”

  Forest, Logan’s friend from the diner, cocks an eyebrow at me. “Oh shit. You’re the bacon guy.”

  I snort and finish my beer. “That was one time. And I had a reason for ordering so much bacon that day.”

  Logan grins. “Well… It�
�s hardly a reason, but I’ll let that slide.” He turns to Forest. “His rig broke down. Needed something to take his mind off his broken truck.”

  “A stress eater. I like that.”

  I bark out a laugh. “I try not to make a habit of it.”

  “Nothing wrong with stress eating,” Logan muses, sipping his vodka-cranberry. “Especially when said stress eating pays your attentive waiter’s bills.”

  “He’s got a point,” Tilly says. “Anything that puts more money in a server’s pocket is a good thing, in my book.”

  I snort in agreement. Then, sensing that, as Logan’s friend was back from the bathroom, Logan would probably want to talk to him more than me — and also because I don’t want to leave Lucas and Jasper hanging, as this is their only night off to talk to me — I pull out the chair and make to leave.

  “I’ve got to head out. But I’m glad I came here tonight.”

  “Me too,” Logan says at once. He doesn’t hesitate. “Don’t be a stranger, Jax. Hopefully I’ll see you at Betty’s?”

  The fact that he ends this sentence in a question does not bode well for the well-being of my stomach.

  The butterflies take this as a signal to ramp up their activity, nearly causing me to swoon and stumble to my feet.

  Instead of succumbing to their deadly force, I put on my grown-up smile and nod. “Every day.”

  Forest’s jaw drops. “Every day? Damn. I didn't realize truckers had so much money.”

  “I don’t have kids. I spend what I make.”

  “He can spend his money how he wants,” Logan says with a growl, shooting a glare at his friend. “Especially when the bulk of it goes to his server.”

  Forest snorts. “Whatever.”

  I thank Tilly and turn to leave. Before I head out, I take one final glance at Logan.

  A wave of warmth and gooey chocolate emotion overwhelms me.

  God, he’s so fucking precious, sipping the drink I bought for him.

  I want to buy him so many drinks. And tip him my whole paycheck.

  Instead, I head back to Sweet Dreamin’ for a binge sesh of Lucas and Jasper banter. Afterwards, I hope to watch HGTV.


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