Steal the Night (Thieves)

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Steal the Night (Thieves) Page 12

by Lexi Blake

  I got off Dev’s lap and stood with Daniel. It was always startling to realize the demon could just switch bodies like that. “Stewart, you can’t bring civilians into this.”

  Daniel and Dev were both looking at me, staring like I’d said something really dumb.

  “Baby,” Daniel started, holding his hands up in the universal sign for “what the fuck.” He shook his head at me. “Were you expecting to run around England with a big red demon? We might have to answer some questions when we try to get him through security at the airport. How would we explain the horns?”

  “Don’t feel bad, companion. This one is an awful person,” Stewart offered with a bright smile. “He’s a bully and tells girls he’s going to call and then he doesn’t, but only after he has used them sexually.” He turned to Neil again. “I know what it feels like to be rejected so I try to be a very conscientious lover. I always call the very next day.”

  I shook my head. I hated compromising but we had to find Merlin and Danny was right. We really couldn’t go anywhere with Stewart if he wasn’t nicely hidden inside a host body.

  Dev ran his hands soothingly up and down my arms. “If it helps, I’ll set up a monetary fund for his mental health care after Stewart’s done with him.”

  Stewart laughed at that. “Oh, how silly, Fae creature. He won’t need mental health care. I seriously doubt he’ll survive the experience.” He showed off his new body to Neil. “So do you like my suit? I thought he would look good with you. Our eyes match now. I’ll have to get a haircut and certainly some new clothes. He’s dressed atrociously, and I believe I reek of marijuana. Really, I prefer something designer. Calvin Klein’s Obsession will do.”

  Neil rolled his eyes and walked out of the room.

  Stewart looked over at me. “Was it something I said?”

  “Is it over then?” My father strode into the room. His eyes found Christine. “Are you happy now, dear?”

  She smiled brilliantly. “Yes, it was wonderful, Harry.”

  “It will be even more wonderful when we get the blood up off the hardwoods,” he said, inspecting the circle on his walnut floors. “Those grandkids better be worth it, my darlin’ daughter. I’ve had to replace those floors twice now because you like to play around with demons.”

  Lee followed my father. He took one look at the new guy and growled, his senses telling him exactly who he was.

  “Why are all wolves so unfriendly?” Stewart asked, pouting. He regarded Lee seriously. “Well, you can’t help it, can you? Poor loner. Always so alone. You’re rather happy right now, but you’re waiting for it to all fall apart.”

  “What’s he talking about?” Lee asked.

  “He’s an empath,” Nim explained with a wave of her hand. She was already putting things to rights. “He can’t help it. Let him get it out of his system.”

  Stewart moved in on Zack. “What’s wrong with this wolf?”

  We all turned and looked toward Zack, who seemed a little confused. “I think I’m fine,” the werewolf said.

  “I’m getting nothing off him.” Stewart walked around the chair Zack sat in, contemplating the wolf. “He’s completely content. Oh, there’s a worry. What did you just think, wolf?”

  “I was just worried that Lee ate the last of the ham I saw in the fridge earlier. I was thinking about making a sandwich,” Zack answered. “I’m hungry.”

  “It was pretty good,” Lee answered and Zack’s stomach grumbled.

  Stewart shook his head. “The rest of you are filled with worries and small miseries. This idiot is completely content.”

  Zack shrugged. “I have a nice place and a hot girl who always buys my favorite beer. My master is awesome and I trust him completely. My brother’s with me. What do I have to be worried about? I’m upset about that sandwich, though.”

  Stewart shuddered. “It’s just wrong.” He turned and sighed contentedly as he caught sight of Dev. “Thank you, Fae creature. I feel so much better now. He just sent out the most delicious wave of hurt. Zack’s brother cares for him but you can’t please yours, can you? He can’t stand the sight of you. You’re never going to have that family you want. You’ll never be able to pull it off.” He brightened and turned toward Daniel. “Yes, yes. You worry that when those two kids with the fully functional sex organs start popping out babies there won’t be any place for a vampire in their suburban paradise. Why would anyone want a death machine around their precious little ones? He’ll win in the end because you can never give her those children. And you, companion, are terrified you’re going to be the reason they both die. You’re probably right, you know.”

  My father walked straight up to Stewart and smacked him upside the head.

  “Well, that was rude.” Stewart rubbed the back of his borrowed head.

  “Shut yer trap, demon,” Dad said forcefully. “You leave my kids alone or I’ll forcibly evict you from that body yer riding and you won’t like how I do it. I don’t believe in exorcisms. They’re for pussies and priests. I’d rather just beat that body until you can’t take the pain no more and you leave. And I don’t give a damn what happens to the host. Do we understand each other?”

  Stewart held a hand up and managed to look halfway apologetic. “I believe you. Sorry. I got carried away. I really am pulling for the three of you, you know. I love a romance, especially when it involves a good old-fashioned double play. I think the vampire king will look awfully cute with one of those baby carriers strapped on his chest, and obviously two fathers will be required to keep the Fae creature’s spawn in check.”

  “How soon can we leave?” Daniel asked Dev, a pained expression on his face.

  I was with Danny on this one. The sooner we left, the sooner Stewart did his job, the sooner we got to give him the boot.

  “We leave two days from now, Dan,” Dev said with a shake of his head. “I couldn’t get the jet until then and don’t think you’re going to go ahead and fly out before us. You aren’t leaving me with him.”

  I could see the thought had crossed Daniel’s mind. “No way, mister. You are grounded until the rest of us can go with you.”

  “Fine,” he said.

  “Then we have a few days,” Stewart interjected. “Who wants to go to Six Flags?”

  Daniel ignored him. “Where the hell are you planning on putting him for two days, Dev?”

  Holding up one hand, Stewart interjected, “I have a suggestion…”

  “Not happening,” Neil screamed from another room.

  Stewart winked at me. “He’s playing hard to get.”

  Nim walked up and put a hand on Stewart’s shoulder. “I’ll take him, Daniel. It’s the least I can do. Consider it partial payment for my boyfriend almost killing you a couple of months back.”

  “Thanks, Nim.” Daniel breathed a sigh of relief.

  The door from the kitchen opened suddenly, and Neil walked out, carrying his cell phone. He walked straight up to Lee. “Could you take me back to Ether now?”

  Neil’s face was blank when he asked the question, and I could see plainly he was trying to reign in his emotions. Unfortunately, Stewart could see it, too.

  “What’s wrong, puppy?” Stewart was really good at sounding like he gave a damn. “You’ve completely shut yourself down. You don’t have to do that. I’m a good listener. And if that boyfriend of yours has done something he shouldn’t, I am also an excellent eviscerator.”

  Neil ignored the demon, looking up at Lee.

  “Sure,” Lee said. “I just need to get some stuff together and get everyone ready to go.”

  “I need to go now,” Neil said firmly.

  “I’ll take you,” Dev said. “I’m ready to go home.”

  It didn’t take long to say good-bye to my father and Christine, and then we were pulling out of the driveway. I sat in the back with Neil, letting Danny ride shotgun. I peered across the darkness at my best friend whose face was still closed off. He silently passed me his phone and I read the last text. It was from
Chad, asking Neil to meet him at Ether. I felt Neil relax as we got farther away from the empath. The last thing we needed was for Stewart to figure out we had a spy in Marini’s camp. I certainly didn’t trust him that far. Daniel was offering him power in exchange for his help, but I didn’t think we should give him anything else to use against us.

  Neil knew exactly what I was worried about. “It’s all right, Z,” he said. “I might not be the best liar in the world but, trust me, I’m damn good at making my mind blank. He feeds on emotions. He doesn’t read minds.”

  “It seemed like he was reading mine,” Dev said bitterly.

  “You can’t let him get to you,” Daniel replied, but I sensed that he was upset about what had happened as well.

  “Do you really view this as a contest between us, Daniel?” Dev asked, his voice short.

  “No, I don’t,” Daniel responded just as tersely.

  “I thought we had settled everything but we haven’t, have we?” Dev’s fingers tightened on the steering wheel.

  Daniel ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “My hang-ups are my own, Dev. I’m allowed to be worried about things. Damn it, you’re really going to let that fucker do this to us?”

  “Dev, if you were in Danny’s place, you would be worried, too.” I wasn’t able to stay out of it. I understood what Daniel was worried about. It was hard for him to think about Dev and I having children. I knew he wanted them, but it was difficult knowing he could never get me pregnant.

  Dev was quiet for a while, simply driving on autopilot. “I don’t understand why he would be worried. It makes me think he doesn’t trust me. I’m not trying to take you away.”

  “I know, baby.” I put a hand on his shoulder.

  “I know that, too,” Daniel interjected quietly. “But when Harry said he wanted you to marry Z…I can’t help being jealous.”

  “He only wants me to do it because I have the proper papers,” Dev explained. “You died on this plane. It would be difficult for Zoey to marry a dead man. He only wants any children we have to be protected.”

  “Tell me you weren’t happy about it, Dev,” Daniel challenged.

  “I can’t. I’ve wanted Harry’s approval for years.” Dev’s voice was tired. “If, however, it means giving up yours, then I’ll tell him I refuse his request.”

  Daniel kicked the floorboard, making the whole car shake. “Damn it, I didn’t ask you to do that. Can I not have a freaking emotion? Do I have to immediately be okay with everything that happens? Look,” he turned to include me and Neil in the discussion. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m not running or trying to break us up. I just…need some time. See, this is why we don’t have demons on the crew. They fuck up everything. If Stewart hadn’t been around I could have kept my freaking thoughts to myself and not have to talk about…feelings and shit. I hate this touchy-feely crap.”

  Dev parked the car and suddenly Daniel was interested in something other than his manly distaste for relationship discussions.

  “You have a gun, Dev?” he asked, his every muscle tense and ready to pounce.

  Dev pulled out the SIG Sauer. “Always. Demon?”

  “Vampire,” Daniel replied.

  Neil was already out of the car and Daniel followed suit.

  I scrambled out even as Dev was trying to pull me behind him. “Danny, it’s Chad.”

  But he could already see that because Neil was throwing his arms around the vampire who’d been clinging to the shadows. I saw a great wave of relief fall over Chad’s handsome features as he pressed his face into his boyfriend’s neck. He nuzzled but controlled himself. They spoke quietly for a moment. Even Daniel backed off and came back to stand with Dev and myself.

  “Is he all right?” I couldn’t help but think about Chad’s odd behavior from the previous night.

  “Neil’s fine, Z,” Daniel said. “Chad’s apologizing.” Even from this distance and with the couple speaking in hushed tones, Daniel could easily hear their conversation. “He says he couldn’t get away until tonight. He didn’t want to call because Marini keeps him under close watch. Now he’s…well, that’s a little more private than we should go into.”

  “Prude,” Dev accused softly. “You always stop before you get to the good parts.”

  Daniel laughed and I felt a little of the tension between them leave. Chad kissed Neil one last time before catching sight of us. He nodded and, after taking his boyfriend’s hand, led him to where we stood.

  “My king,” Chad said, bowing his head slightly.

  “It’s good to see you, Chad,” Daniel said with a sincere smile. “Are you still okay?”

  Chad’s eyes were cloudy with something...doubt, maybe. “I’m coping. I have to admit to you, I’ve begun having memory lapses. I meant to call earlier tonight to warn you that Marini was sending agents to bring in the queen. He’s obsessed with her after last night. I…I forgot.”

  Neil’s light blue eyes were beyond concerned. “What’s wrong with him, Daniel?”

  Daniel put his hands on the vampire’s face, studying him closely. “From what I understand, it’s an unfortunate side effect of his powers. His powers of illusion are very rare. Marcus explained that Chad could have some trouble with his memory and certain impulses. His mind works very differently from other vampires. It’s what makes him an excellent spy. Marini can’t read him.”

  Chad laughed and I found the sound worrisome. “He calls me his little jester. I can say whatever I want and get away with it because he thinks I’m hopelessly insane.” He shut down, his hands fisting at his sides. “I’m not insane, damn it. I just have to concentrate.”

  “And your master’s blood should help.” Daniel slipped out of his jacket and offered Chad his wrist.

  The vampire fell to his knees in his haste to get that blood into his mouth. Daniel didn’t react as Chad’s enormous fangs penetrated his flesh and he began to drink. This part I understood. Daniel had been the vampire to take Chad through his turn. A vampire rises with very little impulse control. He dies thinking he’s human and the vampire part of his DNA reanimates him, but the newly risen vampire is a killing machine until the Council has trained him. One of the first rituals for a newbie is the taking of a mentor’s blood. The mentor is then the vampire’s master. A vampire’s first blood is very potent. His master’s blood would help Chad with any problems his odd nature was causing. If Chad was around Daniel on a regular basis, he might be perfectly normal.

  Neil’s hand sought out mine as we watched. I squeezed his fingers and I could feel his worry for the man he loved. Daniel let Chad drink his fill and it was a long time before Chad finally sat back on his heels and released his master’s arm.

  “Is that any better?” Daniel asked.

  Chad’s eyes were dark, but there was such relief in them. “You have no idea, my master. It’s like my mind is clear for the first time in months.”

  “Does that mean Marini will be able to read him?” Dev asked.

  Daniel shook his head. “No, my blood is some protection.”

  “I doubt he’ll even try, Dev.” Chad sounded like the lawyer I’d met so long ago. “I’ve found Louis only tries that crap when he really needs to. It doesn’t come naturally to him and it takes a lot of energy.” He turned to me. “I apologize for my lapse, Zoey. I can only be glad that the demon hadn’t tried to abduct you before I could correct my mistake.”

  “Oh, he tried,” I acknowledged. “I kicked his ass back to the Hell plane.”

  Chad chuckled but his smile was tight on his face. “I thought he was underestimating you, but he needed to keep it all very quiet. He doesn’t want Daniel to come after him. Zoey, you have to be careful. I don’t know what happened last night…”

  “He raped her,” Dev said, his voice cold and hard.

  “He bit me,” I corrected. “He took a chunk out of me, that’s all.” I wanted to keep everyone calm.

  Chad shook his head. “We consider that rape, Zoey. You’re Daniel’s companion. H
e had no right. Daniel can challenge him legally over that. This is what Marini is afraid of. He’s afraid of being discovered. You understand who the academics are, Zoey?”

  “Marcus is one. I think Henri Jacobs is as well,” I replied.

  “No Council head has ever held his seat without the academics. They’re a small subset, but they run our legal system. It’s why Marini must be very careful when dealing with Daniel. If Daniel wants to take Louis to court, it’s likely Louis could lose no matter how much he’s damaged Daniel’s reputation.”

  “If we could prove it.” Dev shook his head. “We could show the video, but he could twist it. I don’t think a legal case is going to go in our favor. It would be our word against Marini’s. Daniel’s not well thought of and our lifestyle doesn’t help us in this case.”

  “What do you mean?” I didn’t like the way that sounded.

  “He means that because we’re a threesome, I’m a bit of an outcast, Z,” Daniel said, his lips a flat line as he considered the problem. “The others don’t approve of me sharing my companion.”

  “If they weren’t so afraid of Daniel, some might challenge him over what happened in Colorado,” Chad said. “It’s my fault they even know about it. I don’t know why I told him. As Daniel said, I have impulse control issues. That magic of Dev’s was on my mind and it just sort of popped out. I told Marini that Daniel had made money from the ritual. I’m afraid certain members of the Council likened that to treating you like a prostitute.”

  My head was swimming with the depth of their hypocrisy. These were men who stole women off the street and sold them to the highest bidder. How dare they question my lifestyle choices? “Are you telling me they want to save me from Danny?”

  “Marini has painted Daniel as a terrible villain,” Chad replied. “Those who know Daniel aren’t swayed but the others…They’ve only heard stories of how he kills for sport and mistreats his beautiful companion. They think even less of Dev.”

  “Well, naturally,” Dev said with a frown.


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