Steal the Night (Thieves)

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Steal the Night (Thieves) Page 38

by Lexi Blake

  “Did they hit you?” I didn’t ask the other question. I knew Marini was very attracted to Dev. He’d propositioned him on several occasions. I knew that being used in that fashion was one of Dev’s worst nightmares. It had happened before and that single incident had a profound effect on his sexuality.

  “Yes, sweetheart,” Dev replied simply. “He beat me so badly I’m surprised I’m walking this afternoon. Daniel’s blood kept me alive.” He was quiet for a moment while I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed his cheek. “Dan can’t let up. He can’t stop. He has to apply as much pressure as he can. You have to give Marini everything he wants and that includes your body. Give him no reason whatsoever to hurt you. I’ll take the punishment. I can handle it.”

  “I have Danny’s blood, too.” I didn’t like the thought of Dev being forced to take all the pain.

  Dev’s hand found the center of my pelvis. “You also have our children deep inside your body. You have to let me do this. It’s not only for you. It’s for our family. Please just give him what he wants. Do you know how much it kills me to ask this of you?”

  I hugged him tightly to me. “I know, baby. I’ll do it. I’ll do it for you and Danny and our babies. I promise.” Maybe if Louis was happy with me he wouldn’t take out his anger on Dev.

  “He’s going to come for us,” Dev said with absolute certainty. “Daniel will come for us when the time is right. He won’t leave us here.”

  “He would never leave us here,” I agreed. “It’s killing him that we’re here. You have to know that. He’ll do anything he has to in order to get us back. But we have to live here and buy Danny some time. I found out where Louis’s safe is.”

  “How did you find that out?”

  “Rose,” I replied. “She has a vested interest in fucking with Marini. She’s seen him use the safe before. It’s in his office behind a painting.”

  “I saw that painting yesterday,” Dev mused. “It’s behind his desk. The office is across from the bedroom in his apartment.” His hands smoothed down my hair. “Perhaps we can convince him to let us sleep with him tonight and then in the morning we can slip out while he sleeps and you can take a look at the safe.”

  My gut clenched. “We’ll sleep with him tonight?” I knew there would be no sleeping involved.

  Dev sighed and hugged me tightly. “I promised we’ll perform a ritual tonight for him.”

  “Is that such a good idea?” I asked. “When Daniel feeds off that magic he can daywalk. Do we really want Marini to be able to do that?”

  Dev shoved a frustrated hand through his hair. “I don’t see a way around it.”

  “Is there anything Bris can do?”

  “I could withhold the magic,” Bris said, his eyes changing so suddenly I found it shocking. Even the way his hands moved on my body felt different. “But I believe that would be potentially dangerous for my host. If Marini isn’t getting something from Devinshea, then I believe he’ll kill him just to prove a point to Daniel. He needs something from you, my goddess. He needs your blood. I need to give him a reason to keep my host alive.”

  The door opened suddenly, and I heard Trent’s deep voice. This time he was damn serious and that tone brooked no disobedience. “Your Highness, I need you ready to leave in three minutes. Sunset is twenty minutes away and you have to shower and change before Marini is awake. The Prince must do the same.”

  “All right,” I said, pushing myself up.

  Dev was back and he pulled me close again. His mouth closed over mine and he kissed me deeply. “Try to remember that you’re supposed to be relieved to be away from Daniel’s plotting. You can be upset about Lee and Neil, but never show Marini that you miss Daniel. I’ll see you in a while. Know that I will be with you. I can’t stand the thought of his hands on you, but I’ll be with you. I’ll keep you safe.”

  I didn’t say it to him because it would only have worried my husband, but I silently promised to protect him as well. I would do whatever I had to do to keep us together and whole until Daniel could come for us. I stood up and got dressed again. I was already thinking about how I could organize the job on the safe. I couldn’t just rip off the door and run. I needed to crack the safe and beyond that, I needed to fool Marini into thinking everything was all right until Bris could lead us out. I wasn’t sure how to do that but I would think on it.

  Dev smiled from the small cot. “I love that look you get when you’re working on a job.”

  I laughed softly as I attempted to smooth my hair back down. “I don’t think I’ll be working much from here on out. I think this might be my last job for a while.”

  Dev got up and stalked across the room. When he reached me, he dropped to his knees and hugged me to him, his face against my belly. “Would it be so bad, my wife? Daniel and I love to take care of you. You could only work when you really wanted to and only take jobs that interest you. I doubt this is the last time you work. You’re too good and far too addicted to give it up completely.”

  I smiled down at him. “Besides, you think it’s hot when I steal something.”

  “I do, indeed.” He kissed my belly and then got up to press his lips to mine. “I’ll see you later tonight. Go with Trent. You can trust him. I have to shower and, more than likely, change into even more inferior clothing. I wish they would have allowed me to pack for my incarceration. Jail cells are really hell on the grooming process.”

  Trent was in the room and he led me out, tugging me away. As long as I could, I kept my eyes on Dev because the sight of him was the only thing that kept me going.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Rose was waiting at the door to the suite as Trent hustled me down the hall. Trent looked suspicious of the companion but said nothing as she closed the door behind us, leaving Trent to stand guard outside.

  “He didn’t hurt you?” Rose asked.

  “The guard? No.” I wondered just how often Rose had been abused by the guards for her to immediately go to that question.

  “Good.” She pointed to the bathroom. “Robert thought you would need to shower after spending time with your husband. The shower’s hot. Hurry. I’ll take your clothes and Robert will wash them.”

  The hot shower felt good and I enjoyed feeling clean for the first time in days. Rose proved she didn’t mind nudity as she was waiting with a towel when I turned off the water and exited the lovely, feminine shower. The glass enclosure had carved flowers all over it. Rose nudged me to sit in front of a vanity and began working a comb through my hair.

  We were quiet for a moment as she worked. My hair was a mess but she was patient. I thought about Dev and Danny and she thought about…probably her very uncertain future.

  “What’s going to happen to you, Rose?” I asked quietly, looking at her in the mirror. She hadn’t changed out of her pajamas yet. She wore an old-fashioned looking gown that somewhat swallowed her petite figure.

  Her lips moved in a semblance of a smile. “I’ll be sold again, I suppose. I didn’t like that part.”

  I had seen the ritual auction of a companion once before and it had been completely humiliating. I didn’t like to think about little Rose being put through that not once but twice. “How do you stay so calm?”

  “You stay calm. How do you do it?”

  I shifted uncomfortably because what I was thinking was a bit uncomplimentary, but I really wanted to know. “I have Dev and…”

  Rose’s smile was bright now. “Yes, of course. You have the men you love to bolster you. You think I don’t have anyone I love?”

  I felt like shit but she seemed amused. “I don’t mean it like that. You were just very young when they took you and I find it hard to believe you’ve found someone in this hellhole.”

  “I found Robert,” Rose said with a look that was wise far beyond her years. “I found a father, not a lover, but I have more than that, Zoey. I have faith. I believe that when the time is right I’ll run and I won’t look back.”

  So the little mouse had
a backbone. “Yes, Rose, if you get that chance, you run for your life.”

  Rose sighed. “I dream about it, you know. I dream about walking into my old home and my mum’s there and I’ll tell her I’m sorry for taking so bloody long to get back from the store.”

  I laughed. “I think it would be a bit more emotional than that. Do you think she’s still there?” It had been years.

  “Yes, she’s still there. It’s the last place she saw me. She wouldn’t leave. She’ll stay there until I show up again or she dies. I want to go home, Zoey. I want to walk into that flat and find my mum waiting with a book in her hand. I want to tell her what she did for me. I want to thank her because all this time, all these years, I was never really apart from her. They could take me away and not let me see her, but they couldn’t stop her from whispering in my ear. She told me she loved me. She told me that strength comes in many forms and the greatest is to face adversity and stay true to who you are. I’m still her daughter. No matter what happened. I am still Rose Beasley. I would let her know she never let me down.”

  “Rose, if you manage to get out…my father’s name is Harry Wharton.” I said, moved so deeply by her courage that I missed my own father sharply. “He lives in Dallas, Texas.”

  “I will call him if I can,” she replied. “I’ll let him know you love him. Now dry those tears. I expect the sun is down by now and our master will be here soon. I need to get your hair dry.”

  Rose went to work, pulling a brush through my hair as she worked it over with the dryer. I let her do the job as I mentally prepared myself for the coming evening. Daniel was alive. Dev was alive. I had to do everything I could to keep them that way. Rose brushed my hair and I let a sense of acceptance flow over me. Nothing mattered except doing my job. Once the job was done and Dev and I could run, then I would worry about the rest. Then I’d save Neil. Then I would avenge my wolf.

  Myrddin had told me the only way I could win was to not give in to my grief.

  “I would have expected the two of you not to get along,” Marini said from the doorway of the bathroom.

  I saw Rose’s entire demeanor change the moment she knew Marini was in the room. She seemed to shrink in on herself.

  I turned slightly to acknowledge the vampire’s presence. “Why would you think that? Rose is very sweet. I like having someone to talk to.”

  Louis was dressed to kill in a dark designer suit. His black hair curled just at the nape of his neck and if he wasn’t such an evil son of a bitch, he would have been quite handsome. “I would have assumed Rose would be angry that you’re taking her place.”

  I managed to not laugh at him. It was truly a sign of my burgeoning self-control. “Louis, you’re a practical man. Do you really believe you’ve treated her so well that she’s in love with you?”

  Louis leaned against the paneled wall and his lips quirked up in amusement. I suspected it had been a long while since any female spoke to him so saucily. It appeared he liked it, but I had to tread carefully so sauciness wasn’t mistaken for disrespect. “I suppose not. I haven’t been particularly kind to Rose. I admit I purchased her when she was far too young. She’s not really to my taste.”

  Now it was time to treat him like a man, not just a vampire. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about men it’s that they appreciate a woman’s sensuality. I smiled slightly and let my gaze find Rose. “I think your taste is wrong then, Louis.”

  His eyebrows shot up and he was suddenly very interested in what I had to say. “So she is to your taste?”

  “I have wide and varied tastes.” I let the words drip out like honey. I wanted Louis ready for sex, not violence, by the time my faery prince joined us. “I think Rose is quite lovely. She has a petite little body and perky breasts. I bet they have sweet little nipples.”

  The vampire’s smile was sensual as he regarded the two of us. “I will admit her nipples are quite pretty but her breasts are too small.”

  “But small breasts are exquisitely sensitive.” I was wandering off into truly unexplored territory here. I hadn’t actually played around with small breasts, but I read that in a romance novel and those couldn’t possibly be wrong. As for the sensuality of my words, I had to thank Devinshea for that lesson. He loved to talk sex. “I bet you could make her come just by sucking on them right.”

  Rose blushed all the way to her toes. She stared at me through the mirror and smiled as she ran the brush through my hair again.

  Louis was fighting his arousal as he watched us. It was a vampire’s instinct to be private with his companion, but I needed him to see that three could be fun.

  “How was your prince this afternoon?” Louis asked, abruptly changing the subject. His change of course didn’t alter the tent in his expensive trousers.

  I had to flavor all of my answers with the truth. “He was in one piece, no thanks to you.”

  The vampire had the good sense to look slightly embarrassed. “I…was very angry about something Daniel has done. I will apologize this evening.”

  I nodded shortly, though an apology really didn’t cover nearly beating someone to death.

  “Tell me, mon ange,” Louis began, his voice all dark seduction. “Did you kiss your faery prince this afternoon?”

  No lies here. If I got hit I would just take it. Lying would only lead to other questions and the vampire wondering just how much I was covering up. “Yes, I did. Then that stupid wolf made me stop.”

  I pouted and sounded petulant even to my own ears. Louis’s laugh boomed through the room. “I’ll have a talk with Trent. I expected that you and the prince would be a bit naughty. You will have thirty minutes each day with him as long as your behavior is good. If you wish to kiss the prince, I’ll allow it, but nothing more. Do you understand?”

  I nodded and turned back to the mirror. “I don’t like that wolf.”

  “Does the little companion not like her bodyguard?” Chad asked as he entered the room. I was grateful the bathroom was quite large as it was becoming full.

  “I think she does not,” Marini replied, smiling at the other vampire.

  “He must be doing something right then.” Chad had a dippy smile for his “master.” He was wearing his customary leather and black. His hair was disheveled and he appeared even more insane than normal. His eyes softened as he gazed at me. “Your skin is so pretty.”

  “Do you think my companion is beautiful, Mr. Thomas?” Louis asked.

  Chad sighed. “She’s gorgeous. I want to trade places with her. It would be nice to be so pretty that everyone around you just wants to coddle you. All she has to do is spread her legs and show off that neck of hers and all the vampires come running. She doesn’t have to do anything. They all just want to take care of her so she’ll love them.”

  “You sound almost jealous,” Louis noted.

  “Then I’m not trying hard enough,” Chad replied. “I’m entirely jealous of her. She gets everything handed to her. The prince treats her like she was made of gold. At least you’ll challenge her, won’t you, master? You’ll show her who the boss is.” Chad sneered at me, his face hard. “Your new master won’t let you run wild. He’ll beat the shit out of you if you step even an inch out of line, bitch. You won’t be able to control him because he just wants your blood. He couldn’t care less about the rest of you.”

  Rose had taken a step back and she put her little hand in mine to try to pull me with her.

  Louis gripped Chad by the nape of his neck like a dog. Louis’s claws were out and they dug into Chad’s skin, drawing blood. “You will not speak to her like that. I have worked very hard to not frighten her and you come in spouting nonsense. Go.”

  Chad seemed to deflate, that violent rage going as quickly as it came. “I’m sorry,” he said, seemingly surprised at himself. “I came in to tell you that you have a visitor in your suite.”

  Louis nodded. “Good, then all is ready. Go and do what I need you to do. You may go too, Rose. You’ll find I’ve left money with Robe
rt. He’ll take you shopping. Zoey needs clothes.”

  Rose nodded but there was a little spark in her eyes as she left the room. Chad followed and I was happy he was gone, even if it left me alone to deal with Louis. At least I had some sort of a handle on how to deal with him. I took a deep breath and let myself look very vulnerable. Chad had given me the chance to be afraid of Louis again. Big hands cupped my shoulders.

  “I left you a dress on the bed,” Louis said quietly, his eyes filled with desire as he looked at me in the mirror. “I want you to wear it and come with me to my apartments.”

  I was very interested in the latter part of that statement. I wanted to get into his office.

  “I will,” I said quietly, turning my head to look up at him. His eyes were on my neck. “Are you hungry?”

  Fangs shot out with a little snap. “I am. I am always hungry for you. Get up.”

  He sat me on the sink and with a flick of his fingers, my towel came undone. I forced myself not to cover my body. I felt his eyes trying to pull me in and gave over because there was nothing else to do.

  * * * *

  An hour later I found myself dressed in an all-white silky sheath. It was tasteful but sexy. The bra he’d left for me was decadently lovely and just a tiny bit small. It shoved my breasts together but I didn’t complain. I was barefoot because the sneakers I had come in didn’t really go with the dress. Louis promised to rectify the situation as soon as possible. He’d dressed me himself, his fingers smoothing the silk over my skin, and then clasping a diamond collar around my neck. It was a gorgeous piece of jewelry that was far too much like a slave collar for my liking. The vampire had enjoyed dressing me and playing with my naked skin. He’d especially liked my navel ring but wanted a large diamond in the place of my emerald and sapphire. I don’t know if he understood I’d chosen the stones to match Dev and Daniel’s eyes, but he wanted the belly button ring to complement his collar.

  I tried not to think about the fact that I couldn’t say I’d only slept with my husbands now. Even though I wanted to cry and rage at the situation, I’d managed to get through it without throwing up on him.


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