Pretty Girls Die Last

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Pretty Girls Die Last Page 12

by Lisa Mancini

  Since the president’s election, every racist, every bigot, and every neo-Nazi came out of the woodwork. Trump’s continual hate speech made it okay for people to wear their racism and xenophobia in the open. As a result, it was not uncommon to hear of attacks on Blacks, foreign students and homosexuals on her college campus. Agatha Falls wasn’t what it used to be. And Freya blamed a lot of that on what she called, the Trumpism of America.

  According to the news, Raju was admitted for observation but discharged from Mercy General that evening. It was reported that he had sustained only minor injuries. Freya turned the TV off and looked out her front window at the snow falling. She wondered if the attack on Molly’s dad had anything to do with her rape attempt. Word had it that Brandon’s dad was out for blood. He wasn’t taking his son’s death well but who would? What parent wants to see their child die before them? And Harris Cambridge was a rich and powerful man with connections. If he wanted to send a message, he had the means to do so.

  Her cell phone pinged and she jumped at the unexpected sound. It was Erik. He was on his way but would be detained by a small accident on Route 4. A school bus was rear-ended by a Federal Express truck. Thankfully, the school bus was empty and no one had been hurt. But the detour would make Erik about a half hour late. She told him not to worry and to drive safe. They would wait for him. He told her he loved her but she said nothing. She turned her phone off. If he asked her what happened, she’d blame technology. But she knew what she had to do tonight. She was going to break up with Erik.

  She’d decided last night as she lay in bed. Jake’s wedding was in six months. She and Lorna had a dress fitting next week. Seeing her brother since his engagement was proof she was doing the right thing. She didn’t feel for Erik that way he felt for Lorna. In fact, she didn’t feel for Erik the way she felt for him last year. It seemed like a lifetime ago but so much had happened. She’d matured a lot since then. And she’d outgrown the need for a boyfriend or a man friend as Ali called him. Erik was almost thirty years old and in spite of the age difference, Freya believed she’d outgrown him.

  A car pulled into her driveway and woke her from her reverie. It was Enid and Donal. Both over dressed as usual, they exited the Bentley and strode into Freya’s house, arm in arm. They each hugged Freya and made small talk. Soon the other guests began arriving. Everyone was happy and in a good mood. Christmas was a few weeks off, it was snowing, and Freya’s house smelled of Italian spices. Everyone mingled and snacked on appetizers until Erik arrived – almost thirty minutes late. He kissed her and handed her a small box wrapped in gold foil.

  “Open this after everyone leaves,” he said seriously. “I need to speak to you in private. It’s very important.” Uh- oh. Freya nodded and sat down at the dining room table.

  The guests sat down and the meal began. Freya knew nothing brought people together more than good food. They ate in silence for a while but eventually it was Lou who mentioned the elephant in the room.

  “So, that Cambridge kid died. And I heard from the warden in the jail, that Mike Chancellor was ruffed up last night too. They have him in isolation. Supposedly, there’s a hit planned for him. My sources tell me Harris Cambridge ordered it. Freya, how are coming with your article?”

  “It’s done. I emailed it just before you arrived. I’m calling it- Death of a Golden Boy.”

  “Golden Boy? Huh! What a joke. That kid was trouble from the moment he was born,” said Jake. “One of the guys I work said his daughter went to a party a couple summers ago and he followed her into the bathroom and almost raped her. He complained to the school and they said – boys will be boys. Can you believe that? I’m telling you, if I ever have a daughter and some punk tries that crap, I’ll kill him myself. And I won’t use apricot seeds either!”

  The entire conversation from that moment on was centered on Brandon and Mike. With the exception of Lincoln, Ali’s boyfriend, everyone thought both boys were evil. Lincoln went to middle school with Brandon and Mike and he remembered them as fun and easy-going but that was years ago and people change, thought Freya.

  “Okay, who wants dessert?”

  Freya was excited for them to see her cake. She lifted the cover off the cake plate and the room was filled with sounds of approval.

  “You made that kiddo?” asked Jake. “Maybe you can make my wedding cake,” he joked.

  “Speaking of weddings, Freya don’t forget we have a fitting on Tuesday at Penelope’s Bridal. We’ll do lunch after. How about Five Guys?” asked Lorna.

  “Sounds good. And if I can have everyone’s attention for a moment, I have an announcement to make.”

  Everyone in the room looked straight at her and suddenly she felt nervous. She took a deep breath.

  “As many of you know I’ve spent the last few months writing a book. And- well- it’s finished! My book tour begins April 5th and ends on May 10th. So, I’ll have plenty of time to help with the wedding. Ali, can you take care of Dexter while I’m gone? I’ve already spoken to my professors and I’ve arranged to finish my work online. Now Lou, I thought I could do a weekly article about my college tour. Donal has planned a tour for all of New England, New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. The tour will begin here and will end at Emerson College in Boston. I’ll do podcasts, local news, radio shows, and social media of course. So, that’s it, that’s my announcement,” she finished and waited for a reaction.

  At first, stunned silence filled the room. While everyone had heard Freya talk about her plans to write a book based on the Coalesce Cult and the Joey Taylor murder, no one actually thought she’d do it. Everyone always talks about doing things but rarely do they complete them. Life happens and things are put off. But Freya was different. When she said she was going to do something, she did it. When no one spoke, she looked at her brother Jake first. He looked back at her and grinned.

  “Well, well, well, my sister the author. I’m happy for you. I don’t know where you get the time to write books when you go to school full-time and work part-time. But, that’s the way you’ve always been. You always do things that other people would never attempt. You’re brave that way and I am very, very proud of you.”

  By time he finished, Freya had tears in her eyes. Then, like an avalanche, everyone started congratulating her and asking her if she’d sign his or her copy. After a few minutes of that, everyone settled down as Ali lit the cake. Atop the chocolate masterpiece sat a huge white chocolate number 21. Freya sat still as her guests sang her Happy Birthday. Almost feeling embarrassed at the attention, she blushed and then hurriedly blew out the candle to rapturous applause. She cut the cake and began handing out huge slices of the chocolate-peanut butter cake.

  “Let’s hear it for the college journalist, amateur sleuth and now published author!” roared Ali.

  Freya laughed as the tabled erupted in the cheer but she stopped smiling when she noticed Erik. He was just sitting there looking at his cake. No smile, no cheer, just sitting there as if he were alone and not at a party with a dozen other people. She wondered if her surprise had trumped his. She hoped he didn’t have a diamond engagement ring in that little gold box. Oh well, it’s best to be honest. And as soon as everyone left, she knew what she had to do.

  An hour and a half later, Freya’s guest began to leave. The storm had ended but deposited three inches of snow in its wake. That was nothing for anyone living in New England. The evening temperature was a comfortable 43 degrees.

  Freya hugged her brother and his fiancé as the got into their vehicle. Lorna once again reminded her of their upcoming dress fitting. Freya again reassured her that she would be there. Enid and Donal gave her a hug and promised to speak to her soon about her pending book cover.

  The cover would be ready in a week and she was excited to see it in the flesh. She had designed a black matte cover with a white tracing of a waterfall and a balsam tree. Her name would be on the bottom of the book and her title, Agatha Falls would be at the top. On the back cover was a professionally ta
ken photo of her in her office at the Beacon. She’s sitting at her desk surrounded by piles of papers, her hair is in a French braid, and she’s wearing a red sweater. Ali did her make up that day and she was happy with the results.

  She immediately began clearing the dishes from the table. Ali was in the kitchen with Lincoln and Erik was sitting at the kitchen table reading the sports page. Ali was chattering away and Lincoln was his usual quiet self. As she entered, she noticed a large pink box with a white bow on her table. Looking at Erik, he pointed to Ali.

  “Ali, what did you do? I told you no gifts this year.”

  But Ali cut her off. “What’s the point of being rich if I can’t spend it on my friends?” Freya exhaled loudly, shook her head, and looked at the box wondering what was inside.

  “Just let it go. She always gets her way anyway,” said Lincoln under his breath.

  Ali whipped him playfully with a dish towel.

  “Open it. I want to see your face when you open it.”

  Freya tore open the pretty pink paper and gasped when she saw the Cuisinart ice cream maker.

  “Ali, this is expensive! I almost bought this but talked myself out of it.”

  “I know. I was with you that day. So I went back and bought it. It’s awesome and worth the expense. It makes ice cream, sorbet, and yogurt. Just think of all the fun you’ll have making ice cream this summer.”

  Freya hugged and thanked her friend. Ali and Lincoln left soon after and finally Freya and Erik were alone. They made small talk for a few minutes and then Freya walked with him into her living room. She sat down on her Italian leather sofa, her one extravagant piece of furniture, and waited for Erik to talk first. He looked so serious. It must be important. My God, if he gets down on one knee, I’ll faint.

  But he didn’t, and instead sat down opposite her in the large antique leather Morris chair that Jake and Lorna had given her for a housewarming gift. Besides her sofa, it was her favorite piece of furniture. Erik made that face he always made when he had to say something he found difficult. Freya felt compassion and decided to break the ice.

  “So, what do you want to talk about? Is everything okay with your business? Are you sick? Come on, you’re making me nervous.”

  “No, I’m not sick and business is pretty good these days. I want to tell you about my trip to Montreal a few weeks back. As you know, my grandfather died and left me as the executor of the estate. But, he also left me quite a bit of money too. I don’t know how you’ll take this but I’m moving to Montreal after Christmas and I want you to come with me. I want to remodel homes in Montreal. I inherited my grandparents’ home and it’s beautiful. My brothers live nearby with their families and my parents are there too. I want you to meet my family. So, Freya, how about it?”

  Well, it wasn’t a wedding proposal but he did ask her to live with him. So, that’s close enough. Freya took a moment before she spoke and then she spoke from her heart.

  “Erik, I’m very flattered by your offer. I admit I wasn’t expecting this. I’m happy that you will be able to have the kind of business you’ve always wanted. I know you’ll do great. And you’ll be able to live near your family. I think that will be very good for you. But not necessarily for me.”

  She stopped there and waited. His expression hadn’t changed. She needed to be more direct.

  “I have a life here and my career is here too. I just bought a home and my book is out soon. I believe that I’m exactly where I need to be right now. I’m not ready to live with a man. And I’m not ready to take this relationship to the next level. I love you. But, I think it would be best if we broke up.”

  Silence. Freya waited. Then, Erik spoke.

  “It’s that cop, isn’t it? Duke Mott- you want him now, don’t you?”

  Before Freya could answer, Erik continued.

  “No, you don’t have to say anything. I saw it coming, months ago. You want to be with him now. Is that why he moved across the street from you?”

  He was speaking louder than usual and more animatedly. He was upset and she empathized with that. She’d had someone she once loved break up with her. She’d never forget that day. She’d hoped they could remain friends but that might not be possible now. The best thing was to be honest.

  “Erik! Calm down. I need to be on my own right now. There is no one else. Duke is a friend and a neighbor. I’m not breaking up with you for someone else. We want different things. We have a different future in mind. But, I want us to stay friends. I hope that’s possible.”

  She waited for a response and she got one. He stood up, walked over to the back door, and grabbed his coat off the coat rack. He picked up the little gold box off the table and tossed it to her. She caught it with one hand.

  “Well, I guess you won’t need those now. They’re the keys to my house in Montreal.”

  He opened the door and walked out into the night. She heard his truck roar as it backed out her driveway. Not knowing what to do, she decided to clean. Cleaning always relaxed her.

  She went into the kitchen and placed the remainder of the Italian bread in the bread box. Then, she began wiping down surfaces. If anything could calm Freya down, it was cleaning her kitchen. She inherited her love of cleaning from her late mother Rita. She often joked that her mom was Felix to her dad’s Oscar. The Odd Couple, one of her favorite TV shows from the 1970’s about a neat freak and a slob who were roommates. She smiled as she remembered her parents. Oh, how she missed them. A tap at her back door brought her back to the future and she tossed the wash cloth on the counter as she went to the door. Expecting it to be Duke, she swung the door open wide.

  “I left you a piece of birthday cake. I had a feeling you’d stop by.”

  “Why thank you! I’d love a slice of cake.”

  Freya stepped back suddenly from the door. Her face was white with shock. The person standing in front of her was not Duke at all – but Abby Vale.

  “You look surprised. Didn’t you get my letter? I told you I’d see you soon and I never make promises I don’t intend on keeping.” She walked in quickly and shut the door behind her. She appraised the kitchen and nodded.

  “Yes, I like what you’ve down. French country, is it? I love the white cabinets. And look at this cake! It looks delicious. Well, aren’t you going to invite me to sit down? We have a lot to talk about.”

  Freya did not intend to let Abby into the rest of her home. And where were the police? The FBI had two unmarked police cars parked on her street. What happened to them? She backed up into the kitchen and let Abby walk ahead of her. Abby looked into the living area at her Christmas tree. It was huge. Normally Freya had a small table top tree but not this year. Go big or go home.

  Freya had planned for this event. It would not be the first time someone had invaded her home and tried to attack her. Last Christmas, murderer Lukas Trott broke into her home and tried to rape her. She fought back and with Erik’s help, apprehended him for the police. This time would be no different.

  While Abby was looking at the six foot tall Blue Spruce, Freya reached behind her and pulled out her gun. Her dad’s Glock had saved her before. As soon as Freya learned that Abby was back, she’d taken to keeping the gun on her person. She had a permit to carry a weapon and did target practice at least monthly. She was a great shot. She wasn’t afraid of guns and she knew she could kill if it came to that.

  Abby turned around and the look on her face told Freya all she needed to know. She wasn’t expecting Freya to be prepared. She raised her hands over her head.

  “Now Freya, what’s this about? When did you get a gun?”

  Ignoring her question, Freya walked toward her with the gun pointed directly at her. Abby soon found herself up against the refrigerator.

  “Sit down on the floor – now!” she ordered.

  Abby remained standing. Her expression was blank. “I mean it, sit down and then lie down – face down on the floor. If you don’t, I’ll shoot you,” said Freya as calmly as she could.
br />   Abby reluctantly obeyed and began to slide slowly down the refrigerator. But before she met the floor, her hand shot out and grabbed Freya’s arm. Soon, the two women were thrashing around the room, both holding the Glock. Freya kicked Abby in the groin and the woman screamed. Freya kicked again and threw her body on top of Abby, using her extra weight against the slim woman. I always knew those extra pounds would come in handy! In the distance, police sirens could be heard. Then, her back door flew open and Duke appeared with his own gun.

  “Back away Vale! I swear to God, I’ll blow your head off!”

  Abby knew she was beat. She lay down on the floor face down and with her hands spread out in front of her.

  Duke bent down and zip tied the woman’s hands together. A quick search of Abby revealed, a hand gun, a knife, and a hypodermic needle filled with a light blue liquid. Duke picked the woman up and held her as four police officers rushed inside. The two police officers guarding her home had been found unconscious but alive in their vehicles. As soon as the police left with Abby, Freya jumped up and hugged Duke tightly.

  “Thank God for you!”

  Duke smiled. “Hey, don’t thank me, thank my appetite. I was too lazy to make dinner tonight so I thought I’d come over here to see what you had for goodies. Hmmm, what’s this – a big chocolate birthday cake? Can I have a piece?”

  “A piece? Duke, you can have the rest of it.”

  He sat down at the table and cut himself a big slice. “I noticed a woman in your bushes and I put two and two together. So, I went back and got my gun and radioed for help.” He bit into the cake and smiled.

  “Delicious. Oh, and by the way, happy birthday. How does it feel to be 21?”

  Freya laughed. “Alive. I’m just glad to be alive. Now, how about some lasagna with that cake?”


  Local Reporter Nabs Serial Killer

  Kerry Quinn

  Beacon reporter, Freya Barrett caught serial killer, Abby Vale in her home last night. The woman showed up armed with a lethal substance and several weapons, intending to kill Ms. Barrett who solved the mystery killings last year surrounding the Coalesce Cult, of which Vale was a co-founder. Barrett apprehended Vale assisted by neighbor, Douglas Mott of the Agatha Falls Police Department Forensics Team.


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