Bound by the Moon (A Royal Shifters novel Book 5)

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Bound by the Moon (A Royal Shifters novel Book 5) Page 11

by L. P. Dover

  “Okay. Something tells me you might regret not talking to him.”

  I’ve put too much time and effort into getting my point across. I can’t give in now.



  I never thought finding your mate could make you so fucking crazy. The dreams with Kami stopped suddenly, and I know it’s because of that damn tea Tia gave her. Every night I kept hoping Kami would forget to drink it, but then I’d wake up in utter disappointment. She’s even kept her mind blocked to me the entire eight weeks; it’s infuriating. Kami finishes her training tomorrow, but I had to leave town for work. My job is important to me, but I had no plans on going so close to our eight-week mark. Zayne and I have our company’s reputation to protect, and I refuse to let him down. He’s the one who built it from the ground up. L&S Architectural Design. Lyall and Storm.

  Zayne and I board Chase’s jet and are finally in the air and on our way from Texas back to Wyoming. The three-hour flight just started, and it feels like I’ve been on the plane all day. I’m ready to get back.

  Chase’s jet has a small bedroom, so I change out of my suit into a T-shirt and jeans before joining Zayne in the main cabin. I sit down and watch him stare out the window. In his hand is the green stone Laila gave him months ago. Nobody knew she was his daughter, including him. There was a time when he was in love with a faerie from the Land of the Fae, and even though she wasn’t his mate, she ended up getting pregnant. If he’d known, he never would’ve left her to deal with pack business. When he finally returned, Alina was gone, abducted by the Sierra pack alpha. After she gave birth to Laila, she was killed. Zayne has never forgiven himself for it. Every time he touches the green stone, I can feel the magic emanating off of it. I know it shows him something in his mind, but he won’t tell me what. I have a feeling he sees a particular gray-eyed wolf with caramel-colored hair.

  As soon as we land, I’m going straight over to Amelie’s to wait for Kami to get back from training. I don’t care if I’m a day early; I’m not waiting any longer. For the past eight weeks, I’ve been right there with Kami, watching her train in the woods, and she never knew I was there. Reaching into my pocket, I pull out the black carmine stone Laila gave to my sister. I should be able to conceal my power from her since I’m a royal, but with Kami being my mate and my wolf desperate to be close to her, I didn’t want to take a chance of her sensing me. The stone was the only sure way to keep me hidden.

  “What are you going to do?” Zayne asks.

  I rub my thumb over the smooth black stone. “I’m confronting her tonight,” I say, peering over at him. “I can’t wait any longer. It’s fucking torture. Kami doesn’t seem to be affected at all.”

  He nods. “It’s worse for the males. Our need is always greater. They don’t go through the rage as we do. Kami’s a warrior. I promise she’s fighting it just as hard as you are.”

  Leaning my head against the seat, I close my eyes and envision Kami. She’s changed in the past two months. The fire she had before has multiplied tenfold. What I loved the most was watching her kick the other three guys' asses. I’m proud of everything she’s accomplished, and I’m ready to lay it all on the line.

  Zayne sighs. “Kami reminds me of your mother.”

  I smile. My mother had a stubborn streak in her, just like Kami. He was also my mother’s protector until she mated with my father, who also happened to be his closest friend. “How so?” I ask, remembering all of the stories he used to tell me. She used to drive him crazy.

  Zayne’s lips tilt up slightly. It’s very rare anything makes him smile these days. He used to not be like that. When I was younger, I remember him being vibrant and full of life, just like his brothers, Sebastian and Micah. All he’s done for the last two decades is bury himself in work.

  He turns to me. “I should’ve told you this sooner. If I had, maybe you wouldn’t be suffering as much as you are now.”

  “What is it?”

  Zayne’s a couple hundred years old, but we could pass as brothers since we look about the same age, along with our blond hair and blue eyes. It’s in his eyes where you can see his true age. He’s already lived several lifetimes.

  He looks right into my eyes. “Your mother fought against the bond with your dad, just like Kami’s doing to you.”

  That’s the last thing I expect to hear. “Why did she do that?”

  Zayne shrugs. “Several reasons. She confided in me a lot. I would listen and give her advice. Did she take it? Not all the time, but she always seemed to make the right choice. You see, your mother …” He stops and blows out a sigh. “She was an independent woman. Marrock was already a doctor and had a good job at the local hospital near where you grew up. Tala wanted to finish college. At the time, she was attending the University of Ontario, which was on the other side of Canada. We came home to visit for a long weekend, and since I was good friends with your father, she came with me to meet him for drinks. That night, the mating signs appeared. Long story short, she didn’t want to give up her dreams. She knew Marrock was settled, but yet, she still needed to finish college. Nothing was going to stand in her way.”

  It does sound like Kami. “Did she get along with my father at the time?”

  He nods. “Of course. Everyone loved Marrock. His father was a great alpha, and everyone knew yours would be too when his time came.”

  “That’s where this is different,” I huff. “My mom actually liked my dad. Kami not so much with me.”

  Zayne shakes his head. “I don’t believe that. Kami wants her freedom to choose, just like your mother wanted to finish college before settling down.”

  “What did my parents end up doing?”

  He looks down at the green stone in his hand. “Your father tried to give Tala her space, but he was miserable. Tala was too, but her schoolwork occupied her. I felt her pain, but there was nothing I could do. About a month later, your father left his job at the hospital and decided to follow her. I was there the day he showed up at her apartment. He didn’t want to hold her back; all he wanted was to be with her. The next full moon, they were mated.” His eyes meet mine. “When she got her degree, they came back to the rest of the pack. Your grandfather stepped down, and your father became alpha. The Royal pack flourished.”

  “I don’t want to hold her back,” I say. “It’s the last thing I want. All I want is to be with her, to show her I’m worthy enough to be her mate.”

  Zayne nods. “Then it’s time for you to do that. No more hiding in the shadows. Show her who you really are.”

  As soon as we get back to Wyoming, I plan on doing just that. Zayne goes back to staring at his stone, and I watch him. “You give good advice, Lyall. Do you ever follow it?”

  His body tenses. “We’re not talking about me. My situation is different.”

  “Okay,” I say, knowing he doesn’t want to talk about it anymore. “If you change your mind, I’m here.”

  Silence fills the air, and I look out the window at the land below. We have about two hours left, and then we’ll be in Wyoming. I’ve replayed several different scenarios in my head on what I think will happen when I see Kami, but none of them are good. She tells me to fuck off in all of them.

  I hope to hell I’m wrong.

  Once we landed in the private airfield, Zayne and I got in my car, and I took him straight to his house so I could get on my way to Amelie’s. Kami should be done with training for the day and back there by now. I don’t know what I’m going to say to her, but I’ll figure it out when I get there. There’s so much I want to say.

  I turn down the gravel road leading to Amelie’s place and press on the gas, not even caring about the rocks flying around under my sports car. Nothing matters except for Kami. I need to see her.

  When I pull up at the cabin, the only car there is Amelie’s. I get out, and Amelie opens the front door, her eyes narrowed curiously. “Hey, Colin. Are you okay? I heard you racing down the driveway.”

  I run up onto the porch.
“I’m fine. Where’s Kami?”

  Amelie blows out a sigh and closes her eyes. “She’s gone. I had a feeling this would happen.” When she opens her eyes, I can see the sorrow in them.

  My wolf paces inside of me, impatient and on the verge of losing control. It’s a desperate feeling and one I’ve never felt before. “What do you mean, she’s gone? Where is she? What happened to her training?”

  She gives me a sad smile. “Training finished early. Kami’s officially an FBI special agent now. She left with Sawyer and Tia to go on a mission. I don’t exactly know where, but I know they were headed to Ohio. Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland were mentioned.”

  This is similar to what happened to Zayne. He left for business and came back to find the woman he loved gone. Now I know what it feels like; I’m too late. With Kami already out on a mission, how the hell am I going to find her? And if Tia’s with her, all she has to do is use her magic to cloak her, and I’ll never find her. This is where my link to Kami could come in handy, but unfortunately, I’m still blocked.

  Running my hands angrily through my hair, I turn away from Amelie. “Fuck. I came back a day early, and it was still too late.”

  “I know she’s your mate, Colin.”

  Eyes wide, I jerk around to face her. “Did she actually say those exact words to you?”

  She nods. “Don’t worry. I was on your side. I think I got through to her a little bit. I can tell being separated from you made her on edge sometimes, almost like she was angry. I have a feeling she’s mad you didn’t come sooner.”

  I throw my hands up in the air. “I was giving Kami what she wanted. I didn’t want to push her away. I was with her the entire fucking time, and she didn’t even know it.” Reaching into my pocket, I pull out the black carmine stone so she can see it.

  Amelie gasps and slaps a hand over her mouth. “Oh, my God. Faith gave it to you?”

  Nodding, I slide it back into my pocket. “I couldn’t keep my distance from Kami. It was the only way to watch over her.”

  Amelie’s eyes twinkle, and she smiles. “Well, well, well, that might just change things. Kami didn’t exactly say it, but I think she secretly hoped you’d be around.”

  A part of me hopes that’s true, but I’m not counting on it. “And yet, she left. She had to know I wouldn’t give up on her.”

  Amelie shrugs. “I’m not sure. She was excited about going on her first mission. I know it’s her passion. When Kami finds something she wants, she goes right after it, guns a blazing. I mean that literally now. It was strange seeing her with a gun on her belt when she left here.”

  I’d have given anything to see the look on her face when she found out she passed the training. “When did they leave?”

  She looks away in concentration. “Around nine this morning, I believe.”

  That means she would already be in Ohio. Pulling out my phone, I get it ready to call James, Chase’s pilot. I want to catch him before he leaves the airfield. “Thanks, Amelie.”

  Turning on my heel, I rush down the porch stairs to my car.

  “What if Tia cloaks her?” Amelie shouts. “How will you find Kami? They’re going to three different cities.”

  My lips pull back into a smirk. Tia can’t cloak her every second of every day. “I’m not worried about it. I know how to find my mate. If she calls, please don’t tell her.”

  Amelie grins. “I didn’t plan on it.”

  I’m going to find her, even if I have to search all day and night. She’s not getting away from me this time.



  Leaving Wyoming was harder than I thought it would be. I left knowing it was a day early from the eight-week time frame. A part of me feels guilty because deep down I know Colin’s going to show up on Amelie’s doorstep looking for me. There’s no way he’ll be able to track me down with us moving around from city to city. If he does, I’ll be impressed. I’ve thought about opening my mind and letting something slip, just to see if the connection is there, but I decide against it.

  We arrived in Cincinnati by two o’clock, and by six o’clock, we already have our eyes on the first target. His name is Robert Trapp, a twenty-six-year-old rapist who comes from a wealthy family. His father paid off the judge and the victims to keep their mouths shut. The whole thing makes me sick. One of the victims fell into a deep depression and committed suicide a few months after her attack. After I read his file, it took everything I had to control my anger. Tia had to distract Sawyer so he wouldn’t see my wolf eyes.

  Taking a deep breath, I glance at myself in the mirror. Tia curled my hair, and I have on a skintight black dress and black heels. It’s not how I wanted to go on duty tonight, but Robert decided to head out to one of the college bars he likes to frequent often. It’s also one of the places he finds his victims. I had hoped he’d stay home so we could finish the job there. What I don’t want is for him to find an innocent victim to terrorize tonight. We could always wait another day when he’s at home, but something in my gut tells me to follow through with our plans. I’ve always been told to trust my instincts.

  An incoming text comes through my government cell.

  Sawyer: He just arrived at the bar. I’m going inside.

  I type out a quick reply.

  Me: Be there soon.

  I plan to blend in with the other college girls and see if Robert tries to coax any of them to his place. He’s been known to roofie them. If he doesn’t, it’s good for us. We’ll finish our job as soon as he gets back to his house. One way or another, his life ends tonight.

  “Are you nervous?” Tia asks, appearing in the doorway.

  I touch up my lipstick and meet her eyes in the mirror. “Not in the least. All we’re doing is watching him to make sure he doesn’t make a move on anyone. Then, when he leaves, we’ll finish it.”

  She crosses her arms over her chest. “Are you too proud to ask for my help? I could make this so much easier on you with my magic.”

  I turn around to face her. “This is my job, Tia. It’d be like cheating if I used your magic. I need to do this on my own.”

  She nods. “I understand. You just seem to be a little on edge since we left Wyoming. You’re thinking about Colin, aren’t you?”

  “No,” I say, knowing very well she can hear the lie in my voice.

  Lips pulling back slightly, she holds up her phone. “Amelie called a few minutes ago. Colin came by to see you today.”

  My heart rate spikes. If I’d stayed a little longer, he would’ve caught me. There’s a part of me that wishes I would’ve stayed. “What did Amelie say to him?”

  She shrugs. “Not much. She told him you finished training early and that you’re out on a mission. It looks like he’s determined to find you since he came a day early. Guess he couldn’t wait any longer.”

  We didn’t tell Amelie the exact places we were staying, but we did tell her Ohio. There’s no way he can search the whole state to find me. The burn to see him grows more significant by the day, and I hate he has that effect on me. My body is drained to the point I can barely drink the tea to keep from having my dreams. I can put on a strong front with Tia and Sawyer, but inside, I’m struggling. If the Great Luna wants Colin as my mate, it’s going to be when I’m ready. Seeing him now will only mess with my head. I have to concentrate on my job.

  “Once we get done in Ohio, I’ll call him,” I say.

  Her eyes narrow. “Why do I not believe that?”

  I snatch the small black purse off the bed with my Glock inside of it. “I promise. But right now, I have to go. Sawyer’s waiting on me.”

  I walk toward her, but she stands in my way. “You’re tired, Kami. You might think I don’t see your struggle, but I do. Pretending with me doesn’t work. Colin is your mate and running from him isn’t helping anyone. I’ve kept quiet about this way too long.” My jaw clenches, but she doesn’t back down. “You can be angry with me all you want. I get it; you wanted to choose your mate. Have you ever
thought that subconsciously you had? Colin’s amazingly sexy, a powerful shifter, and he cares about you. I think you two fit perfectly.” There are too many what ifs with Colin. What if he doesn’t approve of me being an assassin? I can’t give up on this part of my life. Tia blows out a sigh and moves out of my way. “I love you, Kami. You’re like a sister to me. All I want is for you to be happy.” She sighs again. “I know you have to go. Be careful tonight.”

  I step past her and head straight for the hotel room door. “I will.”

  I hate it when she’s right, especially when I don’t have anything to argue against her. When I get to the elevator, I take it down to the lobby. I’d already called for a cab, and it’s waiting for me outside on the busy downtown Cincinnati street. I hop in, and the man meets my eyes in the rearview mirror.

  “Where to, young lady?”

  “Bar 360, please,” I say.

  He pulls off, and we head further into downtown. There are people everywhere from all walks of life. Big cities are exciting, but there’s no way in hell I could handle the smells for an extended period. Guess it’s one of the downfalls of having heightened senses.

  It only takes a few minutes to get to the bar, and the cab driver stops at the entrance. Reaching into my purse, I pull out my money and hand it to him. “Thanks for the ride.”

  There’s a small line of people waiting to get in, and it doesn’t take long for the bouncer to check everyone’s ID. I pull out the one I have for Kami Parker and slip right on in. When I get inside, I pick up on Sawyer’s scent and find him in the corner, sitting at a small table with a beer. He nods at me and glances over at the bar where Robert is laughing and talking to three other guys who look to be in their mid-twenties. He’s talking to them, but his eyes are on two women, both young and beautiful, who are drunk, sitting at a high-top table. From where I stand, I can hear their slurred words as they speak about how hard their classes were for the day. Another guy, not associated with Robert, reaches them first, and he holds out a hand to the brown-haired girl. She smiles, and they walk off to the dance floor, leaving the blonde alone.


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