The Light Within the Darkness

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The Light Within the Darkness Page 6

by H M Wolfe

The atmosphere in the kitchen was so peaceful, so serene that the boy soon abandoned his bitter thoughts. Raising his head from his plate, he smiled brightly to the four men whose faces were shining with pure, unadulterated love. He was indeed a prince, Wilmot thought, and this was his kingdom. It was where he was protected, cared for, and appreciated. It was new, and it was good.



  hank you, I had a great time. I haven't felt like that in years,'' Valeran smiled at his brother. ''By the way? Was that a date?'' He smirked.

  ''How did you feel?'' Vinson returned the smile, feeling the butterflies in his stomach start to flutter. ''And yes, it was a date.''

  ''You treated me like a prince. You took me to this beautiful, exquisite place I didn't know even existed. You made me feel important, wanted, valuable...''

  ''Babe, you deserve all that and more,'' Vinson discreetly gestured around. ''From now on, I won't treat you like a prince, but like a king, because you deserve the best.''

  ''That's funny because I think the same way about you,'' Valeran whispered, wrapping Vinson in a love-filled gaze.

  ''I have a humble present for you, my king.'' The other man extracted a small, elegant jewelry box from his pocket. ''Please, accept this token as insignificant as it is,'' he offered it to his brother.

  ''It's...Vin, this is magnificent!'' Valeran exclaimed eyes widened, as he looked at the contents of the box. ''Thank you very much, but you shouldn't have spent so much on...I have no words to express what I feel right now.''

  ''A diamond encased in a man's ring is quite unusual, the jeweler told me. However, this gem is a symbol of durability and purity. That's two qualities that describe our love most accurately.'' Vinson took the ring out of the box and slid it onto Valeran's finger. ''It looks perfect on you, my king. I love you so much.''

  ''I love you, too, and I promise never to abandon you. To never let life separate us again.'' The other man spoke in a soft but firm voice. ''I'll fight to the bitter end. I won"t let anything or anyone come between us, ever again.''

  ''Vale, if the situation had been different...if...if we weren't related by blood, would you consider being my husband?'' Vinson blurted out and then covered his mouth the next second, realizing what he'd said.

  ''I would marry you today, blood ties or not.'' Valeran's eyes were shining with love, his voice passionate.

  Without a word, Vinson took his brother's hand, kissing the delicate knuckles one by one. He wasn't giving a damn about a few people from other tables, who were casting a judgemental, disgusted look in their direction. Ever since he was a little kid, the man had been the target of people's disapproval and had become somehow immune to it.

  However, Vinson reacted very violently when those he loved were under gossipers' or bigots' fire. One of the teachers from Wilmot's school made some not-so-nice remarks about Valeran's constant presence in the kids' life, considering it unnatural, so he had his son transferred. The boy didn't need bigotry in his life. He'd already dealt with a lot of things no child that young should experience.

  Valeran loved his little nephew to pieces because he reminded him of his brother at the same age. And Marinette had her uncle all wrapped around her little finger. As far as Valeran was concerned, the two kids and their father was the perfect family, and the only one he'd ever wanted. Raising them together with the one who'd fathered them, his one and only love, was Valeran's greatest dream.

  The two stayed like that for a while, enjoying one another's presence. Their fingers were laced over the table, and they were lost in each other's eyes. The two men were speaking with their souls, which were telling the story of a limitless, pure selfless love between them. Then, Vinson stood up, signaling that it was time for the two of them to leave, heading to the next surprise destination of their date.

  It was an amusement park, where the two remembered how it was like to be kids again. They'd rarely went to one, and never before the age of twelve. Even on those extremely happy occasions, Warrick hadn't accompanied them. He'd just shoved a ten-dollar bill in each brothers' hand, mumbling something about not spending it all in one place, then turned his back and left.

  But Vinson and Valeran's date was not saddened by the distant memories of their brother treating them so coldly. Instead, they laughed, ate cotton candy, won a lot of plushies, and did all the things that would have made a kid's heart happy. Sitting on a bench shadowed by a tree, the two pecked at one another's lips and cheeks, feeling the thrills of their first kiss.

  And they talked a lot, holding hands, and sharing their hopes and dreams. They were making plans for a future together. For the first time since he'd gotten his clean bill of health, Vinson spoke about his fears; Especially when he was thinking about the children, about what would become of them once, he was gone forever. And then, the man started to tell his brother what he felt at the thought of losing him.

  As his confession progressed, tears were welling in Vinson's eyes. And the man let them flow. The tears washed out all the sorrow, pain, and heartbreak he'd repressed over the last three years. And, when the last of his sighs had died down, he felt relieved, the burden on his shoulders gone. Vinson was ready to start a new life with the man who'd stolen his heart: Valeran.

  The buzz of his phone put an abrupt end to the moment of sincerity and tenderness between the two, and he fished it from his jacket pocket, mumbling something under his breath. However, as soon as he saw the message's content, Vinson smiled widely, turning to his brother.

  ''It's Mister Bloom, begging us to let Wilmot and Marinette spend the night at their place. Apparently, that nephew of yours has become very popular there,'' he said, laughingly.

  ''Let me guess, Daniel and Tarquin's twin girls, plus Doctor Stark's daughter, the magnificent Sophia.'' Valeran cutely grinned. ''Damn, that kid is fast. He sure doesn't like to waste time.''

  ''Something like that.'' Vinson nodded in approval. ''Right now, Father is at my place, getting the kids' school uniforms, textbooks, and everything else they need for tomorrow. I have to admit Warrick was right the whole time; those four are such sweet souls!''

  ''Yes, I noticed that from the way our brother looks at father and his partners. From how much he opens up to them. Except for Ian, no one has gotten so close to him. Not even mom.'' Valeran's voice was filled with admiration for Vincent and the men in his life.

  ''It's getting late. I think we'd better go home.'' Vinson wrapped his arm around his brother's shoulder, pulling him closer.

  ''You're right. I can't wait to drag my ass to bed and hit the pillows.'' Valeran yawned suggestively, much to his brother's amusement.

  ''Me too, but first, we'll need a shower.'' The other man suggestively winked as they were climbing into the car.

  During the drive back home, the twins didn't say a word, but they didn't need any to communicate, or to express their thoughts and feelings. For Vinson, that had been the perfect day; he'd finally opened up to the love of his life, trusting him with all his secrets and feelings hidden deep inside his heart. From time to time, from the corner of his eye, the man examined Valeran, the dreamy expression on his face making his heart flutter.

  One hour later, surrounded by the peaceful atmosphere of Vinson's home, the two were frantically undressing each other with hungry hands. They started touching their partner's body all over as if they were to be ripped from their grasp. With a throaty growl, Vinson started to trace wet trails with his mouth and tongue on Valeran's torso, He began at the base of his neck and worked his way across his shoulders, eliciting sweet sounds of pleasure from him.

  ''Change of plans,'' he panted against the other man's heated skin, ''forget about the shower. I'm hungry, and since you are the only food in sight...''

  ''Oh, please, enjoy!'' Valeran climbed onto the bed, lying on his back with his legs spread, and a wanton smile on his face. ''I'm here for you to feast on.''

  ''I want to make love to you, Vale. I want to worship your divine body with my lips and ton
gue,'' Vinson whispered passionately, working his way up behind Vale's ear, and placing a kiss on his lover's temple. ''I want to give you everything.''

  ''Please, don't stop. That feels so good.'' Valeran was now begging and starting to writhe in a desperate attempt to get his skin closer to Vin's lips.

  ''Mmmm, are we getting impatient?'' Vinson raised his head, a mischievous smirk playing on his sensual lips. ''I agree with you though,'' he said a few seconds later, his heart-melting at the pleading look in Valeran's big, soulful, chocolate brown eyes.

  Vinson scattered sweet, butterfly kisses and kitty licks all over his beloved's body. He was tasting and savoring him as if he was the most delicious of treats. When Valeran's breath started to hitch, and his pleas grew in intensity, his lover knew he was ready for the next step. Reaching for the bottle on the nightstand, Vinson lubed his fingers and started to play with Vale's tight pucker. Circling gently with just the tip of one finger, he slowly added pressure and slipped in up to his first knuckle. Valeran raised his legs and wrapped them tightly around Vinson's waist, pulling him up and onto Vin's finger.

  ''More....fuck....more,'' Valeran panted as he tried to impale himself on Vin's hand. ''Dammit, Vin.....give me more.'' Sliding another finger in with the first, Vinson slowly and gently prepared Valeran to accept his cock.

  For Vinson, that day was the first of his and Valeran's life together, so he thought of that lovemaking session as their first time together, and acted accordingly. Everything had to be fresh, new, and innocent for both of them, especially for his partner, so he put a lot of tenderness in every step of the preparation, in each gesture, each little, tentative touch.

  When Valeran was nearly crying with need, Vinson slid inside him tortuously slow. It intensified Vale's desire to be claimed by the only man in his life. He needed to be filled to completion. ''Mooorrreee.........damn yooouu....fuck me.'' He bucked his hips, trying to control Vinson's entrance. However, Vinson was taking his sweet time as he murmured words of love, lightly dragging his fingertips down his partner's chest and making him shiver with pleasure.

  Vinson slid a hand back up from Vale's abs and tightly pinched his lover's hard, firm nipple. The pleasure-pain sent more shocks through his body and into his cock, which was, by then, rock-hard. Not being able to endure the sweet torture anymore, Valeran took his aching, and pulsating cock in his hand, slowly stroking it. Looking up at Vin, from under his lashes, he darted the tip of his tongue over his seductive lips and driving Vinson crazy with lust. Bending down, Vinson captured those lips in a heart searing kiss as he continued to pump into Vale's tight hole.

  Even with Vale's seductive attempts to speed things along, Vin managed to keep the same slow, sweet, steady rhythm. He was getting closer to releasing his building orgasm with each long, deep thrust. Meanwhile, Valeran picked up the pace of his stroking, as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. ''Yes! Fuck me harder, Vin!'' he sputtered out, heart thumping madly in his chest. A few minutes later, his tight, slick channel was flooded by Vinson's hot seed, and his own load of cum shot between them.

  ''I love you with all my heart, mind, and soul,'' Valeran whispered, half asleep, while his lover cleaned the evidence of their lovemaking off of his torso with long pulls of his tongue.

  ''I love you, too, my sweet, beautiful, unique soulmate.'' Vinson gently spoke into Vale's skin. ''I will take care of you forever, and never abandon you. We belong to each other, and nothing is going to change that.''



  he five-year-old boys were playing in the garden, taking advantage of the sunny day. It was the first after almost a week of constant rains. A few yards away, their brother was pulling weeds from the flower beds, at his harsh great-grandmother's order. With a soft sigh, he looked in his brothers' direction, the flower beds assigned to them untouched.

  There was no way for them to finish on time as Memere told them, the little boy thought, shaking his head. Those two never learned, and because of that, they will be punished again. As if it weren't enough, when Maeve, their mother, came home, the mean old lady would start complaining about the boys' behavior, calling them evil's spawn and other bad names.

  Besides, the two would be subjected to barbaric, cruel punishments. They would be beaten with a very flexible stick, deprived of food, locked up alone in a dark, empty room, or whatever other twisted methods of correction Memere's dark mind invented. And like every additional time, their mother would have to watch, helpless, powerless, and then she would sob her heart out.

  They had nowhere else to go, so enduring the cold-hearted, evil hag's tyranny was the only option open for Maeve and her three young sons. The five-year-old sighed again, heavier this time, closing his eyes and wishing he was older and more robust. He wanted to work, so he could earn a lot of money and get them all out of there. That way, his brothers could play all day long, without fearing someone would punish them.

  As he wiped away a stray tear with the pad of his thumb, the boy who was working isolated on the other side of the garden, cast a look in his brothers' direction and froze at the sight. As quickly as he could, the five-year-old was next to them, abandoning his workplace without thinking about the consequences.

  ''Go to your room, now! Both of you!'' he said in a harsh, almost commanding voice. ''If Memere ever finds out about what you did...''

  ''But Warrick,'' one of them, a little taller and more well-built than the other whined, ''we weren't doing something bad...''

  ''Vinson, I said now!'' the boy emphasized the last word, speaking in the same voice from earlier.

  ''What about the flowers?'' The other five-year-old, standing next to the one called Vinson, whispered barely audible. ''We didn't finish the work here, and Memere will punish us anyway.''

  ''Don't worry, Vale. I'll take care of everything.'' Warrick caressed his brother's soft, chestnut strands. ''Now go, before she comes!''

  ''Where are you, you evil spawn?'' The unpleasant voice of the nasty woman filled the peaceful atmosphere with poison about fifteen minutes later.

  ''I'm here, Memere.'' The five-year-old greeted her, lowering his gaze to his feet.

  ''And where are the other two? All of you sinful children are in for a very harsh punishment tonight.'' she croaked, a satisfied smile on her ugly face.

  ''They went to the bathroom, and should be back any minute.'' Warrick promptly spat out the lie. ''Don't worry, all the weeds will be out before dinner, I promise.''

  ''Let's suppose they aren't? What then?'' The old lady looked into the kids' sweet, innocent, warm eyes with her beady, cold ones.

  ''Then, you can give me a triple punishment for lying to you.'' The boy didn't hesitate to offer his answer.

  ''That sounds very tempting.'' The detestable woman rubbed her bony hands together. ''We have a deal.'' She turned to Warrick, staring into his eyes again. ''You've managed to convince me to do it your way. Some day, you are going to be a hell of a good lawyer...if you reach adulthood, that is.''

  As soon as the evil woman was out of sight, the little boy started to work, a determination-filled look on his face. Kneeling, crawling, bowing, cutting his breaks to a minimum, Warrick managed to pull out all the weeds. The child ached all over, but the sight of his brothers' smiling faces made him forget about everything. His mission was to keep them safe from harm, and he was going to make it. He had to.

  Warrick opened his eyes, stretching his hands above his head. He then reached out and patted the spot on the bed where Ian had slept the night before. It was still warm, so the Dom must have left only minutes before he woke up, the young man thought, the shadow of a smile playing on his lips. Laying his head on the other man's pillow, he inhaled the familiar, manly scent. That scent had become an ingrained part of his life over the last three years.

  For Warrick, Ian was more than the stern, by-the-book dominant everyone at the club knew him as. Sure, he acted like that in the playroom at home, too. He was controlling of every aspect of their se
x life, but he also had that soft, sweet core visible only to Warrick and maybe to a few other chosen ones.

  There wasn't a single time Warrick didn't feel comfortable and safe in his Dom's presence or the man's embrace. The relaxation he'd experienced moments earlier turned to sadness when the sub realized that over the years, he'd fallen in love with his Master, and there was nothing to stop him from doing so.

  There was no place for love in a relationship like the one he and Ian had. Warrick knew that much, so he had to keep those feelings to himself. It shouldn't be that hard, after all. It wasn't the first time he'd held things hidden from others. However, this time, he felt a sting in his heart that hadn't been there the other times.

  ''Good morning, my beautiful pet.'' Ian stepped inside a breakfast tray in his hands. ''I made your favorites.'' he continued in a smooth voice. ''Enjoy!''

  ''Thank you very much, Master.'' Warrick lightly blushed, looking with obvious delight at the stack of pancakes on the plate. ''You shouldn't have...''


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