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Phate Page 43

by Jason Alan

Scimiton – A gorgeous city of mile high, white birch trees, home of the invisible elves. As the once beautiful and relatively peaceful world of Phate became more chaotic in the times leading up to the war with the Dark Forever, the elves concealed their trees as they did themselves: they went invisible. The forest still exists, but its inhabitants are thought long gone.

  Seven Glories – Heaven for those good beings who have died and passed on. But when the threat of darkness returned to Phate, all the angels and Gods of the galaxy fled in fear of impending doom, and the heavens were abandoned. The gates to the Seven Glories have been closed for centuries, and those who die either flounder between the dimensions, find refuge in the Hall of Voices, or fade into nothingness. Of all Phate’s truly heavenly beings, only the Fallen Angel remains on Phate.

  Shadow Demons – Virtually undetectable demons able to travel at great speeds through any environment. They are a constant bane for the forces of light as the most powerful of them can surpass the boundaries of the Dark Forever.

  Shadowlight Elves – A beautiful race of elves who disappeared with many other races during the war. The shadowlight elves had a strong bond to both nature and magic, cultivating the most splendid forests and creating crystal cities who towers stretched both far underground and high into the air. In the harsh years leading up to the War with The Dark Forever, they used their lands as a refuge for many mystical races, including the starlit unicorns, who are believed to have disappeared with them. It was said that shadowlight elf cities rivaled or surpassed the magnificence of the sky elf palaces, and that it was they who were considering destroying the deep elves to claim sovereignty over all of Phate. When the war came, all stories were hushed as the shadowlight elves were gone from the world. It is not believed that they were destroyed, but that they vanished of their own accord.

  Shards of Zyrinthia – The shattered remains of Phate’s sister world that accompany it in orbit around the sun as an asteroid belt. Every few hundred years Phate’s orbital path crosses into the cosmic ruin and endures Zyrinthia’s severe meteor shower. Legend says that the next meteor shower will coincide with the Devil King’s latest attempt to ascend into the primary universal plane.

  Shirian Shirion – A sky elven battle fortress of warrior wizards that was attacked by the succubus Zyllandria during the war with the Dark Forever. Its inhabitants were all slain when the Lord Banshee cried out, and the fortress toppled over, fell down through the sky, and crashed into the mountain of bones.

  Sillithian Synnstrike – The tiny solar dragon who dwells in the hilt of the Sunsword Surassis. This dragon lies lifeless until infused with the One Soul. When resurrected, the sword’s fiery blade is able to spew from the hilt, and Sillithian Synnstrike flies about within the crystal.

  Sky Elf Graveyard – When sky elves die, they turn into flat, grey rain clouds that hover as misty tombs in the high sky. A sky elf graveyard consists of anywhere from dozens to hundreds of perfectly even-spaced clouds.

  Sky Elves – Once the rulers of Phate, millions of sky elves lived in great cities and palaces they had sorcerously suspended in the world’s massive cloudbanks. They were the most cultured race on Phate; their numbers included the best artisans and sorcerers, and they were the direct descendants of the immortals who crafted the world. Their devotion and dependence to the sun over time led them to only be able to appear during the daylight hours. At night they either lock themselves in their palaces or transform into clouds. They suffered much and sacrificed many of their race during the first war with the Dark Forever. Fearing the death of the sun, reprisal from the Devil King, and the abandonment of the Gods, the fled Phate for the stars. Their whereabouts are unknown. How many are still alive is unknown. The sky elves were lambasted by the rest of the world for leaving, and for damaging the sun with the creation of the Sunsword Surassis. Vu Verian is the only sky elf known to remain on Phate.

  Son and Savior of the Stars – The title given to the one who is believed destined to defeat Nenockra Rool with the Sunsword Surassis.

  Son of Herard – Most notably, the name Warloove uses to taunt Drinwor Fang.

  Soular Centurion 7 – The last known surviving galactic guardian, the centurion possesses immortal power. He is composed of fleshy, metallic, and apparitional appendages that are preserved by allegedly godly means. Millions, perhaps billions of years old, the centurion has guarded the universe as long as galactic history has been recorded. Unconcerned with planetary sized conflicts, the guardian’s primary concern is of the continuance of the universe as a whole, and to guard against Total Universal Annihilation. Though sentient by means of a living brain enhanced by cybernetic implants, no being has ever heard the centurion utter a word, and it is not known whether he possesses a soul.

  Specter Demons – Demonic spies of the Dark Forever. Similar to shadow demons, but not quite as strong. They are capable of wilting and rotting living things, and their vision sees far and wide. Usually used as spies.

  Spirit Elves – Unable to ascend into the Seven Glories, these elves remain on Phate even after their mortal shells decay. With many of the elf races born of Phate, something of their spirits are intrinsically tied to it, so much so that their corporeal selves can move about and perform actions as they did when they were alive. They tend to gravitate to sky elf palaces, and to what dragon clans will accept them.

  Starlit Unicorns - One of the most magnificent of Phate’s unicorns, starlit unicorns were often employed by various races to quickly deliver items or messages over long distances in times of great need. They are quiet, dignified steeds that remind those who see them of brighter times.

  Sun – Phate’s sun was irrevocably damaged when sky elven sorcerers took too much of its power to craft the Sunsword Surassis. Its rays turned red and its fires burned wilder. The sun is not expected to last long; it is strongly believed by many that it is soon to go supernova.

  Sunbeam Swallow – A rare breed of bird adorned with colorful, crystalline feathers. Once a teeming species who migrated together in large flocks, these beautiful birds, now nearly extinct, live solitary lives. They are almost never seen, and take flight upon the first hint of approaching life. To see one is considered good luck.

  Sun’s Remembrance – A gigantic jewel fixed in the ceiling at the top of Vren Adiri’s main chamber. The jewel catches the light of the dying sun outside, turns it bright and healthy, and casts it down into the chamber. With the walls painted blue and dragons and clouds floating about, the chamber beneath the Sun’s Remembrance mimics the skies of old, before the sun was red and dying.

  Sunsword Surassis / The One Sword – The legendary sword crafted by sky elven sorcerers to destroy the Devil King, Nenockra Rool, before he could ascend into the universe. Crafted with gold and laden with jewels, its dragonclaw pommel holds a crystal that houses Sillithian Synnstrike, the miniature solar dragon whose life embodies the life of the sword. Harnessing the power of the sun, its huge blade is made from pure sunfire. The sword needs the One Soul to empower it, and the One Life to wield it. When empowered, it has ability to unleash a supernova-like explosion of light that destroys all evil beings for thousands of miles around. This unleashing of power costs the wielder his life, and the soul diminishes into nothingness.

  Sword of Molecular Destruction – Primary weapon of Soular Centurion 7, this sword’s blade is made from matter taken from a black hole. It has many extraordinary powers. Its blade contains a plane of space, filled with many little stars, and is surrounded by a purplish supernova-like swirl of light. Its crafter is unknown, its age unknown; though it is believed to have been with the centurion since his creation.

  Syndreck the Brooding – A necromancer who has a penchant for tearing dimensional walls apart, Syndreck was the head sorcerer of Ulith Urn in the first war with the Dark Forever. When the Dark Forever was defeated, agents of the Devil King hid Syndreck in the bowels of a black hole. Syndreck’s soul is vital to the Devil King’s next attempt at ascension, for he is the only being known ca
pable of reopening the dimensional tears and again setting the Dark Forever free.

  Syrox – A nation of weakling wizards who attempted to mine magic right from the ground. They found a sort of vaporous, gelatinous liquid, and attempted to use it to further their arcane strength. They failed, and disappeared during the war with the Dark Forever.

  Syroxian Sea – A perfectly smooth reservoir of magical liquid ore at the bottom of the Phantom Falls.

  Tatoc – Dark elf nephew of Morigos. Part of the Black Claw, the ruling clan of dark elf fighters in Kroon. Tatoc is a vicious young warrior who often kills his own kin for sport. He delights in disagreeing with his uncle, Morigos, and to this end he infuriates him.

  Titan Crabs – Fortress sized crabs that guard the outskirts of the deep elf Kingdom of Krykoss.

  Total Universal Annihilation – Any event that is catastrophic enough to bring about the destruction of all the galaxies in the primary universe. Nenockra Rool’s ascension onto Phate is potentially one of those events.

  Tyranticuss – Darkis’s home world. A large planet located near the center of the galaxy, Tyranticuss is completely covered over with artificial oceans and multiple levels of highly technologized cities, and surrounded by numerous constructed rings and starships. It was considered the capital planet of the universe before being taken over by the Draxiah Meeh. It is rumored that the Draxiah Meeh have bartered with Devil King, and Tyranticuss will be the last planet enslaved when the Devil King ascends into the primary universe.

  Vorkoron – A champion demon warlord of the Dark Forever; a fearsome fighter and devastatingly strong opponent.

  Vorz Abyzz – A region in the northwest waters of the Raging Sea where a great oceanic war took place. The sorcery that was employed during the war was so wild, its effects created sentient storms, fiery waves, and even raised undead sailors from the sea. Giant beasts swim beneath the surface and the realm is mostly avoided, traversed only if there is great need.

  Vren Adiri – The second largest sky elf palace on Phate, where the Fallen Angel resides with hosts of dragons and spirit elves. Vren Adiri floats through the sky and is often disguised behind a massive bank of storm clouds. It is smaller than its sister palace Areshria, but no less magnificent.

  Vu Verian – Last of the sky elves, and longtime caretaker of Areshria. Depressed, lonely, and saddened by the disappearance of his people, Vu Verian ceded control of Areshria to young Herard Avari Fang, who had successfully bartered for peace between the world’s remaining surface-dwelling elves and dragons. Vu Verian also gave Herard his emperorship. He spends most of his time floating in the sky in cloudform, even during the day, but will occasionally visit Herard and Drinwor, his only friends, back in Areshria. Vu Verian promised Herard he would watch over Drinwor should it be necessary. Vu Verian’s isolation is also spurred from being blamed for all the failings of his kin. In recent years he has been known to appear as the Great White Owl, spending most of his time drifting by himself through the upper skies.

  War with the Dark Forever – The first war took place a thousand years ago, when Ulith Urn was mighty and Syndreck was young. The armies of the Dark Forever, a billion demons strong, nearly overwhelmed Phate before the sky elves delivered the Sunsword Surassis to the solar dragon, Drakana, the One Life. Many battles took place all over the world, and Phate was all but destroyed. Most of its historians and scribes were slain, and many of its races were lost or destroyed before Drakana ignited the fires of the Sunsword. Millions of demons were killed, but the Devil King and many of his horde managed to elude destruction and escaped back into the Dark Forever.

  Warloove – The white-faced, smoke shrouded vampiric dark elf servant of the alien Darkis, Warloove is obsessed with escaping Phate with his master before the Devil King ascends or the dying sun goes supernova. As the ascension of the Dark Forever looms, he relentlessly seeks out Drinwor Fang and the Sunsword Surassis. He is the Ruler of the Dark Elves, but seldom has dealings with them beyond using them as henchmen when he sees fit. He spends his daytime slumbering deep in the dungeons of the Castle Krypt, his home in the Forest of Corpsewood at the bottom of a dead volcano.

  White Universe – Drinwor’s dreams of late have been inhabited by visions of a peaceful white universe filled with colorful stars. He believes it has something to do with his destiny. He is at once strangely terrified of this, and also desires to see it with his waking eyes.

  Wicked Plains – Huge fields that reach back from the edges of the Cliffs of Moaning Wishes behind Ulith Urn. Once lush with grasses and life, the fields became a battlefield in the war. Now they are barren, rocky, and filled with a million corpses. Rivers of lava course through them, and they are a reminder to many of the terrible losses sustained against the demonkind of the Dark Forever.

  Winds of Hurricane Force – One of the most diabolical spells every contrived, Warloove is the only known being able to employ it. The spell creates a storm of ferociously powerful winds that are laden with millions of fangs, skewering enemies into pieces in mere seconds. The spell’s utilization was banned by every conclave of sorcerers and wizards on Phate after the war.

  Zraz – A swift and fast cloud dragon, loyal and faithful mount of Herard Avari Fang. When called upon, she has the ability to slip beneath the dimensions and turn into a cloud. Treated as a cast out for being smaller and weaker than most of her kin, Zraz left her clan and bonded with Herard Avari Fang right after he negotiated peace between the elves and dragons. Standing by his side for decades, she has sworn to die for him.

  ZeerZeeOzz – A ghostly seer who oversees the Hall of Voices where the One Soul is said to reside. ZeerZeeOzz has been harboring dragon spirits who have been secretly waiting to combat the Dark Forever should the demonkind return to Phate.

  Zyllandria – Purposefully named similarly to her home world of Zyrinthia, she was said to be the most beautiful woman to have ever lived on that world, or to have lived on Phate. Her father was king of a sprawling, prosperous nation, and loved his daughter dearly. But in her youth Zyllandria grew restless, and snuck off world with an immortal onto nearby Phate as its creation was nearing completion. Years later, by happenstance, she encountered Murdraniuss on one of his few forays onto the surface world, where he was immediately stricken with passion for her. At first hesitant to respond to his advances, she eventually gave in to his temptations as he promised her immortality. Using his vast abilities, he made Zyllandria more like him, and she quickly darkened, both of heart and body. She became demonic, a succubus, and stood loyal by Murdraniuss’s side for many, many ages. She fought with him in the war with the Dark Forever, where their destinies would forever be tied.

  Zyrinthia – Phate’s more ordinary sister world, where the immortals who constructed Phate resided whilst creating it. It is believed that the Draxiah Meeh, fearing the construction of Phate would sway power from their galaxy, attacked Zyrinthia’s solar system, for a tremendous energy blast destroyed Zyrinthia from afar. It is believed that Phate was its intended target, but no one was ever certain, nor could the Draxiah Meeh ever be positively identified as the ones who fired the shot.

  Jason Alan was born and raised on Long Island, New York, where his childhood was immersed in developing his vast imagination. He grew up reading as many books as he could get his hands on, enjoying 1980’s science fiction movies, and commandeering his parents’ butcher block kitchen table for countless nights of Dungeons & Dragons role-playing. All of this played a huge part in influencing his creative writing skills.

  Jason currently resides in Cape Coral, Florida, where he works as a graphic designer for the local newspaper. He is a co-founder and writer for the fan website, and has written various fantasy fiction blogs. Jason’s passion for writing is nearly equaled by his passion for music. He plays and records lead guitar with a variety of local bands, including the progressive instrumental project Mourning’s Hope.

  Every so often, his friends try to remind him that there’s more to life than
his work and creative pursuits, and his family prays that someday, maybe, he’ll find a wife. Nevertheless, he continues to make music and focus on completing The Five Books of Phate.

  Follow Jason on Facebook & Twitter @JasonAlanPhate

  Table of Contents

  Title Page




  Author’s Note

  Prologue: Alien Arrival

  1: The Threat of Darkness Returns

  2: Spirit and Strength

  3: An Angel’s Embrace

  4: Black Hoes

  5: Enemies Revealed

  6: The Son and Savior of the Stars

  7: The Wall Resurrected

  8: Upon the Face of Phate

  9: Examining Evil

  10: All Things Considered

  11: Distant Voices Cry

  12: Warloove Unleashed

  13: Morning’s Hope

  14: A Cosmic Arrival

  15: Specters of a Forgotten Sky

  16: March of a Million Dead

  17: The Myriad Features of Phate

  18: The Dark Eyes of the Enemy

  19: Oceans of Echoing Darkness

  20: The Centurion and the Stars

  21: Battleground of Bones

  22: Forward with Fate

  23: Against the Fall of Night

  24: The Blood of Another Dimension

  25: One Life, One Sword One Soul

  26: Face the Sun

  27: Slowly, Purposefully Forward

  28: Before the End

  29: The Doom of Phate

  Epilogue: Alien Awaiting


  About the Author




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