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Chains Page 2

by Wilder, Chiah

  Bret: U still with me? My boss wants me to entertain a client who got in this morning. It can’t be helped.

  Autumn: Really?

  Bret: I resent the implication from that comment.

  Autumn: Whatever.

  Bret: I’ll come over afterwards. We can have some fun together.

  Autumn: No, don’t. I won’t be in the mood.

  Bret: Why r u being so difficult? Do u want me to say no and risk my job?

  Autumn: I’m not saying that. I’m just disappointed, that’s all.

  Bret: Me too. I’ll make it up to you next Saturday. Flanigan’s, okay?

  Autumn: I don’t want to go to a steakhouse. I want to try the Indian restaurant.

  Bret: We can do that another time. A five-star steakhouse is what my sweet fiancée deserves.

  “Such an asshole. It’s what you want,” she muttered under her breath.

  Autumn: We’ll see. I may be on call next Saturday. I have to go. Bye.

  Bret: I can’t believe ur pissed at me about something I can’t help. How selfish.

  Autumn: I’m not pissed. I have a headache. It’s been a very long day. Bye.

  Bret: I’ll call u later tonight. Love u.

  She swiped out of the screen, then turned her phone off. Another last minute cancelation. Bret’s excuse didn’t ring true, and she was pretty sure that he’d made plans to go out with his friends to the sports bar. Bret loved hanging out with his buddies, and he acted like he was still in a fraternity. So damn immature.

  Autumn leaned back and rested against the headboard. “I’m not going to freak out. I really don’t feel like dressing up anyway. I’ll do a takeout order from the Spice Room, watch a thriller and then a few reruns of Seinfeld.”

  She swallowed past the lump in her throat and pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. Autumn looked out the window and watched the tree branches swaying in the wind.

  Chapter Two

  “Do you want me to hang around for another go, baby?” Ruby pressed her soft breasts against Chains’s back, draping her arms around him.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, he shook his head. “As tempting as that is, I’m gonna pass.”

  “I’ll make it worth your while,” Ruby whispered into his ear.

  Chains reached behind him and patted her leg. “You always do. I’m going to Chaco Canyon for a bit.”

  “Need a companion?”

  He untangled her hands and stood up. Pointing at the Siberian husky sprawled across the floor under the window, he smiled. “I already got one.”

  “There’s no way I can compete with him.” Ruby pouted and scooted back against the headboard.

  Chains laughed and pulled on his boxers. “No one can compete with Thor.” As if on cue, the dog sat up and barked, his tail wagging and his blue eyes sparkling. Chains bent down and petted Thor’s thick white fur. “We’re going for a hike, buddy,” he said, which made the dog’s tail thump energetically against the hardwood floor.

  Ruby ran her hands over her full breasts, lifting and cupping them while she stared at him. “Are you sure you don’t have time for a quickie, baby?”

  He winked at her. “Another time,” he said before walking into the bathroom.

  When Chains came back into the bedroom, Ruby was gone. He glanced at his neatly made bed and smiled. Of all the club girls, Ruby was the one who never left a club member’s bed unmade. For the last few months, Ruby had been his go-to girl, but he’d been feeling a bit restless the past few weeks, so he figured he’d try out Lila for a while. Unlike many of the other members, Chains preferred to stick with just one club girl at a time for a while before he rotated to another one. Lila was one of the newer girls, becoming involved with the club just eight months before. As was the norm, the men were crazy about her because she was new and different, but now she was part of the club fabric so her popularity had waned a bit.

  A rap on the door pulled Chains out of his thoughts, and he quickly fastened the belt on his jeans and crossed the room.

  “Hey, dude. You wanna join us on a ride?” Crow said when Chains opened the door.


  “Yeah. Aztec, Eagle, Metal, Rooster, Army, and Goldie are going. Army mentioned that you said you were wanting to go to Chaco Canyon. That’s where we’re heading.” Crow walked into the room.

  Chains leaned against the door frame and watched his friend squat down and pet Thor.

  “I’m not riding there because I’m taking Thor with me.”

  Crow looked over his shoulder at him. “It fuckin’ sucks that you gotta go in a cage on such a perfect riding day.”

  “Yeah … well, that’s the way it is.”

  “Why don’t you take Thor for a walk on our property, then join us for the ride?”

  The Night Rebels’ large three-story clubhouse was set well back from the road and sat on several acres that mostly consisted of grass, wild brush, and standing trees. A ten-foot-tall concrete wall topped with two feet of barbed-wire surrounded the motorcycle club’s property, and access was through a steel gate as tall as the wall. Security cameras lined the perimeter of the property, and the gate’s control and intercom system allowed the club members to screen out undesirables. A sign attached to the gate read in bold white lettering: Trespassers Will be Shot.

  “I want to take him somewhere different. The run up some of the trails will be good for him.”

  Crow straightened up and jammed his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “Are you still thick with Ruby?”

  Chains shrugged and shifted from foot to foot. “I was just thinking about that when you knocked on the door. I’m thinking to move on to Lila. Why?”

  “Just wondering. I met this cute citizen the other night at Cuervos and she called me today. Said she wanted to get together over the weekend but her cousin was visiting, so she asked if I had a buddy. I could hook you up with her. Are you interested?”

  He scrunched his face, deepening the lines on his forehead as he shook his head. “I don’t go for citizen chicks, you know that.”

  “Yeah, but this cousin doesn’t live in Alina, so I figure she’s a good bet. You won’t have to worry about her getting too clingy or shit like that. It’s a change from the club girls.”

  “Yeah, but I’ll pass. Ask Aztec or Eagle. They’re always looking to get laid without any attachments.”

  Crow laughed as he walked toward the door. “Aren’t we all?”

  Chains nodded, a smile spreading across his face. “Good point. Have a good ride.”

  Crow lifted his chin. “Okay, dude. See you later,” he said as he shut the door.

  Chains pulled on his boots, then tucked his wallet in the back pocket of his jeans. “You ready to go?”

  Thor barked and ran to the door, then looked over at Chains expectantly as he waited for his owner. Once Chains opened the door, Thor bolted out and charged down the stairs and into the big room.

  “Hey there, boy.” Aztec’s loud voice wrapped around Chains before he entered the main room. He laughed when he saw Thor leaning toward Aztec—his tail held out behind him in a wide, sweeping wag as the club member stroked the dog under his chin.

  “You’re spoiling the shit outta him,” Chains said as he strode over to the bar.

  “And you don’t?” Aztec replied, a smile in his voice.

  Chains picked up his shot of tequila and threw it back, then asked the prospect to bring him six bottles of water.

  “Crow said you and Thor are headed to Chaco Canyon,” Aztec said.

  “Yep. Maybe we’ll bump into each other.” He pushed away from the bar.

  “Only if you’re going to Glacier Lake. We’re gonna have a few beers and smoke some weed, then we’re heading to Stella’s. I got my eye on one of the waitresses,” Eagle said as he walked over.

  “Which one?” Aztec said.

  “Do you have to ask?” Chains replied. “It’s the redhead with the big tits and shapely legs.”

gle slapped his hand against Chains’s shoulder. “You know me too well, bro. She’s been giving me the eye for the last month or so.”

  “Is that why we keep going to Stella’s when we’re riding?” Metal asked before bumping fists with Chains.

  “Fuck yeah. Once I get her to spread those pretty legs for me, I’ll be a regular at the roadhouse.” Eagle held up his hand and Ink rushed over with a bottle of Corona, then scurried back behind the bar.

  “You’re already a fuckin’ regular,” Army said as he strode over to the group. “Are we ready to roll? I gotta be back before the gym closes, so I’ll probably opt out on going to Stella’s. Diablo, Paco, and I are going to move the new equipment into another room. Mia’s reminded me a million times not to be late.”

  “And she can literally kick your ass if you are,” Crow said.

  Chains and the others laughed while Army nodded. “Yeah … she’s got some wicked moves. In a few weeks, she’s competing in Denver at the MMA Mania. Any of you guys wanna come and cheer her on?”

  “Count me and Hailey in on that,” Goldie said.

  “I’ll go. I like watching chicks fight,” Crow added.

  “Me too,” Metal said.

  Army took out his keys. “Let me know—Mia can get a good rate at the hotel. So, are we riding?”

  “Let’s roll,” Goldie said, then looked over at Chains. “You coming?”

  “Not this time.” He snapped his fingers and Thor came running, and the two of them walked out into the late afternoon sun as the group of riders followed behind. The spicy fragrance of chrysanthemums mingled with the autumnal smell of leaves, and the gravel crunched under the bikers’ boots as they walked over to their motorcycles.

  Chains opened the driver’s door of his black Tahoe. Thor jumped inside and settled on the passenger seat, his cold nose pressed against the window. Chains slipped inside and turned on the ignition and then rolled down the windows; Thor stuck his head out and lifted his nose up in the air.

  In less than thirty minutes, Chains was at Chaco Canyon. The second he opened the passenger side door, Thor bolted out and ran ahead a few yards, barking and then sniffing the plants and bushes. Chains followed behind and soon was hiking on a trail that led steeply up the side of a hill overlooking the canyon. Once they reached the top, Thor rushed off to the left into a thicket of trees, and Chains sat down on the ground. He swept his glance over a seemingly infinite expanse of mountain ranges that melted into each other as mist swirled around the jagged peaks.

  “As long as I live, I’ll never get tired of this view,” he said under his breath, loving the peace and stillness he always felt whenever he was there.

  Several minutes later, Chains put two fingers in his mouth and whistled for Thor, but he didn’t come.

  “Thor! Come here!” His voice echoed off the rocky cliffs.

  He expected to see the Siberian run out from the brush, but the dog was nowhere to be seen. Chains pushed up to his feet and trekked through the thicket, whistling and calling Thor’s name. Then he heard a ringing bark in the distance, and he picked up his pace until he found Thor nestled between trees and surrounded by overgrown mountain laurel and thick vegetation. The dog’s ears pricked up while he chewed something in his mouth as his blue eyes fixed on Chains.

  “What the fuck are you eating?” Chains’s gaze darted to several clusters of orange-yellow berries that covered a vine climbing up the trunk of the trees. “What the hell are those?” He stooped down and plucked a few berries and brought them to his nose. A rank, bitter odor invaded his nostrils, making his nose run and his eyes water. “Fuck, that’s nasty. Did you eat these?”

  Thor barked then slowly trudged through the undergrowth.

  “I don’t know what this shit is, but you gotta be careful what you eat, buddy.” Chains slipped the orange-yellow fruit into his pocket and made his way back to the car.

  On the ride back, Chains kept looking over at Thor to make sure he was doing okay; the fact that the husky had probably eaten the berries concerned Chains.

  His phone went off just as he pulled into the dirt lot in front of the clubhouse. When he saw his mother’s name on the screen, he gritted his teeth and swiped to answer.

  “What’s up, Mom?”

  “Nothing. I just haven’t heard from you in a long time. I was getting worried. Bret said he saw you and those guys you live with at Leroy’s a few days ago. How you can eat at that place is beyond me. When you were young, we never ate at diners. I always cooked good homemade meals and …”

  Chains tuned his mother out and buried his hand in Thor’s fur, smiling when the dog looked over at him. He leaned over and opened the car door, and the husky bounded out and ran toward the club, barking excitedly.

  “Are you listening to me?” Irritation laced his mother’s voice.

  “Yeah. Did you call to chew me out about eating at the diner?” Chains slid out of the SUV.

  “No, and I’m not chewing you out. I think you need to find a nice girl to settle down with, get a house and stop living like you’re in a fraternity. Don’t you want to get married?”

  “Been there—done that.”

  “I told you Krystal wasn’t the right girl for you, but you didn’t listen. The minute I saw her with that low-cut top and heavy eye makeup, I knew she wouldn’t be faithful.”

  “Let’s not get into all that. I’ve been divorced for six years—end of story.” Chains kicked at a stone as he walked toward the club. The last thing he wanted to talk about was that bitch and her cheating ways.

  “If it’s the end of the story, then why aren’t you with a nice girl? You haven’t brought a woman home for Christmas since the divorce.”

  “I’m not interested in going down that road again. Once was enough. Leave it alone, Mom.” He leaned against the stucco wall and took out a joint and lit it.

  “Just because one of the apples was rotten in the basket doesn’t mean they all are. You have to move on.”

  “I have. I’m kinda busy right now, so why did you call?”

  “All right … go ahead—keep your head in the sand. It’s your life, but you’ll be sorry when you’re old and all alone.”

  Chains inhaled deeply, then slowly blew out the smoke and watched it dance in the air before dissipating.

  “You can be so stubborn. That’s always been your problem. I remember—”

  “I gotta go,” he said.

  “Wait. I wanted to let you know that I’m hosting a brunch for Bret and his fiancée.” A small pause. “You know, she’s got the oddest name. I mean who names their daughter—”

  “Mom,” he prodded. “When’s the damn brunch?”

  “There’s no reason to curse. Your brother really wants you to be there.”

  Chains dropped the spent joint on the ground and stubbed it out with the tip of his boot. “I doubt that. You want me to be there.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “Mom, I’m hanging up, so just tell me the date and I’ll let you know in a couple of days if I can go.”

  “It’s two weeks from this Sunday. It’s going to be real nice. Maybe you’ll like one of the bridesmaids. A few of them are very pretty and smart.”

  “Gotta go. I’ll let you know. Bye.”

  He ended the call and rested his head back against the wall and watched the falling leaves swirl in the light breeze. The early evening sunlight bathed the mountain peaks in a golden glow, and Chains breathed deeply several times to calm his rising anger.

  The relationship with his family was like oil and water; it had been that way as far back as he could remember. His dad had been riding his ass since the age of six, and his mother always sided with his father.

  Chains had a brother, Bret, who was two years younger than he, and two sisters who used to drive him up a fucking wall with their constant chattering. Amelia and Emily were real close to their mother, and Bret was close to their dad, so that left Chains as the odd man out. And that was exactly how he’d always fe
lt—like a fish out of water—when it came to his family.

  “Hey, bro,” Jigger said as he walked out of the club. “How was your hike?”

  “Good. Thor ate some shit from a vine and I’m not sure what it is.” Chains took the berries out of his pocket and opened the palm of his hand. “Do you recognize these?”

  Jigger dipped his head down and picked up one and examined it. “Sorry, bro. I don’t know shit about plants. Did he eat a lot of them?”

  “I don’t know. He was chomping on something when I found him in the woods.” He ran his hand through his brown hair. “Fuck, I’m probably worrying for nothing. How’s your kid?”

  “He’s great. I’m going to Durango at the end of the week to spend a few days with him. This shit of not having him full-time is wearing thin, and the thing that really pisses me off is that damn ex-bitch of mine is fucking a new guy who doesn’t like kids.”

  “Damn, that’s tough. Is that why she’s letting you see more of Abe this last month?”

  “Yeah.” Jigger pulled out a cigarette and dangled it between his lips. “I just want him to live with me. Morgan’s just being a bitch about it because she wants to get back at me for leaving her and she doesn’t wanna give up the child support. What a damn mess.” He clicked a lighter then inhaled the cigarette.

  “Yeah, citizen women are the fuckin’ worst. You need to get a lawyer. Get the name of that attorney who defended Army. Maybe he knows someone who can help with a child custody case. I’m glad I didn’t have any kids with Krystal.”

  “Why are women such bitches?”

  “The club girls are cool. It’s the citizens you gotta stay away from.”

  At that moment, Lila opened the door and looked at him, concern etching her face. “You better come inside. Something’s wrong with Thor.”

  “Fuck,” Chains said as he dashed past her. “Where is he?”

  “Over there,” Lila said, pointing to the northwest corner of the room. “I think he’s throwing up.”

  He saw Thor’s head dipped down real low and could hear the sounds of gagging coming from him. He rushed over and dropped down on one knee.


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