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Chains Page 4

by Wilder, Chiah

  “Hi, Bret.” Autumn unlocked the driver’s door and slipped into the car.

  “Hey. Whatcha doing?”

  “Just leaving the office so I’m running about thirty minutes late.”

  “Yeah, about that …”

  Disappointment sank to the pit of her stomach.

  “Are you still with me?” Bret asked.


  “Something’s come up at work. I hate like hell doing this, but I can’t go out to dinner tonight.”

  “And you just found this out now?”

  “Yeah, it fucking sucks. I told Travis that too.”

  “Don’t you claim to tell him that every time this happens?”

  “What do you mean by that? You act like I’m lying or something. Why wouldn’t I want us to go out to dinner?” Irritation crackled through the phone.

  “It’s just been happening a lot lately. It seems like the closer we get to the wedding date, the more you push me away,” she said softly.

  “What the hell? That’s a load of bullshit. I thought you, of all people, would understand about working late. How many times have I waited around for you because you were preoccupied with some damn dog or hamster? Fuck, Autumn, I don’t need this. I’m stressed over finishing this software project that I’ve got to present to the parent company in San Francisco in a few weeks. I thought I could count on your support.”

  A thread of guilt wove through her. “I’m sorry. Of course you can count on me. I’ve had a really long day, and I’m operating on just a few hours of sleep. I didn’t mean to upset you, but I was really looking forward to the two of us having dinner together. It seems like we’ve hardly seen each in the past few weeks.”

  “I was looking forward to it too, but what can I do? We can go to Aspen for a romantic weekend once I get back from San Francisco, okay?”

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  “I can come by after I get done at work.”

  “What time will that be?”

  “Not sure—maybe midnight or a little later. I miss getting it on with you. You know how good we are together.” A low chuckle.

  A dull throb pulsed in the back of Autumn’s neck. She massaged it, hoping to stave off a headache. At that moment, all she wanted was to change into her fleece pajamas and curl up in bed with the covers tucked snugly under her chin.

  “So I’ll see you later, right?” he asked.

  “I’m too beat tonight. I don’t think I’ll be able to stay awake past ten o’clock.”

  “I can wake you up, sweetie.” Another low chuckle—they were really starting to get on her nerves.

  “Another time. I’m just too tired.” She switched on the ignition.

  “You’re telling me not to come over?” Anger laced his voice.

  “I guess I am. Don’t work too hard. Let’s touch base tomorrow when we’re both refreshed.”

  Bret didn’t answer, and she could hear his short puffs of breaths. The windows in the car rattled as a truck passed by.

  “I’ll talk to you later.” Her voice sounded weary and somewhat strange, echoing through the car. She cleared her throat. “I’m sorry, but I really am tired.”

  When he finally spoke, his words dripped ice. “No, you’re not. You’re punishing me because I have to work late. You’re playing a dangerous game, Autumn.”

  A small sigh escaped through her lips. “I’m not a game-player. You should know that. I’m sorry you’re upset.”

  Then he hung up. At first, she thought the phone had disconnected, but when Bret didn’t call back, she realized he’d hung up on her. A wave of anger washed over Autumn, and the urge to destroy something reverberated in her so deeply that she pushed her purse off the passenger seat as the contents inside scattered across the floor.

  “I’m so sick of this!” She slammed her hand on the steering wheel. “Why do I always feel like I’ve done something wrong when he’s the one being a jerk? I’m tired and he should damn well get that.”

  She stared at the phone for several minutes hoping he’d call back, but he didn’t. Determined not to be the one who’d apologize again, Autumn threw the phone on the floor. The dull throb at the base of her neck had now blossomed into a raging migraine.

  Blinking back tears, she turned out of the lot and headed home.

  Chapter Four

  Jigger burst out laughing as he tipped the chair back against the wall in the main room. “The look on your face is classic.” He slapped his knee and gestured to Kelly to bring him another beer.

  Chains laid his phone on the table and looked over at Crow, who wore a big shit-eating grin on his face as he watched Eagle study the balls on the pool table.

  “I’m guessing you bet on Crow to win this round,” Chains said.

  Jigger glanced over at the two men in the corner of the room. “I’m not involved in that.”

  “Then, what the fuck were you laughing at?” Chains patted Kelly on the ass when she placed another shot of whiskey in front of him. “Thanks.” He winked at her.

  “Any time, sugar.” She squeezed his bicep. “Ohh … I like this.”

  Chains chuckled and picked up his glass.

  “You looking to have some fun later on?” Kelly ran her fingernails down the length of his arm.

  “Probably not, but if I change my mind, you’ll know.” Another wink then he turned his attention away from her as she sauntered away.

  “How can you turn down Kelly? She’s one of the hottest fucks in here,” Jigger said as he brought the beer bottle to his lips.

  Chains shrugged, then glanced over to the pool table. “Crow’s got this game.”

  “Maybe you’re turning her down ’cause you got that doctor chick on your mind,” Jigger said.

  Chains jerked his head back. “What the fuck are you talking about, dude?”

  “I saw the way your face fell only a few minutes ago when the doc wasn’t there. You had to talk to some dude. It was classic. I should’ve taken a picture of it.” Jigger laughed again. “Just fuckin’ classic.”

  Irritation pricked at Chains’s nerves as he watched his friend turn red from laughter. “What the fuck’s the matter with you? You look like a crazed hyena or something. I’m just worried about Thor, that’s all.”

  Jigger calmed down a bit. “How’s he doing?”

  “The tech said he’s resting and all his vitals are good.”

  “That’s cool. The chick knows her stuff.”

  “Yeah.” Chains threw back the rest of his shot.

  “She’s hot too.”

  He shrugged, then turned his chair away from Jigger and faced it toward the pool game. Eagle was sweating bullets, and several of the members had walked over to watch the match.

  “There’s no fuckin’ way you don’t think that doc chick is a sweet piece.”

  “She’s attractive,” Chains said without looking at Jigger.

  “You’re not fooling me, bro.” His chair slammed back down on the floor, then Chains heard it scrape against the linoleum. “I’m gonna see if Kelly’s still in the mood. Catch you later.”

  Chains grunted his reply, his gaze never moving from the corner of the room. Instead of seeing Crow swagger to the table for his turn after Eagle missed a prime shot, he devoured the image of the pretty veterinarian’s curves in his mind, admiring every inch of it. At that moment, all he wanted was to explore her naked body as she gasped and pleaded for his dick. He could see her almond-shaped eyes dazed, hear her soft moans, and feel her full lips wrapped around his cock, sucking the hell out of it.

  A streak of lust seared through him. “Fuck,” he muttered as the crotch of his pants grew tight. Glancing around the room, he scooted closer to the table then leaned back. With one foot propped up on the chair across from him, Chains crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the wall behind the pool table. The fact that he was attracted to her rankled him. It’d been a long time since a citizen had piqued his interest.

  “I’m grateful that she
saved Thor’s life—that’s all,” he muttered. It had nothing to do with her warm smile, her lush auburn hair shining under the fluorescent lights, her button nose, full lips, or her perfectly rounded tits that turned up slightly as if begging for his mouth. “Fuck,” he growled, shifting in the chair. Yeah … it had nothing to do with any of that.

  “You look like you need a friend, baby,” Lila said. She glided her fingers over his back and massaged his neck and shoulders.

  Chains let his head fall back slightly.

  “You’re so tense, baby. What’re you thinking about?” The scent of her floral perfume made his nose twitch.

  “Nothing much.” Doc Stanford’s deep brown eyes flashed through his mind. Damn, if they aren’t beautiful. They were the color of the soil after a rainstorm with flecks of gold sunlight.

  “See, you’re getting all tense again, baby.” Lila’s soft voice blurred out the image of the sexy vet. “Are you worried about Thor?”

  Nodding, Chains straightened up in the chair. “Yeah, that’s it.”

  “Do you wanna take this to your room? I can give you a real good body massage.” Her breath was warm next to his ear.

  “Thanks, but I’m gonna step out and give the clinic another call.”

  “I’ll still be here when you get back, baby.”

  Chains grasped her hands and squeezed them. “Don’t waste tonight waiting for me. Another time, okay?”

  Lila pulled her hands away. “You still with Ruby?”

  He rose to his feet. “I’m not with anyone.” He pursed his lips, then strode across the room to the front door.

  Once outside, Chains pulled out his phone and tapped the clinic’s number. He looked at the black sky filled with sparkling stars and wished that Thor were standing next to him.

  “Highlands Animal Care Center,” a male voice said.

  “I’m calling to see how Thor’s doing,” Chains replied.

  “And who are you?”

  Anger bristled along his spine. “The fuckin’ owner.”

  “Uh … sorry, but I need a name,” the man said.

  “Is Doc Stanford there?” Chains gritted.

  “No, but she’ll be in tomorrow morning. I can help you if you just give me your name.”


  “Hang on.”

  Chains heard the clack of fingers on a keyboard over the phone.

  “Okay. Thor’s doing fine. He’s resting and all his vitals look good.”

  “What time do you open in the morning?”

  “Seven thirty.”

  “Thanks.” Chains ended the call and slipped his phone into the pocket of his leather jacket. The pulsating strains of hard rock filtered through the windows, and he looked at a group of scantily-clad women in high heels ambling toward the clubhouse. These women were the hang-arounds who lined up outside the concrete walls four nights a week, hoping to be one of the lucky ones chosen to have a good time with the members. The parties, booze, weed, and lifestyle were a draw for many women who wanted a walk on the wild side.

  Not in the mood for a club party, Chains strode over to his Harley and threw his leg over the leather seat. He switched on the ignition, then roared past the huddle of women waving at him. Chains turned left onto the old highway and increased the speed as he headed toward the small roads crisscrossing the desert. The cool wind brushing through his face, the spicy aroma of sagebrush washing over him, and the sound of the motor filling his ears embraced his senses and acted as oxygen to his soul. And it was exactly what he needed. Riding his bike always rebooted his system, bringing a sense of calm and ease to his mind and body. For Chains, it was the best and only therapy he knew that made him forget everything for a while.

  An hour later, he pulled into the parking lot of Leroy’s—one of his and the club’s favorite diners in town. Feeling energized and refreshed, Chains hopped off the bike and sauntered into the eatery.

  “Hey, good-looking,” Loretta said as the corners of her mouth turned up.

  “Hey.” He pulled off his leather gloves and stuffed them in the pockets of his jacket.

  “You got others comin’?” The curly-haired cashier asked.

  “Nope—just me.”

  She pulled out a laminated menu and came out from behind the counter. “Same booth?”

  “Yeah,” he replied, following close behind her.

  A table of three women in their early twenties smiled and whispered among themselves as he passed their table. When he winked at them, they tittered, and one of them threw back her shoulders and thrust out her breasts.

  “Is your motorcycle a Harley?” she asked in a breathy voice.

  “Yeah,” he said without stopping.

  “I bet you get that a lot,” the cashier said, looking over her shoulder at him.

  Chains shrugged. “Chicks dig bikes.”

  Loretta put the menu down on the table. “And the men who ride them.”

  “I guess.” He slid into the booth facing the front door, then shrugged off his leather jacket. Like most outlaws, Chains always sat where he could see who was coming in and out of a place. In his world, a split second of unawareness could change everything in a bad way.

  “Water and coffee?”

  He looked up at the dark-haired hostess. “Yeah, thanks. Is Tammy working tonight?”

  “She is. I’ll send her over in a few. Be right back with your drinks, handsome.”

  He watched Loretta walk away, positive that the exaggerated sway of her hips was for his benefit.

  When she disappeared into the kitchen, Chains settled back into the booth and looked at the clock on the wall above the food window: 8:50 p.m. He rummage through the pocket of his jacket and took out the phone.

  “Highlands Animal Care Center.” It was the same man Chains had spoken to earlier.

  “Chains here. How’s Thor doing?”

  “Good. He’s resting peacefully. Dr. Stanford just left. She came by to check on him and another patient.”

  At the mention of the veterinarian’s name, the image of her in the white lab coat and nothing else streaked through his mind. “Thanks,” he mumbled, then ended the call.

  “Hiya, sugar. You solo tonight?” Tammy asked as she approached the booth. She was one of the club’s favorite waitresses at Leroy’s, and Chains and the other members admired her tenacity in providing a good home for her kids after her asshole husband ditched her for another woman. Chains could definitely relate to the sense of betrayal and anger that consumed the spouse of a cheater. When he’d found out Krystal had fucked Crossbones, rage had been his constant companion for a long time.

  “Yeah, I just came back from a ride. How’s life treating you?”

  “I can’t complain. In a couple of hours my shift will be over, then I can go home and soak in a hot tub.” She laughed. “Believe me, that’s the only thing keeping me going tonight.”

  “One of those days?”

  “Busy as all hell. How’ve you been?”


  “Did Loretta tell you about the specials?”

  “Nah. Whatcha got?”

  “Chicken fried steak, meatloaf, and pot roast.”

  “What do you recommend?”

  “They’re all good, but the pot roast is awesome—even better than mine.” Tammy glanced over at the kitchen, then lowered her voice. “Don’t go tellin’ Chubby that. His ego’s big enough without any more help from me.”

  Chains chuckled. “I’ll go with the pot roast.”

  “It comes with a salad. Ranch, right?”

  “Yeah.” He handed her his menu.

  “I’ll go see what’s taking Loretta so long with your drinks.” She hurried away.

  Soon, Tammy was back with his coffee, water, and dinner. Chains poured the dressing over the salad and began to eat. A steady stream of customers continued to file into the diner, and the three young women who’d flirted with him earlier kept staring over at his table, but he ignored them and looked down at his food.<
br />
  Unlike some of the brothers at the club, Chains preferred women closer to his thirty-two years, and these chicks looked like they were barely twenty-one. He also wasn’t in the mood for any company.

  A pang of loneliness shot through him. He missed Thor. Even though Chains knew he was safe and doing well at the clinic, it didn’t mean that he couldn’t pine for his furry buddy like hell.

  He pushed the empty plate away and placed his crumpled up napkin on top of it. A bell above the door sounded, and Chains looked up and saw the sexy veterinarian, who’d been on his mind too damn much that night, enter the diner. As if guided by radar, her captivating eyes turned to his table, then her mouth opened and color rushed to her cheeks. She held his gaze a fraction too long before blinking and then focusing her attention on the cashier.

  Chains watched as she leaned against the counter, looking at everything but him. Loretta rang something up on the register before walking over to one of the wired shelves and took down what looked like a cream pie. As the cashier cut a slice, Chains gazed back at the veterinarian and caught her staring at him. An embarrassed expression covered her reddened face and she looked away. He kept his eyes fixed on her, wondering why the hell he was letting this woman get to him. She took the bag from Loretta, and the way the vet tossed her head made his fingers itch to grab all that long, wavy hair and yank it hard, making her cry out before crushing against him. Fuck!

  With the paper bag in hand, Dr. Stanford locked her gaze on his before she began walking toward his booth.

  “Hi.” She approached his table and gave him a quick once-over.

  “Hey,” he replied.

  She pulled up the bag. “My chocolate cream pie run.” A small laugh burst through glossy peach lips. “I stopped by to check up on Thor—he’s doing great.” She switched the paper bag from her right to her left hand.

  “Yeah, that’s what the guy told me when I called. Can he come home tomorrow?”

  “Maybe. Let’s see how he does through the day. He was a pretty sick fella.” Tiny fine lines around her eyes crinkled when she smiled.

  “Thanks for helping him out.”

  “You’re welcome. Thor’s a beautiful Siberian.”

  “Yeah. So, do you got a first name?”


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