My Healer (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 3)

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My Healer (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 3) Page 20

by Alanea Alder

"Yes, ma'am."


  Meryn, Beth and Rheia laid blankets on the floor at the end of the hallway. Noah and Jaxon had the day off and were killing zombies on the X-Box downstairs, while Penny and Felix played tag in the hallway. Ryuu had set up an afternoon tea on the floor for the women and Rheia who were enjoying the lazy afternoon. Tomorrow would be pure chaos as the entire household prepared for the Midwinter's Ball, so she was thoroughly relishing this quiet time.

  "Fuck!" one of the men shouted.

  "Anyone hurt?" Rheia called out.

  "We're good," Colton responded.

  Rheia went back to her tea, inhaling the gentle fragrance of bergamot and spice.

  "This was a wonderful idea. It's so peaceful." Beth leaned against the wall.

  "Watch out!" The sound of something large falling from a great height reverberated down the hall.

  "Colton?" Rheia yelled.

  "That was my bad!" Darian shouted.

  Rheia turned to Meryn. "Did you know Colton's middle name is Marius?"

  Meryn choked on her tea. "Seriously? How'd that happen?"

  Rheia chuckled at the memory of Colton's mother telling her the story. "Colton's father is an international business guru, he can apparently turn dirt into profits. Anyway, he was away on travel a few weeks before Colton was due, despite Alice begging him to stay home. After being home alone for so long, Alice got tired of being bored, so she got in her carriage and went to visit Adelaide for tea. She was just getting ready to leave when her water broke. In the end, Marius delivered Colton and, much to Robert's chagrin, she gave him, Marius as a middle name."

  "It's why he feeds me. My father always hated visiting the McKenzie's; Marius would spoil me rotten. My mother unwittingly created quite a scandal naming me after House McKenzie's squire." Colton chuckled as he swaggered down the hallway. He held out his finger pouting. "I have a boo-boo."

  Beth and Meryn went 'awwww' and Rheia rolled her eyes. Careful of their cups, Colton laid out on the floor between the three women and soaked up their attention. Beth dropped small chocolates in his mouth and Meryn offered him her tea. Rheia kissed his finger and shook her head at his antics.

  Aiden came around the corner covered in flecks of paint.

  "Colton! Get your mangy ass away from my mate and get back to your station. We're almost done. I'd like to be able to air out the room before Meryn has to sleep in here tonight," Aiden roared.

  Colton hopped up and gave the women a salute. "Coming, fearless leader. Keep your fur on, because according to Meryn, you are fugly without it."

  "Colton!" Aiden barked.

  Rheia turned to Meryn. "Is it true you hit Aiden over the head with the back of his toilet?"

  Meryn nodded. Beth stared at her wide eyed. "I K'O'd his ass the first day I met him."

  Rheia laughed. "Didn't you hurt him?"

  Meryn shook her head and lowered her voice. "He liked it. Secretly he's a... a... mannequin... a machinist... Beth what word am I trying to say?"

  Beth was laughing too hard to answer.

  "Meryn! Quit telling them I'm a masochist and come check out this paint color for the nursery," Aiden yelled from down the hall.

  Rheia laughed along with Beth, Meryn was absolutely crazy, but that was part of her charm. Meryn got up and then whispered down at them. "Whoocha." She pulled her hand back and made a whipping motion.

  "Meryn!" Aiden yelled again.

  Meryn stood up straight. "That is Mistress to you, slave."

  Colton's head popped around the corner with the biggest grin Rheia had ever seen on his face. "Hey babe, Aiden is turning purple, that can't be healthy."

  Meryn walked past him. "He'll be fine. He's such a drama bear."

  Colton held out his hand to Rheia. "Come see. We're done with Penny's room."

  Rheia, Beth and Penny hurried down the hallway. Since the trainees now had their own barracks, they had converted the guest suite adjacent to Colton's suite into Penny's new room. Walking through the door Penny literally began to bounce up and down all over the room. The men had lost their minds. They had built her bed into a princess tower, complete with real ivy. Rows of bookshelves filled with fairy tales and stuffed animals lined one wall. Rheia snorted at the small chalkboard sign that read "Mommies and Papas Only" next to her bed. They had made the entire length of another wall a chalkboard, with buckets and buckets of colored chalk. Everything was done in greens and teals instead of pinks and purples, but it still looked dainty and feminine. In one corner Ryuu was putting the finishing touches on a small bistro style table with its own tea set.

  He bowed. "Lady Penny, your tea is ready." He poured a small cup for her and an even tinier cup for Felix. Penny sat down and raised her tea cup, sipping it prettily. Already Rheia could see Beth's elegant influence on her daughter.

  "Do you like it, Doodlebug?"

  Penny nodded emphatically.

  Colton walked up beside Rheia and wrapped an arm around her waist. "I may have gone a bit overboard with the toys and stuffed animals, but in my defense, they're not all from me." Colton jerked his thumb to what could only be described as Penny's own toy store. The entire corner from floor to ceiling was shelves of toys, dollhouses, puzzles and dolls.

  "Colton! Christmas is right around the corner, what are we going to get her now?" Rheia groaned.

  Colton gave her a sidelong glance. "Don't worry I already have it covered."

  "What'd you do?"

  "Nothing, well, nothing too big anyway."

  "Speaking of presents, I still have one to give you," Rheia said taking his hand. "Beth can you watch her for a while?"

  Beth nodded from where she stood at the long dresser. "I'm just going to organize her clothes a bit."


  Rheia led Colton from the room to their own suite. She went over to their dresser and pulled out a small pouch.

  "What's that?" Colton asked, looking like a kid on Christmas morning.

  "Something Adam gave me. Evidently, paranormals don't take blood tests to determine if they're pregnant. This bespelled stone can detect the most minute form of life. I haven't checked yet." She held the pouch out to him.

  Colton didn't move, he didn't even blink.

  "Colton?" She walked over and waved her hand in front of his face.

  He inhaled sharply. "Can we check?"

  She handed him the pouch; he opened it before upending it, dumping the stone into her hand.

  They both looked down.

  Nothing. It remained a dull black stone.

  Rheia sighed. "I was hoping I was. I know you want children so badly."

  Colton smiled and plucked the stone from her hand. "That just means we get to try harder to perfect our methods."

  She looked up at him through her lashes. "Do you think you can just knock me up as easy as that?"

  Colton's eyes flickered to yellow. "Challenge accepted."

  Rheia sucked in her breath. "Shit." She giggled and began to peel off her clothes, heading to the bed. She'd almost made it when a warm arm snaked around her middle and lifted her high off the ground.

  She squealed as he dropped her onto the bed. He dropped the stone and pouch onto the nightstand.

  "How do you want it, my love?" he asked kissing down her neck.

  "Like our first time, hard and fast. I love it when you're barely in control."

  "On your hands and knees," he ordered.

  With anticipation thrumming through her she got on her hands and knees. She looked over her shoulder and watched as he slowly stroked his cock. Every time he reached the head he would flick his thumb into his slit and moan. Watching him stoked levels of arousal she didn't know she was capable of. Going onto on elbow she reached down her body and began to play with her clit.

  "Shit baby, are you touching yourself?" he asked.

  "You started without me, so I figured I'd better catch up."

  "Ungrateful wench." He grabbed one of her ass cheeks in each hand and spread he
r wide. One hand moved then he was easing the head of his cock inside of her. She loved it when he took her at this angle; the head of his cock stroked her 'g' spot perfectly. She moved her hand away from her clit and held on to the comforter. She knew she didn't have long before he sent her over the edge. She could feel the pleasure mounting.

  She could feel the strength in his hands where he gripped her and by the force of his thrusts. There was something about all that strength directed into the single purpose of pleasuring her that made her drop her head back.

  Unlike before she knew Colton didn't have to worry about not claiming her, so when he leaned forward and covered her body with his own she knew what was coming. She tilted her head to one side.

  "Make me yours Colton, don't hold back."

  He roared and his hips began to piston at a ferocious pace. Every third or fourth thrust he reached her cervix and it was just the bit of pain she needed. Screaming she felt her orgasm flood her body with pleasure, like a dam bursting water over parched earth. Her body soaked up every wave of ecstasy.

  He bit down on her shoulder and thrust twice more before filling her with his cum. She loved hearing him gasping for breath above her, knowing that it was her body that drove him to the edge. When he pulled out she moaned; her orgasm had clenched her muscles and he felt even bigger.

  "Be right back, baby." Colton kissed her tailbone and walked to the bathroom.

  As sexy as it was in the moment, cooling cum dripping down her leg felt gross. When Colton returned with a warm wet washcloth and began to wash her, she sighed happily. After he finished and returned the washcloth to the bathroom and got back in bed with her where they snuggled up together.

  "You said it gets better than this?" she asked.

  "From what I hear. After a few years, I'll know every inch of your skin by heart."

  "I can't wait." She stretched. "Did you want to eat lunch with the others?"

  "Yeah, just let me rest my eyes for a few minutes." Seconds later he was out like a light and snoring.

  Rheia was definitely not tired, if anything she felt energized. Slipping from under his arm, she went the bathroom and showered quickly. She pulled her clothes back on and looked over to where Colton lay with his mouth open, drool trickling down his chin. She smiled. She must be in love, because he looked ridiculous and yet she still wanted to jump him for more sex. She decided to give him a few more minutes rest before they would go down for lunch.

  Sighing she picked up the pregnancy stone to slip it back in the pouch and nearly dropped it when it began to glow a deep amber color. She froze. She set the stone back down on the nightstand and stepped back. She picked it up again and the amber glow flared brightly.

  She looked at Colton then at the stone, then down at her flat stomach.

  "Merry Christmas, my love."

  Smiling she put the stone back in the pouch and tucked it into her pocket. She'd figure out a way to tell him later. Now she had to wake him to eat.


  "Meryn! You have to start getting ready!" Beth called out into the hallway. Even from the family room everyone heard her clearly.

  "I'm leveling up, be there in a minute!" Meryn shouted back tapping away on her laptop.

  "I still have to do your makeup and your hair!"

  "No, you don't. I'll be ready before you."

  "Perfection takes time! And really good make up!"

  "Don't worry about it. I'll be fine."

  "Argghh, she's hopeless! At least Rheia let me help her." Colton heard her say and then it was quiet.

  The men were already dressed and ready to go and waiting in the family room. Rheia and Penny had come down first, looking enchanting. Colton thought his heart would burst. Beth had coordinated Rheia and Penny's dresses so that they complimented each other. Rheia's dress was a vision of fire, a red satin gown trimmed in white. Her hair was pulled back in a complex series of braids and her makeup was sheer and natural looking, except for the fire engine red lipstick. Colton had plans for that lipstick later. His princess was dressed in a layered white fluffy dress lined in red satin. She wore a half braid that was adorned with a simple red bow.

  There were rumors floating around Lycaonia that Beth had threatened bodily harm on no less than three dress shopkeepers to get proper attire for his mate and daughter so last minute.

  Beth had been upstairs since ten o'clock that morning. Gavriel had been forced to get ready in Darian's room since he was forbidden to go into his own suite. Meryn was laid out on the sofa in jeans, sweatshirt, grimy sneakers, and laptop on her stomach. Rheia kept sneaking worried looks in her direction.

  They heard heels on the stairs and the men straightened. Gavriel stood as Beth entered the room. She had chosen to compliment her cool complexion and blonde hair with non-traditional Christmas colors. Instead her dress embodied the essence of winter. The main body of the dress was skin tight and done in a very expensive looking teal silk and accented with deep blues and whites. She smiled demurely at Gavriel who was having trouble catching his breath. Then her eyes moved over to Meryn, her mouth dropped.

  "Meryn!" she screeched. The men winced.

  "Okay, okay." Meryn sat up and put her laptop aside. She grabbed a wadded up garment bag that had a muddy sneaker tread on it and headed towards the bathroom. Beth was clutching at her chest and looked to be on the verge of having a panic attack.

  Rheia stood and rubbed her back. "It's okay, everything will be just fine."

  "Do you have any idea how long it takes to get ready for something like this?" Beth demanded.

  Rheia and Penny nodded. They had just experienced 'getting ready' at Beth's hands.

  "Okie dokie, let's boogie," Meryn said from the doorway.

  Beth turned and Colton had to hide his smile. Meryn was decked out head to toe. Her hair was perfectly coifed and a single emerald teardrop necklace adorned her neck. Her dress was forest green and around the waist was a plaid that looked like it matched Aiden's tartan perfectly. She had on white gloves up to her elbows and more emeralds at her wrists. Even her makeup looked flawless.

  Beth's mouth worked up and down. "How!" she finally exploded.

  Meryn spun around, smiling. "Lady Fairfax gave me this. It's the Gown of Éire Danu. It really makes getting ready a breeze."

  Beth swayed and Gavriel was at her side in an instant. "You're the owner of the Gown of Éire Danu?" She looked down at the floor, her fists clenched. "Meryn, I am going to kill you."

  Meryn shrugged. "Do it later. I am dying to try the food at the ball. I was too nervous at the All Hallows' Eve Ball to try all the yummy food. Tonight, I am totally gorging."

  Beth turned to Gavriel, a tragic expression on her face. He pulled her into his arms. "There, there, it's okay."

  "Come on, peeps! I'm hungry." Meryn stamped her foot and headed towards the door. Aiden had to sprint to catch up with her.

  "Darian, Noah, Jaxon, Keelan, Gavriel and Beth, you're in the first carriage," Aiden explained once everyone was outside.

  "Colton, Rheia, Penny, Meryn and myself will be in the second carriage. Have fun everyone." Aiden turned and helped Meryn then Rheia into the carriage. Colton lifted Penny into the carriage and kissed her cheek. She smiled and kissed his nose. Grinning he bowed to Aiden, allowing him to climb in next, then got in himself. He couldn't wait to see his girls' reactions to their first Midwinter Ball.


  Colton watched as Sascha and most of the Gamma Unit monopolized his daughter. They were spoiling her rotten with small gifts and candies. Of course that could be said for most of the units. They had all fallen in love with his tiny angel. Thank the Gods Ryuu had volunteered to serve tonight, he was keeping track of all of Penny's gifts.

  To his delight, Rheia hadn't stopped smiling.

  "I want to try that white, fluffy thing again," she said pointing to the dessert table.

  "You mean the coconut macaroons?"

  "Those are not coconut macaroons, I've had those. These are like h
ugs from the Lord."

  Colton laughed and steered her back to the desserts table. Rheia took one in each hand and ate one then the other. Colton picked up a few for himself; they were some of his favorite holiday treats as well.

  Rheia looked around. "Where's Penny?"

  Colton looked over the crowd. "Sascha still has her. I swear he's been with her all night. I think they bonded when he carried her in the woods." He popped another macaroon in his mouth.

  "Maybe she's his mate?" Rheia suggested.

  Colton inhaled to vehemently deny it and immediately began to choke. Rheia whacked him on the back a few times. When he could catch his breath he straightened. "She is four. He better stay away from my princess or I'll feed him his balls."

  Rheia ignored him and laughed at his indignation. He glared at her. "I refuse to have that fluffy cat as a son-in-law."

  He was still grumbling when across the room a waving hand caught his attention. He smiled. Rheia's present had arrived.

  "Okay, enough with the macaroons, let's dance."

  Smiling, Rheia took his hand. He led her to the dance floor and deliberately twirled her too hard, spinning her into the open arms of the man behind her.

  "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," she said turning. When she looked up and saw who it was she lost all sense of composure and began to bawl like a baby.

  Colton was stunned. This was not the reaction he had been hoping for.

  Radek Carson, Levi Sorrel, Dax Vi'Eaereson, Marco Rodriguez and Athan Durant crowded around Rheia.

  "What are you doing" she blubbered.

  "Oh, Pumpkin Dumpling, you really didn't think you were going to spend the holidays without us did you?" Radek asked using his thumbs to dry her cheeks. She nodded.

  Athan smiled at Colton. "Your mate invited us for a visit, he said that we'd be the perfect Midwinter gift."

  "You are, you all are." Rheia cried trying to hug them all at the same time.

  Out of the corner of his eye Colton saw a blur of white and then Penny launched herself at Dax. Laughing, he threw her in the air and kissed her face. She beamed out at the room. The men sucked in their breath.


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