Ridin' Her Rough

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Ridin' Her Rough Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  “Fuck, your tits are so fucking big. I was always a man who thought the saying ‘more than a handful is a waste’ a load of bullshit.” He flicked his gaze to hers and squeezed her breasts hard enough that a flash of pain filled her, but also had her nipples hardening in pleasure. “I’m going to titty fuck these until I come all over you, baby.”

  Her pulse drummed in her eyes and she wanted him now. He thrust his dick against her pussy, and a silent cry left her when he rubbed up against her clit. The hard bundle grew even more swollen, and she knew that it wouldn’t take much to get her off.

  Torque moved away so he was on his haunches, and let his eyes move between her legs, over her breasts that strained against her top, and back up to her face. “You want this, baby? You want my dick deep inside of you, pounding the shit so that every time you sit down for the next week you’ll know I tore that shit up?” His voice was dark and rich, caressing her body until she was seconds away from begging him to fuck her. “Get naked. Let me see those big ass tits.”

  There wasn’t a part of her that was saying this was a bad idea. She pushed her upper body up, grabbed the edge of her shirt and pulled it up and over her head.

  “Now the bra.” His eyes were locked on her chest, and she flicked her gaze down to the bulge about ready to burst through his pants.

  Reaching behind her for the clasp of her bra, she undid it, and pulled the straps off her shoulders, down her arms, and tossed it aside. The room was dark enough that she didn’t feel self-conscious about the fact her belly was thicker than she liked, because the way Torque stared at her made her feel like she would burn alive. “I’ve—”

  He shook his head, stopping her from saying anything more. “No, baby. I don’t want to talk. I’ve wanted you for a long fucking time, and I’m not going to deny myself any longer.” He pulled his shirt off, and the yellowish glow from the lights outside had lines of slashing across his chest. God, it wasn’t just a chest, not with the hard muscle that flexed and bunched, or the flesh he used as a canvas for all of his ink. His massive arms were covered with different designs from shoulder to wrist. Right in the center of his chest, below the club’s saying, was the MC’s brand. It was a phoenix rising from the flames, and below that in hard block letters was the club’s name.

  Delilah had always been used to this type of male, this breed that was more masculine, hard, intense and raw than anything else. She just hoped she could handle what Torque was about to give her, and prayed that when this was all said and done it wouldn’t be the worst mistake she had ever made.

  Chapter Four

  Torque couldn’t control himself around Delilah. Not when the alcohol pumped through his veins with more intensity every time his heart beat. He knew what he was doing, knew she was Brack’s daughter, but he just didn’t give a fuck. He should, but he didn’t. He had her jeans off in a matter of seconds, and had his hands on her knees, wrenching them open so he could get an unobstructed view of her panty-covered cunt. Her body was made to be fucked hard. She was all curves, all woman, and he was about to do some serious damage to her that would have her clawing at his back and screaming out his name. “Lay on your back.” It was taking a lot of self-fucking-control to not rip his fucking pants off and shove his dick deep inside of her. He needed to go slow, because she seemed pretty fucking innocent and nervous, and the only thing that made sense was the only guys she had ever been with had been those pansy ass motherfuckers that she had gone to school with. He kept his hands on her knees, and slowly slid them down her inner thighs, and stopped when he could frame her pussy with his fingers. The material of her panties was soaked right through, and his mouth watered for a taste. Placing a hand on her rounded belly, Torque curled his fingers into her butter-soft flesh and didn’t hold in his groan. His dick throbbed, and he could feel the wetness from his pre-come start to seep through his jeans. He couldn’t remember a time when he was this hard up for a female.


  The way she said his name, all needy and desperate had him moving between her legs, lowering her head, and placing his mouth right on her cunt through the material of her underwear.

  “Christ, Delilah. You taste so good.” The sweet, musky flavor of her filled his mouth and he groaned against her.

  She gasped, no doubt from the vibrations, and he wanted more from her. Torque wanted her screaming as she came, and he’d have her doing that soon enough. He tightened his fingers into the area where her thighs met her pussy, and knew there would be bruises, but this primal, male part of him wanted his mark on her, and that was something he had never experienced before. He found her hard little clit through her underwear, and sucked it into his mouth until she writhed beneath him. He couldn’t take it anymore, because he needed to taste her bare flesh. Pulling back and hooking his thumb on the side of the material, he jerked it aside, exposing her completely nude pussy lips. “Fuck, baby.” He ran his finger along one slippery, smooth lip, and then did the same with the other. “Damn, I like my pussy hairless, and yours is goddamn perfect.” He latched his mouth onto her creamy cunt, and she instantly speared her hands in his hair and tugged at the strands. He grunted against her flesh, but she must have taken that as he didn’t like it because she let her hands fall away. “No, Delilah, fucking pull my hair, make it hurt, baby.”

  Her breathing increased and she put her hands back in his hair, tugging at the strands once again. When he had his mouth back on her clit, and his tongue stroking over the swollen bundle of tissue, she really fucking pulled at his hair. He hissed out, groaned out for her to do it again, and was pleased when she obeyed.

  “It’s good, Torque. God, it’s so good.”

  Yeah it was, but he had a lot of other things planned for her. In one swift move he tore her panties the rest of the way off and feasted on her cunt. He pulled her labia apart with his thumbs, flattened his tongue and ran it up and down her slit. When he placed the tip of his finger at the opening of her pussy, her entire body tensed. She was tight as shit as he worked that one finger into her, and the rhythmic pull of her inner muscles clenching around the digit had him nearly coming. He added another finger until all he could think about was hid dick replacing those fingers, and her tight-as-sin cunt milking his cock until he came something fierce. He had only gotten to the first knuckle of a finger fucking her before he couldn’t take it anymore. Wrenching away from her and going at the button and zipper of his jeans like a fucking man insane, he tore that shit open and worked them off. When he was just as naked as she was and he saw the way she stared at his cock, he couldn’t help when the damn thing jerked forward. “Baby, there isn’t anything to be nervous about. This right here—” he held his hard cock in his hand, and ran the pad of his thumb over the Prince Albert piercing at the head of his shaft, “—this will only make shit feel a whole lot better.”

  Her chest rose and fell, causing her breasts to jiggle and sway from the force. He scrubbed a hand over his jaw as he watched the soft, spongy mounds bounce slightly. He was right back between her legs, with his mouth on her clit and his hands on her inner thighs. She’d get off before he fucked her. He’d make damn sure of it. Over and over he licked her, feeling her tremble beneath him the closer she got to coming.

  “I’m so close, Torque.”

  Her words were broken up and harsh, and he lifted just his eyes to her while he kept eating her sweet cunt out. It got to the point that the only way he could relieve some of the tension in his shaft and balls was to dry hump the damn mattress like some kind of teenager. Over and over he pressed his hips into the bed, urging her with his tongue, mouth, and hands to come. “I need this, Delilah. Fuck, I need you to come all over my mouth.” He reached up, took hold of her nipples with his thumb and forefingers, and pulled on the tips. He twisted and tugged at the tips until she moaned out long and loud, and finally gave him what he craved. Her orgasm was as sweet as the rest of her, and he swallowed that shit up, loved the fact he was the one who caused her to come this hard. It was
only when she started pushing at his shoulders did Torque force himself to stop. He sat up and took in the way she looked pleasurably exhausted, splayed out for him. “Fuck, you’re so damn hot.”

  She opened her eyes and the smile she gave him couldn’t be called anything but tempting. He left her only long enough to grab a condom from his wallet and slide it on. He was right back between her legs, moving his hands up and down her legs, knowing he wouldn’t fucking last long.

  “Get on your fucking belly, Delilah.”

  “Torque, there is something you need to know.”

  He snapped his eyes to hers, barely holding on as it was, and she wanted to talk? “You have an old man?”

  She shook her head.

  “You pregnant?”

  Again, she shook her head.

  “And you’re clean?”

  After she nodded he shrugged. “There ain’t nothin’ to talk about, baby. You want me to fuck you, and I really, really want to fuck you.” He gripped her waist and easily flipped her on her belly. As soon as her ass was right in his damn face he brought his open palm down on it. She snapped her head around and looked at him over her shoulder. He stared at her right in the eye, held his hand out, and said, “Ask me for it, Delilah.”

  She licked her lips, looked over at his hand for several seconds, and then brought her eyes back to him.

  With his other hand he went between her legs and ran the digits through her overly slick cleft. “You want it as badly as I want to give it to you. Now, fucking ask for it, baby.” His balls drew up tight to his body.

  “Give it to me, Torque.” She breathed out.

  And that was the only thing he needed to hear. He spanked the right cheek twice before moving to the left. He alternated between the cheeks until even in the darkness he could see the way her ass was a brilliant red from his actions. She lifted her ass, spread her legs wider and begged him for more.

  “I want it harder. God, what is wrong with me.” She didn’t phrase it as a question, and she sure as hell didn’t sound ashamed or frightened that she liked a little pain with her pleasure. She was perfect. Absolutely fucking perfect. She rested her head on the bed, turned it to the side, and watched him as he continued to erotically abuse the big, round mounds of her ass.

  Torque’s mouth watered for a taste of her ass, to see if her tight hole was as sweet as her vice-like pussy. Giving each cheek one more hard slap, he gripped the flesh, pulled it apart, and stared at the dark crease between them.

  “W-What are you doing?” Now she sounded hesitant.

  “Anyone ever taste you back here, Delilah?” Even he could hear the harsh note in his voice, but there was nothing Torque could do about it. He felt like a damn feral animal hunting for its prey. Delilah was that prey, and she was ripe for the picking. “Has anyone, baby?” He curled his fingers into her skin, eliciting a little pain.

  Her eyes widened and she shook her head. “No. No one’s touched me.”

  The way she said that had him stilling. He pushed anything that didn’t have to do was taking this hot piece of ass in front of him. But on that thought, and as he looked into her eyes that looked dark in this room and not their usual bright blue, he felt something else. It was a feeling that he had buried deep, knowing that it had no place in his life. It wasn’t love, but it was something akin to it, something that scared the shit out of him. Torque pushed it back down, buried it deep inside of him, and only focused on the physical reaction. He had no time for emotional bullshit. “Well, I’m about to show you a few things then, baby.” Leaning in slowly, he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. Yeah, her ass was going to be just as sweet as the rest of her. Torque placed his tongue right on her pussy hole, dipped it inside of her a few times, and then dragged it up her crack and stopped when he got to her anus. The hole was small and puckered. The scent of her soap filled his nose. It was lemony and fresh, and a groan rumbled from him. Licking and sucking, teasing and opening, Torque started out gentle in pleasuring her, and when she finally relaxed back on the bed and started lifting her ass into his face, that was when he really started to lose control. He was a fucking madman on her ass, fucking her with his tongue until she was a squirming mess beneath him, and her pussy cream made a tantalizing wet spot right on the mattress. Rubbing her clit once more and rimming her out, Delilah came seconds later. That was as long as Torque could last. He moved away from her, wiped his mouth with the back of his arm, and reached out to flip her onto her back. Her tits bounced from the force of his movements. “You ready for this?” It was a rhetorical question, because if Torque didn’t get his cock into her his balls were sure to explode.

  “God, just fuck me already,” she begged.

  Hands on her waist, he wrenched her down the bed until her ass hung off the edge of it. Taking hold of the root of his cock, he aligned the tip at the opening of her pussy and looked into her face once more. Even through the condom he could see the big, hard ridge of his piercing, and when he pushed just the head inside of her a grunt of pleasure left him when her small opening started to stretch wide around it. For a moment he just stayed in the position, with half of his cockhead inside of her, because though he wasn’t thrusting, it felt really damn good to be inside of Delilah. He had wanted this for a long time, had thought about it, fantasized, and jerked off to the images in his head. But none of those things could compare to actually having her pussy clenching around his erection. He should have gone slow, and he realized that he was starting to say that a lot now that he was finally with her. But just because he thought he should go slow didn’t mean he could actually do that. In one quick and euphoric filled thrust, he buried all of his length inside of her. Her eyes grew pretty fucking big, and her mouth opened wide. Shit, maybe he should have gone slow, and worked his shaft into her? But fuck, she was primed for him, and he didn’t have the patience to wait. The alcohol was still pumping through his veins but he wasn’t drunk enough to not realize that he had just popped her cherry. He stilled inside of her, feeling the scorching hot tightness of her inner walls cutting the fucking blood flow off.

  “Motherfucking hell, Delilah.” Sweat broke out along his brow. “Why didn’t you fucking tell me you were a virgin?” The feel of him breaking through her hymen had been unmistakable, even in his slightly inebriated state. She squeezed his dick especially hard and he hissed out a breath and groaned. “Christ. You can’t do that shit and expect me to keep my shit together.” He opened his eyes and saw the fierce look on her face.

  “Are you going to fuck me or have you lost your hard-on because you popped my cherry?”

  For several seconds he was stunned speechless. The little tart had a fucking mouth on her. He pulled out, and shoved back into her hard enough that she moved an inch up the bed. A gasp left her and tears filled her eyes and spilled down the corners of her eyes. “Shit, I’m sorry, baby.” He reached out and brushed a few strands of hair from her face.

  She shook her head and he pulled his hand back. “Don’t ruin it by being sorry. I’ve wanted this for a long damn time. Just fuck me and make it memorable.”

  Damn. Her words were like a spear right in his gut, and that was the first time a female had gotten through his skin with a few choice words. “Fine.” He gritted his teeth as he slowly pulled out, and then equally pushed back in just as slowly. Over and over he did this, and although he really wanted to bang the hell out of her Torque forced himself to go slow.

  “Faster. I want it faster, Torque, and harder.” Shit, she was a damn nympho, and this was her first time.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” He didn’t stop thrusting into her. Both of them were out of breath, and the sweat on their bodies was making the most delicious sloppy sounds.

  “The pain has passed, and I’m going to be sore no matter what. I want to fucking remember this every time I sit down.”

  Well fuck him. This chick was crazy hot, and all fucking his for the night. Before she started running her mouth again he had her in his arms, turned aroun
d, and pressed against the wall. His dick was still in her, but this new position had him able to go deeper, and when he did just that and the soft mewling noise left her he felt his dick harden impossibly further. He fucked her against the wall, had a tight grip on her ass, and knew he’d come if he didn’t slow down. But he didn’t want to go slow, and he didn’t want to come yet. She felt incredible, and this would definitely be one of those times that would have him thinking about her every time he fucked another bitch. But on the heels of that thought was another one. It was one that beat in his skull that he had never thought about a female, wanted the same one, and fantasized about for four fucking years. Yet he had done all of those things concerning Delilah.

  “It’s good. God, I think I’m going to come again.”

  “Yeah, baby. Fucking come all over my cock. Milk me until there isn’t anything left.” He had a hand on each of her ass cheeks, holding her up, but using her bottom as leverage as he bounced her up and down on his dick. The wet, sloppy sounds of her pussy sucking at his erection was an auditory aphrodisiac that had him right there, ready to fucking spew forth the biggest load he had ever had. “Now, Delilah, fucking come now.”

  She tossed her head back and it banged on the wall, but the sound of her low wail had him coming right along with her. “Torque, oh fuck, Torque.”

  Yeah, that’s it. Calling out his name was music to his ears, and a spike of lust to his dick. When her tightness, and the fact he had come harder than he ever had, started to claim him, he slowed his pace and rested his forehead against the crook of her neck.


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