Lucifer (Book 3, The Redemption Series)

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Lucifer (Book 3, The Redemption Series) Page 23

by S. J. West

  By the end of the meal, I feel it's safe for the children to join us for dessert. I know Lucas would be upset if he wasn't able to eat some of the apple pie he helped prepare.

  When they enter the room, Lucas immediately goes to sit on his father's lap while Bai sits in her mother's lap.

  “Did you and Bai have fun?” Malcolm asks Lucas, settling his son on one leg.

  “Yes,” Lucas says hesitantly, “but she sure is messy. I think I cleaned after her more than we played.”

  Daniel can’t help but laugh, and I can't prevent a giggle. I clearly remember how chaotic Bai's room was in her own house. If Lucas' vision comes true, I have a feeling he will be cleaning up after Bai for many more years to come.

  When I glance over at Lucifer, I see him staring at Lucas like he's trying to figure something out about him. Apparently, I'm not the only one who notices Lucifer’s odd behavior.

  “Are you staring at my son for any particular reason?” Malcolm asks, obviously not liking the attention Lucifer is giving him.

  Lucifer drags his gaze away from Lucas and looks at Malcolm.

  “No reason,” he says, automatically wanting to drop the subject. “Now, where is this pie we’re supposed to be having?”

  After dessert, we all walk back to the sitting room. Lucifer pulls me aside as we pass by the front door.

  “I think I should be leaving now,” he tells me. “This evening has gone better than expected. I believe we would be pushing our luck if I stayed any longer.”

  “You don't know how happy you've made me by coming here tonight,” I tell him. “I know it wasn't easy for you, and it means a great deal to me that you made the effort.”

  Lucifer looks uncomfortable with my expression of gratitude. It’s obvious he isn't used to having someone thank him for doing something nice for them.

  “I hope,” I say, “that you will come and spend more time with us. It seems like the only quality time we've spent together before now has been in Hell.”

  “You must never go back there, Anna,” Lucifer says stridently. “It's too dangerous for you. Helena would keep you trapped down there if she could. Don't give her the opportunity.”

  “Are you saying that to keep me safe or to keep dominion over Hell for yourself?” I ask. “You know she wants me to become her new master.”

  “I know that,” Lucifer says wearily. “If you stop collecting any more of the seals, I’m confident she’ll leave you alone. It’s imperative that you not absorb any more of their power. Do you understand?”

  I remain silent because I have every intention of completing my mission. From the disappointed look on Lucifer's face, I can tell he understands my intent even though I don't say it out loud.

  “I should go,” he tells me. “But I’ll be close if you ever need me.”

  Lucifer phases, leaving me to wonder how violent his reaction will be after I collect the third seal from Belphagor.

  When I walk into the sitting room, all conversation stops immediately.

  “Where's Lucifer?” Malcolm asks.

  “He left,” I tell him.

  “Just as well,” Jered says, “we need to discuss the situation with Belphagor.”

  “Were you able to get him to agree to a deal?” I ask, taking a seat beside Malcolm on the sofa.

  “Yes,” Jered tells us. “Like I was telling Malcolm just now, Belphagor is all for you killing Botis to get him out of the way. But, he won't give you the seal until after you kill him.”

  “That's not acceptable,” I say. “I trust myself, but I do not trust a Prince of Hell to keep his word.”

  “Maybe you can change his mind tomorrow when you meet in the desert,” Jered says. “Perhaps after he meets you, he'll reconsider his position.”

  “How should I handle him?” I ask. “Be diplomatic or scare him into submission?”

  “Scare him,” Malcolm says without reservation. “Diplomacy will only make you look weak to Belphagor. Authority is the only thing he will respond to because deep down he's a coward. If he knows you’ll follow through with a threat, he won't stand up to you.”

  I nod, knowing exactly what I need to do.

  After the rest of our guests leave, Malcolm and I take Lucas up to his room and help him clean up the remainder of the mess Bai left behind.

  “And you're sure he said he was supposed to marry Bai?” Malcolm whispers to me as we're screwing the caps back on the paint bottles.

  “That's what he said he saw,” I whisper back.

  Malcolm shakes his head. “I might have to hire a person to just follow her around in their home and clean up after her. Lucas will never survive with someone who leaves a trail of destruction and chaos wherever she goes.”

  I giggle. “We'll do whatever is necessary to make sure he's happy.”

  We help Lucas change into his pajamas and tuck him into his bed. Luna goes to sleep above Lucas’ head on his pillow while Vala curls up on the other side of him. She can no longer sleep with me since I now sleep with Malcolm. Obviously, there are things that go on in our bedroom that Vala does not need to witness.

  When Malcolm and I go back to our own bedroom, he asks me, “So did tonight go as smoothly as you hoped?”

  “It went better than I expected,” I tell him, pulling off my sweater as I make my way to our bed.

  I turn around to find Malcolm leaned with his back up against the door, watching me disrobe.

  “And was there something else you were expecting to do this evening before we go to sleep?” He asks, sounding hopeful.

  “Absolutely,” I tell him, unbuttoning my slacks and letting them fall to the floor. I step out of them and kick them off to the side.

  “Am I going to have to hire someone to follow you around and clean up your messes?” Malcolm teases, pulling his shirt out of his trousers as he heads over to me.

  “Not when we're alone in this room,” I tell him as he comes to stand in front of me. I place my hands on the belt around his waist and unbuckle it while he sheds his shirt.

  “In a hurry?” Malcolm chuckles as he lets me unbutton his slacks and pull the zipper down.

  I slide my hand down the front of his underwear to grab a hold of him.

  “I'm as eager as you seem to be,” I say, stroking him gently.

  Before I can even think to tease him anymore, Malcolm grabs hold of my hair hanging loosely by my waist and yanks on it to make me look up at him.

  The desire I see in his eyes to have me makes me lose my breath.

  “Would you like to learn something new tonight?” He asks, lowering his head to mine and barely touching my lips with his kisses.

  “I'm always interested in expanding my knowledge of things,” I say breathlessly, as Malcolm trails feather light kisses down one side of my neck.

  “Then take the rest of your clothes off and get into bed, woman,” Malcolm says, letting go of my hair and standing back from me to finish undressing himself.

  I do as ordered, realizing Malcolm is the only one in the world I would accept such instructions from without question. That night Malcolm does indeed teach me new and very pleasurable things, even one dealing with hot melted wax from a white candle.

  Afterwards, I watch him fall asleep in my arms and feel a sense of loss that I won't be able to enter his dream world with him. Finally, the events of the day come crashing down on me, and I find rest in a dreamless sleep.

  Chapter 20

  The next morning Malcolm and I make French toast for everyone’s breakfast. Millie makes a big protest about us serving her, but I kindly tell her to stop fussing and sit at the table while we do all of the work. She huffs a bit, but I can tell she secretly likes us waiting on her. Jered joins us that morning because we’re all supposed to meet Belphagor together. But we have plenty of time to make, eat, and clean up breakfast before we have to go.

  “Should I bring my sword?” I ask Malcolm.

  “I don’t think you’ll need it for this,” he replies. “You can kill
him with one touch. He knows that. You’ve already proven it.”

  I grab my purple coat from the back of my chair at the kitchen table.

  “Then let’s go,” I tell Jered and Malcolm. “I’d really like to get things settled today if we can.”

  Malcolm takes one of my hands and phases us directly to the desert.

  Belphagor, in the disguise of Empress Zhin Liang, is already there.

  Empress Zhin was a timeless beauty, exemplifying the true meaning of grace and poise. Her olive colored skin, round face and long dark brown, almost black, hair was classic. It sickened me to think that one of the princes stole her body. As I look at Zhin, I suddenly realize Lucifer commanded the princes to inhabit the bodies of the rulers of Earth, and that I was the reason he gave them such an order. In his misguided attempt to keep me safe, Zhin Liang lost her life. She would have had no way of knowing why Belphagor targeted her when she died, and I felt angry on her behalf that she had to suffer through such a death just because of me.

  Belphagor looks me up and down in a rather superior and appraising way.

  “You don’t look nearly as intimidating as I thought you would,” he says using the genteel and cultured voice he stole from Zhin.

  “And you sound about as ignorant as I expected,” I reply.

  “Tsk, tsk,” Belphagor says with a shake of his head, “should you really be talking to me with such disrespect? I thought you wanted my help.”

  “And I thought you wanted mine,” I say, not about to let him think he has the upper hand in this situation. “As I see it, this meeting is simply you begging me to spare your life, Belphagor. Or do you doubt I can kill you with one touch? If you do, I would be happy to prove you wrong.”

  Belphagor doesn’t look as cocky as he did at first.

  “There’s no need,” he says. “I’m fully aware of what you can do. That’s why I agreed to this meeting. I need you to do what I can’t, kill Botis.”

  “Jered says that you won’t give me your seal until after I kill him.”

  “That’s right,” Belphagor says, crossing his arms in front of him as if the act will cement his demand in stone. “Otherwise, how do I know you’ll uphold your end of the bargain?”

  “I promised Empress Olivia that I would kill Botis for murdering her husband,” I say. “And I always keep my promises. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same thing for you. I don’t trust that you will willingly give me your seal afterwards. You do understand that I don’t need you to be willing, right? I can take it from you anytime I wish, but that means killing you in the process.”

  “What guarantee do I have that you’ll keep to your end of the agreement if I just give you my seal?” Belphagor asks.

  “Because I promise you I will. I can kill Botis with or without your help, Belphagor. It would just be simpler if you helped me so no one witnesses his demise by my hands.”

  “And your plan is to simply kill him in cold blood?”

  “I’ll give him a chance to defend himself,” I say. “But the outcome will be the same. He’ll lose his life, but at least he’ll die thinking he had a fighting chance. Either do it my way or lose your life too, Belphagor. The choice is yours.”

  “And why would you leave me in charge of Cirro?” Belphagor asks, suspicious of my motives. “What’s to prevent you from just killing me after you kill Botis?”

  “I can’t say I like the idea of you ruling Cirro very much,” I admit. “But you know we’ll be watching what you do there. If I see you mistreating the citizens of Cirro or the people of your down-world, I’ll end your life without giving it a second thought. That I also promise you.”

  “Are you the one responsible for that little video that was shown yesterday? There’s a rumor circulating among the aristocracy of the cloud cities that it was instigated by you.”

  “Does it matter?” I say, becoming aggravated by his attempt to change the subject. “Are you going to give me your seal, or are you going to make me take it from you?”

  Belphagor is completely mute for a while as he stands in front of us thinking over his options, few though they are.

  “I guess I’ll have to rely on your honor to follow through with your end of this pact,” Belphagor says, holding out his hand to me.

  I walk the few steps towards him and take hold of his hand.

  “Ready?” He asks.

  I simply nod my head and brace myself for the pain I know is about to come my way.

  Belphagor closes his eyes as though he’s in deep thought.

  The power of the seal hits me all at once. Oddly enough, the pain strikes me in the pit of my stomach first, instead of my back, and courses from that epicenter to the rest of my body. I fall to my knees, but soon feel Malcolm lift me up into his strong arms. I faintly hear Jered speak to Belphagor before Malcolm phases me back home to our bedroom to lay me down on the bed. He lies down beside me and simply holds me as the pain from absorbing Belphagor’s seal tears through my veins like molten lava. Only Malcolm’s closeness makes it bearable enough to breathe. I begin to shiver like I have a fever, but I know it’s simply my body’s reaction to the added energy it’s having to cope with.

  “I love you, Anna,” Malcolm says to me. “I love you.”

  Malcolm tells me repeatedly how much he loves me. He begins to tell me about all the things we’ll do after I’ve completed my mission, and I let my mind drift along on his dreams for our future. I want nothing more than to live the life Malcolm sees for us. But, in times like this, I begin to wonder if it will ever come to pass. Will I be able to survive this ordeal? And if I do survive physically, will I remain the person I am or become the monster Lucifer and Helena seem so certain the seals will transform me into? I refuse to give into doubt and decide to stay true to myself for as long as I can.

  After a while, the pain subsides, and I’m able to pull away from Malcolm to look into his face.

  He peers down at me. His expression is a perfect mirror of the helplessness he feels.

  “I wish I could do more for you,” he tells me, knowing he’s powerless to save me from the torture I have to endure.

  “You help me more than you know,” I tell him. “You always have.”

  “I would bear the pain for you if I could.”

  “You have enough of your own to deal with,” I say, letting him know I haven’t forgotten the daily suffering he has to endure because of Lucifer’s curse. “I’m strong. I can handle it.”

  “But for how long?” He asks worriedly. “It seemed like this seal caused you more pain than the others.”

  “It was a bit more…intense,” I admit. “But it’s passed now.”

  Malcolm kisses me on the forehead and holds me close. We rest in each other’s arms until there’s a soft knock at the door.

  Malcolm kisses me on the forehead one more time before getting up to see who our visitor is.

  “How is she?” I hear Jered ask anxiously.

  “As well as can be expected,” Malcolm says. “Did you make arrangements with Belphagor?”

  “Yes, he said he would make sure Botis was alone during his morning bath. With the time difference, that’s about seven hours from now. Will she be ready by then?”

  I sit up in the bed.

  “I’ll be ready, Jered.”

  Malcolm turns slightly to look at me, giving Jered a chance to peer inside the room.

  “You should wear your leather outfit. You’ll need to go there invisible and wait for Belphagor to get rid of the guards.”

  “And how exactly does he plan to do that?” Malcolm asks.

  “He’s going to tell the guards beforehand that the empress wants to spend some intimate time alone with her husband. As soon as Botis gets comfortable in his bath, the guards will sneak out to give the royal couple an opportunity to be with one another.”

  “Botis will know something’s up,” I say.

  “Yes, but probably not before you make your presence known to him and pick a fight.”

  “Do you think he’ll stand and fight me?” I ask. “Or will he try to run away like he did in Nacreous?”

  “Even if he does, it’s not like you can’t follow him this time,” Jered says. “He’ll know that. I have a feeling he’ll take his chances and fight you rather than try to run. There’s nowhere he could go where you wouldn’t follow him.”

  “Good,” I say. “I don’t think I’ll be in the mood to chase after him anyway. I only wish Olivia could witness the death of her husband’s executioner.”

  “She’ll be plenty satisfied to just know you’ve killed him,” Malcolm tells me.

  “I’ll be back when it’s time to go,” Jered says to Malcolm. “Belphagor showed me where to take Anna so she can wait for Botis.”

  “I’ll be ready,” I promise.

  Malcolm closes the door and crawls back into bed with me.

  “You should get some rest,” Malcolm tells me. “You look tired.”

  Even though I had just slept through the night, the ordeal of taking in the seal has indeed left me completely exhausted. I should have known Malcolm would notice it.

  I curl myself against him and breathe in deeply. In no time at all, I’m sound asleep.

  When I awaken, I feel one of Malcom’s hands gently glide up and down my hip as I lay with my back pressed firmly against him. I turn to lay flat on my back to look up at his face as he slides his hand to rest on my thigh.

  “Did you sleep well?” He asks.

  “Yes. How long was I asleep?”

  “A couple of hours.”

  “Have you been lying here all that time?”

  “Where else would I want to be?”

  I run my right hand over Malcolm’s shoulder and bury my fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck. Malcolm doesn’t need any more encouragement than that simple gesture. He lowers his mouth to mine, kissing my lips tenderly. I press my lips against his more forcefully demanding a more penetrating kiss from him. I turn my body into Malcolm’s and grab his shoulders with my hands as I wrap one leg around his waist and press him onto his back without ever breaking the contact of our lips.


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