Son of Eden, a Paranormal Romance

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Son of Eden, a Paranormal Romance Page 12

by Brianna Merrill

  “Why doesn’t everyone have a Guardian?”

  “Guardians only guard those who allow for our protection. There are some people who choose the wrong path. When they reach a certain point, we can no longer follow down the course they have chosen, and cannot protect them. Like the rapist who attacked you. He did not have a Guardian because he already committed awful acts that we will not be a part of, or witness. It would be like working against other Guardians if one of us were to help him in any way. We are meant to protect good people, not help those that wish to harm others and society.” Alexander glanced toward Emily and noticed that the color from her face was gone. He instantly realized his mistake.

  “You said rapist….was the man that attacked me a rapist?” Emily asked quietly as her empty gaze focused on something outside the window.

  Alexander was remorseful that he wasn’t more careful with his words. “Yes he was. I’m sorry; you didn’t need to know that.” Alexander placed his hand on hers.

  “How did you know that about him?” Emily asked now turning to look at him.

  “I receive visions.” Alexander paused again, to let the new information sink in. “When I’m supposed to be by your side, to protect you, I am sent a vision of what is to occur. That’s how Guardians know when they are required. If we’re somewhere else we know that our traveler needs us. Unfortunately, the vision does not give us the precise time of when we are to intervene. That prompting doesn’t come until the event. We feel a burning in our chest and that is the sign to step in and do what is necessary to protect our Traveler.”

  Emily sat silently, contemplating what could have happened without Alexander’s protection. She knew she shouldn’t entertain ideas of endings that didn’t occur. She pushed all the thoughts out of her mind.

  “It doesn’t matter, Alexander is here and I’m safe because of him, that’s all that matters.”

  Alexander continued to look in her direction, content to give her time to work out her thoughts. He hated to see any pain in Emily’s expression.

  “I’m so sorry. There was no need for you to know that man’s sordid past. It’s over and done with, and he will never touch you again; or anyone else for that matter. I think the police were pleasantly surprised to find out that they had finally caught a man they had been searching for. I am sorry to alarm you though, that was a mistake.”

  “No, don’t stress about telling me. It just caught me off guard that’s all. I know I’m safe with you.” Emily gave Alexander’s hand a squeeze. “So, I was thinking, since you seem to be sticking around, I need to introduce you to my father. You know, so you don’t have to disappear every time he walks in.”

  “That would be nice. I really like your father. He’s a good man. I can honestly say that men like him are becoming harder and harder to find.”

  “That’s right; I guess you already know him. If you’ve been around watching me, then you must see him, as well.”

  “Yeah, it’s pretty easy to get to know your Traveler and the people that surround them, especially when you hang around as much as I have.” Alexander winked at Emily.

  “We still need to tell my father about you, we just need to decide on a convincing story about how we met and what you do, and all that.” Emily curled her fingers to her lips in deep contemplation.

  “Why don’t we just tell him the truth? You know, about how we met.”

  “You want to tell him the truth?” Emily asked, doubt clearly evident in her voice. “Like, ‘Hey dad this is Alexander. He’s my Guardian who has been stalking me the last few years, and he has all these crazy powers like materializing and visions and he lives in a forbidden valley up on some mountain that we can never visit. So if you are all right with it, we’re going to be together.’ “ Emily finished her sentence in one breath and then inhaled deeply to refill her lungs.

  Alexander chuckled. “That’s not fair. I was not stalking you. I was just doing my job…very thoroughly.” Alexander now burst into a light laughter. Once he was finished he cleared his throat and continued. “Maybe I didn’t mean we should tell him that much of the truth, but I think that honesty really is the best policy. As much as we can tell him, I think we should. I don’t want us to be constantly rethinking everything we say because we are trying to remember lies. If we give him information the way I gave it to you in the beginning then he can assume what he wants and we won’t be caught in some web.”

  “I suppose you’re right.” Emily sighed wondering how difficult it was going to be to come clean about where she had gone to get the violin restored and that she was mugged. But Alexander was right, and his way was better. She just needed to be brave and tell the truth, or, as Alexander said, enough of it.

  “I just wonder if he will begin to be as curious as you, and want more details,” Alexander said raising his eyebrows in question.

  “I think once he gets to know you, he’ll be content with the minor details of what you do for a living and your home life. He’ll let it be,” Emily said with confidence. She knew her father was someone who accepted things for how they were and trusted people completely. She didn’t believe there would be any suspicious feelings from him.

  “Good, I think it will work out just fine then. When do I get to officially meet him?” Alexander asked with excitement.

  “I was thinking this Friday, at his next banquet. He’s always in such a good mood at those things. It really would be the best opportunity. I can tell him that I have a friend I invited and then you can meet us there,” Emily explained.

  “You know who else will be there?” Alexander paused to give her a chance to answer.

  Her bewildered look indicated that she had no clue.

  “Rob will be there,” Alexander continued.

  “Yeah, so?” Emily wondered why Alexander would even think of Rob.

  “You can’t tell me that you had no idea how madly in love Rob is with you?”

  “I’m aware that he has some sort of crush, but I still don’t see why that matters.”

  “So you don’t have any feelings for Rob? Whatsoever?” Alexander seemed uneasy about the subject.

  “Noooo…,” Emily started and then caught on to what Alexander was getting at. “Wait a minute. Are you jealous of Rob? You can’t be serious.” Now it was Emily who gave into her laughter.

  “Why do you laugh?” Alexander interrupted her giggles.

  “I just find it hilarious that you think I would have feelings for Rob and to the point that you would honestly be worried. What does Rob have for you to be jealous about?”

  Alexander wasn’t as amused. “He’s human, Emily, he’s just like you,” he said quietly.

  Emily put a stop to her laughter and became serious. She could tell this was something unsettling for Alexander.

  “He’s more real than I am. He can hold down a job, buy you a house, provide for you…raise children with you…grow old with you.” Alexander barely choked out the last words in his sentence.

  They were both silent for a moment. Emily knew this was an issue, how different she and Alexander were. She was so caught up in the joy of having him around that she hadn’t given much thought to how things would work out.

  “Alexander,” Emily said as she placed her hand on his shoulder. “I don’t think we should be caught up in what we can’t give one another. Not when there is so much more that we can give to each other.”

  “I just don’t see how I am to satisfy your needs and wants associated with life. I’m not sure how fair that is to you.” Alexander was expressing some of his deepest concerns.

  Emily pondered over his words for a moment, trying to decide how she could ease the trouble that was churning within him.

  Emily searched for the right way to phrase her response. “Things like that don’t matter to me. I don’t mind being the one to earn the money and temporal necessities. What I get from you is worth so much more. I’m not worried about our future. As long as I’m with you, nothing else matters.”

nbsp; Alexander was touched by how she felt, but it did not change how stressed he was about not giving Emily what he felt she needed. Damarus had struck a nerve when he questioned Alexander about how he would lead a mortal life with Emily. He decided not to worry about it for the present. Instead he would embrace the time he had with her. If she wasn’t bothered about it, then that was enough, for now.

  “I guess we can figure those things out along the way then,” Alexander said, trying to sound more positive.

  “Exactly.” Emily cheerfully agreed.

  The remainder of the car ride was spent laughing about silly TV shows, songs and memories from Emily’s past. Emily had decided she would ease off the twenty questions until they got to the lake. She wanted more time to just act normal and enjoy Alexander’s company.

  When they arrived in town, as if on cue, Emily’s stomach gave a rumble. Alexander looked over at her with an inquisitive smirk.

  “Sounds like someone is hungry. Where do you want to eat since you’re the one with the money?” Alexander tried to joke, but it was obvious he was still insecure about the issue.

  “There is a little café just a mile ahead on the right. We can pull in there for lunch,” Emily directed. “That reminds me; do you not need food or water or anything like that? I mean, I saw you eat that day we went to the museum, but you didn’t eat much. How does all that work?”

  “Ah, food. It’s an interesting thing. I don’t need it but I can certainly eat it. I don’t feel hunger, so a few bites always satisfy any urges. It’s more like taste testing for me. I enjoy food but you won’t see me stuffing my face.”

  “So you don’t have any of the pains or problems associated with normal human bodies? Your body is what a human body would be if it were perfect?” Emily was feeling envious before she even finished her sentence.

  “Yeah I would say that is it. If someone did an X-ray or CT scan of me my anatomy would look normal. But my body remains in a perfected state, no illnesses or regular bodily issues affect me.”

  “Wow that must be nice. Now I’m jealous. I wonder what it must be like to not have to deal with an imperfect human body.”

  When they reached the café Alexander hurried around to the passenger side to open Emily’s door. She wondered if he would ever forget to open a door for her.

  “Probably not,” she thought.

  As they made their way into the café they passed by an older couple sitting outside.

  “Can you see other people’s Guardians?”

  “When they are there with their Travelers I can. But even if their Guardian is not by their side I can tell if they have one or not,” Alexander explained.

  “What about those two over there, is their Guardian with them?” Emily gestured with a head nod toward the older couple.

  “No,” he answered simply as he held the door open for her.

  Emily scanned the café as she entered, making a mental note of how many people were there. She wondered about each Guardian’s status in regards to their Traveler. The petite hostess greeted them and immediately seated them in a small booth in the back. Emily could hardly wait until the girl was out of hearing range.

  “What about her?” Emily whispered.

  “Nope, hers isn’t here at the moment, either.” Alexander was amused with Emily’s little game.

  “Okay, then what about the guy over there at the bar, in the flannel shirt drinking a coke?” Emily made quick inconspicuous glances around the room, assessing each patron.

  “No, not there either.”

  “What is with you guys? I thought Guardians were supposed to be around protecting people.” She sounded slightly irritated.

  “I don’t think eating at a café is something that involves danger for most people.” Alexander was thoroughly entertained.

  “Where are all of their Guardians then?” Emily was not about to let it go.

  “Probably at the Casino or Horse Races.”

  “Guardians can gamble?”

  Alexander could no longer contain his laughter; it was all too funny to him. “I was just kidding, I don’t know where they are. They could be home, in Eden, or wandering around sightseeing, catching a movie, visiting a museum. If their traveler doesn’t need them, they do whatever pleases them.”

  “Oh.” was all Emily said.

  “But the lady sitting directly behind you, two tables down, her Guardian is here.” Alexander said looking down, trying to hide his face.

  “Really?” With a quick glance over her shoulder she looked for the woman, but the waitress making her way to their table blocked her view.

  Two water glasses were plopped down on the table in front of them.

  “Are you folks ready to order?” The waitress pressed for the order, her gray-striped uniform emphasizing the exhausted look on her face. The drab color seemed to only draw attention to the heavy, dark circles under her eyes. Her hair was dull and frizzy, swept back in a fashion that indicated she hadn’t made any effort with styling this morning. Emily was caught off guard by the urgency that was emphasized in the waitress’ voice. She could tell the woman didn’t want to be here.

  “Uhh… I’ll have your Tuscan Turkey sandwich on toasted wheat, please.” Emily was here enough to know what the café’s regular menu items were.

  “You want potato salad with that?”

  “No, thanks.” Emily responded politely, regardless of the not so friendly attitude she was getting from the waitress.

  “What about you, hun?” The waitress turned to Alexander.

  “Nothing for me, thank you,” he replied in a soft tone. The smile on his face was a sympathy smile. One you see people give one another when they are trying to be positive after hearing bad news.

  The waitress quickly turned and walked away from the table. Emily noticed that Alexander was following her with his eyes.

  “Is her Guardian here? Is that why you’re looking at her?”

  Alexander turned his attention back toward Emily. She could see the apprehension on his face.

  “No,” he replied. “She’s sick, really sick.” Alexander looked down at his hands.

  “How do you know that?”

  “It’s just another sixth sense we have. We can tell when someone is sick and with what. That woman’s liver is failing. She’s already in stage four. It is tough to be working with that condition, especially when you have to be on your feet all day.” Alexander seemed to hurt for the woman as if he knew her.

  Emily gave him some time. She could tell he was concerned for the waitress.

  After a few more moments she could no longer suppress her curiosity. “Why would you know those things? What purpose does it serve you?”

  “It’s another one of our abilities. We not only protect but we can take away illness and disease. Of course, only when prompted.” Alexander folded his hands together, placing his elbows on the table so he could lean in toward Emily. “When you hear of those miraculous healings after the doctors have done everything they can and nothing has worked, that’s usually us.”

  “So Guardians not only protect but they can undo the effect of a disease…” Emily let her head drop down to stare at Alexander’s powerful hands. “Like cancer,” she finished her voice barely audible.

  “Yes, like cancer.” Alexander knew exactly where Emily’s thoughts were going. He braced himself for what he knew was to come next.

  It was now Emily’s turn to sit in silence, to gather her thoughts and feelings.

  “Why was my mother made to suffer through her cancer? Was she not worthy of a Guardian?” Emily kept her head down as she tried to fight back the tears.

  “Emily, you know that is not true, of course she had a Guardian. But as I have said before, we are not the ones to make the decisions over who lives and who dies, over who suffers and who does not. We can only follow the promptings given us.” Alexander took a deep breath. He had to tell her about her mother.

  Emily looked up; the tears flowed freely from her eyes. �
�I don’t understand how her Guardian could just sit there and see all the pain she went through and not do anything. She suffered too much, it wasn’t fair!” she whispered harshly. “Prompting or not, if I had the power to take that from her, I would have, anyone with feelings would have.”

  “Emily…” Alexander closed his eyes briefly as if to draw strength to say what he wanted. “I was your mother’s Guardian.”

  Emily’s eyes widened with fear and disbelief; her tears suddenly stopped falling.

  “What did you say?” she finally breathed out.

  “I was your mother’s Guardian. I was with her from the time of her birth until the day she died. I loved your mother very much. It was hard to watch her go through what she did. To watch all of you suffer. After her death I was reassigned as your Guardian.” Alexander was relieved to have his secret out, but his longing to comfort Emily shadowed his relief. He knew he could not right now. She was upset and needed to feel angry and hurt. It was natural. He had seen it countless times before.

  The waitress appeared, setting the food down in front of them. Before she left, Emily reached out and gently touched her arm.

  Without taking her eyes off Alexander she softly muttered, “I am actually going to need this to go. And I’m so sorry you’re sick, I hope things get better for you.” She finally turned her eyes to the waitress, retracting her hand from the woman’s arm.

  The waitress looked surprised but did not say a word. Instead, she simply continued about her business like nothing was said, and went to fetch a box.

  “Emily, are you okay? I understand if you are angry with me,” Alexander said gently.

  “I’m not angry. I’m not sure what I am. I’m confused, I’m hurt, I…” She didn’t finish her sentence. Instead, she reached into her purse.

  The waitress came back and quickly dropped the ‘to go’ box and left. She did not spare a glance at either one of them on her way back to the kitchen.

  Emily retrieved a fifty-dollar bill from her wallet and placed it under the saltshaker. Without a word she put her sandwich in her box, stood, and turned for the door. She heard Alexander get up and then follow her outside.


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