Son of Eden, a Paranormal Romance

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Son of Eden, a Paranormal Romance Page 20

by Brianna Merrill

  “Why is this happening? I thought I was going to have some happiness in my life again. That sure was short lived. I don’t understand any of this.”

  When Emily came out of the bathroom she was relieved to see Alexander talking with Xavier. Both of them stopped their conversation and looked in her direction.

  She ran to Alexander throwing her arms around his neck. “You’re back, oh you’re back,” she breathed as she moved her hands down to squeeze him tightly around the waist. Then, remembering he was stabbed exactly where she was placing pressure, she jerked back. “Sorry, I forgot,” she added sheepishly as she gazed down to where the bloodstain had been.

  “It’s okay. I’m fine, all healed up,” Alexander reassured her as he rubbed her back.

  Emily wasn’t surprised that he was now in new clothes. She figured that he wouldn’t appear in the same bloody ones that he had left in. However, she could not fathom how he could be completely healed and her curiosity got the better of her.

  Gently raising the side of his soft cotton shirt, Emily couldn’t help but gasp. “Where’s the wound? There isn’t even a scar or a mark. How did you heal that quickly?”

  His skin flowed smoothly over each abdominal muscle, showcasing the incredible build of his body. If Emily hadn’t been so concerned about his wound, she might have grown weak in the knees from seeing his ripped stomach for the first time.

  “I told you we heal quickly. It happens even faster when we’re in the Guardian Realm. A small amount of time there goes a long way.” Alexander was slightly amused with her awe.

  “Is the bullet wound healed too?” Emily asked.

  “Yep, good as new.” Alexander slapped his upper chest where the bullet had entered.

  “I trust you removed the bullet then, my friend?” Xavier asked.

  “Yeah, I hadn’t given it much thought until Cyrenna reminded me. Which is a good thing because it could have proven to be quite difficult getting back here,” Alexander boomed in a lighthearted tone.

  “What do you mean?” Emily let the confusion freely show on her face.

  Alexander and Xavier were pulled from their exchange of words, realizing that Emily wouldn’t know what they were talking about.

  “We have to remove any objects that penetrate our human form before we heal over them. If we don’t get it out before that, we can’t shift our forms. If I heal and have not removed something like a bullet and it’s still inside, I’m stuck in human form, where I am vulnerable, until I fish it out,” Alexander explained.

  “Yeah, and it definitely isn’t pleasant trying to dig something out after you’ve healed over it. We don’t scar, which means we’ve no reference mark. It can be like digging for a diamond in a tub of sand,” Xavier added while rubbing his left arm.

  Alexander gave a loud laugh, punching his friend in the same arm he coddled. “Xavier here would know. During the Civil War he was shot in the arm but there was so much going on that by the time we had a moment, he had healed. We had no idea where the bullet was. He told us to look in his left arm.” Alexander paused to chuckle again. “So after we searched for hours and had his arm split open from top to bottom he remembered that he was shot in his right arm.”

  “You make me sound like some sort of moron,” Xavier said defensively. He turned toward Emily. “I had blood all over me and my shirt was torn in multiple places, so it wasn’t like I had any indication where a bullet would have gone in. Plus, it’s not like I’m keeping track of my wounds while I’m in the heat of battle. My mind is a little occupied with other things, you know,” Xavier griped.

  Emily stared at both of them in disbelief. “I can’t believe you guys are laughing about bullet wounds… this is just all too crazy for me.” She sighed as she sat down on her bed.

  Both Alexander and Xavier grew completely serious. The time for being humorous was over. There were much more crucial matters at hand.

  “Sorry, I guess we got a little carried away,” Alexander apologized.

  “No, it’s fine. I’m just having an anxiety attack, something I’m sure you’ve never experienced,” Emily responded.

  “No, I haven’t,” Alexander agreed, ignoring her sarcasm as he sat down on the bed next to her.

  “Did you find out what’s going on?” Emily struggled to fight back her tears.

  “Yes, I counseled with the Five and got some much-needed answers. But, I want you to know that everything is going to work out.” Alexander tried to prepare her for the information he was about to share.

  “Just tell me, Alexander. Don’t try to sugar coat it,” Emily said more sharply than she intended. But, she couldn’t help it. She wanted the complete truth.

  Alexander looked a bit surprised to see Emily voice her wishes so strongly. He knew he couldn’t deny her what she wanted; she needed to know all the details.

  Alexander took a deep cleansing breath. “When I got to Eden, Damarus and Aldara were meeting with The Seer. Cyrenna saw everything that went on in the parking garage as it happened, and had informed the others immediately. I didn’t wait long until Damarus and Aldara came back and relayed all that The Seer had said.” He briefly glanced at Xavier to see whether his friend was following the story, and then turned back to Emily.

  “They said The Seer told them the Opposition was indeed after you, or actually after us both. We are their targets.” Alexander paused to let Emily speak. She remained silent, so he continued. “Something about our relationship has the Opposition scared. They want to kill one of us to stop whatever is coming.”

  Emily spoke up now, as she tried to grasp everything Alexander was saying. “Our relationship started all of this? What could possibly be threatening about us being together?”

  “The Seer did not say. However, Aldara seemed to know more than the others. There is something she is not saying, I’m sure of it.” Alexander reflected back to her conversation with his elders. “She said that we had a mission to accomplish and that is what has the Opposition worried. They will stop at nothing to make sure whatever it is we are to do, doesn’t happen. That was all the information she gave me.”

  It was obvious that Alexander was rolling over each word that Aldara had spoken in the last few days.

  “How does the Opposition know about something that we don’t even know about ourselves?” Emily was quite frustrated.

  Xavier offered an explanation. “They have their sources, but mostly, the prophecies. Maybe since the relationship between the two of you is so unique, it fits in with one of their prophecies.”

  “Yes, that would make sense. That thought had not occurred to me at all. That just might be the answer.” Alexander nodded his head in contemplation.

  “But you said they’ll stop at nothing. Tonight was just the beginning then,” Emily breathed wearily.

  “Yes, tonight was their initial attack. They wanted to assess my strength and how well I could protect you.”

  “That means they’re coming after us again.” Emily was beginning to feel defeated.

  “I’m afraid so,” Alexander said softly. He could tell this was all too much for Emily to handle. “The Seer said a second attack would be coming in a matter of weeks…this next one will be bigger.” Alexander’s words trailed off toward the end. He hated being so blunt with Emily but it wouldn’t help right now to hold back.

  Emily gave a slight sniffle. “How big?”

  “Anywhere from fifty to one-hundred and fifty.”

  “You can’t be serious! How can they get that many people?” Emily could feel the hot stinging tears begin to form in her eyes as complete terror washed over her. She couldn’t picture how Alexander would be able to fight off that many people.

  “Unfortunately, when you live in a big place like New York City, there are hundreds of thousands of minds the Opposition can influence. There are enough muggers and murderers out there on the streets that only need one slight prompting, and they will be completely under the enemy’s influence. Bad people like that will do wh
atever the Opposition suggests; it doesn’t even have to make sense. They will be like mindless sheep, committed to doing whatever crime or act the Opposition has planted within their mind,” Alexander explained, feeling a bit gloomy himself. But he knew he needed to stay confident for Emily’s sake, pessimism had never done him any good and he tried to stay as far from that perspective as he could.

  “So, what? We just wait here for these horrible people to show up and pray we somehow survive?” Emily’s tears silently streaked down her face, but she refused to acknowledge them, she was so tired of crying. It was an unfortunate side effect after her mother’s death; her emotions were always skimming on the surface, ready to break through at any moment.

  “No; absolutely not, I have already come up with an idea on how to keep you safe and Damarus has assured aide from other Guardians when the time comes. I promise you that even though the circumstances sound grim, I’ll keep you safe. Somehow I will end all of this, and that is a promise you can count on. I will not fail,” Alexander vowed as he pulled her into his embrace to offer comfort as she cried.

  “I am trying to understand. But, how is keeping me safe possible with the odds we’re against?” Emily moaned.

  “First of all, I believe the best thing we can do, when it comes time, is get you out of the city. I plan to take you to your vacation home. There are far fewer people around there and I am confident that will drastically lower the Opposition’s numbers.” Alexander explained.

  “Good idea, Brother. That will definitely make for fewer numbers on their side. It will give us a more secluded area to work with. There will also be fewer bystanders or witnesses.” Xavier was encouraged by this plan of action.

  “If we secure the home and keep Emily enclosed within we can then have Guardians surrounding the grounds. I am positive this is the way to defeat this force. The Seer gave a large range when it came to the Opposition’s numbers. At first the discrepancy didn’t make sense, because he usually is so detailed with his information. But, then I realized that the number was susceptible to change, depending on location and what I decided to do as a defense,” Alexander said looking up at Xavier.

  The two Guardians once again began conversing as though Emily weren’t there.

  Emily excused herself to the bathroom. She sniffled as she made her way across the room. Alexander got up to follow her, but she held her hand up in protest.

  “I just have to blow my nose,” she said softly.

  Alexander sat back down and waited until Emily disappeared through the doorway before he continued his conversation with Xavier in a hushed tone.

  “Damarus mentioned one more thing. He said that The Seer issued a warning that those from the past would manifest themselves. What do you suppose that means?”

  Xavier furrowed his brow as he repeated the words in his mind. “The only thing I can think of is that he might be referring to the Ancient Ones.”

  “Yes, that is the only thing I have come up with, as well,” Alexander sounded slightly discouraged with the revelation that his conclusion was the most probable.

  “Who are the Ancient Ones?” Emily’s voice came from across the room. She was standing in the doorway with a tissue in hand, watching them intently.

  Alexander looked over; he was surprised to see her there. He was so caught up in defensive plotting that things he had no intention of mentioning in front of Emily were revealed.

  Alexander sighed. “Our legends say that in the beginning, when the first Guardians were created, there were some of our kind who didn’t agree with what they were made for. I guess you could say they didn’t think it was fair. They resented humans simply because they felt like our kind was the greater creation. They believed we should not be treated as though we are servants to a weaker race.

  “This rift in belief caused a great battle among the Guardians. In the end, those who rebelled were driven out of Eden. They say it is those ancient Guardians who formed the beginnings of the Opposition. They created this evil force in an effort to destroy the human race.”

  Emily spoke up. “You said ‘legend’. Does that mean it’s just an idea, you don’t know for sure?” She made her way over to the bed.

  “There is great debate among Guardians whether this is true. We are not supposed to discuss it. The Governing Five never took a stand concerning the legend’s validity, which leaves plenty of room for personal interpretation. So, over the years it has become difficult to decide which parts are exaggerated and which parts are true. I have heard stories of Guardians seeing Ancient Ones during wars, but I never know what’s made up.” Alexander shrugged his shoulders.

  “Do you believe it’s true?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve always had questions about how we came to be. We are not like humans. We don’t experience infancy, we don’t have parents who take pictures and tell us stories about our childhood. My first memory consists of standing in a bright light, in the middle of a grove of trees, and seeing Aldara’s face before me. I certainly wasn’t an infant because I was looking down at her, not up,” Alexander explained.

  Emily could hear the hurt and doubt in his voice. She had never given any thought to how Alexander came to exist. Not knowing exactly how you were made could definitely be troubling. She turned to Xavier.

  “And what about you?” Emily probed.

  “Hey, I’m the same as him. First thing I remember is that I was standing in the woods in front of Aldara, in all of my grown nakedness. Talk about an awkward moment,” Xavier snorted. “That’s the first memory all Guardians have, so it’s not like we have a lot of notes to compare.”

  Emily turned back to Alexander and placed her hands on his. “I’m sorry I never thought to ask. That was inconsiderate of me. I can tell this is an issue for you.”

  “It’s nothing, really,” Alexander whispered. “We have more important matters to discuss.”

  Emily thought she saw a tear fall from his eye but his head was down so she couldn’t be sure. She longed to comfort him the way he consistently comforted her. She wanted him to open up to her, to reveal what it was that caused him so much pain. But Alexander was right; she would have to push these thoughts aside for the present. Unfortunately, there were more pressing issues at hand.

  “So these Ancient Ones, how do you know if you see one?” Emily was changing the subject for Alexander’s benefit; she knew he didn’t want to dwell on things that hurt him.

  “It is said that they have yellow eyes and long black hair. Some claim they always appear clothed in dark red robes. But like I said before, I have yet to hear a story first hand from a Guardian who will attest to seeing an Ancient One. It’s always just hearsay.”

  “Based on what Damarus said and what I heard you say to Xavier, you think these Ancient Ones will be coming too?” Emily wanted to know how bad it was going to be.

  “I’m not sure. It’s all just speculation right now. But things will get clearer as the time draws closer.” Alexander seemed to be at peace with the plan they had in place. He took his hand and gently ran the tips of his fingers down her cheek, and then across her full lips. “We’ll be together, that is all I’m certain of… and that is enough for me,” he whispered.

  Emily closed her eyes, his fingers felt like warm velvet as they traced the outline of her lips. “It’s enough for me too,” she said, her words barely audible.

  Xavier cleared his throat. “Uhh, do you guys want me to leave or something?”

  “Yes,” Alexander responded, never taking his eyes off Emily.

  “No!” Emily snapped herself out of the trance. “No, I wanted to talk about one more thing.” It took all the strength she had to open her eyes and pull away from his touch.

  Alexander seemed a little shocked with Emily’s response, but was willing to appease her.

  “I was thinking about my dad,” she explained. “What about him in all of this? I don’t want him in danger.”

  “Yes, we will make sure we protect him at all times, as wel
l. That should be easy since Xavier is his Guardian,” Alexander answered.

  “But, I was thinking that it’s going to be hard keeping all of this from him, especially since you’re going to be rushing me off to solitary confinement. I would be worried the whole time I’m away from him, and I know you’ll need Xavier there for the fight. But, at the same time I don’t want my dad to be left alone,” Emily rambled.

  “I guess that does create somewhat of a problem.” Alexander placed his hand to his forehead in thought.

  “Actually, I was thinking that we should just tell him,” Emily suggested.

  “Tell him what?” Alexander sounded a bit confused.

  “Everything,” Emily exhaled.

  “You think we should tell your dad everything, from start to finish, huh?” It was obvious that Alexander was a bit doubtful. He carefully considered her idea, weighing each consequence that may result.

  “I think that if you show him some of your abilities, and maybe break it to him the way you did to me, I’m sure he’ll believe you. I really think that the best way to keep him safe is to keep him close. The only way to do that without him thinking we’ve all lost our minds is to tell him the truth.”

  “I’ll do whatever you ask of me but I need to be positive that this is what you really want. It is a big deal, revealing who we are.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure. I really think it’s for the best.” Emily nodded, trusting her gut on the issue.

  “Okay then, whatever it is you want. Xavier and I will work out the details.” Alexander reached out to wrap her in his arms.

  “Does this mean I get to break it to him?” Xavier interrupted.

  “I don’t know it might be too much for him if you do it,” Alexander said.

  “No, it could be a good idea. Xavier might be able to disclose information about my dad that only Xavier could, like you did with me. When you mentioned my car accident I was convinced that what you were telling me was true.”

  Xavier didn’t wait for Alexander’s reply. “Excellent!” He said, eagerly clapping his hands together. “I knew if I stuck with Alexander long enough he would get me into some real trouble.”


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