Diane [The Town of Pearl 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Diane [The Town of Pearl 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 15

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “That’s what you think,” Lucas said as he turned her around, lifted her up into his arms, and kissed her deeply.

  As Drake moved in behind her and began to press her panties aside and stroke her pussy, she knew she was going to be very late for work. In fact, she might not make it there at all today.

  Chapter 11

  The lights were so bright in the studio, it took a while for Diane’s eyes to adjust. She felt a bit insecure when she saw the other models do their sessions with the photographers. They were all super thin, and she was considered full figured because of her abundant breasts and large ass. However, Sage was truly enjoying herself as she feasted on the fresh berries and finger foods near the table in the lounge. She walked in carrying a special latte or something and stopped mid stride.

  Diane swallowed hard. “It looks terrible, right?” she asked, as she tried getting used to the fact that her belly was showing, the sheer material of the two-piece sequined garment was extremely sexy and something that she would love to own. Except this number had a two-hundred-dollar price tag.

  “Are you kidding me? You look hot. I so have to take a picture of this.” Sage pulled out her cell phone as the photographer introduced himself and Monique entered the room. Diane thought she saw a flash and when she turned Sage was walking over to the chair to sit and watch as Monique spoke with Diane.

  “You look stunning. I knew this would be beautiful on you. You have such a sweet, innocent look about you, yet the fire in your eyes and determination comes shining through. We’re going to see that side of you today as well. I’ve got about two dozen pieces for you to showcase. I want you to listen to Michael. He is superb, and very patient.”

  She looked at Michael. “You realize that I have never done anything like this before?”

  He smiled. “Honey, with your body, your beauty, and those gorgeous, bold green eyes, you’ll be a natural. Just relax and enjoy this. Not everyone gets this opportunity, and Monique spoke very highly of you to all of us.”

  Diane looked at Monique. “I promise to try my hardest. I appreciate the opportunity.”

  Monique clutched her hands over Diane’s and smiled wide. “You’re going to be amazing.”

  Diane swallowed hard as Monique moved out of the way and stood beside the bright lights. There was a staged background of a bedroom, very fancy and sexy. She wondered if the photographer would have her pose on the bed. She started off feeling stiff and unsure, but as Michael talked her though the different poses, and Monique and Sage encouraged her, she truly started to enjoy the whole aspect of modeling. Before long, she was getting the poses perfectly, and Diane focused on Michael and the camera, nothing more. By the time she dressed in her tenth outfit, other people had gathered around, including some of the models that hadn’t been quite friendly earlier and were now applauding. “Is it over? You don’t need me to change into the other five outfits?” she asked.

  Monique chuckled.

  “Honey, we got so many fabulous shots,” Michael told her and then kissed her cheek. She smiled and said thank you as she walked off the set toward Sage.

  “Your phone has been going off like crazy,” Sage told her.

  “Why? The guys knew that I was shooting today.”

  “Well, I kind of sent out a few pictures to Mark at his request.”

  “What? Sage, he’s going to flip out.”

  “Well, it was part of the contract Matt made me commit to.”

  “Oh brother.” Diane quickly got behind the curtain and started to change into regular clothes.

  Before Diane could make the call, Monique entered the room.

  “How did you like it?”

  “I loved it. I mean at first I was so scared, but Michael was amazing. He made me feel comfortable and I understood what he wanted.”

  “Great. Tonight there’s going to be a huge party in the hotel. We have a lot of bigwigs coming. There will be some time to come up with who makes the catalogue but I think you’ll definitely be in it. You had a lot of stunning shots.”

  Diane felt a little disappointed. Maybe things didn’t go so well. There was no guarantee that she would be in the catalogue after all.

  “Hey, you did wonderfully. I’m so glad that you came here and accepted my offer. In a week or so we’ll talk more. I’ll let you know if you made the catalogue or if you’ll need to come back for a chance at the next one, okay?”

  “Okay. Thank you.”

  “Oh, and accounting will send you a check for the work you did today.”

  “A check?”

  “Of course. You get paid for modeling, Diane. And the really good ones get paid a lot.”

  “Oh, okay. Thank you.”

  Monique said good-bye to Sage and that she would see them tonight.

  “Holy cow. How much do you think you’ll get paid?”

  “I have no idea. I just feel kind of disappointed.”

  “Disappointed, why?”

  “It sounded like I may not have even made the catalogue. That was exhausting.”

  “Hey, you looked fabulous, your men and mine thought so, too. So who cares what anyone else thinks?”

  Diane widened her eyes. “Your men, too? You mean Dale, Virgo, Matt, and Quaid saw the pictures you sent Mark, Lucas and Drake?”

  Sage nodded. “They liked them a lot. In fact, I have requests that I get some samples of lingerie to bring back to Pearl, you know, so I can model for my men.”

  Diane chuckled. “Let’s go back to the hotel. I need a nap and a bath if I’m going to have the energy for tonight’s party.”

  “Well, I’ll tell you one thing, if you get offered a modeling contract and need to fly out here to New York, Paris, wherever, I’ll be your personal assistant, even if it means I have to carry your purse and fetch your latte.”

  “You’re crazy, do you know that?”

  “I’m crazy?” Sage asked as she pointed her finger at herself. “I’m not the one posing in lingerie that may be seen by millions of strangers around the world. That’s freaking crazy.”

  Diane laughed as the excitement of possibly getting offered more work filled her mind. She liked modeling a lot. If it were meant to be then she would deal with making decisions after talking to her men. They were a part of her life now, and decisions they each made affected all of them. Both good and bad ones.

  * * * *

  “Oh my God, that’s our woman,” Drake stated as Mark pulled up the pictures from the cell phone. Matt had sent them from Sage.

  “My God, she looks incredible,” Lucas said.

  “Sage sent a video, too, of her in action.” Mark connected it to the computer screen and they all watched it.

  “She’s a fucking natural. Shit,” Lucas said.

  “She’s going to want to continue with this. How could we ask her to not do it when she looks so happy?” Mark asked.

  “We can’t. We said we would make changes in our lives. We know she means everything to us. We’ll be supportive if she wants to continue in this career,” Drake said.

  “She’ll have to travel a lot, I bet,” Lucas said, sounding upset.

  “We can go with her, or at least one of us,” Mark said as he ended the video and pulled Diane’s photo up onto the screen.

  “I feel fucking jealous and like ripping something apart,” Lucas admitted.

  “So do I,” Drake added.

  “We all feel that way because she’s finally ours and we don’t want to lose her to some other guy or guys. It’s natural,” Mark stated.

  “That doesn’t make it easier to digest. Why hasn’t she called?” Drake asked.

  “Sage texted and said they were headed to the hotel, and that Diane was exhausted. They have a party in the hotel tonight and an early flight back here tomorrow. One more night with her away, and then we can keep her in bed for the week,” Mark said.

  Lucas chuckled. “Our woman won’t have that and you know it.”

  “After what she pulled before she left, I wouldn’t
underestimate Diane for a second,” Mark said, but Drake and Lucas looked serious.

  “Why the hell did you have to bring that up? We haven’t been able to make love to her for four days,” Lucas said.

  “Because, I know in twenty-four hours, she’ll almost be back home in Pearl and we can make love to her as much as we like,” Mark said as the private phone on his desk began to ring. Drake and Lucas smiled as they looked at the picture on the screen.

  Mark answered the call, and sat forward in his seat. “Say that again?” He felt his chest tighten as he listened to his commander.

  “Cody Jobs is dead. Ray Segar is in intensive care, not sure if he’ll make it. His girlfriend didn’t. Marzban and his men are in New York. They’ve got a shipment coming in and some kind of meeting, if our informants are correct. We’ve got over a hundred federal agents and special local units initiating a raid. We’re going to bring these men down,” Commander Weathers told him.

  “My God, any sign of Brenda?”


  “Shit. Keep me posted on Ray’s condition.”

  “I will. Sit tight, and I’ll call when it’s all over.”

  Mark disconnected the call.

  “What’s wrong?” Drake asked and Mark explained.

  “That’s terrible.”

  Just then Mark’s cell phone rang. He looked at it, almost afraid to see who would be calling and what bad news was coming next. He was filled with mixed emotions. He wanted to be in the field, but he was done with this. His focus was Diane and that was who was on the phone.

  “It’s Diane,” he said, and his brothers smiled.

  “Hi, Mark.”

  “I’m putting you on speaker, Drake and Lucas are right here.”

  “Hey, beautiful, how did everything go?” Lucas asked.

  “It was exhausting. I know Sage sent you guys the pictures and a video. Are you mad at me?”

  “Mad? I guess a bit jealous and concerned. Who else got to see you in such sexy things?” Drake asked.

  “Just the photographer, other models, and Monique. It wasn’t that bad. I actually sucked at first,” she told them and Mark thought she sounded upset.

  “Are you okay? You sound upset, what happened?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. I actually enjoyed doing it once I got the hang of things, but afterward, Monique seemed happy, yet she said she would let me know if I made the catalogue.”

  “You mean there’s a possibility that you did all this, traveled out there, and may not make the catalogue at all?” Lucas asked.

  “That’s what it sounded like.”

  “Honey, no matter what, know that you look incredible. We saw the pictures, you’re gorgeous,” Lucas told her.

  “Thanks, but you guys are kind of prejudiced in that department.”

  “We know what we’re talking about,” Drake added.

  “How is everything with you guys? Any news on your case, Mark?” she asked, and he was silent a moment.

  “Mark, what happened? Something went wrong?” she asked, and he loved that she cared.

  “Just some bad stuff. An agent was killed, and another wounded badly.”

  “I’m so sorry. I promise to give you a great big hug when I see you.”

  “I expect a hell of a lot more than that,” he replied. And she chuckled.

  “How about Brenda? Any sign of her?” she asked, and Mark looked at his brothers. Both seemed shocked at Diane’s question. Mark knew that she was trying to be understanding. Just as he was trying his hardest to not be jealous that she was away and concerned about men hitting on her.

  “No sign at all. No one knows anything.”

  “You know, you said you’d show me a picture of her, but you never got the chance.”

  “I’ll show you when you come home tomorrow. We can’t wait to see you. What time will the limo be dropping you off here?”

  “Around nine in the evening.”

  “Okay, and your plans tonight? What’s this about a party?” Drake asked.

  “Oh, I have to go even though I’m exhausted. But as long as I can pull Sage away from all the excitement, we’ll call it an early night.”

  “Sage is enjoying herself?” Drake asked.

  “Oh yes, she offered to be my personal assistant, carry my pocketbook, and fetch my lattes if I make modeling my profession. I think she likes all the free stuff and the glamour.”

  Lucas chuckled. “Well, if you do decide to continue this profession, I think we’ll be the ones to be your personal escorts.”

  “Now wouldn’t that be interesting. I don’t think I’d be able to concentrate on posing, and the bed they used as a background would be used for a hell of a lot more than modeling lingerie”

  “You were on a bed posing? We saw one in the background but not any pictures with you posing on it. Did you?” Mark asked, raising his voice.

  Diane became silent.

  “Diane?” Drake raised his voice.

  “Listen, I need to get ready. I’ll call you tonight since there’s an hour difference in time.”

  Mark felt his gut clench. “Diane, do me a favor, and please be careful. Be aware of what’s going on around you. You and Sage stick together and remember if you feel uncomfortable or your gut bothers you, get to safety.”

  Mark’s brothers looked at him strangely.

  “I know, Mark. Hank, Paul, and Willie had me take the self-defense classes with Dalton and Hank, along with Sage and Millie. We’ve been really careful.”

  “Okay, we love you,” Mark said.

  “Yes, love you, baby, and can’t wait to see you tomorrow,” Lucas stated.

  “Love you, honey, be good, and go to bed early. In fact, don’t bother to go to the party,” Drake added.

  She laughed. “You know how much I like getting dressed up. I love you all, too.”

  “Don’t forget to call tonight.”

  “I won’t. Bye.” She hung up and Mark leaned back in his chair and ran his hands over his face.

  “I can’t wait until she’s home and in our arms. I’m so worried. I have this bad feeling in my gut,” Mark shared.

  “That’s because of the case, that agent who was killed and the one who was injured,” Drake said.

  “Don’t forget about the raid. This could all be over tonight. She’s safe in New York. Not that I think anyone would come here to attack me, but just in case, I think we all should take extra precautions. Then when Diane returns, we can work on loving her and planning our futures,” Drake said.

  “I’m all for that,” Lucas said as he stood up and headed out of the room. Drake followed after he squeezed his brother’s shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile. Mark stared at the picture on the screen, as he processed everything in his head.

  He pulled out his phone and texted Diane a picture of Brenda. A few seconds later, she texted back.

  “She’s very pretty. I hope that she’s okay. She’s beautiful.”

  “Not as beautiful as you, Diane. I love you. Only you.”

  “I know that. No worries, and thank you for sharing her picture with me. It means a lot.”

  “Be safe. I miss you.”

  “I miss you, too.”

  The texting ended and he felt slightly better at sharing her picture with Diane.

  Please be safe, Diane. I would die if anything ever happened to you. He touched the screen, and closed his eyes as her face filled his mind, and his heart ached for her quick return.

  * * * *

  Marzban watched her from across the room. She was more stunning than the pictures Zand and Arshad found online and that they took of her. In fact, the woman would make a great trophy to keep by his side and serve an even greater purpose alive. Agent Mark Santos would live in agony and defeat knowing that his lover was taken from him by the man and the operation he yearned to destroy.

  It was time to meet her. He waited long enough. He walked closer as another modeling agent attempted to speak with Diane. She was getting lots of
offers from what he overheard. She was quite the beauty, yet had a shyness about her.

  “Excuse me, I just had to come over and introduce myself. I’m Miguel Samir. I am a member of the board with K&S modeling. Monique told me so much about you.”

  Diane smiled as she shook his hand, and when their hands touched, he felt the instant attraction to her. Being a man to always surround himself with many women of his choosing, he couldn’t believe the intensity of the attraction he felt. He didn’t have that same sensation for Brenda. In fact, Brenda was still being watched closely by his team. He wondered where she disappeared to.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Samir.”

  “Oh please, call me Miguel.”

  Her eyes illuminated as she shyly turned away. The woman was perfect. He was going to really enjoy this. He glanced toward one of his guards and nodded toward the young woman Diane had come to New York with. He knew what to do. He had to keep them apart and get Diane alone. That was the only way he could make his move and abduct her. His plan was coming together, while his other reason for being in New York was being initiated.

  The meeting at the dock was in two hours. In three, he and his new prize would be flying to Iran as he contemplated retiring with his new bride. Well, for the time being. He smiled and engaged her in further conversation as he escorted her further from the crowds of people.

  * * * *

  “Holy shit, this is so cool. How often have you gotten to fly in these types of private jets, bro?” Drake asked as he and Lucas sat on the large, wide leather seats in the government jet. Mark was looking at his laptop and he didn’t seem pleased.

  “It gets boring. We’ll be landing in twenty-two minutes,” he told them.

  Lucas looked at Drake. When Mark came into the room and told them that he was going to be part of the raid to bring this guy Marzban down and that he got a call from an informant about Marzban was confirmed being there, they thought he was out of his mind. Then he told them that they were coming, too, and would meet Diane at the hotel to surprise her and he would catch up later in the night. They were all for it. They missed her.


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