by Shoraz

  As the crew focused their efforts on the second wave of knights, a third wave came in from behind them and opened fire, the crew fired back but their ammo was quickly running out. Suddenly, out of the shadows and murkiness of the ocean, four smaller submarine–like vehicles emerged and a barrage of high powered projectiles were being fired towards the submarine.

  Bang, bang, bang, bang; the projectiles hit the submarine with extreme force and almost everyone fell to the floor, and the submarine was severely damaged but it was still intact.

  “Let’s move!” Roy said and the submarine slithered away in hopes of escaping the ruthless enemy known as the knights.

  As it headed into open water; the four submarine–like vehicles, as well as hundreds of knights followed it in pursuit. They fired upon the submarine and the submarine fired back destroying any large projectiles coming its way.

  “Increase speed,” Roy said as the submarine sliced through the open water with the vast ocean in front of it. In the confusion of the gunfire, no one was looking at the radar screen. For if they were they would have seen the wall of enemies that lay ahead of them, but it was not to be.

  Then at the last second, Max glanced at the radar screen and yelled, “No, turn around,” but it was too late.

  Before they could make a move a bombardment of projectiles unlike anything any of the crew had ever seen came hurling towards the submarine. This was the inevitable end that they all knew was coming, and in this battle of David versus Goliath there would be no victory for the underdog.

  Krishna silently stood in disbelief watching the wall of projectiles heading towards them, while Laurie looked on in horror hoping that no one would have to suffer and that their deaths would be quick and painless. The rest of the crew also watched in shock and disbelief knowing that the end was here and that there was no way of escaping it.

  “Brace for impact,” Roy shouted over the radio, and everyone braced for the impact of certain death.

  Jonah however, stood in defiance of an enemy who were ready to destroy all humans on earth, and as the projectiles approached he closed his eyes and one by one the projectiles hit an invisible force field that Jonah had willed into existence in hopes of saving his newfound allies. As they hit the force field they exploded on impact but more and more projectiles kept coming.

  The crew looked on in utter amazement and disbelief, never had any of them seen a spectacle of such nature. As the knights realized their weapons were not hitting the target they stopped firing them and rushed towards the submarine, and as they hit the force field some of them bounced off while some of them were destroyed.

  The enemy then began moving their small underwater army closer to the submarine unsure of what this strange force was that was keeping them at bay. The knights were now mere meters away from the force field and Jonah was keeping the force field up but his strength was going away and his head was beginning to throb in pain.

  The knights surrounded the force field and began pounding at it with their hands, then suddenly one of their hands made its way through and the other knights focused on that area; then as one of the submarine–like vehicles approached that area; the knights moved away and three missiles were fired in that vicinity.

  The explosions caused that portion of the force field to give way and the knights began to enter. As Jonah saw the knights coming through he shattered the force field which sent a massive wave of energy through the water destroying almost everything in its path. The knights who survived the explosion of the force field then retreated and awaited instructions on what to do next.

  Meanwhile, back on the submarine, Jonah lay on the floor barely conscious while the others were jolted due to the force of energy that Jonah unleashed only moments earlier.

  “Jonah are you okay?” Ava yelled at him but there was no answer, and Max then stood up and made his way towards Ava while Roy attended to Jonah.

  “Is he okay?” Ava asked.

  “He’s breathing but barely conscious,” Roy said.

  As everyone looked on hoping that Jonah would regain his strength, Max peered out of the submarine window and in the distance to his horror, he saw a new batch of knights swimming towards the submarine.

  “They’re coming back,” he shouted and some of the crew ran to the submarine controls to guide the submarine away from the incoming attack.

  As they tried to maneuver the submarine it wouldn’t accelerate, they then tried shooting at the knights but nothing came out, “The controls are damaged,” one of the crew shouted.

  They were now floating stagnantly in the open ocean awaiting the attack, and as the knights approached the submarine, the crew prepared themselves in defense. The knights latched onto the submarine and began tearing it apart with their hands and with each crack, water began to pour into the control room.

  Ava who was still in shock summoned her abilities and destroyed the knights that were latched onto the submarine, she then focused in on the damage and began repairing the holes. Meanwhile, the crew was still trying to get the submarine moving and get the weapons ready but the damage was too severe to overcome.

  As Ava desperately took aim of the knights and destroyed them, more and more latched on, and Ava fought valiantly to keep her friends alive. Max then tried waking Jonah but he still lay on the submarine floor in an unconscious state.

  In the distance five underwater vehicles began coming towards the submarine, they then suddenly stopped and fired a barrage of projectiles towards it.

  Ava stopped the projectiles in mid–flight and they sank to the ocean floor but within seconds a new batch of projectiles were fired towards the submarine, and Ava stopped them again but then a barrage of knights latched onto the submarine and as Ava tried flinging them off, a third round of projectiles were fired.

  Ava who was still trying to deal with the knights focused her attention on the projectiles and stopped them but a few of them managed to get through and hit the submarine. As they hit the submarine the water began flowing in and the knights invaded through the holes of the submarine, and Ava tried holding them off but they poured in by the dozens.

  Krishna then grabbed a laser and ran towards Ava in an effort to protect her; and Max also ran towards her with his knife in hand ready to give up his life to protect her.

  As the water poured in it was evident to all that this was the end, the fight was over and the humans were on the edge of defeat. As the weapons of the humans ran out of energy and ammo the knights began their slaughter of everyone on the submarine; and one by one the knights mercilessly hunted the humans.

  As the submarine sank, Ava still fought fearlessly with everything she had, and she did her best to protect those in the main control room, but the knights were too much. Then as Krishna’s laser ran out of energy and Ava fell into Max’s arms from exhaustion of using her superhuman abilities, two dozen knights surrounded them and they readied their weapons and took aim.

  As Ava looked around the control room she felt that the end was near; and even if she were to fight off this batch of knights, the betasapiens would assuredly send another batch of knights to finish the job. And although Ava felt that the end was near there was something in her heart that shone a glimmer of hope in the bleakest of circumstances.

  Somehow she felt that her life was not complete and she still had a mission to fulfill and she then knew that this was not the end, it couldn’t be, and she would fight with everything in her power, and then, with a thought she disintegrated all of the knights in her sight.

  As the knights disappeared, Ava began repairing the holes in the submarine and for a brief moment the fighting had ceased, but that moment would abruptly end as five more submarine–like vehicles approached the already battered submarine and opened fire.

  Water again began flowing in and everyone ran for whatever safety they could find except for Ava, who stayed with Jonah ready for whatever the pen of destiny had written for her; while Max and Krishna stood by her side as well, also ready to
accept whatever fate had in store for them.

  Finally, as the submarine sank, the betasapien vehicles approached ready for the final death blow, and just as the projectiles came screaming towards the incapacitated submarine, Jonah miraculously put a force field around Ava, Max, and Krishna. The strength of the projectiles instantly destroyed the submarine as well as anything within its reach including the knights, the betasapien water vehicles as well as Jonah. The only survivors were Ava, Krishna, and Max and they looked on in horror and disbelief as Jonah’s lifeless body floated nearby.

  Ava was inconsolable and unable to fathom the fact that her brother – the one who protected her so many times was now dead; yet the force field he created to protect her and Max and Krishna was still keeping them alive amid the debris in the ocean.

  As Jonah’s body slowly sank to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, Ava tried valiantly to bring him towards her but her strength was gone and her head was in severe pain. As she looked at his face one last time the bright light of the moon reflected in his eyes for the briefest of moments and just then the force field began floating upwards to the surface of the ocean as if Jonah was still controlling it.

  As the force field made its way to the surface it disappeared and Ava, Max, and Krishna were now on their own amid the wreckage and strong currents of the powerful Pacific Ocean. Ava slowly began drifting towards the bottom of the ocean, almost powerless to do anything due to the severe pain she was in, Max meanwhile was being pulled away by the current and Krishna used every ounce of strength he had left to go after Ava.

  As he made his way to her he grabbed her under her arms and began swimming to the surface. He was almost out of air, and his strength was gone, but he wasn’t about to give up. Then out of nowhere Max appeared and grabbed Ava and began pulling her up to the surface as Krishna held onto her legs in tow.

  As Max pulled them both, Krishna noticed he was a hindrance and briefly let go of Ava in order to ease the burden on Max. As he let go of Ava’s leg he began heading to the surface with what little strength he had left but his lungs were empty and he desperately needed air.

  As he looked up he saw Max and Ava almost at the surface and with the satisfaction of their safety in his mind, his mission on earth had ended. Then as every cell in his body screamed for oxygen and his head was ready to implode, Krishna took a breath and the salty water of the Pacific Ocean rushed into his lungs, and he was now finally at peace and his soul began its journey along the path of the sun destined never to return to earth again.

  Meanwhile, Max continued swimming and pulling Ava towards the surface, and as he reached the surface he swam to the nearest piece of debris he could find and pulled himself and Ava up onto it. He then had thoughts of going back into the water for Krishna but the debris was unstable and if left alone Ava would surely fall into the water. He then called out Krishna’s name in the dark of the night but there was no answer.

  Tired and exhausted he then held on tightly to Ava and as they lay on the large piece of debris they could see the gigantic betasapien aircraft flying away in the distance. The annihilation of the humans had begun, and across the world, humans and superhumans were being killed by the tens of thousands. The betasapiens were intent on destroying the human race and nothing on earth would stop them from reaching that goal.

  After about an hour, Ava finally awoke but only barely, and she and Max floated in silence as thoughts of sorrow, pain, and grief–stricken loss went through their minds. They were stranded in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with no help in sight; and as the waves battered their bodies they were ready for whatever destiny had coming their way. If they were meant to die they were ready to sink to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean to be reunited in death with their friends and loved ones; but if they were meant to live they were ready to do whatever it took to live another day.

  As they huddled together to keep warm, thoughts of revenge and retribution went through Ava’s mind; and for some unknown reason, she felt that one day she would destroy those responsible for Jonah’s death. In the meantime however, she had to focus on the task at hand which was surviving in the raging Pacific Ocean.

  As she and Max lay on a large piece of debris that was aimlessly floating in the vast ocean, they hoped and prayed that somehow they would be rescued. As the minutes turned into hours, they came to the stark realization that perhaps this was the end and they held hands with whatever strength they had left as their cold and exhausted bodies stood on the verge of defeat.

  As Ava nodded off, Max also had a feeling of dosing off as well, but he knew that someone had to stand guard in case the knights returned. Then, in the distance, Max saw a sliver of light as the sun was on the cusp of rising, “Ava, wake up, the sun is about to rise,” he said to her.

  As Ava awoke, she vividly remembered only the final words of the dream she had just awakened from and said the words, “I see you.”

  “What do you mean Ava?” Max asked.

  “In my dream, I heard a voice and it said that it sees me,” Ava answered, and as she did so, a force of energy came up from under the water and propelled the piece of debris into the air, and it came crashing back down to the water below along with Ava and Max. As they landed they went underwater and Max quickly swam back up to the surface and as he looked around for Ava there was no sign of her.

  Then suddenly her head popped out of the water and she was gasping for air and screaming for help. As Max saw her, he quickly swam towards her, but before he could reach her, her entire body was raised above the water by an unknown force.

  Then as Max helplessly looked on she was then suspended in mid–air for a few seconds and as she screamed the words, “Help me Max! Please help me,” she was pulled underwater and dragged to the depths of the ocean by a force that was unlike anything the world had ever seen. It was a force that was beyond comprehension and was ready to do anything for the power that lay just beyond its reach, and a force whose true intentions would only be revealed after the end of time and after those on earth, as well as those who lived all across the Xerrolux were destroyed in the most unfathomable and incomprehensible death of them all – the death of the universe.

  End of Book One in the Realm of Zerros saga

  To be continued in Book Two – Death of the Universe


  Thank you for reading book one in the Realm of Zerros saga – Omega Armageddon, I hope that you have enjoyed reading it.

  I also hope that you enjoy reading the next exciting book in the Realm of Zerros saga – Death of the Universe.

  I look forward to hearing from you regarding your thoughts on the Realm of Zerros saga, or perhaps your thoughts on life, or even just a line to say hello; you can reach me on email at [email protected], thank you!

  We are all connected in this world and beyond, in ways that are almost impossible to comprehend.




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