Charlotte Marries a Vampire

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Charlotte Marries a Vampire Page 6

by Cheryl Hammer

  “Of course he’ll be a good dad,” he said. “He can stay up all night with the baby!”

  Charlotte beamed with delight and Charles hoped it would be enough to offset all the responsibilities of being a parent. As it was, her marriage seemed one sided. Now with a baby, maybe Charlotte getting to sleep through the night would be more than most other halves received. He shook his head as he realized he was only trying to fool himself.

  * ~ *

  Chapter Twelve: New in Town

  Stefan roamed the aisles of the hardware store relieved that Charlotte was gone when he awoke. He had bolted before she returned to avoid hearing the numerous replays of her dad’s reaction to the baby news.

  He supposed the in-laws could be worse. They weren’t too intrusive. June had always been nice to him but over time that seemed to annoy more than appease. Mostly, Stefan wanted Charlotte to himself. Family members and friends had too many questions, which could lead to complications. He liked his life as simple as possible. If he had to endure an eternity on Earth, he’d prefer to coast.

  The forty-two flavors of hinges were not in the simple category. Stefan’s eyes glazed over the choices, fumbling with a few of the selections to see which one looked right.

  As he reached out to pick one up, a pale white hand of a woman with red polished nails grazed the top of his fingers. He fixed his vision upon an equally polished young woman in her mid to late twenties. Her long platinum locks had an edge to them, as did her body. Stefan knew immediately that she wasn’t from around Charlotte or the South or mortal before she spoke.

  “Do all the men in Charlotte look like you?” she asked.

  “No, they don’t.” Stefan playfully mimicked a sad face.

  “Then I guess it’s my lucky day. I’m new in town.”

  The evening was looking up Stefan thought. “No, I’m the lucky one,” he said and grinned broadly.

  “Hey, Mr. Normal. You got your honey-do list?” Victor’s voice boomed from afar.

  A plan shattered. Stefan’s grin was replaced with dissatisfaction as he turned to see Victor rummaging through the bins.

  “Vic, what are you doing here?” Stefan refrained from showing any signs of displeasure.

  “Helping Lisa get moved in.” Victor pointed to the woman in front of him.

  “Lisa, this is Stefan. He’s the bartender I was telling you about.” Victor made the introductions unaware of how her hungry eyes feasted on Stefan. “Stefan, this is Lisa. She’s Damon’s niece. Remember him from Nawlins? She’s our new cocktail waitress.”

  “Nice to meet you. Looking for something particular?” Stefan asked.

  His meaning evaded Victor who answered for her. “Yeah, she needs a new hinge. Her sleeping chamber got banged up in the move here from California.”

  “You’re going to like it here,” Stefan added.

  “I like it already.” Her response spoke volumes.

  That evening, Stefan clumsily attempted to adjust the hinge on the door at home but his thoughts stayed on Lisa.

  “Stefan, it won’t fit,” Charlotte said in a huff as she stood over him.

  “You told me to get a hinge.” Stefan clenched his jaw and looked at his watch. He noted that a sharper edge to her voice had already replaced the sweetness of the baby announcement.

  Edge, he thought. He remembered the edgy-looking shirt that clung to Lisa’s fit body.

  “Right, but it needs to be a certain length for this door. The measurements for this old house aren’t standard.” Charlotte continued to drill the point.

  Stefan stood up and shrugged. He didn’t know what more he could do. “I’ll stop off again tomorrow night on my way to work.”

  Instead, Charlotte pouted. “Then we’ll only get to see each other for less than an hour before you have to leave.”

  To his delight, her whining registered an opportunity with him. “My work is getting in the way of our relationship,” he confided as he hugged her close.

  Charlotte pressed into him. “Oh, Stefan, you are so intuitive. I’m glad you feel that way, too. You’ll have to tell Victor to get more help. With the baby–”

  Stefan lifted her chin with his finger before she could finish.

  “I’ve got a better idea,” he said.

  * ~ *

  Moments later, Charlotte sat on the bed while Stefan paced the floor.

  He had excitedly laid out his plan on how he would start an upscale nightclub with exhaustive descriptions on the décor, menu, hours and clientele it would attract. He covered every detail about every aspect except how he would finance it or what revenue it would generate.

  “How will we afford it?” Her thoughts quickly drifted to the baby and all the precious clothing she had discovered at the French boutique, Le Beau Bébé, near her shop. She snapped back to the present dilemma silently thinking it was all too much to take on right now.

  “How did you start your business?” Stefan asked.

  “I worked two jobs, lived at home and saved all my money,” she answered. “Daddy helped me some.”

  “See, it always takes a little help,” he added.

  Wasn’t she supposed to be supportive? “It sounds like a good idea,” she said but logic said otherwise.

  He scooted next to her on the bed and brushed the hair around the frame of her face mimicking the Johnson husband’s gesture towards his wife. “I’m only doing it for you and the baby. In a couple of years, I can be at home full-time and have employees to run the club or sell and retire.”

  “Stefan, it’s a big risk on the financing. If we can’t meet the home equity payments, we could lose the house.” Her response was gentle but expressed the sentiment of her internal angst.

  He kissed her repeatedly. “You worry too much. But it’s understandable, it’s the pregnancy. Trust me, everything will be all right.”

  “Okay, but not until after the baby and we get settled.” Her thoughts had already shifted to the baby furniture that she’d found on the Internet earlier. What color should we paint the nursery?

  Stefan kissed Charlotte again, this time with more urgency. He knew he could persuade his sweet Charlotte to change her mind when the time was right.

  * ~ *

  Chapter Thirteen: Eight Months Later

  Stefan kissed Lisa one more time as she teasingly struggled to free herself from his embrace. Since she had started working at Victor’s, the ordinary boredom had eased. A kindred spirit, their trysts had become routine.

  “My break’s almost over,” Lisa reminded him.

  “Okay. We don’t want Vic catching on.”

  “Or your wife,” she added with a sneer.

  “She’ll never know. Besides, she’s got what she wants anyway.” Why did she have to ruin the moment? They’d had a great rendezvous in the storage closet until she landed that last bite. Stefan tried to shrug it off but it bothered him that Lisa was becoming more possessive. He’d wait for her to exit first before he sauntered back to the bar. That and distance himself from her recurring flares of jealousy.

  Up front, Mickey was busy filling drink orders behind the bar while Stefan took his after-dinner break. When one of the waiters asked her for a margarita, she realized she’d have to run to the storage room for more limes for the garnish.

  As she hastened towards the back, she noticed Lisa putting on her apron as she exited the storage door. Lisa discreetly looked around to see if anyone noticed her, oblivious to the grimace on Mickey’s face.

  And by the time Mickey reached the entrance, Stefan was making his exit. Their eyes locked. She was surprised to see that Stefan showed no guilt as he openly tucked his shirt inside his pants.

  “Hey Mickey,” he said. “You need me to get something for you?”

  Integrity would help she thought and bored a look that she hoped would sear his eyeballs.

  “Limes,” she said. Her tone was flat like her demeanor.

  He grinned widely but she rebuffed his usual tactic. His face flushed fro
m activity, hers from annoyance.

  “How’s Charlotte doing?” Mickey asked.

  “Great,” he answered. “She’s got everything she wants.” This time he flashed a different grin – the one that implied “I know you know but I won’t let on that I know you know.”

  His arrogance set off Mickey’s Irish temperament. Why I ought to pummel that pretty face of yours, she thought. She was indignant that he and Lisa thought they had everyone fooled. Everyone knew except Victor. He didn’t miss a beat when it came to business matters but on anything of a personal nature, he was checked out.

  With Lisa’s arrival and the obvious affair, Stefan’s allure had long vanished for Mickey. She wondered how long it would take Charlotte to discover Prince Charming was really a toad of the wart kind.

  * ~ *

  The following morning, Charlotte found the Sunday sermon particularly touching. With the pregnancy, everything seemed to take on a heightened meaning. At eight months, the baby’s active kicks and flutters confirmed the sonogram’s picture: a healthy baby girl.

  As the final notes of the organ blended in closing, Charlotte sat still and observed the young families around her pack up their small children to depart. Newbie mothers and fathers joined forces to hold chubby toddler hands and tote baby carriers with precious cargo. Charlotte watched with sadness. Stefan had missed a beautiful sermon about Jesus’ love for all people, while she realized she would always miss the helping hands of a husband during the light of day.

  She pushed her vision of family life aside since it no longer applied to her. With Stefan’s sleeping disorder, her life would never be as she had dreamed.

  Charlotte ambled to the front exit of the sanctuary. Due in weeks, she had plenty of people to comment how wonderful she looked but she knew that while she tried to eat well and maintain a good weight, she still waddled like the ducks at the park.

  She was comforted to see her dad standing near the front exit with Pastor Jennings.

  “Charlotte, there you are honey,” Charles said as he attempted to hug her wide circumference. “We missed seeing you at the service.”

  Nearby she noticed June huddled with a group of friends deep in conversation.

  “Charlotte, you’re looking as lovely as the flower arrangements you create for us,” Pastor Jennings said. “I’m still looking forward to meeting your husband.”

  “We’ll have to get him here for an evening service,” Charles said before confiding discreetly to the minister, “You know he has that sleeping disorder.”

  Suddenly, Charlotte was being patted on the forearm by one of June’s Bible buddies. “We’re praying for you and the baby.”

  “Let us know what we can do to help.” A second Bible buddy squeezed her with a firm embrace.

  Charlotte thanked them. She knew their offers were sincere but she didn’t know how to express what help she needed. Although things didn’t seem quite right, she did what she had done for so many years and folded the feelings away like a guest towel in the linen closet for another day.

  Charles turned to see June and another friend hug in conspiracy before he turned back to Charlotte.

  “Join us for lunch?” he asked.

  Charlotte nodded in agreement.

  She held his arm tightly and to Charles, it felt tighter than usual. He grasped her hand before she completely broke away. “See you in a few minutes,” he said although internally it seemed as though there were a hundred other things that he wanted to say.

  He watched her walk to her car as he waited for June. The baby girl would arrive within weeks. Charlotte had planned to name her Sara Elizabeth after his mother. He had to admit that he felt anxious and knew he would rest easier once she arrived.

  June’s perfume signaled her presence next to him. She watched Charlotte with concern, too.

  “What’s going on Junebug?” he affectionately asked.

  “Something’s not right,” she stated. “I’m talking about Charlotte and Stefan.”

  Charles didn’t need the clarification. “What could be wrong?” Everything, he thought.

  June gave him the “I told you so” look.

  “I know, it’s crazy. Sleeps all day, stays up all night,” Charles complained covertly to June, and wondered whether the sleeping disorder was a disguise. “You think he does drugs or something illegal like that?”

  Charles shook his head. Since Stefan had become part of the family, an inexplicable unrest had surrounded them like a thicket of fog that never lifted.

  * ~ *

  That evening, Charlotte thumbed through the pages of one of the new baby books that she’d purchased after lunch with her dad. She thought back to how somber he and June were considering that Sara would be here in a few weeks.

  Sara Elizabeth. She loved the name that brought back fond memories of her late grandmother. If it hadn’t been for her, Charlotte’s mother’s departure would have been more difficult than it was. Grandma Stephens made it a point to reassure her that she had nothing to do with her mom leaving. And Charlotte would believe her – at least for awhile.

  Her focus turned to Stefan as she watched him dress for work. He always seemed in a rush to leave and it was disappointing for her to see him go since they’d only spent an hour together.

  She watched as he combed his thick golden hair with his fingers while admiring himself in the mirror. He was in great spirits but then again Stefan was always upbeat. She supposed that’s what she loved about him. Stefan’s childlike attitude balanced her seriousness.

  He gave her a perfunctory kiss on the forehead and headed out the door only to return a few moments later.

  “Hey, honey, I forgot my wallet. Will you toss it to me?” he asked as he stood at the doorway.

  She reached for the brown leather object on the nightstand. As she threw it towards him, a business card from Victor’s fell out onto the bed.

  Face up on the back of the card was a handwritten note in red ink – with a heart replacing the ‘a’ in call:

  Call me! 555.5397

  Charlotte studied the drawn heart symbol.

  “What is this?” Inside, her stomach felt a double punch as if the baby had performed jujitsu.

  Stefan shrugged as if he didn’t know.

  “Some contractor,” he said. “Now that I’m working more hours, Victor’s got me doing all sorts of odd projects.”

  Charlotte wanted to probe more but nothing would come out of her mouth. Her mind was racing and the thought that was winning was that Stefan had some woman on the side.

  However, Stefan eliminated any thoughts of deception when he sat down on the bed next to her. “Do you want me to stay home tonight?”

  Charlotte shook her head no. She knew he was trying to save money for the club and she shouldn’t be suspicious. When he was with her, he was always attentive.

  “You’re going to be so much happier when you have your own place,” she said.

  “You have no idea.” Stefan wrapped his arms around her while kissing her lightly on the forehead. Discreetly, he slid the card back into his wallet.

  * ~ *

  Chapter Fourteen: Free Ranger

  As Stefan entered Victor’s, he caught Vic engrossed in reading a book until he saw him. Victor’s eyes widened with excitement as he held up the book and pointed to one of the pages.

  “Look at this! This is what the baby looks like.” Victor was as ecstatic as he was with a packed dinner crowd.

  Stefan glanced over at the illustration of a nine-month fetus. “Ugh, don’t show me that stuff.” Bad enough that I have to view the container every day, he thought.

  Victor ignored him. “I’ve never seen anything like it. Did you know that the baby hiccups inside the womb?” He examined the page closer. “Isn’t that amazing?”

  “Where did you get that?” Stefan asked.

  “A customer left it.”

  As Charlotte’s pregnancy progressed so did Victor’s interest in the baby. Whereas he’d never paid
attention to personal matters before, he was always checking in with Stefan on Charlotte’s wellbeing. Stefan found it aggravating. Why so much interest in a baby?

  “Yes, it’s all amazing,” Stefan said as he watched Mickey walk by. Thrown off by her presence since it was Lisa’s night, he nodded hello to her anyway. Mickey only glared back. He guessed she was still sore about Lisa – like it was any of her business. Why were women so difficult?

  “Where’s Lisa?” Stefan asked Victor nonchalantly.

  Victor’s jolly mood changed. “She’s taking the night off,” he said with a snarl.

  “Everything okay?”

  Victor edged closer to Stefan so no one would hear. “No, it’s not. There’s something you should know about her. I wasn’t gonna bring it up but–” He slammed the book shut. “She’s a free ranger, buddy.”

  “Are you sure?” Stefan asked with disbelief.

  Eying his surroundings, Victor toyed with the cocktail napkin holder. “Oh, I’m sure. She lied and said she had some boyfriend to take care of but I know better. If she gets a victim, it could be bad for business.”

  He turned to the dining area performing a quick take before facing Stefan again. “Why if her uncle and I didn’t go back a couple of hundred years, I would have kicked her out of town by now,” he growled. “West Coast coffin trash. Why she can’t go to the blood bank like the rest of us is beyond me.”

  Stefan was intrigued. Free rangers or vampires who thrived on killing their prey were rare. With the proliferation of blood banks, it had become the preferred way of life. Known as the red market, commerce was conducted as any other commodity. Specialty stores kept an adequate supply on hand. At home, Stefan had easily built a hidden bin in the garage that kept his supplies cool and without worry that Charlotte would ever discover his stash.

  Lisa, he mused. He’d have to check up on her and her so-called boyfriend.

  * ~ *

  Chapter Fifteen: Baby Love


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