All I Want For Christmas is You( Man Who Knows What He Wants, 218)

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All I Want For Christmas is You( Man Who Knows What He Wants, 218) Page 2

by Ferrari, Flora

  “I thought you were someone else just now, please, forgive my frankness,” I tell her, bowing a little and holding out a handful of Ben Franklin’s my favorite fuck off tickets.

  The woman’s eye’s narrow like she’s not gonna play. But once she feels the weight of them in her hand, she’s gone quicker than you could say ‘Ben Franklin was here.’

  “We weren’t expecting you so soon,” The security guard says sheepishly, brushing off my interaction with the woman as I slip a couple of bills into his hand as well.

  “Merry Christmas,” I announce loudly, then pulling him closer I tell him, “I need you to get me into that display window. Right now, can you do that?” I ask like he’s in on my personal secret already.

  “Right away, Sir,” he says with confidence. “Follow me, right this way. I’ll have you inside in a moment,” he adds, jingling a heavy key ring.

  Chapter Three


  I feel a lump at the back of my throat once I’m alone, I always have a delayed reaction when people like Angela Fitzner or anyone like her have a go at me.

  I spend too much time after the fact, rehearsing in my mind what I should have said instead of doing nothing at all.

  I resign myself to getting busy, putting up the damned tree. Rather, trying to keep it straight while I start to decorate it.

  Before I do anything, I make sure there are no crowds out on the street, don’t want anybody staring at me trying to squeeze into this tiny display window.

  I manage to get the tree in, and then I grab the boxes of decorations, bending down to start to sort through them.

  My rear end is facing the window, and I feel like someone’s suddenly there.

  I just know someone’s watching me.

  But instead of turning around, I feel frozen to the spot. Like I’ve been hypnotized or something.

  I feel just like I did when I saw Jack Cole’s email… Like those powerful eyes are actually on me.

  Not making fun of me or being horrible like my boss, but getting off on watching me.

  As if someone, anyone would get off by looking at my behind. I don’t even want to see it, got rid of any full length mirrors years ago.

  But there it is, this feeling again.

  I feel dizzy from bending over for so long, and figure I’d better keep going with this tree.

  But don’t look out the window, you don’t want to ruin it.

  I feel my whole body go light and my hands start to shake. I feel so nervous but in the best way possible.

  I can see a shadow outside the window, out of the corner of my eye and it gives me a thrill in my heart, which I feel start to pound against my ribs.

  I feel like one of those exotic dancers that people pay money to see, like some sort of peep show.

  I gasp and moan softly, almost in disbelief I could feel so horny so readily. Feeling more of that sensation, like his eyes have become hands. Hands I put mine over as I guide his to just the right spot-

  Don’t you dare look!

  Shifting the boxes, I bend forward this time, catching just a glimpse of a tall, dark, and very handsome stranger in a long coat.

  I can’t make out his features at a glance which I can’t help, but I can’t help putting the mental picture of Jack Cole over it either.

  I find what I need in the box anyway, the large Angel figurine which will go on top of the tree. I start with it first, making it easier to hang all the other crap on the thing afterward.

  I’m not a fan of Christmas by the way, never have been, I’ve always spent it alone that I can remember. I thought this year would be different, but it’s always the same. Work and then usually two weeks off with New Year and nothing to do except being on my own feeling miserable.

  I can’t help smiling to myself though, imagining this dark, mysterious stranger to be the man of my latest and possibly only fantasy I’ve ever had my whole life.

  The only one that makes me feel like this any way that’s for sure.

  Feeling my thighs press together as I climb the ladder again, I gasp louder, feeling something inside me catch, making me pant loudly.

  Biting down on my lip, I want it.

  I want him, Jack Cole.

  The real one, not the mental image or the photo from his email.

  I want him deep inside me, more than anything.

  I guess I could say, apart from keeping my job, he’s all I want for Christmas.

  There’s not a lot to be sexy about me standing on a ladder, and after a while, I can’t resist.

  I cave in.

  I look over to the window.

  The light snow is getting heavier and there are a few people walking on the other side of the street.

  Did I just imagine the whole thing, and is it kind of hot in here?

  I try to relax enough to blow out the air I’ve been holding in.

  But another part of me feels like something else has really just passed me by.

  Like a big chance, I don’t even know about.

  Walking past an old suitcase in the street that has a million dollars in it kind of feeling.

  I try to sit down on the steps of the ladder, but the ass I thought someone was so hot for won’t fit and as I try to stand up, I take it and the stupid Christmas tree with me.

  With both hands trying to get free of the ladder, I end up spinning around, knocking the tree over and falling face-first on top of it.

  The ladder still stuck to my ass.

  “Dammit,” I growl, fighting to get free from the stinky Fir tree and stuck ladder.

  It feels like my arms are caught up in the branches until I feel fingers lock around my elbows.

  “Easy. Easy.”

  My body tenses up as hands loosen their grip, slide over mine and help me up.

  Disengaging me from everything and lifting me up as if I was made of paper like those decorations spilled everywhere.

  I have to blink a little because it looks like… It really is…

  It’s him.

  “Are you alright?” he asks, helping me free of everything but his own grip, those powerful hands that feel like oiled wheels on a perfectly straight track now.

  Coming to me, or is it me coming to him?

  I feel my legs going out from under me, feeling fainting.

  “I got you,” he says firmly, a hand gripping my waist and pulling me closer to him.

  So close I feel his hard body through his coat.

  Feel his breath on my face as he hitches me up.

  It’s warm. Like spring.

  Everything about him is strong, his arms, his coat.

  He smells like the woods mixed with something spicy, almost sweet.

  With an undertone of something else, which I can only interpret as the smell of a real man.

  I feel my eyes rolling back, fluttering in time with that space where my heart used to be.

  “Oh no, you don’t!” he orders me, pinching both my cheeks in one of his hands, leaning down closer.

  So close I can see myself reflected in his eyes.

  Those eyes.

  “I just got you, don’t wanna lose you now, do I?” he says, smiling.

  His smile gives me permission to melt into him, which I do.

  Not even needing to wait for his introduction.

  Chapter Four


  “I’m Jack,” I tell her. “A-and I’ve got you… You’re all mine now.”

  I hear myself stammer a little, something I haven’t done since I was a kid.

  God, did I ever really do that? I did. I must’ve been a teenager.

  But there’s something about her that makes the words hard, but so easy at the same time.

  “You’re all mine,” I tell her again, whispering as my face falls close to her ear.

  I’ve caught a few fainters in my time, usually shareholders or business moguls who swoon at the sudden loss or gain of a few million. A billion usually does it.

  But with her, it’s diffe
rent. And instantly.

  It’s like… Coming home.

  Sounds silly, I know. But that’s just what catching her in my arms feels like just now.

  Something I’ve never known, and yet something it feels like I’ve known her my whole life.

  “Who are you?” I ask her, finding my best commanding tone. Needing to know now. Jack Cole doesn’t leap before he looks.

  Or does he?

  “I’m Avery,” she says dreamily, her clear blue eyes finally settling on mine.

  “Jack?’ she almost whimpers, sinking deeper into me and making me groan out loud.

  Something I didn’t want to do on the first meeting. But hearing her say my name is like a key springing open a lock.

  That heart of mine that’s lay rusting for years.

  I also know there’s an office full of employees waiting outside just past that narrow doorway.

  “Let’s get you to sit down someplace?” I suggest, noting the tremor in my voice as I take her out, back into the office.

  A cheer erupts, and there’s applause and what looks like about a hundred people or more, all crammed into the ground floor workspace.

  Some lurid creature launches herself at me, followed by the district manager who I recognize.

  “Fetch this young lady a seat, will you?” I ask the district manager, sitting her down and holding up both hands with a smile I reserve for public appearances.

  God, how I hate a crowd.

  But the secret’s out I guess. Probably the security guard. Never mind.

  Money walks and then money talks.

  “Jack?” she murmurs from behind me, and despite all introductions, I’m on my knees in front of her.

  “Hang on, will you? Just hang on a minute.”

  There are calls for 911 from some of the employees, but I wave them off.

  “Just needs a little air, I think. A bit overwhelmed,” I announce, standing up again and straightening my tie under my coat, which I shed and hand to someone without looking.

  There’s always someone waiting to serve.

  I think it’s that terrible doll-like woman again, but I’m that man now, aren’t I?

  This girl though.

  What am I doing? I want nothing more than her and me alone again.

  Best make this short and sweet.

  “I’ve paid a surprise visit,” I nearly shout above the murmur to get them all quiet, “To confirm everything I said in my memo to you all.”

  The crowd erupts with Christmas cheers.

  Holidays safe. Jobs secure. I actually feel their relief. It means something.

  It means I have a company I can build from the ground up.

  People actually care for once. That’s great.

  Trouble is, I only care about her. And the aching bulge in my pants isn’t going to go unnoticed for much longer either.

  I need to get her alone. Need to rethink my whole plan coming down here.

  “I came down to introduce myself, see how you all are, and to… uh…”

  Should’ve really thought this through a little better.

  I feel my stammer starting up, but something behind me, someone has their hand flat on my lower back.

  I know it’s her.

  “I came down here, to also announce a Christmas bonus for every casual and part-time employee… to help you through the season,” I manage finally with confidence.

  There are a few murmurs from obvious salaried staff, maybe pissed they don’t get a bonus too.

  “Those of you on salaried positions will find an extra few dollars as well and the option to have more time off over the break if you need it,” I continue, totally on the fly and noticing the district manager wincing as he realizes it’s gonna be him and his office that will have to make all this happen, most likely.

  I’ll make it up to him.

  The excitement and enthusiasm in the room gives me the perfect chance to move both my hands towards the district manager, turning all attention to him while I slip away with my bonus, whoever she is.

  “All yours… Jason!” I finally blurt, recalling his name from a meet and greet a few weeks back, when we were eyeballing the takeover.

  He gives me a sour look which brightens once all eyes turn to him and I mouth the words ‘I owe you one’.

  My trademark point and wink works and in seconds I’ve snatched my coat from the thing from a wax museum and grabbed my real interest by the wrist, pulling her behind me towards an exit.

  “Where’s your office?” I ask her once I find the foyer, heading for the elevators.

  Feeling her tense up behind me, I turn to see what’s wrong.

  Her eyes tell me everything, her hand pulling back on mine makes me stop.

  “I just thought…” I start to say, but she’s shaking her head.

  “I’m just a secretary,” she says, wincing and looking behind her, waiting for someone or something to come after her.

  “Not anymore you’re not,” I tell her firmly, and with a gentle tug as I smile, she yields to me.

  The first time of many, I hope.

  “Where are we going?” she asks, smiling finally as my grip on her eases but doesn’t let up.

  “Wherever we can be alone,” I tell her, inviting her with a glance to select a floor from the elevator panel.

  Thinking for a moment, she presses a floor and within seconds I feel us both moving up and away from the crowd I really have no mind to work with right now.

  The only person I want is right here, so close but still so far away as I feel her slipping from my grip.

  “I should’ve-” I start to say, but her coy smile lets me know it’s alright.

  She’s shivering. Nerves or cold?

  I can’t help but notice her thick nipples still probing her blouse, and checking my own arousal I feel like it’s time to keep myself covered with my coat over my crotch.

  We both exhale a little, and I realize she’s not the only one who’s a little nervous as the bell pings.

  “Where we headed?” I ask her.

  She makes a face. “Big boss’s floor, he’s on holiday,” she adds.

  I make a mental note.

  District manager here, full staff working days out from Christmas eve and yet, big boss...

  “Big Boss?” I ask her, confused.

  “Dane Jennings, heir to the Jennings-”

  I make a loud sound, nodding my head.

  The guy we just bought out. His whole life’s a fucking holiday as if a few hundred million will make a difference.

  “So why here?” I ask, noting my own excitement now instead of nervousness in my voice.

  “Why don’t you tell me?” she says, turning away and finding the thick brass handrail by the floor to ceiling windows that span the whole floor.

  Oh, I like her.

  I like her a lot.

  Chapter Five


  “I like to come up here sometimes, to get away,” I tell him.

  It really felt like he wanted to take me someplace, but I realize quickly, like me, he just wanted to get away. So I brought us here.

  Where nobody ever really comes.

  It’s old, the only floor of the whole building they left untouched; the only place I feel like nothing can touch me.

  It smells of cigars, leather, and wood. The oak paneling on the walls and the heavy leather furniture, along with the sheer age of the place gives it a feeling that matches the view.

  A view I like to try and imagine from another time, another place.

  “It’s beautiful,” is the only thing I can add, too nervous to face him, but I feel his presence coming closer behind me.

  “It certainly is,” he says softly, stopping inches behind me, making me shudder again as I feel his power, his size.

  His presence.

  “Do you like older things?” he asks, his voice like the cigars and leather of antiquity in the air.

  “I adore old things,” I gush, turning suddenly and
practically falling right into him again.

  I feel his hands clap over mine, keeping me close, and I can see he’s been watching me the whole time, not the view or the old things.

  “I’m an old thing,” he murmurs, and I feel myself shiver again under his touch, forcing me to look away.

  I can’t believe any of this is even real anymore.

  “Do you like me?” he probes further, keeping a hold of me again, and I know he won’t let go until I give him an answer.

  “I… I don’t even know you,” I tell him, lying.

  Wishing he’d just move those strong hands onto my hips, pull me close and damned well kiss me with his sultry mouth.

  He lets out a low sound, almost disappointed, but when I finally have the courage to look into his eyes, I see them, blazing with curiosity.

  “Then we’ll have to take care of that,” he says, cocking a brow and letting my hands fall from his as he turns around and opens his arms wide.

  Taking in the whole space around him.

  “I like this too,” he says. “Old school. Y’know? I might just move my own office, right up here,” he says to himself before his eyes dance back to mine.

  I try to hold it, but I can’t.

  Something about the man is just too much. Like I don’t deserve his attention, but another part of me is so… needy and wants him right now.

  Since I first felt his eyes on me downstairs.

  “Can we get in here?” he asks me, those eyes lighting up with new curiosity as he makes his way to some heavy oak doors, which he pushes open, whistling to himself.

  “Beautiful indeed,” he says loudly, tilting his head to the ceiling as I trot closer behind him, reminding myself he owns this place now. He can do and go where he wants.

  I hope that includes me.

  “Our new boardroom, too,” he mumbles, starting to rub his hands as he struts around, making the space his own just by being in it as well as owning it.

  “I only ever look out of the windows,” I announce, sounding guilty. Wishing I’d had the courage to snoop around more myself now.

  “Jennings kept this whole floor, just as it was?” he muses, running his hands over the leather chairs. “Yet he screwed up to the ground on his price-”


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