Dennis, John W.
Dickson, Earle E.
Dickson, Josephine
digestion, Mead Johnson products for
Dill, Bayard
Dill, David
Dill, Diana
Dill, Francis (Fan)
Dill, Laurence
Dill, Ruth
(1924) marries J. Seward Johnson
(1937) divorce from Seward
(1940) marries Philip D. Crockett
(1987) death
Dill, Thomas Melville
Dill, Tom
Dill family of Bermuda
Dittman, Maryanne
Dobkin, John
Doelger, Tom
breeding of
not housebroken
Dolan, Charles F.
Double Check (sculpture by J. Seward Johnson Jr.)
Douglas, Cameron Morrell
prison sentence
Douglas, Diandra. See Luker, Diandra
Douglas, Eric
Douglas, Kirk
Douglas, Michael
Douglas family
Dow, Alex A.
Dr. Simpson’s MATERNITY Packet
drug trade
drug use
DuBarry Beauty Ritual Kit
Dugas, Gaetan
Dunbar, Francis Spaulding
Dwight School, New York
dyspepsia, J&J products for
Easthampton, N.Y.
Easton, Maryland
Ebenezer (bulldog)
Eily, Edward
Einstein, Albert
Ellett, Thomas Harlan
Elmwood Cemetery, New Brunswick
Esmerian, Ralph O.
Essex Fox Hounds
European tour, RWJ IV’s
Falconer LLC
Farmer, Charles R. and Barbara
The Farm estate, Bedminster, N.J.
Fauci, Anthony S.
Favre, Brett
Fekkai, Frederic
Feldman, Brena
Fick, Dan
817 Fifth Avenue apartment building, New York
834 Fifth Avenue apartment building, New York
Filiatrault, Albertine
Fine, May Margaret
Fino, John
Fino, Ted
“Fireman Ed”
First-Aid Kit
Fishman, Steve
and baseball, compared
safety in
foot fetishist swinger scandal
Forbes, Christopher “Kip”
Forman, John and Julie
Forman School
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Bay Colony estate
Foster, Lawrence
self-published biography of RWJ II
Francesa, Mike
Freeman, Laura
Frey, Abraham B.
Frey, Alan Benjamin
Frey, James Louis
Frey, Mary (m. Hickman)
Frey, Nancy Sale
(1949) birth
(1978) marries RWJ IV
(2001) divorce from RWJ IV
(2007) marries Ahmad Rashad
affairs, rumored
and Casey’s death
college years
dating RWJ IV
“disowned” by Johnson family after the divorce
dog breeding
financial settlement at divorce
Florida home
frugal, careful with money
and help for Casey
horse breeding
meets Ahmad Rashad
modeling career
not a homemaker or domestic type
opposed Casey’s adoption plan
parenting style
physical appeal of
psychiatrist sessions
respect for RWJ IV
and Vanity Fair article on Casey
Frey, Richard
Frey, Robert David
(1945) marries Melisse Nemeth
(1981) divorce and remarriage
(2010) death
Frey, William Howard
Fuentes, Gregorio
Galt, Edith Bolling (Mrs. Woodrow Wilson)
Gang Green Nation Web site
Gansevoort Hotel, New York
Garbo, Greta
Geiger, Tracy and Catherine
“The General” (horse)
“The General” (person). See Johnson, Robert Wood II
George, Phyllis
George Washington University
Gidley, Stephen
gifts, thank-you cards not sent, and re-gifting
Gillespie, Betty May Wold Johnson. See Wold, Betty May
Gillespie, Eugene P.
(1973) marries Betty Wold
(1976) divorces Betty, marries Sara Davies
military career
Gillespie, George Ann (d. of Eugene, m. Fox)
Gillespie, Peter
Gillespie, William
Ginsberg-Fellner, Dr. Fredda
Glancy, Alfred R.
gold diggers
Johnson family’s wariness of
Goldman, Lawrence P.
Goldsmith, Barbara
Goldwater, Barry
Goodell, Roger
Goodman, Abraham
Gopnik, Blake
Gorsky, Alex
Grace, Michael
Gray Terrrace mansion
Great Depression
Greenstein, Jeffrey
Greenstein, Scott
Greenwich Village, New York
Greenwood, Sadja. See Stokowski, Sadja
Greeven, Cristina
Gregg, Peter
Gregorian, Vartan
Greyser, Stephen A.
Griffin, Robert III (called RG3)
Grounds for Sculpture, New Jersey
Grubman, Elizabeth “Lizzie”
Gutfreund, Susan
Hall, James Norman
Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y.
Hamptons, Long Island, N.Y.
Harris, Sherwin
Hartford, Juliet
Hauptmann, Bruno Richard
helmet safety
Hemingway, Ernest, Islands in the Stream
Hemingway, Margaux
Hemingway, Mariel
Hemingway, Mary
Herbert A. Tobin & Associates
Hess, Leon
Hickenlooper, Lucy (Olga Samaroff)
Hickman, David
Highland Park, N.J.
RWJ II mayor of
Hilton, Nicky
Hilton, Paris
Hilton, Richard Howard “Rick”
Hlavcsek, Mary
Hobcaw Barony
Hoefflin, Dr. Steven
Holiday (formerly Sheraton) Inn, Boca Raton
Hollywood, Calif.
Hollywood Memorial Hospital, Florida
Holmes, Santonio
homosexual activity
Horton, Joyce Cecilia
(1965) marries Seward Jr.
relations with Johnson family
Hotchkiss, Noah W.
Hudson, Rock
Hungarian immigrants
Huntley, Chet
Hutton, Barbara, debut ball of
Impreveduto, Anthony
J&J products for
Mead Johnson products for
infant nutrition, Mead Johnson products for
Internal Reven
ue Service
interracial marriage
Ircha, Suzanne
(2009) marries RWJ IV
Irwin, Charles P.
Islands in the Stream (book and film)
Isle of Man
Israel, RWJ IV in
Jackson, Michael
Jacobson, Dr. Max (“Dr. Feelgood”)
Janssen Pharmaceuticals
Jasna Polana mansion
construction of
Jeandin, Jerome
Jeter, Derek
Jets. See New York Jets
discrimination against
food preferences of
in Johnson family
RWJ IV advised to partner with a “Jew who wasn’t a silver spoon”
Jimmy (bodyguard, chauffeur)
Johnson, Betty May Wold. See Wold, Betty May
Johnson, Bruce
(1974) director of American Folk Art Museum
(1976) death
Johnson, Bruce (son of Barbara Maxwell)
Johnson, Casey
(1978) birth
(1978) named Sale Trotter Case Johnson
(2007) adopting a baby
(2008) attempts reconciliation with father
(2009) hospitalization and intervention plan
(2010) death
(2010) funeral
accused of a break-in and theft
apartment on Upper East Side, New York
coroner’s report
diabetes and other health problems
drug use and dealing
first love
glamorous jobs of
in L.A.
marriage plan
media coverage of her death
mental illness of (BPD)
need for father figure
psychiatrist sessions
RWJ IV cuts ties with
scandals of
sexuality of
spending money
Vanity Fair article on
without money
Johnson, Christopher
(1959) birth
stock in Jets
a trustee of Casey’s trust
Johnson, Clelia Constance (stage name India Blake)
Johnson, Daisy
and Casey’s death
in college
and help for Casey
Johnson, Dale (Mrs. Quentin Johnson)
Johnson, Diana Melville
(1932) birth
kidnap attempt
Johnson, Edward Mead
in the early J&J business
forms own company
Johnson, Edward Mead “Ted” II
Johnson, Edward Mead “Ted” III
Johnson, Edward Mead “Ted” IV
Johnson, Elaine
(1928) birth
(1949) marries Keith Wold
Johnson, Elizabeth Ross “Libet”
(1950) birth
art collecting
art gallery of
boyfriends and affairs
Cambodian orphanage
folk art collecting
marriage #1, Christopher Wright
marriage #2, Arma Andon
marriage #3, James Whitall
marriage #4, Christopher James Kennan
marriage #5, Jonathan Teal
portrait by Childs
properties of
in rehab
stock in Jets
Vanity Fair article on
Johnson, Evangeline Brewster
(1897) birth
(1926) marries Leopold Stokowski
(1937) divorces Stokowski
(1938) marries Zalstem-Zalessky, becomes “Princess”
(1977) marries Charles Merrill
(1990) death
brutalized by Charles Merrill
early feminism and rebellion of
flying over Palm Beach leafletting
kidnapping fears
last missive to family and friends
lifetime of traveling
as teenager
tries to get Seward Jr. laid
in World War I
Johnson, Gary (no relation to Johnson family)
Johnson, Helen
Johnson, Jaime
(1982) birth
and Casey’s death
in college
and help for Casey
lupus and other health problems
Johnson, James (son of Edward Mead)
Johnson, James Loring “Jimmy”
Johnson, James Wood
in the early J&J business
founding of J&J
handwritten signature trademark of
president of J&J
Johnson, Jeniah Anne Josephine “Kookie”
life and career
paternity of
Johnson, Jennifer
Johnson, John, (2008) birth
Johnson, John Seward
(1895) birth
(1924) marries Ruth Dill
(1932) relocates to Bermuda
(1937) divorces Ruth
(1939) marries Esther Underwood
(1971) divorces Esther
(1971) marries Basia Piasecka
final will, leaving most to Basia
molested Mary Lea, claim
molested Seward Jr.’s wife Barbara, claim
a philanderer
and Seward Jr.
sexual abuse inflicted on as teenager
Johnson, J. Seward Jr.
(1930) birth
(1951) drops out of college, joins the Navy, honorably discharged
(1955) joins J&J
(1956) meets and marries Barbara Maxwell
(1958) attempts suicide
(1962) leaves Barbara and files for divorce,
(1963) raid on own Princeton house, looking for evidence of adultery
(1965) divorces Barbara
(1965) marries Joyce Horton
bequest from Seward Sr.
childhood recollections of
divorce case against Barbara
doubts about Jeniah’s paternity
forced out of J&J
friendly with Lloyd Williams
leads fight of siblings to overturn Seward Sr.’s will
loses virginity
missing gun episode
offended by press coverage of Johnson v. Johnson case
politics of
psychiatric evaluations
sculpture of
thoughts re ex-wife Barbara
youthful hell-raising
Johnson, John Seward III
Johnson, Keith Wold
(1948) birth
(1975) death from overdose
(1975) funeral service
anger toward women
car wrecks
college years
drug use
effect of death on Johnson family
effeminate and shy
gayness of
insurance payment on death
near-fatal car accident
reportage on death
successful investments of
Johnson, Lambert
Johnson, Louise
Johnson, Mary Lea
(1926) birth
(1950) marries William Ryan
(1972) divorces Ryan
(1972) marries Vincent D’Arc
(1977) divorces D’Arc
(1978) marries Marty Richards
(1990) death
art gallery of
p; claimed D’Arc plot to kill her
claim that father Seward Sr. molested her
as mother
RWJ III’s confidante
sex life
spending money
will and bequests
Johnson, Nancy Sale Frey. See Frey, Nancy Sale
Johnson, Raymond (no relation to Johnson family)
Johnson, Richard (no relation to Johnson family)
Johnson, Roberta
Johnson, Robert Wood
(1845) birth and early years
(1892) second marriage, to Evangeline Armstrong
(1910) death
acquires red cross logo from Clara Barton
founding of J&J
noncompete clause with Seabury
political career, aborted
size of estate
“stick the knife into the bowels” quote
Johnson, Robert Wood II “the General”
(1893) birth
(1914) joins J&J board
(1916) marries Elizabeth Ross
(1930) divorces Elizabeth, marries Margaret Shea
(1932) ousts James, becomes president
(1943) divorces Margaret, marries Evelyne Vernon
(1943) in World War II, appointed by FDR to Brigadier General rank
(1944) taking J&J public
(1965) forces RWJ III out of the company
(1968) death
advertising and marketing interest
automobiles of
book about, by Foster
Credo of
deathbed rapprochement with RWJ III
encourages nephew’s drinking
and Evangeline
fortune bequeathed to RWJ Foundation
health obsession of
health problems
manipulative and dominating
obsession with business
plot against Seward and Evangeline for control of J&J stock
political career
in prep school
Queeg-like behavior
rank of General
and Seward Jr.
in society
special attention to J&J products
as teenager
training in the drug business
wild as youth (drunk, speed freak)
a womanizer
Johnson, Robert Wood III “Bobby”
(1920) birth
(1939–1941) schooling
(1942–1945) World War II service
(1943) marries Betty Wold
(1947–1965) career at J&J
(1965) forced out of J&J by his father
(1970) death
(1970) memorial service and interment
affairs of
automobiles of
blacklisted socially after being fired
as child, abandoned and ignored by RWJ II
deathbed rapprochement with RWJ II
Florida home
health problems
home life in Princeton
sportsman and hunter image
summertime job at J&J
trust set up for
Johnson, Robert Wood IV “Woody”
(1947) birth
(1966) European grand tour with Jack Mills
(1968) near-fatal fall, breaks back
(1970) returns to University of Arizona, gets degree
(1976) Florida days
(1978) marries Nancy Sale Frey
(1982) move to New York
(2001) divorce from Nancy
Crazy Rich: Inside the Johnson & Johnson Dynasty Page 47