Carrie and the Dastardly Dragons: a Paranormal Romance

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Carrie and the Dastardly Dragons: a Paranormal Romance Page 6

by Mason, Ava

  And now, I was waiting outside the doors, trying to ignore the magic pulsing from the room. It was strong and powerful.

  Queen Aria had to be on her toes to keep everyone in check.

  I wasn’t invited in, thankfully. I was just a wolf shifter and not even one of importance. Even the chair I was sitting in made me feel small - it was a large purple one, embroidered in gold.

  Hunter and Easton were out here, too. They looked as nervous as I felt. Lizzy was strong, and she had walked in there with her head held high, the Alpha of her pack. But she was the only wolf among creatures that were more powerful than I ever wanted to know about. I had to admit, I was still worried.

  What if something went wrong? All that power in one room, one thing could go wrong and the whole room could explode in fire and magic.

  “How long is this going to last?” I tapped my foot, feeling anxious. We had been out here, waiting for hours.

  “Until it’s finished.” Hunter sat across from me in a matching chair. Somehow he managed to look dignified and… not small in it, although every so often he would run his hands through his bangs, a sign he was nervous too.

  Easton stood nearby, his face a mask of calm. “I’ve heard of council meetings that lasted two days and a night.”

  My mouth dropped open. “Without a break?”

  Easton nodded. “When shit gets this serious, you don’t take a break. Things changed when they found that woman.” His voice caught at the mention of the dead dragon the guards had found near the castle grounds. Apparently she’d been killed by a wolf. I was briefly questioned but I was with Lizzy and her guys when it’d happened.

  I swallowed hard, feeling guilty for some reason.

  Easton and Hunter informed me that there was a group of wolf terrorists, called the Moon Wolf Resistance, or the MWR, who had hunted down and killed several dragon women. They specifically targeted pregnant woman, pouring salt in the wound of their reproduction issues.

  I felt bad for them; I couldn’t imagine not being able to reproduce - wolves reproduced like rabbits - and then to have a group of shifters trying to murder them? It was terrible.

  It also explained why everyone had looked at me like I was the enemy when Sawyer had taken me out.

  Because maybe, my kind was.

  Finally, the doors swung open and Lizzy stormed out. She was furious. Hunter and Easton were at her side immediately.

  “Let’s get the hell out of here,” Lizzy said. I could feel her anger crackling around her, dancing on my skin.

  “What happened?” Easton asked.

  “Not here,” Lizzy said. “And maybe not right now. If I shift in this state, I’m going to go feral and then it will only make it look like they’re right.”

  Right? What had happened in there?

  Hunter and Easton glanced at each other before they escorted Lizzy to the car that had brought us here. It was drizzling again - hot and moist but not enough for a good cleansing. It had been like that a lot since I’d arrived. I trailed behind them, wondering where Harry had disappeared to. Deciding not to wait for him, I climbed in the back with Easton.

  When we arrived at the guest house, Lizzy whirled into the suite like a storm, eyes flashing, her wolf barely in check.

  As soon as we were inside their room, she burst out.

  “When is this going to end? We’re right back to where we started, with the wolves being called terrorists. The alliance will never happen now.”

  “What’s going on?” I sat on the couch, wishing there was something I could do to help her feel better.

  “The dragons are blaming the wolves for this.” Lizzy looked at me, her face mottled red in anger. “All of us.”

  “For the death?”

  Lizzy nodded. “They said they don’t trust me. Not only that, there was talk that the alliance isn’t a good idea after all, that this is proof it can never work. Honestly, for people who claim to be so well educated, they were damn small-minded.”

  “We’ll figure this out.” Easton looked at Hunter, a determined look on his face.

  Hunter nodded. “I’m certain we’ll get behind this.” He gave her a predatory grin. “We’re good at this kind of thing.”

  Lizzy shook her head. “We can’t. You can’t get involved, because you’re biased, both of you.”

  “That’s not true,” Hunter retorted with a huff. “Just because we’re involved with you?”

  “I know you’re not, that you can be open-minded, but the rest of them won’t believe anything you say.”

  “But they know us better than that! Or at least our families.” Hunter paced the room, thinking, growing angrier. When he was riled up like this, the predator in him came out. He looked like a mountain lion, ready to strike. “I think we should have a talk with them.”

  “I think that will just make it worse,” Easton said.

  Hunter glared at him.

  “With everything that’s happened in our clan in the past year, with Lizzy having to fight one of the strongest pure-blooded dragons in the country, and then the fight back in Tennessee. There are a lot of rumors going on about us, and a lot of people don’t know the truth. But some could suspect that we’re involved with the MWF somehow.” Hunter looked like he was about to explode, but Easton stopped him, practically grabbing his arm and dragging him out of the room. “Let’s go for a walk, man. All this isn’t good for the baby.”

  Taking in a deep breath Hunter nodded, agreeing. “You’re right.”

  Lizzy nodded, looking relieved. “Please.” They both gave her a quick kiss before leaving the room, and suddenly the room felt a lot less suffocating. Their dragon magic was powerful.

  Lizzy sank onto the couch as if the anger had exhausted her. I settled on the edge of the desk, watching her intently, making sure the baby was okay.

  “I can’t believe this happened, and right now of all times.” She covered her face with her hands, closing her eyes. “Every time I think that we’re making some progress, something else goes wrong.”

  I bit my lip, considering her words. “Do you think the MWR did this on purpose?”

  Her eyes flew open, her head popping up to look at me. “Maybe. You think?”

  “Could be.” I frowned, sitting next to her. “They can’t stop the alliance from happening, can they? If the Queen wants it…”

  Lizzy shook her head. “It’s not that simple. There are a lot of people unhappy with the way the government works here.” She lowered her voice. “She has to play politics just like any political figure, and right now, major dragon politicians are angry, and blaming it all on the wolves. It’s probably just a political play but it seems to be working. The people are angry.”

  “Because one thing went wrong?” I asked. “I mean, are they suggesting that only the wolves can be bad? There’s never been someone else bad in any other species?”

  Lizzy laughed. “It sounds pretty ridiculous when you put it that way.” Her face sobered. “But the dragons have lost a lot at the hands of the wolves. I can’t deny that.” She stood up and stretched her back, hands above her hips, pushing her belly out. “That room was so cold and uncomfortable.” When she was done stretching, she turned towards me, her eyes serious. I stood up, feeling that something big was about to happen. Her face was too serious for me to think otherwise.

  She walked to me, taking one my hands in hers. Her eyes bore into mine, intense and sincere, and I swallowed hard.

  “They’re giving us seventy-two hours to come up with something significant. I need you to help me, Carrie.”

  “Yes, of course.” I blinked at her. “Wait, what can I do?” I hadn’t even been to Aerwyna before. I’d never even been out of the States until now. And the dragons obviously didn’t like me. “I’m no one.”

  Lizzy shook her head. “Don’t doubt yourself. I saw you fight against Elias and his soldiers. You were a strong wolf, and you survived when others didn’t.” Her lips tugged downward and my throat grew dry. She turned away, b
linking away the pain of the past. “Between us, I feel like this is the only safe place for us.” When she turned back to me, her eyes betrayed her fear. “I know that the Queen would always give us sanctuary here, plus the guys are from here. But I know that the Queen doesn’t always get a say in everything.”

  She closed off her eyes and when she opened them, they were closed off. “I can’t go into detail about everything, but just know that we need to figure out who the killer is. It could risk us being able to stay here. There are other people working on it, of course, but I would feel better if someone from our pack was working on it too.” Her eyes grew teary. “I know that the guys could find somewhere else to keep me safe, but I would rather stay here. There is some level of safety in being so close to the Queen, having her guards around to protect us in case anyone tries to come for the baby.” She put her hand on her stomach, as if trying to protect her little munchkin already. “I would never let anything happen to her, but I would rather have access to a hospital, without having to worry about someone trying to kidnap her as soon as she’s born!”

  A gentle breeze floated through the room, whirling her hair around. She was getting stressed out again and the baby was feeling it. I placed my hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her down. “Okay, okay. I get it. I’ll do what I can.” I wasn’t even sure how to start but I didn’t want to tell her that.

  “Thank you, Carrie.” She nodded, relief showing plainly on her face. “I was serious, I trust you. It might take you a bit to figure how things work around here but having a wolf on the case might just be exactly what they need to figure this out. We think differently than the dragons do. Who better to find a wolf than another wolf?”

  “I have to admit, I don’t know if I can do this.” I looked away, feeling embarrassed to admit my insecurities. What had happened in the bar came to mind - my witch power was no match for dragon power. “I’m not you.”

  “You’re stronger than you think,” Lizzy said as if she could read my mind. “And you’re only going to get better at it. Trust me; I did. You just haven’t realized your potential yet.”

  Lizzy’s smile lit up her face, making me smile. She had such trust in me. She was right - this was big, it affected an alliance that could stand for years. Besides, I would do anything to protect Lizzy and anything that came her way.

  I nodded. “Okay.”

  “Thank you!” Standing up, she hugged me and her warmth washed over me. “I knew I could trust you.” She pulled away, walking to her purse. “But don’t worry, I’m not going to send you out there alone.” She fished for her phone and her fingers danced on the screen. “I’ll make sure you’re safe, that you have the best people to help you.”

  “Like who?”

  Lizzy looked up at me. “Don’t worry about that. I’ve got it covered. I have contacts.” She winked at me, then she pressed her cell against her ear and walked away from me for a bit of privacy.

  I collapsed on the couch, my thoughts whirling. Of course I had to say yes to Lizzy. How could I tell her no? But I was scared. What if I did something wrong? What if I messed up our image even more?

  But Lizzy trusted me, and that counted for something.

  The door opened and my mamá walked in.

  “Mija, you’re here.” She rushed into the room. Hunter and Easton walked by the room with a bunch of grocery bags in their hands. “Where’s Elizabeth? You guys were at the meeting so long, I decided to go get some more groceries.”

  “We had to wait until it was done. Lizzy is through there.” I pointed towards the room with her bed in it. “On the phone.”

  My mamá nodded. “I can feel her power. The baby is getting strong.”

  I didn’t want to know if that was a good or a bad thing. I was just glad my mamá was here to help. And the emotional support was good, too.

  “You are worried.” Frowning, my mamá sat next to me, patting my knee.

  She always knew what I was thinking.

  “Lizzy asked me to help out, to find the killer.”

  “Aye, mi hija! She did?”

  I nodded. “And I don’t know if I can do it. I’m not like you or daddy.”

  My mamá put her hand on my cheek. “You are still coming into your own. But you have wolf blood in you and witch magic. I’m sure you are perfect for the job.”

  Lizzy walked back in and smiled. “Marisol, thank heavens you’re here. I’m exhausted.”

  My mamá jumped up. “Of course you are. We need to help you rest. Come sit down.”

  Lizzy nodded. “In a moment.” She turned to me. “I got the guys to pull some strings.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Lizzy sat down and my mamá immediately took her hand. I could feel magic rising; she was already taking care of the baby.

  “We’re arranging some of the guards to look after you.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “Is it a good idea to have dragons watching me if they’re against this?”

  “Some dragons don’t disagree with what we’re doing.” Lizzy lay back on the couch, my mamá still holding her hand. My mamá’s lips were moving but her chanting was silent. “Believe it or not, we have people in our corner out here.”

  I was worried that it wasn’t so simple, but if Hunter and Easton were on it, I should trust them. And they were totally fine with the whole concept and wolves and dragons being together. Lizzy was perfect proof of that. Not only were they dating, but she was pregnant with Easton’s baby, too. If that didn’t speak for itself, nothing did.

  The door opened and Hunter stepped in. “Let’s go.” He looked at me.

  “So soon?” My voice came out a squeak.

  “We don't have time to waste.” Lizzy was already looking more relaxed. She made to get up but my mamá shook her head.

  “We need to take care of her,” She nodded at Lizzy’s tummy, referring to the baby.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll go,” I stood up, steeling myself even though my stomach was queasy. “Stay, rest, get strong again.”

  “I agree with that,” Hunter said.

  “Me too,” Easton piped up, poking his head out from behind Hunter. “We’ll take care of Carrie.”

  Lizzy nodded. I glanced at her, watching her and my mamá go back towards her room to lay on the bed. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I was worried. Lizzy wasn’t usually this drained. At least my mamá was here to help her. It gave us all peace of mind. My mamá nodded at me. “You got this, mija.”

  Lizzy raised up her hand, her thumb pointing upward. “You got this, bitch!”

  I laughed and my mamá swatted her hand. “Elizabeth! Don’t say such words.”

  I turned to Hunter, still grinning, and took in a deep breath. “All right, let’s do this.”



  Mine mine mine. My dragon’s intentions consumed my mind as I ran until my thighs screamed and my lungs burned. The sound of my feet pounding the treadmill echoed around the room as I pushed harder, faster. Intense focus was what you needed to run this fast but the image of that wolf kept popping into my mind. I growled out, forcing thoughts of her away. She was just a fucking wolf, whom, by the way, I hated. They were worthless, weak, and murderers.

  And yet, I’d wanted her that night like I’ve never wanted anyone before.

  I’d always had my pick of any woman I wanted. First and foremost, they had to be purebloods. I wasn’t lowering myself with some dragon muddied with human blood. And second, they had to be hot. Like model, erotic hot. Most of the ones I’d bedded were models.

  And this wolf, she wasn’t hot. She was…

  Seductive, wild, with fuck me lips and an ass that would look perfect with my cock spearing it. God, I wanted it so bad.

  And the way she’d stared at me, gazing into my fucking soul like she knew me. As if she could see past my good looks and money, way down into the rotten, dirty part of my soul, and accepted it.

  And so, I went for it, not giving a fuck about anything else.
  And she’d turned me down.

  Fucking cunt. I never wanted to see her again.

  Mine, the voice in the back of my mind still chanted, not listening to my reasoning. I growled, pushing my dragon down. Get lost. I wasn’t doing that mate thing. Especially if my dragon chose a wolf, for fucks sake.

  “You’re going to break another treadmill.” Tallon was leaning against the wall, crossing his arms over his large chest, a smirk on his face. Blaze was next to him, with almost the same stance as Tallon, except he was scowling. Twins, watching me.


  I ignored his comment, looking back at the wall. “You here to suck my dick?”

  Tallon laughed. “Mouthy even when he’s busy. Do you think he talks this much during sex, too?”

  “You know he does.” Blaze shrugged, looking bored. “Pretty bossy too.”

  “Like you have room to talk,” I bit, switching the treadmill up a notch faster, then clutched the handles to keep my body even with the equipment. “How about,” I huffed out, breathless, “we spar instead?”

  “Now he’s hit his head.” Tallon rolled his eyes. He was always quick with his mouth, and that wasn't the only thing he was good at. Tallon was the resident golden boy. He had loving parents. He was the best at sports when we were in high school, on the honor roll every year, and top of the class in the academy. Everyone either worshipped him or wanted to be him, including our teachers and our boss, even though his blood was as mixed as they came. His great grandfather had strong dragon blood that went back centuries. His great grandfather had also married a human, who also married a human. Tallon’s mom was also a human. He was as muddied as they came.

  But still, no one touched him without consequences. As soon as we’d grown close, he fell under the same umbrella as my sister. Touch him, and I break your fingers, one by one, and then I move on to your face. They’d tried to bully him when he was a kid, but me and Blaze weren’t having it. One reason being he was the only one who had a clue about my secret. The other was because, simply, we liked him. He accepted us for who we were, even though we didn’t deserve his friendship sometimes.


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