Their Virgin Brat

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Their Virgin Brat Page 1

by SC Daiko

  Table of Contents


  Title page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16


  About the Author

  Also By SC Daiko

  Their Virgin Nanny

  Sample Chapter

  Their Virgin Brat

  SC Daiko


  Title page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16



  About the Author

  Also By SC Daiko

  Their Virgin Nanny

  1. Sample Chapter

  Copyright © SCDaiko 2017

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

  This is a work of fiction. The locations are a mixture of real and imagined. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, or any events, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Cover design RBA Designs

  Content editing Trenda Lundin

  All enquiries to [email protected]


  The title says it all.

  If you’re not into reading about a virgin’s first time,

  at the hands of her twin step-siblings,

  then this book is probably not for you.

  If you’re not a fan of quick, fun escapism,

  then this book is probably not for you.

  This book contains a LOT of sex.

  If you are not into sexy reads,

  then this book is probably not for you.

  If, on the other hand, you’re already wet at the prospect,

  dive right in, and enjoy!

  Love and hugs,




  The language used in this book is the written and spoken English of the United Kingdom.

  For Fiona, with thanks xxx



  “When’s the brat arriving?” Aiden asks, striding into our office. He’s a man of few words, my twin brother… cool, calm and collected; it doesn’t seem to faze him that our lives are about to be disrupted by the arrival of our bratty stepsister.

  I lift my eyes from the laptop, where I’ve been filling out entry forms for upcoming shows; Aiden and I compete on grade A horses in arenas both in the UK and abroad. The arrival of Samantha, or Sam as she prefers to be called, will be a pain in the ass. Not only does she have a bad attitude, but she’ll be moving in with a troublesome gelding we’re supposed to teach her to ride.

  “She messaged she’ll be here in about ten minutes,” I groan.

  Aiden lifts a brow. “I can’t wait.”

  His sarcastic tone says the opposite.

  I follow him out of the old farmhouse where we grew up, and into the modern stable yard, our Labradors Burt and Betty at our heels. Aiden and I stand next to each other, identical in every aspect except for our personalities, and the fact that he sports a close-cropped beard whereas I’m usually clean-shaven.

  It’s chilly outside, and I stand with my back to the crisp wind rustling the leaves of the poplar trees edging the paddocks. A Range Rover, driven by a slip of a girl with an untidy mane of light blonde hair, comes through our wide gates, towing a single horse box.

  She parks next to the stables, and Aiden and I give each other a look.

  “Hey,” the girl says, stepping out of the SUV. “We’re here.”

  Aiden narrows his eyes. “Indeed.”

  She runs around to the front of the trailer, and unbolts the door at the side. “Jason, baby,” she addresses her horse. “Come out and meet your new friends.”

  Jesus, she’ll be referring to herself as Mum next.

  Zac and Joe, Aiden’s and my stable staff, and Rachel, our head girl who also looks after Dad’s horses, come out of the barn to help unload Jason. He exits the trailer calmly, and my jaw almost hits the ground.

  Fuck, this horse is a showstopper.

  He’s dark brown, with dapples spread across his body, a classic sport horse… about sixteen hands high. Short back, beautiful sloping shoulder, straight legs with plenty of bone. His neck arches gracefully below an elegant head, and there’s a white blaze running between his intelligent, bold eyes, down to the top of his nose. He paws at the gravel driveway, snorting, and a chorus of whinnies echoes from the barn as our team realises they’re about to gain a new member. Jason lets out an ear-splitting neigh in response.

  Sam frowns, and shakes Jason’s halter rope. “Shush!” She taps him, then gives me a pout. “I’d like to get him settled. Please show me to his box.”

  Her tone is arrogant, her expression snooty. Who the fuck does she think she is? She speaks with a slight Welsh accent; she comes from a market town in the Wye Valley... not far from here, about an hour’s drive… we’re based in rural Herefordshire, nine miles north of the Cathedral City itself.

  Dad was giving a clinic on show jumping at Sam’s local riding club, and was captivated by her mother at a lunch provided by the Wyemouth grandees afterwards. It’s not every day a world-famous equestrian like Michael Roberts graces such a place with his presence. He had his work cut out for him, though; Rhiannon wasn’t interested to begin with. Apparently, her marriage hadn’t been a bed of roses, and she was wary of men. It was the first time Dad had wanted someone permanent since Mum died, and, when Dad wants something he doesn’t give up until he gets it. He and Rhiannon are away on their honeymoon now; he got what he wanted, and he’s left us to deal with the brat.

  We troop into the barn, and eighteen horses look over their stall doors at us, nickering. Jason’s nostrils flutter and his sides quiver slightly, but he seems to take it all in his stride. Sam unclips the lead from his halter; he does a tour of his box, rolls in the fresh shavings, then starts munching the hay hanging from a net in the corner.

  “Let’s get your things from the car, Samantha, and we’ll show you to your room,” Aiden says, the first words he’s spoken to her since she arrived. We’ve met her before, of course, but not since our parents’ wedding. She’d been pretty in a pink bridesmaid’s dress that day, but hardly said a word to either of us, completely immune to our charms. Looking at her now, at her boyish figure and demanding expression, I grit my teeth.

  What the hell has Dad let us in for?


  I’m so freaking nervous I can barely speak. Happens all the time; I clam up and become ‘Spoilt Brat Sam’ when I meet a new man. And not just one man, but two in this case… my twin stepbrothers. Jesus!

  Flustered by the sudden warmth in my cheeks, I bend to rub the Labradors behind their silky ears. Aiden and Liam grab my suitcases
from the back of the SUV. I collect my bag from the front and follow them into the farmhouse. It’s big, and old, and smells of dust and dogs. A sudden lump blocks my throat; my Cocker Spaniel, Nelson, went to doggy heaven last year. I grew up with him, and he’d kept me company on the long dark nights when I’d lain awake, listening to my parents fighting and Mam’s screams when Dad’s hand had come down on her. I give an involuntary shiver, then straighten and square my shoulders.

  I swear to God; no man’s hand will ever come down on me…

  Upstairs, my bedroom overlooks the garden at the back of the house, and, through the open window, there are views of green fields and lush orchards. So different to the suburbs of Wyemouth. Mam and I stayed on there after Dad died in a car accident three years ago. I was sixteen and studying for my GCSE exams at the time. I’ve just turned nineteen now, taking a year out to compete on my horse before deciding if I want to go to college or not.

  My teenage years have been spent living and dreaming horses, and to have Jason is a dream come true. I know Mam spoilt me by buying him with some of Dad’s life insurance money. It was just before she met Michael, six months ago. He expressed his doubts about Jason’s suitability after the clinic he taught at my club, but it was too late. I love Jay, as I sometimes call him, despite him being a handful. He never refuses a fence… he enjoys jumping so much, only he rushes and flattens his body instead of rocking back on his hocks, which means he often knocks the poles off. I’ve tried every combination of bits and nosebands, to no avail.

  My stepbrothers are my last hope. I should be nice to them, I know I should. Except, if I am they might take advantage…

  I glance at them now as they put my suitcases down in the centre of the room. Aiden gives me a bored look… which seems to be his default expression… almost scornful, like I’m irritating him, which I probably am. I guess he and his twin would prefer I weren’t here, and so would I if it wasn’t for needing their expertise. Aiden folds his arms and I can’t help noticing the strength in his muscular biceps. Liam’s ocean-blue eyes crash into mine, and I scowl before I can stop myself. “We’ll leave you to unpack,” he says, gruffly. “Come down to the kitchen at seven. We eat then.”

  It doesn’t take me long to put my clothes away and stow my toiletries in the en-suite shower room. I think about changing into one of my few dresses, but decide against it. Instead, I kick off my boots and flop on the double bed to stare at the ceiling. I miss my mother; it’s the first time we’ve been apart since I went on a school trip to Spain in my senior year. A tear trickles down my cheek, and I brush it away. I’ve tried not to criticise her for falling for Michael Roberts, except I don’t get how she’s let herself become vulnerable to a man so soon. Didn’t she learn her lesson from what happened with Dad? Mam isn’t like me, though; she’s the kind of person who gives everyone a chance. I mean, she’d kept on forgiving Dad and believing him when he promised never to hit her again. My heart gives a stutter; even thinking about what happened breaks me into tiny pieces.

  My phone alarm beeps and I get to my feet. Downstairs, the kitchen is warm and homely. There’s an Aga cooking range with a pot of soup simmering on the hob. I can see the stable yard through the picture window; I’m itching to go out to the barn and check on Jason but I don’t want to appear over-anxious.

  “Glass of wine?” Liam asks, holding up a bottle of white.

  I breathe in his scent, a mixture of musk and fresh air, and then shuffle from one foot to the other; I’m not a drinker… alcohol usually goes straight to my head. “Erm, no thanks. I’ll have some water if that’s ok.”

  He hands me an empty glass and points to the fridge. “There’s the dispenser. Help yourself.”

  I do as he suggests before pulling out a chair at the oak table and sitting myself down. I should offer to help, I suppose, but Aiden is already ladling soup into a dish and putting it down in front of me. “Leek and potato,” he says curtly. “Hope you like it.”

  “Lovely, thanks,” I muster a smile.

  “Help yourself to bread and butter,” Liam grunts. “We have cheese and fruit for afters. Mrs Potts from the village works for us during the day, doing our laundry and a spot of cleaning then making lunch. That’s when we have our main meal.” He pauses to spoon soup into his mouth. “We get up early to ride our horses, and spend all morning working them. We expect you to see to your horse and muck in with chores. Afternoons are for paperwork, etcetera. Are you any good on computers?”

  “I know my way around,” I say, clearing my throat. My mouth has gone completely dry, I widen my eyes, pretending to look behind him at the print of Hereford Cathedral on the wall. My vision is filled with Liam, though. Almost-black hair flopping down over his forehead and curling around his ears. I could drown in the depths of his deep-blue gaze if I let myself. His features are symmetrical… high cheekbones and a chiselled chin. Dangerous. I take a sip of water, and try to appear unaffected.

  He cocks his head sideways. “You can help us respond to emails. I forgot to give you the password for our WiFi. Remind me before you go up to bed.”

  We eat in awkward silence. I hadn’t realised how hungry I was, not having had much lunch before setting off from Wyemouth. “Where do your staff live?” I ask for something to say.

  “There’s accommodation behind the stables,” Aiden says unblinking. The intensity of his glare burns my face. He’s identical to Liam, except for the beard. I wonder if he’s grown it to appear different to his twin? It draws my attention to his sensuous mouth, the full bottom lip. I force myself to look away.

  Silence again.

  Dammit, if they’re not going to make conversation then I won’t either. I get to my feet and pick up our empty bowls to load the dishwasher. “I’ll go up to my room now, if you don’t mind,” I say in a brisk tone. “It’s been a long day.”

  UPSTAIRS, I realise I’d forgotten to get the WiFi password from Liam. I try my phone, but there’s no reception; I can’t even log onto Facebook and message Mam. She’ll be wondering how today went, I expect. Unless she’s so caught up in her cruise with Michael, sailing across the Pacific on a luxury liner; she’ll barely have spared a thought for me. I blow out a sigh and pick up my Kindle… I’ll read for a bit.

  It’s no good; I can’t concentrate. All I can think about is my horse; I need to check on him. Maybe if I sneak out to the stables quietly, no one will notice? I pull on my boots, reach for my coat, and tiptoe down the stairs. My stepbrothers are still up; I can hear the television blaring from the living room. Thankfully the door is closed.

  My feet crunch on the gravel in the stable yard, lit by moonlight. I swing open the door to the barn, and use my phone to find my way to Jason. He nickers and pops his head over the iron railings. I open my arms, and he lowers his beautiful head into them, letting me breathe him in while he presses his forehead into my chest. I rub my cheek against his poll, the scratchy hairs of his forelock ticking my nostrils. “Good boy,” I whisper.

  Love for this magnificent creature swells my heart. He lifts his head and wiggles his upper lip into my hair. I cup his chin with my fingers and kiss him on the nose.

  “Well, isn’t that sweet?” A sardonic voice echoes from the doorway, and I practically jump out of my skin. It’s Aiden, and he doesn’t look happy.


  “I was just closing up for the night when I spotted a light flickering in the barn. What the hell are you doing out here, Samantha?”

  She folds her arms and gives me a sulky glare. “Checking on my horse.”

  “We have staff. It’s their job to do that,” I frown.

  Bloody hell, she treats that gelding like a pet. No wonder he gets away with carting her around the ring and barging through his fences. I don’t say anything, though. She’ll learn soon enough.

  She strokes Jason on the nose before spinning on her heel and marching towards the door of the barn. I catch up with her in the yard. “I want you and your horse at the indoor school eight o’cloc
k sharp tomorrow morning. Don’t be late!”

  “Yes, sir,” she salutes.

  I fight the urge to grab her and pull her against me. She’s a spoilt brat who needs to be taught a lesson, and not just how to jump that horse. Jesus Christ, where did that come from? She’s my damn stepsister. At least ten years younger. It would be completely out of line.

  She runs ahead of me into the house and up the stairs. I lock up and go to my room, thankful Liam went up to bed a while ago. I’m in need of a cold shower. It’s been a while since I was with a woman…

  Liam and I are so busy training our horses and competing, we tend to have one-night stands with willing fans. The only serious relationship we had was when we both fell for the same woman. Jennifer was fine about us sharing her; in fact, she loved the attention. The problem was, she couldn’t cope with how much attention we needed to lavish on our horses. It beggared belief she was jealous of them, jealous of the length of time we spent travelling and competing abroad. She broke up with us eventually, and it hurt like hell for a while. We’re over it now, and have decided to stay single. It’s for the best…

  Standing under the warm jets of water in the bathroom, lathering shampoo into my hair, I think about my father and how he’s found love after so many years. Liam and I barely remember our mother; she died of breast cancer when we were only ten. She was an incredible horsewoman and understood the madness of the equestrian world. It’s a good thing Dad has now retired from competing and will be able to give Rhiannon his full devotion. That’s what women need, apparently.


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