BitterSweet (Book Two) (The Blood Moon Chronicles)

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BitterSweet (Book Two) (The Blood Moon Chronicles) Page 1

by June Spears



  By June Spears


  © 2012 June E Spears Acworth GA 30102

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author.

  Chapter 1

  -Zelenia -

  Mamá calls up the stairs. “Zelenia, hurry up, mija. You're going to be late!"

  Today is my graduation day. School is finally over, and I will be leaving for college in a few months.

  Ever since my freshman year, I have been eagerly awaiting this day. I should be thrilled, but now that it's here, I’m a complete nervous wreck.

  Mamá planned a party for my friends and me after the graduation ceremonies. Unfortunately, I had only a few friends.

  I went into high school promising myself I would try my best to fit in. I'm not quite like other teens, so I try to hide behind dorky glasses and dull clothes. Sometimes I wish I could just be normal like everyone else. It is much easier to hide away from the world than to have them know my true abnormalities. Even if it means being called a geek or dork.

  As I give myself disgusted looks in the mirror Mamá’s voice floats up to me again. “Let’s go Mija!”

  Mamá is probably the most impatient person I know. She has fair brown skin and short black hair that she never lets grow past her shoulders. She still has her Latino accent, and she has a way about her that my friends just adore. She is an average woman, not beautiful but pretty in her own way.

  I, on the other hand, have long silky black hair that I keep pulled back in a ponytail. There are a lot of things about me that are pretty weird, like the color of my skin. My skin is pale white, nothing like my mother's darker tone. I heal swiftly. I've been in so many freak accidents I should have broken over half the bones in my body, but somehow always managed to walk away with nothing more than a scratch or two. I have big brown eyes that I swear glow red in the moonlight.

  I have a tattoo on the back of my left shoulder that Mamá said was there at my birth. Who the hell is born with a tattoo? It's of a Red Moon with a heart-O-gram in the center. I've always wondered what it meant.

  After staring a few more minutes in the mirror, I finished putting on my eye liner. Quickly, I slipped on some overalls and tennis shoes and ran downstairs.

  "You could have worn that nice dress I bought for you, mija," Mamá said, a hurt look in her eyes.

  "Mamá, you know how much I hate wearing dresses,"

  "I do know, but I don’t see why. Most girls would kill to have your beauty. I wish you could see that. I just thought today would be different." she said wistfully.

  I hated hurting her. She worked hard to take care of us. She had two jobs and babysat in her spare time. I didn't even want to wonder which bill got skipped for her to buy me that dress.

  "If it will make you happy, I'll go put it on for you, Mamá."

  "No, it’s your day and you should be comfortable. Besides, aren’t you going to the carnival afterward?" Mamá grabbed her camera.

  "That's the plan," I mumbled. I wasn't looking forward to going to the graduation. I hated to be around large crowds.

  Before I could say another word, my mom pushed me out the door.


  “Zelenia Mendez," the principal called out.

  I slowly strode across the stage.

  “You are a special soul, my dear Zelenia. I see great things for you in the future.” The principal smiled as she handed me a diploma and shook my hand.

  "Thank you, Mrs. Cercy,” I replied. She had been my teacher back when I was in kindergarten. She became the principal at Shadow Valley High when I started my junior year.

  School had been easy for me. I never studied; I didn't have too. I could read novels by the time I was five, and by the time I entered school, I excelled way past everyone else. Even though I was doing high school level work in second grade, Mamá refused to let the administration place me in a higher grade. I was already different enough from everybody else. I didn't need or want the extra attention.

  After the ceremony, pushing through the crowd and camera flashes was like dodging bullets. Mamá was somewhere around here looking for me, ready to torture me with her evil camera.

  "Over here," Zoriada said, jumping up and down. Zoriada, my best friend since second grade, had vibrant cocoa skin and deep chocolate eyes. She had Daddy’s money and she loved to spend it.

  I nervously tucked a stray hair behind my ear and glanced around as I made my way over to join her and Zeeb.

  Zeeb laughed. "Hiding from your mother again?"

  Zeeb is the captain of the baseball team here at Shadow Valley High. I don’t think they’ve ever won a game. He was tall, lean, and had beautiful, caramel skin. His beautiful long black hair was his pride and joy.

  Zoraida and Zeeb were the only kids I considered friends in school. I wasn't really into the whole social thing.

  "You know how much I hate people taking pictures of me," I replied.

  "Hi, Ms. Mendez," Zeeb waved behind me.

  Sucking in a deep breath, I turned around to face the inevitable flash. Both Zeeb and Zoraida burst out laughing. My mom wasn't there.

  "Don't do that to me ever again!" I said in mock anger. I bopped him in the arm and he flew to the ground.

  "Ouch...What did you do that for? I was just joking. Geez, Zelenia, what a spaz." Zeeb clambered back to his feet.

  "Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I didn't think I hit you that hard." I had barely even touched him, but he had a big red knot on his arm that surely would become a bruise tomorrow.

  I felt awful.

  "Are you okay?" I asked him.

  “I think that a little kiss would make me feel better,” he replied with a smirk.

  “Keep dreaming,” Zoraida said, laughing. I couldn't help but laugh with her.

  "Yeah, well, watch it next time. That thing is lethal," he said, pointing to my fist.

  I've always been so weak that this boggled my mind.

  Stepping between us, "Group hug, everybody!" Zoraida yelled.

  We all gathered and hugged one another. It was almost sad to be leaving school and my friends. Even so, I was ready for a change.

  Suddenly, we heard music nearby as the rides started at the school carnival held in honor of the graduates.

  I had hoped to escape before it began, but just as the thought occurred to me, Zoraida called out, "Come on you guys, they started the rides already!"

  A while later, the temperature dropped and the sky turned dark. My head spun just from watching all the rides. I used to love the thrill of them, but my stomach couldn't handle it anymore. I mostly just sat and watched while my friends enjoyed themselves.

  After Zoraida and Zeeb got off one of the rides, we walked over to one of the stands to get a drink. Zeeb noticed a tent with the title 'Carmen the Fortune Teller'. "Let's get our fortune told," he said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. “Now that we’re done with high school, maybe we’ll be rich and famous!”

  "Oh no, not me. Fortune tellers are just kooks." I sat down on a nearby bench to take a drink of my soda. Zeeb settled next to me with his arm around my shoulder.

  "Oh come on, Zelenia, you have got to learn to lighten up a little." Zoraida wedged herself between us.

  She had been doing that a lot lately. Every time Zeeb would get a little close to me, she would push between us. If I didn’t know better, I’d think she was jealous. Feeling awkward, I stood and threw away my empty cup.

  I strode towards the tent. "Fine, have it your way. Let's get thi
s over with."

  "It'll be fun, you'll see." Zeeb dashed up beside me, smiling.

  He really did have a nice smile. I found myself mesmerized. He could have any girl at our school, but for two years he has followed me around like a lost puppy. He would make some lucky girl a wonderful husband someday. I simply could not see us together that way. That’s what ruins friendships, I never wanted to lose him or Zoraida as a friend, ever.

  When we entered the tent, we found a little old lady with crazy hair in front of some tarot cards. The only light came from a single candle in the center of the table.

  "Come, sit down." The fortune teller gestured to the chairs opposite her. “Let Lady Carmen tell your fortune.”

  Lady Carmen shuffled her cards. She stared at me, and her eye twitched. She flipped the first card over and gasped. The three of us leaned forward.

  She took a good long look at me, then flipped the second card. "Your poor souls. You are all doomed to darkness," she whispered.

  Lady Carmen spread the cards on the table. After staring down at her cards for what seemed liked hours, she slowly looked up. Sweat glistened on her forehead; she looked genuinely concerned.

  “You all are in great danger,” she said finally.

  The three of us glanced at each other and burst out laughing.

  “Nice try, lady,” Zeeb said. “You’re not going to scare us. We’re not high schoolers anymore.”

  Lady Carmen simply continued to stare at us, a hint of fear in her eyes.

  “Ah, screw it,” I said as I stood to leave. "I told you this was stupid, it’s Just a gimmick to steal our money."

  Zeeb stood to follow me. "Yeah, she's right."

  Lady Carmen pointed at him. “Son, I see you have already begun to see the darkness.”

  “You’re crazy!” Zeeb ducked under the flap and left.

  As we walked away, Lady Carmen called after us. "You can't escape it. It only gets worse as time goes on."

  "Wait for me here you guys." I went back in.

  Lady Carmen pushed one of the cards across the table so that it faced me.

  "You drew the High Priestess card."

  "And what exactly does that mean?" I asked.

  "Something in your life remains yet to be revealed. Duality and mystery. Hidden influences affect your life and intuitive insight brings new solutions. You will have great things happen for you, child, but you will suffer tremendously."

  I couldn't believe I was sitting here listening to all of her mumbo-jumbo. I hated psychics. Even so, something in my gut knew she was right. I could feel it.

  "You belong to the night my child. Use it wisely. "

  "What do you mean 'I belong to the night?” I asked.

  "Your time is up, that's all I can tell you." She shooed me out the door.

  I should have known better than to fall for this crap, but I let her lure me into her game. I stormed out, angry at myself for listening to the old hag.

  I gave Zeeb and Zoraida my congrats and told them I would see them both later at the party .

  "I'll walk you home if you want," Zeeb said.

  "Thanks, but I need some time alone, if you don't mind." I said politely.

  He didn't seem to mind. He was probably used to me rejecting him by now.

  "See ya later then."

  I watched as he walked away. I always caught myself watching him. Any girl at our school would love to date him, and I had the chance. To be honest, I wanted nothing more than his strong arms around me. But I couldn't let it show. It would ruin everything between us.

  Chapter 2


  I loved walking home at night. Shadow Valley is a nice, quiet small town of about five hundred people, located about sixty miles outside of Atlanta.

  Shadow Valley gets its name from the trees that provide shade through the entire town. The air here is nice and fresh; I love to sit and take it in. It's far away enough to get away from the hectic life of the city, but it's also close enough to go into the city when you need to. Everyone knows everybody, and when someone new moves in, they are the talk of the town.

  I started down the long gravel road that led to the small two-bedroom shack we call home. Mamá does her best with what she has. And for that I am grateful. She is so small and fragile; sometimes I wonder how she does it.

  Somehow I don't think I was born here. Maybe we came here from another place. If so, she has never mentioned it .

  I sometimes wonder if I even belong. Maybe that psycho psychic actually knew what she was talking about.


  My head pounded. I shoved down some medication in hope that it would go away before my graduation party.

  In the last two weeks , I experienced several major migraines so bad I wanted to cry. Mamá took me to see a specialist, but he was just as baffled as we were.

  Just as I headed to my room to change the doorbell rang. My head pounded in time to the chimes.

  It’s just as well, I thought to myself. I didn’t really feel like dressing for the occasion anyway.

  Here we go, I thought as I opened the door.

  "Congratulations, Zelenia!" Zoriada said as she entered.

  Right behind her was Zeeb. "Congrats, kid," he said as he leaned in to hug me. “Where's the food?" He headed towards the kitchen.

  That boy can eat. I swear every time I see him he’s eating something.

  "Men, you can't live with 'em and I can't live without 'em," Zoriada chuckled.

  She was right about one thing: that girl loved her some boys. She lives by the thirty day maximum rule when it comes to dating. She says that after thirty days, the boy has expired, so it's time to move on.

  As the kids from school started to show up, I hid away in the corner. It looked as though everyone was enjoying themselves. Zeeb spotted me and came over to offer me a drink.

  "Thanks," I told him.

  "Lighten up, Zelenia, this is your party. Go mingle with the crowd." He stretched out his hand. "I know what you need, let's dance!"

  I had never danced with a boy in my life. Hell, I'd never danced with anyone, for that matter.

  "I can't dance," I said shyly.

  "Oh come on, just one. Please!" he begged.

  What the hell, I might as well.

  "Well since you begged...”

  I was dancing in the middle of the crowd before I could even finish my sentence.

  "That's not so bad, is it?" Zeeb asked.

  It actually wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be. I kind of liked being in his arms. He was tall and I fit perfectly to his body. I could feel his heart beat faster. He looked down at me and I could see the love in his big black eyes. It would be easy to lose myself with him, but I just couldn’t.

  “Zelenia, why do you wear those ridiculous glasses?" he asked, as he reached to pull them away from my face. "You don't need them; your eyes are beautiful."

  He was right. I didn't need them. I just wore them because they hide me away from the world. I didn't want people to see who I really was. I knew deep inside that the Psychic Lady was right. There was something dark about me that I couldn’t explain, but I knew it was there.

  The music slowed and Zeeb pulled me in closer. My cheeks flushed; they must be blood red.

  “It’s warm in here,” I said, still feeling strangely flustered.

  “But your skin is ice cold. Are you okay?"

  He held me so close that I could see his blood pulse through the vein on his neck. For some reason, this mesmerized me and a strange sensation took over my body. I wanted nothing more than to kiss that blood-filled vein.

  “Zeeb,” I whispered.

  “Yes,” he whispered. In that moment, the world stood still and there was no one around but me and him. I leaned in and kissed his neck. The touch of my lips upon his skin made my heart skip a beat. I could hear his slight moan at my touch.

  As I kissed his neck softly, my lips parted and my tongue felt the warmth of his blood flowing through his veins
. His body stiffened at my touch, but I couldn’t resist any longer.

  The sudden taste of something bittersweet on his soft skin sent chills down my spine. Heat and desire exploded within me. My teeth had somehow pierced his skin and a stream of blood flowed steadily down his neck.

  Realizing what I'd done, I tried to pull away, but he pulled me closer with a soft moan of desire. ”Don’t stop,” he said eagerly.

  I couldn’t let go. The bittersweet taste kept me latched to him.

  He moaned louder, and then it all came to a screeching halt.

  “What the hell are ya’ll doing?" Zoriada screamed. She jerked me out of his arms and threw me to the floor.

  Still tasting that wondrous bittersweet taste on my lips, I stared up at her with a dazed expression. Glancing shyly at Zeeb, I suddenly realized what I'd done.

  “You're bleeding,” I said in shock, wondering what had just happened.

  Why did his blood taste so good to me? Why hadn’t I been disgusted at the thought of it? Even now, my heart raced for more.

  I had so many questions and no answers.

  "Look at her eyes. They're red and glowing," Zoriada backed away from me. She edged for the door.

  "My eyes?" I asked dazedly as I came around. Everything looked red and somewhat fuzzy. In my confusion and panic, I wasn't able to say much more than a few words at a time. "Red?"

  The other kids all started to panic and their words cut through me like knives.

  “Freak!” one kid yelled.

  “Let's get out of here,” another one yelled as the crowd surged toward the door. Soon only the three of us remained in the house.

  I glanced at Zeeb and he looked like he was in some sort of trance or something.

  “Zeeb?” I asked sympathetically.

  "Leave him alone." Zoriada pulled Zeeb behind her. She dragged him toward the door.

  Zeeb followed reluctantly, but stared back at me with a strange look in his eyes.

  What had just happened? What was wrong with me? I knew in that moment that there was really something different about me.

  "Zelenia, I’m home," Mamá called as she hung her keys on the hook by the door.


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