Destined to the Alpha: Alphas in Heat Book Three

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Destined to the Alpha: Alphas in Heat Book Three Page 4

by Turner, Olivia T.

  “Fine,” I say with a frustrated huff of breath. “He bit me. There are you happy?”

  She laughs.

  “What is so funny?” I ask as I glare at her.

  “Is that it?” she asks as she looks at the mark on my neck. I tried to cover it up with make-up, but I guess I did a shitty job.

  I nod.

  “You’re mated to a bear shifter,” she says as she stares at me like I’m some kind of an idiot. “What did you think was going to happen?”

  “I don’t know,” I say as I take a casual sip of coffee. “Maybe him not trying to eat me for one.”

  She laughs. “That’s his mark. He wasn’t trying to eat you.”

  “His mark?”

  “Shifters are a little possessive and protective of their mates.”

  “A little?” I say with a laugh. I still remember how he looked in my rearview mirror, holding my severed bumper as I sped away.

  “Every shifter has to mark their girl,” she explains. “A quick bite on the neck. It happens once and that’s it.”

  My hand goes back to the tingling spot. It feels electric under my hovering fingertips.


  Debbie shrugs. “That’s how shifters know that a girl is taken. My sister is mated to a bear shifter—the lucky bitch. She told me about it. It’s like a tattoo that only shifters can see. Other men can sense it too, and the smart ones will stay away from you.”

  “Oh, great,” I say as I shake my head. “So, you’re saying that he not only bit my neck, but he gave me a permanent man repellant tattoo as well?”

  She laughs. “Pretty much. But why would you want to be with another man anyway when you have Westin?”

  I don’t. At least, I think I don’t. I don’t even know anymore.

  “He couldn’t help it,” she explains. “His bear was probably driving him crazy to mark you. He was probably out of his mind.”

  “He was out of his mind all right,” I say as I glance into the parking lot to see if he’s there once again.

  I see the Porsche from the other day pull into the parking lot and the two men, Mr. Frowny Face and Mr. Snooty in a Suity, step out.

  Oh great, now I have to serve these guys again. I’m not in the mood to deal with anyone.

  The bell rings over the door and they walk in, looking slick, good looking, and way too rich to be in this place.

  “You can sit anywhere you like,” I tell them as they walk by without acknowledging us in any way. “Or, you can just go straight to hell.”

  Mr. Snooty in a Suity glances back at me with a look that could kill. I just glare back at him. If he’s going to be rude, I’m going to be rude right back.

  They walk over to the same booth they had last time and take a seat.

  “I’d give him another chance,” Debbie says as she turns back to me. “This is normal stuff around here.”

  “There’s nothing normal about a man biting his girl.”

  Her smile turns into a sly grin. “Maybe not, but the best ones do.”

  I laugh as I turn around, trying not to picture what kind of freaky shit Debbie is into.

  After downing the rest of my coffee, I head over to the table in the back with the coffee pot.

  “Hey guys, did you find your brother Aragon?” I ask as I pour them coffee.

  “Aylwin,” Mr. Frowny Face corrects. “And yes, we tracked him down to the mountains.”

  “That’s great,” I say, but they don’t look happy as they give each other a look. “Was he camping or something?”

  “He was dead.”

  My mouth drops as I stare at them in shock. “Oh, I’m sorry.”

  “We’re sorry too,” the one on the left says as he stares at me with his bright jade green eyes. “Sorry for what we’re going to do to his killers once we get our hands on them.”

  I’m a little shaky and quiet as I serve them breakfast. I’m filled with relief an hour later when they’re finally gone.

  “So?” Debbie asks when she catches me looking out the window for the thirteenth trillion time. “Are you going to give Westin another chance?”

  “I’m not sure,” I say as I feel the warm tingling on my neck. I do love the way it feels. “We’ll see.”

  My heart starts racing when I see his truck pull into the parking lot. A tow truck with Mechanic written on the door is following him.

  “See?” Debbie says as Westin shows the mechanic my bumper-less car. Westin gets my bumper out of his pickup truck and the mechanic gets to work on reattaching it. “He’s not so bad.”

  I can’t take my eyes off him. He keeps glancing over, trying to find me through the glare of the sun on the windows.

  God, he looks even worse than I feel. He looks awful.

  He’s wringing his hands and rubbing his wrists as he looks over every so often with a pained stare.

  I can tell this is tearing him apart. He looks like he was up all night. His hair is all messy and his shirt is on inside out. It hurts my heart to see and I actually start to feel bad for him.

  Seeing how much I mean to him, how much pain not being near me is causing him, brings a smile to my lips.

  The mechanic finishes with my car and I watch as Westin pays him.

  “Go talk to him,” Debbie urges as the tow truck leaves the parking lot. “You’ll see. It’s going to be okay.”

  My mind is spinning as he takes one last long pained look at the diner and then drops his head and shuffles over to this truck.

  Then all of a sudden, my feet start moving on their own and I rush outside. “Westin!” I call out to him.

  He whips his head around and there’s so much hope and longing in his eyes that I know I’m already going to forgive him. How can I not?

  “Westin, wait,” I say as I rush over.

  “I’m so sorry, Kimberly,” he says with a wince. I can hear the pain in his voice. “I’d never hurt you. I should have explained. My bear got me all worked up—you got me all worked up—and I just reacted. I wasn’t thinking. I can’t think straight around your beauty. I’m a mess without you.”

  “Okay, relax,” I say with a chuckle as I raise my hand to calm him down.

  His whole body is strained as he watches me with pained blue eyes and it hits me that this is real. We are mates. This intense connection is real.

  “Debbie explained why you bit me. You were marking me?”

  He slowly nods.

  “So, I’m yours now?”

  He doesn’t answer, but I can tell that I am. And it brings a smile to my face.

  “I’m kind of a mess without you too,” I tell him.

  His beautiful blue eyes light up. “Really?”

  I nod.

  I don’t want to spend another night without him.

  “I finish at four,” I tell him as I inch a little closer to his tempting body. “Are you going to be waiting for me right here?”

  “I’m not leaving this parking lot.”

  “Good,” I say with a laugh. “But in that case, you might want to fix your shirt. It’s inside out.”

  He quickly takes it off and puts it the right way as I get a full glorious view of his chest, abs, and arms.

  “I’ll see you at four,” I say in a seductive voice as I turn away from him. I strut back to the diner, swaying my round ass for him, and I can feel his eyes on me the entire way.

  Four o’clock is not going to come fast enough.

  Chapter Six


  Kimberly is in my house. My mate is in my house.

  I still can’t believe it.

  I can’t take my eyes off her as she walks around the living room, looking at the view of the mountains.

  “It’s stunning here,” she says as she looks out of the floor to ceiling window.

  My eyes are locked on her round ass. “It certainly is.”

  She smiles as she turns around. “This was not what I was expecting.”

  “What were you expecting?”

She laughs to herself. “You remember Winnie the Pooh’s house?”

  “You thought I lived in a hollowed-out tree?”

  She shrugs with a grin on her lips. Fuck, this girl constantly puts a smile on my face. Except, of course when I’m twisting in anguish over her.

  “You said you were a talking bear so I just assumed…”

  I laugh. “For the record, my bear can’t talk.”

  “Can he juggle?”


  “Ride a tricycle?”

  “I don’t think so. I’ve never tried, but if you insist he just might.”

  “I insist.”

  I love how she makes me laugh so easily. “Still, it might be a tough sell. He’s a little big for tricycles.”

  Her eyes widen a little as they drop down to my chest. “How big?”

  “Giant grizzly bear big.”

  “Wow,” she whispers under her breath as she stares at my chest that’s hiding my pounding heart. “That’s big. Do I get to see him?”

  I suck in a breath as I watch her. My bear is still all amped up and agitated. Marking her neck calmed him a little, but he wants her body claimed as well. So do I, but I’m not as impatient as him.

  Okay, maybe I am, but I’m better at hiding it.

  Even now he’s pacing around, urging me to go over there, grab her, pick her up, and carry her to the bedroom. I can feel his intentions and demands flowing through me.

  Clothes ripped off, legs spread, pussy claimed…

  A moan falls from my lips as I watch her looking at me. I can’t imagine how good that would feel—to sink inside her warm wet cunt.

  My cock hardens in my jeans, straining against the denim and giving my arousal away. I take a deep breath to control my beast’s primal urges, as well as my own.

  “I think it might be smart to wait to see my bear until things… calm down.”

  “Luckily I’ve never been accused of being smart,” she says with a grin. I smile back at her. This girl is quick-witted and smart as a whip.

  “How about we eat first?” I say as I move to the kitchen. “You must be hungry.”

  “I’ve been sneaking French Fries off people’s plates all day,” she says as she follows me into the open kitchen. I had it redone last year and from the way she’s looking around at the high cupboards and huge granite island, I think I did a good job.

  “French fries, huh?”

  “Yup,” she says as she hops up onto the counter, even though I have some stools at the island. “I can’t resist them. You know, I had a choice between becoming a doctor or becoming a waitress at the local diner and I chose waitress on account of the fries.”

  “Oh, really?” I say with a laugh.

  She nods with a serious expression on her face even though she’s clearly joking. “Yeah. You know, saving lives is rewarding and all, but French fries… you can’t beat that.”

  I feel her eyes on me as I reach down into the freezer and pull out a bag of fries.

  She gasps. “You just got yourself a one-way ticket to second base tonight.”

  Her cheeks start blushing when she realizes what she’s said.

  “I didn’t mean… It was just a joke…”

  I slam the freezer closed, toss the fries on the counter, and walk over with my heated eyes locked on her.

  Her back straightens and she sucks in a breath as she watches me with unblinking eyes. She looks nervous and excited at the same time. I can see her soft skin flushing, hear her heart pounding, smell her pussy getting wetter with every step I take.

  “Second base?” I say as I walk right up to her, standing between her legs. My body is so big that she has to open her legs wider to let me fit. Her sweet aroused scent fills my nose and my bear starts rumbling. “What do I have to do to get a home run?”

  She lets out a little gasp when I drop my big palms onto her soft thighs. I lean in close until our lips are within kissing distance.

  “This is a good start,” she says as she lifts her hands and touches my flexed arms.

  I lean in and kiss her softly on the lips. It’s a nice slow romantic kiss, unlike the last one that was full of desperation and need. We take our time with this one, enjoying every sensation. The soft luscious feel of her lips, the sweet delicious taste of her tongue, the look of her beautiful face as she turns her head and closes her eyes. Yes, I have my eyes open. I can’t believe that I’m kissing my mate and I want to watch her while I do it.

  My cock hardens against the wooden cupboard as I listen to the slow sensual sound of our lips smacking together as we pull each other closer.

  I groan and tug on her bottom lip with my teeth as we separate. I don’t want to let her go just yet.

  “How was that?” I ask as I slide my hands up to her waist.

  “That was good,” she says with a smile and a nod. It must have been good because she looks too stunned to fire out any witty comments.

  “Better than French fries?” I ask as I lean in and give her a soft closed-mouth kiss.

  She pulls back from me and gives me a look. “Nothing is better than French fries.”

  “I’m going to take that as a challenge,” I say as I start to kiss her neck.

  Her whole body shudders as my lips connect with the mark I gave her. She moans deeply as I kiss it.

  I scared her yesterday. That was all. She wasn’t expecting it, but now that it’s on her, she’s feeling the true power of having her fated mate’s mark on her skin. It’s overpowering. It’s overwhelming. And it’s taking over her body.

  I hold onto her waist with a firm grip and slide her closer as she gasps. Her breasts press into my chest and I squeeze her hips, trying to repress the insatiable need to rip every shred of fabric from her body. I have to go slow this time.

  Last time, I went too fast and I scared her off. I can’t go through another night like that again. Another night without her. Another night of torture.

  “I’ll never hurt you again,” I whisper as I feel her breaths coming out faster and harder.

  “I know,” she whispers back to me. Her arms slide around my neck as our foreheads press together. I can feel the warmth of each of her breaths and it’s making me harder than ever.

  “With the mark yesterday, I—”

  “It’s okay,” she interrupts. “I kinda liked it.”

  I pull back and stare at her in shock. “Really?”

  She nods shyly. “It just startled me more than anything, but to be honest it felt good. I can be a bit of a drama queen sometimes, and come on, Westin, I have to make you work for it a little bit.”

  The mischievous smile on her lips is so damn kissable that I can’t resist. I press my lips to hers and kiss her hard and deep. There’s no more need for apologizes. The smiles are gone.

  It’s all moans, groping, and pulling as we discover each other physically. I love her shape and thickness. Her soft curves are so feminine. I can’t wait to see every inch of her naked and just the thought of that is pushing me into a frenzy.

  She sucks in her stomach as I slide my hands under her shirt.

  “You don’t have to do that with me, Kimberly,” I whisper as I run my hand over her round stomach on the way up to her tits. “I love every inch of you just how you are. Be yourself. That’s what I want.”

  She looks self-conscious and unsure, but after a few seconds, she begins to trust me and lets go. I groan as I run my hands over my mate’s stomach—the stomach that will be round with my child soon enough.

  I can’t get over this girl. I want her body bred with my child. I want to coat her womb in my cum to make sure she’s locked to me forever.

  My cock is raging. It’s rock hard and desperate to get out. It wants to fuck this full-figured girl so much that sticky pre-cum keeps oozing out and making a mess in my boxer briefs. My balls are aching they’re so full of cum.

  I grab her ponytail and jerk her head back. Her sexy lips open in a gasp as she looks up at me with lust in her eyes.

“I can smell how wet you are,” I whisper over her mouth. Her eyes widen. “I know you want my cock as badly as I want that hot little pussy that’s setting my lungs on fire. You’re not going to stop me this time are you?”

  She slowly shakes her head from side to side as I hold her hair with my fist.

  “Good,” I growl. “Now, I’m going to take these clothes off and see how wet you are. And you’re going to sit back and enjoy every second of it, knowing that your body was made for this moment. It was made for your mate. For me.”

  I dig my finger into the elastic around her ponytail and slide it down, letting her brown hair spill out.

  She slides closer and starts grinding against me as I grab her shirt and pull it over her head.

  “Oh fuck,” I moan when I see her perky breasts spilling out of her bra. I’m on them at once, cupping her bra as I kiss the top of her tits. She arches her back to give me more of them as I reach behind her and unfasten the clasp.

  I can barely breathe as I peel the bra off her and her perfect tits tumble down. Her pink nipples are hard and alert as I stare at them with my cock pulsing.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I tell her as I peel my eyes off her tits and look up at her glossy eyes. Her sandy-brown hair is tousled and hanging all over her shoulders, her lips are parted—swollen and red from the kisses I gave her. She’s the most stunning thing I’ve ever seen.

  I still can’t believe she’s here in my kitchen. I always knew I’d love my mate, but I never imagined this. I feel like I’m in heaven.

  Her perky tits are heaving up and down with every heavy breath and my will breaks. I can’t resist any longer.

  I cup them with my hands and take her nipple into my mouth. One at a time, drawing moans and gasps from her as I trace her little pink nubs with my tongue and as I suck on them with my lips.

  I drag my tongue along the curves of her breasts and groan when I feel how soft they are against my cheek. She’s so fucking perfect.

  My bear is strangely quiet as if he’s afraid to make a sound and fuck things up. I know he wants her claimed as much as I do, but right now, he’s letting me take over. Somehow, I’m not so sure that’s going to last.

  Her hands are tugging at my shirt, so I just yank it off with one quick movement. She touches me everywhere with her cold hands and I love how turned on she looks. I’ve been spotting her checking out my muscles and admiring my physique when she thought I wasn’t looking. I was. I’m always looking when it comes to her.


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