A Daring Journey: The Dare Menage Series, Book 6

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A Daring Journey: The Dare Menage Series, Book 6 Page 8

by Jeanne St. James

  She tilted her head back and rested it against his chest as he continued his exploration, sliding his palms back over her arms and down to her breasts. He purposely ignored her nipples, instead concentrating on tracing the curves, cupping the slight weight.

  Her sigh floated up between them as his fingers circled, gradually moving toward the center, where the pink tips were pebbled, the nipples tight.

  “Touch me,” she breathed.

  He said nothing, just continued his path, using his index fingers to outline the edge of her small areolas as he pushed his chest into her back, his erection nestled between them. He wanted to rush, to finish undressing in a hurry, but he forced himself to take his time and appreciate everything about her.

  When he finally gave her what she wanted, brushing his thumbs over the hard tips, capturing those nubs between his fingers to twist them, her back arched and she gasped.

  He continued to play with her until the noises she made were about to drive him mad. He moved down, searching for his next target, another area where he wanted to draw those reactions from her, too. His finger dipped into her navel on his way to the waistband of her panties. Pink cotton. Simple. Girl next door.

  Just what he was looking for. Not high maintenance. No one who would complain that he didn’t work a nine-to-five, that his schedule wasn’t normal in the least. A woman who wouldn’t demand attention but would appreciate every second of it when she received it.

  A woman he couldn’t wait to come home to. The time apart keeping their relationship fresh and exciting.

  A woman who, while on the phone when he was miles and miles away, would have no problem pleasuring herself while he listened or watched. A woman who could make him come while she watched him.

  One who was confident in her sexuality.

  His fingers slipped under the soft cotton to find something equally soft. The small patch of hair at the top of her pussy. “Is it red?” he asked as he stroked it with one finger, not continue his journey until she answered.

  Her hand slid down his forearm until her fingers covered his and every movement he made was mirrored by her.

  “You tell me,” she whispered.

  With her hand cupping his, he pulled her panties out slightly and peeked over her shoulder. The small patch of red was unmistakable. “Like fire. Where else do you burn, Mac?”

  Her body jerked slightly at his use of her nickname. He had previously stated he wouldn’t use it but during sex, he wasn’t sure, if things went as he thought they would, he’d be able to get her whole name out.

  He cupped her hot flesh, her hand still linked with his. “I want to taste that fire.”

  Breath rushed from her and she pushed on his middle finger, encouraging him to continue his path.

  Instead, he slipped his hand from beneath hers and captured it against her body. “Stay with me,” he murmured into her ear as he pressed her middle finger with his, first over her clit, drawing a shudder from her, then down and in between her slick folds.

  She was so hot and slick, and she quivered against him as he guided both of their fingers inside her.

  “Use your other hand to touch yourself.” Though he kept his voice soft and low, he left no doubt that it wasn’t a request but a demand she shouldn’t deny.

  He was pleased when she did as she was told without hesitation.

  Pressing his cheek to the side of her head, he watched her cup and squeeze her own breasts and play with her nipples as he guided their joined fingers in and out of her wetness.

  She shuddered against him again, her head pinned to his collarbone, her body arched, her hips rocking with the same pace as their fingers.

  “I’m going to make that mine, Mac.”

  Again, air rushed from her, then her breathing became hitched as her core squeezed and rippled in response.

  Their fingers were so wet with her arousal that there was hardly any friction. He increased the pace, his thumb circling and pressing her clit, his other arm wrapped around her slender waist, keeping her on her feet.

  “Lean on me. Let me hold you. This way when you come, you can let the orgasm sweep through you. I’ve got you, Mac. Just let it happen.”

  She began to rock faster and grind against their fingers.

  “Two more.” He pushed their index fingers inside, so she was now taking four.

  “Damon...” Her voice caught.

  “Let it happen,” he murmured into her ear. “Let me feel you come. Let me hear it. Don’t hold anything back.”

  Her weight fell forward against his arm and he tightened his hold.

  “Damon,” she moaned.

  He was so hard it was painful. His instinct was to rip off her panties and sink deep inside her and fuck her so hard they both came quickly. He struggled to keep from doing so.

  Anticipation, he reminded himself. The wait would make that moment all the sweeter.

  When she tensed, everything stilled between them. Their fingers. Her breathing. His own breathing. He whispered, “Let go,” and sucked her earlobe into his mouth.

  She cried out as their fingers became soaked, her body convulsing around them. After a few moments, when her orgasm receded, she became a ragdoll in his arms, her breathing rapid between parted lips, her eyes closed.

  He smiled. Yes, chemistry existed between them. He knew from the past week it was intellectually, but now he confirmed it was sexually, as well. The woman in his arms might be everything he’d been searching for. And possibly more.

  “Let’s get you to the bed. I need to taste your response.”

  She nodded and a long, satisfied sigh escaped her as he guided her to the bed, and sat her down on the edge of the mattress. He stepped back and let his gaze slowly take in everything about her. From the top of her red hair, her flushed cheeks, the rosy color of her chest, her peaked, pink nipples, her slim but womanly curves.

  “Take off your panties.”

  “You wanted me to remove your pants.”

  He did. But now he didn’t think that was a good idea. He had other plans and, if she touched him, he might not want to wait.

  And he wanted to wait.

  “Panties off,” he said again, more firmly this time.

  This time she wiggled them off her hips, over her thighs and pulled them from her ankles. After tossing them aside, she waited.

  “Knees open.”

  Instead of simply following his command, she made a show of it by sliding her hands over her mound with the shock of red hair, along her inner thighs, until she got to her knees. Using her hands, she pushed them open.

  As he watched her, he unfastened his pants, let them drop to the floor and slid his fingers over his erection. His boxer briefs were damp where the precum had soaked into the cotton.

  He needed to plan, to think, now. Because soon he might not be able to. “Leave your knees open. I want to see the results of our work. Don’t move.”

  He went to the nightstand, took a long sip of his drink, brought hers over and watched as she took a few long sips before handing it back. After he set the glasses down once more, he dug into the drawer and snagged a condom. Then he threw a couple more on the top of the nightstand so they’d be within reach.

  His cock was throbbing with that sweet, welcomed pain of anticipation as he made his way back to the end of the bed where she waited. She had been watching him, but now her gaze dropped to his erection. He stroked himself once and only once, gathered the bead of precum on the pad of his thumb and lifted it to her mouth.

  She opened it and stuck out her tongue.

  Fuck, he really liked this woman. So far, her willingness to go along with what he wanted pleased him to no end.

  He wiped the precum along her tongue. “Close your mouth.”

  Her jaw moved after she did so. He could imagine her taste buds being assailed by the salty, tangy essence. He’d experienced it himself many times with Trevor and his previous male lovers and could imagine that taste on his own tongue.

“Do you like that?”

  Her eyes were hooded when she answered, “Yes.”

  “Do you want more?”

  “Please,” she breathed.

  “Not yet.” He dropped to his knees between her legs, pushing her thighs open even wider. “Spread yourself for me.”

  With her fingers in a V, she opened herself, exposing the plump, shiny pink flesh he was dying to taste for himself.

  “Watch me,” he said before taking her into his mouth.

  When her thighs quivered and squeezed, he dug his fingers into her flesh to keep her legs spread wide. He alternated flicking her clit with the tip, then stroking the plump folds with the flat of his tongue.

  Each suck on her swollen clit had her hips jumping.


  He tipped his eyes up and saw her head had dropped forward, her chest rose and fell at a rapid rate, and her eyes, while unfocused, remained on him. He ignored her plea.


  He pulled away slightly. “Please what?”

  “Fuck me.”

  He was as desperate as her for him to be inside her, but now he would delay it just a little longer. He wanted her crawling out of her skin first.

  “Damon...” She clutched his head, her fingers digging into his skull, causing prickles of pain.

  She had come easily with their fingers, now he was determined to make her come with his mouth before giving her a third orgasm with his cock. If he was lucky, she’d have more, but he’d be satisfied with three if she was. They had time for more later. Hopefully they had all night and all morning. Or however much time she’d allow him.

  He licked along the crease at the top of her thighs, then kissed the crown of her mons pubis before sliding the tip of his tongue over the stripe of fiery hair. He nuzzled her with his nose, inhaling her musky, but feminine, scent before taking her clit between his lips and sucking it hard. He was sure he had half-moons dug into his scalp as she fell back onto the mattress and her hips shot off the bed so suddenly he almost couldn’t stay with her. Somehow he did and continued his assault on her clit as she cried out that she was coming.

  He didn’t let up, even through her orgasm, until finally she begged him to stop.

  “I’m too sensitive.”

  He reluctantly pulled away and gave her a smile. “It was that intense?”

  “Yes... Amazing.”

  “Can you sit up?”

  She blew out a shaky breath, then, with his assistance, returned to a seated position. He clasped her face with both hands, leaned in and kissed her thoroughly. Once again, he was pleased. She wasn’t squeamish about tasting her own arousal, instead she deepened the kiss, swiping her tongue through his mouth as if relishing it.

  He couldn’t fight the smile that broke their kiss. When he offered his hand, she accepted it without question. Pulling her to her feet, he took her place on the edge of the mattress. She stood between his spread legs as he reached for the condom he’d thrown on the bed earlier, tore open the wrapper and rolled it down his length while his cock twitched simply from the touch of his own fingers.

  “Don’t you want me on the bed?” she asked, her gaze pinned to what he’d been doing.


  She accepted his answer without argument and once he made sure the condom was securely in place, he held out his hand again. “Come. Straddle me.”

  Instead of taking his offered hand, she planted her own on his shoulders and climbed, not only on the bed, but over his lap. She remained on her knees, her pussy only inches above his throbbing cock.

  The wait was heady.

  She settled her arms around his shoulders and neck, staring down into his face. “Anticipation is an aphrodisiac.”

  “That it is,” he agreed.

  She dipped her head, taking his lips once more, pressing her diamond hard nipples into his chest. He worked his hands between the two of them, pinching both tips. He increased the pressure until he knew it was edging on pain and she gasped into his mouth.

  Keeping one hand on her breast, he dropped the other to hold his cock steady. Without breaking the kiss, MacKenzie aligned and lowered herself until the crown of his cock barely touched her.

  He forced himself to keep from surging upward and impaling her in his haste. He wanted to. Oh, but he wanted to. His heart was racing, his instinct to thrust strong.

  He made himself wait. He had made her wait, now she was turning the tables.

  She lowered herself just a touch more, the very tip of his cock now nudging inside her slick heat. Their kiss became more intense as he slid his hand over her ass, up her back and into her hair. He grasped a handful and fisted it until he knew it was pulling harshly on her scalp. Until she was sure to feel that sharp sting. Even so, she didn’t stop kissing him, but instead lowered herself a little more.

  He was going to die a slow death.

  He swallowed hard and had no choice but to break the kiss. “MacKenzie,” he groaned.

  “Anticipation is sometimes heady foreplay. Keeping yourself from having something you really want just makes it all the more intense when you finally get what you’ve been craving,” she quoted him.

  How did she remember that word for word? He was lucky to remember his own name at this point.

  He dropped his head and sank his teeth into the flesh above her nipple, then sucked it so hard, she jerked. And with that movement, she sank a little lower. Now he was barely inside but it made it so much harder to control himself. He wanted to let loose and lose himself within her. To bury himself in the source of that heat, that wetness.

  Still, he waited. He released her flesh from his teeth, licking the mark left behind, and sucked her nipple deep into his mouth. The harder he drew on it, the more she began to shake.

  Was she fighting her urges, too? Did she want to just impale herself on him, drive him deep inside her?

  He released the one, then did the same with the other, leaving her nipples swollen and shiny with his saliva. He trailed the tip of his tongue from between her breasts, up her chest and along the pounding vein in her neck. He pressed his lips behind her ear in the softest of kisses. His warm breath caressed her ear, then he moved back down to her neck, scraping his teeth against her delicate skin.

  She lowered a little farther, so now he was about halfway inside her. It was pure torture. His hands automatically went to her hips. He wanted to pull her down, to seat himself fully, but instead he held her there.

  “What if that’s all I give you?” she murmured after pressing her cheek to his.

  “Then I will take it.”

  “You wouldn’t be disappointed?”

  “I would be happy that you gave me what you did.”

  “Honesty, remember?” she echoed him.

  He laughed softly. “Okay, the truth? It would suck. But I’d respect any decision you make. If you’ve changed your mind— Fuuuuck.” The last came out as a groan as she let the rest of her weight drop and his mind spun with the way she took him fully. Hot. Wet. Tight. Silky soft.

  It had been a while since he’d been with a woman. His last few dates had been with men. And as much as he enjoyed sex with men, having it with a woman was just different.

  He’d forgotten how glorious it actually could be.

  Chapter 7

  She welcomed the stretch. The fullness. She took a few deep breaths as she sat on him, not moving. At first it was a little uncomfortable, until her body melded around his, accepting him completely.

  He had one hand grasping a handful of her hair, pulling it just enough for her to feel it, but it wasn’t painful. His other hand now cupped her ass, his fingers digging into her flesh. Again, not quite painful, but close.

  Her breasts were pushed into his warm, smooth skin. He had no hair on his chest, and she wondered if he shaved it. She only saw some at the base of his very dark cock, but the wiry hairs had been trimmed neatly.

  His defined muscles and lack of body fat were proof that the man wor
ked out. Simply sitting for hours to do his job did not give him the body he had.

  “MacKenzie,” he groaned, his cock flexing inside her.

  She met his eyes. They were dark, intense as he stared back.

  “Are you trying to kill me?”

  “Anticipation,” she reminded him with a smile she didn’t bother hiding.

  “I’m sorry I ever mentioned it.”

  She drew her thumb over his broad bottom lip. He had skills with his mouth. The thought of those lips wrapped around another man’s cock made her clench around him.

  “Jesus,” he whispered. “That’s your goal, isn’t it?”

  “To kill you? No. You’ll be no good to me dead,” she teased lightly. “I like you warm and alive, so far.”

  “So far,” he echoed.

  “The night’s not over yet.”

  When he laughed, she groaned. His cock moved in a way that made her want to grind down on him... So, she did.

  His laughter died quickly and he sucked in a breath. “I think we’ve had our fill of anticipation.” His voice had become gruffer than normal.

  “Agreed,” she whispered.

  She lifted herself up until only the crown of his cock remained inside her, then she slowly, oh so slowly, lowered herself back down, once again savoring that fullness.

  His chest heaved against hers and he pulled her hair, tipping her head back, exposing her throat as she did it again.

  And again she rose and fell.

  He shoved his face against her neck, scraping his teeth over her skin, sucking at the hollow of her throat, licking along the pulse line, trailing his lips under her chin.

  Her lips parted as the rate of her breathing increased along with her movement.

  She continued to rise and fall on his length as he held her against him. His mouth never left her, whether it was touching her lips, her neck, her shoulders, her temple.

  Curling one hand at the back of his neck, she held onto his shoulder with the other, using it as leverage, along with her knees planted in the mattress, to ride him. When it would get to be too much, she would rock back and forth, grinding her sensitive, swollen clit against him.


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